Obamas heading to Hawaii "Winter White House"

Actually, I hate to say this, but I think ALL of us are racists. Some of us, have realized that our prejudices are our own problems and not the problems of the people we look down upon. But, I do think that we all have racist tendencies.

And that was an "us" not a "you". I fully intended on including myself in that comment.


Possible, I would not say racist. I would say all people have biases of some type.

However, the left has overplayed the "race card" so much that they have devalued it.

They also choose to ignore the racism of others and only focus on the majority. Not to mention, the left tends to ignore their racist behavior when they go after minorities who are conservative- very sad.
As if a minority is suppose to "think" a certain way.

Too generalized brother. Rethink your statement.

No Go ahead man- I'm good
All Presidents take vacations..

It is only the right wingnuts who try to paint Obama as an "uppity elitist" every time he leaves the Whitehouse grounds

Christ...they still whine about a one night trip to New York

Excuse me... but, "uppity" was your word, not mine. :)


I did not mean to imply you......my apology

"Uppity" is a derogatory term used to describe black people who think they are as good or better than white people. It is mostly used by insecure whites who miss the days when they had a whole race of people officially designated as inferior.

Since every excursion outside the Whitehouse boundaries draws a negative thread on this board, it is apparent that there are those who are threatened by any expenditure of personal or public funds by the President. These threads are intended to appeal to those posters who are threatened by a black president.

you really are the saddest sack on this site....YOU are the only one who has used uppity, no one else

liberals had their complaints about bush, but oh no, that was fine, but god forbid anyone criticize a half white half black president because idiots like you will cry racism....your numerous lies in this one post is testament to your trollness, congrats
you're such a hack you can't see that the ONLY thing people are talking about with obama's incursions is his comments re, we don't need to spend money, recession like the depression, mccain is rich, elite and out of touch....

then obama goes around and spends, spends, spends....it has nothing to do with his race. you are the racist as you feel obama being black makes him SPECIAL, you, just like the other liberal nuts who cry racism, are the only people focusing on his skin color, not conservatives you racist hack

and btw.... merry christmas :eusa_angel:
Why let a holiday season come between the White House and making some political statements? The White House pegged controversial designer Simon Doonan to oversee the Christmas decorations for the White House. Mr. Doonan, who is creative director of Barney’s New York has often caused a stir with his design choices. Like his naughty yuletide window display of Margaret Thatcher as a dowdy dominatrix and Dan Quayle as a ventriloquist’s dummy. For this year’s White House, he didn’t disappoint.

WH Christmas Tree Ornaments

But Nutroots tend to see racists everywhere- it comes from adjustment problems with their tin foil hats


Actually, I hate to say this, but I think ALL of us are racists. Some of us, have realized that our prejudices are our own problems and not the problems of the people we look down upon. But, I do think that we all have racist tendencies.

And that was an "us" not a "you". I fully intended on including myself in that comment.


Possible, I would not say racist. I would say all people have biases of some type.

However, the left has overplayed the "race card" so much that they have devalued it.

They also choose to ignore the racism of others and only focus on the majority. Not to mention, the left tends to ignore their racist behavior when they go after minorities who are conservative- very sad.
As if a minority is suppose to "think" a certain way.

Lets not forget the race card card.
Excuse me... but, "uppity" was your word, not mine. :)


I did not mean to imply you......my apology

"Uppity" is a derogatory term used to describe black people who think they are as good or better than white people. It is mostly used by insecure whites who miss the days when they had a whole race of people officially designated as inferior.

Since every excursion outside the Whitehouse boundaries draws a negative thread on this board, it is apparent that there are those who are threatened by any expenditure of personal or public funds by the President. These threads are intended to appeal to those posters who are threatened by a black president.

you really are the saddest sack on this site....YOU are the only one who has used uppity, no one else

liberals had their complaints about bush, but oh no, that was fine, but god forbid anyone criticize a half white half black president because idiots like you will cry racism....your numerous lies in this one post is testament to your trollness, congrats
you're such a hack you can't see that the ONLY thing people are talking about with obama's incursions is his comments re, we don't need to spend money, recession like the depression, mccain is rich, elite and out of touch....

then obama goes around and spends, spends, spends....it has nothing to do with his race. you are the racist as you feel obama being black makes him SPECIAL, you, just like the other liberal nuts who cry racism, are the only people focusing on his skin color, not conservatives you racist hack

and btw.... merry christmas :eusa_angel:

And then there's the Race Card card.
Actually, I hate to say this, but I think ALL of us are racists. Some of us, have realized that our prejudices are our own problems and not the problems of the people we look down upon. But, I do think that we all have racist tendencies.

And that was an "us" not a "you". I fully intended on including myself in that comment.


Possible, I would not say racist. I would say all people have biases of some type.

However, the left has overplayed the "race card" so much that they have devalued it.

They also choose to ignore the racism of others and only focus on the majority. Not to mention, the left tends to ignore their racist behavior when they go after minorities who are conservative- very sad.
As if a minority is suppose to "think" a certain way.

Lets not forget the race card card.

That is the one that you liberals use to make us all feel like evil pieces of shit simply because we don't walk the tight rope of liberal tolerance, (not that you do either mind you) right?

You know, a conservative who didn't vote for President Obama only did not vote for President Obama because President Obama was black. Surely there was no other reason such as he is an extreme liberal and mixes with conservatism like vinegar and oil .

Possible, I would not say racist. I would say all people have biases of some type.

However, the left has overplayed the "race card" so much that they have devalued it.

They also choose to ignore the racism of others and only focus on the majority. Not to mention, the left tends to ignore their racist behavior when they go after minorities who are conservative- very sad.
As if a minority is suppose to "think" a certain way.

Lets not forget the race card card.

That is the one that you liberals use to make us all feel like evil pieces of shit simply because we don't walk the tight rope of liberal tolerance, (not that you do either mind you) right?

You know, a conservative who didn't vote for President Obama only did not vote for President Obama because President Obama was black. Surely there was no other reason such as he is an extreme liberal and mixes with conservatism like vinegar and oil .


As I said...there is the Race Card card.
Not in my book, but then I am not sure how I would define "uppity" either.

I understand "uppity" not to be something that a person of color did, but rather what others claimed they did simply for being a human being and having the gall to speak their mind. To me "uppity" has nothing to do with thinking one is better than others or elitism, but rather simply being and not bowing to those that thought them inferior.


well a black guy i work with called another black guy an "uppity ******"....and the black guy he called that.....thinks he is better than everyone else,especially other blacks below his station in life......ill go with his definition....
Where the FUCK do you get off questioning Obama's vacation!!!??? Did you call out BUSH for SHATTERING the record for MOST TIME ON VACATION for any President EVER!!!??? No I imagine not!

I have been trying to get a righty to respond to this fact now fo two days.

Righty's, comments?

ok im not a "Righty" but ill play.....Bush went to his ranch a lot of those days....where has Obama gone?....Europe so far...now Hawaii....
But one thing I would like is for him to spend some time in a high school home economics class. Maybe he would learn what living on a budget really means. Maybe he would learn that you only have so much to spend week to week and that there is a limit to how far in debt you can go. Then maybe he would pass that information on to his cohorts on Capital Hill.


im sure he is very frugal with HIS money Immie....but its other peoples money that he is spending.....:eusa_whistle:
Are you this dumb??????:cuckoo: I'm not in lockstep with the right as you and the sheep are with the left. I know you can't possibly understand the concept. I can't explain it any simpler than I have.

believe me others have tried....his power twin Rdean is just as dense.....
But one thing I would like is for him to spend some time in a high school home economics class. Maybe he would learn what living on a budget really means. Maybe he would learn that you only have so much to spend week to week and that there is a limit to how far in debt you can go. Then maybe he would pass that information on to his cohorts on Capital Hill.


im sure he is very frugal with HIS money Immie....but its other peoples money that he is spending.....:eusa_whistle:

I doubt it. He's lived high enough on the hog for too long.

All Presidents take vacations..

It is only the right wingnuts who try to paint Obama as an "uppity elitist" every time he leaves the Whitehouse grounds

Christ...they still whine about a one night trip to New York

yes they do.....but ill tell ya what RW....if that night on the town was paid for by us....im bitching....he makes a fucking great living,let him take his wife out on his Dime....just like this Hawaii thing...i understand certain things will be covered by the tax payer,secret service,the plane trip...certain things i can understand....if he wants a 20 thousand a night place,great, go for it....but he pays for it,not us.....now if they say the trip costs 4 thousand a day,including secret service etc,etc....that i can understand....but if JUST the suite cost that much,the Obamas should be footing most of that,otherwise get a more reasonable place to stay....
Since every excursion outside the Whitehouse boundaries draws a negative thread on this board, it is apparent that there are those who are threatened by any expenditure of personal or public funds by the President. These threads are intended to appeal to those posters who are threatened by a black president.

do we have one?....the guy is half white.....that means posters like Bass and 53rd Ave still dont like the man....to them he is a halfbreed,contaminated by the whites...53rd bitches about this all the time....

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