Obamas heading to Hawaii "Winter White House"

I have been trying to get a righty to respond to this fact now fo two days.

Righty's, comments?

My comment is that I feel the president has a right to take vacations...if you call them that. They are still briefed and kept up to date on everything. It's no more than moving the office from the white house to where ever they are vacationing.
Does that answer it for you?

Yes and I wonder if you would still say that if Bush didnt take more vacations than any other president in history.

Zona, stop with your partisan hackery. I have said that for as long as I can remember. There are heavy pressures that are inherent with that job. There is a need for vacations in that job, but they really aren't vacations as they still run the country on an hourly basis. So your partisan post to me is no more than drivel. I gave you an answer and you didn't like it.
My comment is that I feel the president has a right to take vacations...if you call them that. They are still briefed and kept up to date on everything. It's no more than moving the office from the white house to where ever they are vacationing.
Does that answer it for you?

Yes and I wonder if you would still say that if Bush didnt take more vacations than any other president in history.

Zona, stop with your partisan hackery. I have said that for as long as I can remember. There are heavy pressures that are inherent with that job. There is a need for vacations in that job, but they really aren't vacations as they still run the country on an hourly basis. So your partisan post to me is no more than drivel. I gave you an answer and you didn't like it.

But but but, one of your fellow riht wingers said because obama will be in hawaii, he is affraid because Biden will be in control of he button. :doubt:
Yes and I wonder if you would still say that if Bush didnt take more vacations than any other president in history.

Zona, stop with your partisan hackery. I have said that for as long as I can remember. There are heavy pressures that are inherent with that job. There is a need for vacations in that job, but they really aren't vacations as they still run the country on an hourly basis. So your partisan post to me is no more than drivel. I gave you an answer and you didn't like it.

But but but, one of your fellow riht wingers said because obama will be in hawaii, he is affraid because Biden will be in control of he button. :doubt:

Are you this dumb??????:cuckoo: I'm not in lockstep with the right as you and the sheep are with the left. I know you can't possibly understand the concept. I can't explain it any simpler than I have.
Yes and I wonder if you would still say that if Bush didnt take more vacations than any other president in history.

Zona, stop with your partisan hackery. I have said that for as long as I can remember. There are heavy pressures that are inherent with that job. There is a need for vacations in that job, but they really aren't vacations as they still run the country on an hourly basis. So your partisan post to me is no more than drivel. I gave you an answer and you didn't like it.

But but but, one of your fellow riht wingers said because obama will be in hawaii, he is affraid because Biden will be in control of he button. :doubt:

Yeah, he did say that, but it wasn't worth even commenting on because President Obama is still the one that is in control of the button where ever he is... unless, of course, he is truly unable to perform his duties. The poor man is truly never off duty and is in a completely unenviable position.

I wouldn't wish his job on even my worst enemy... then again... would you like the job? :D Maybe I can gift wrap it for ya? ;)

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how dare he have a vacation!

Yeah, picture it. Just a simple little vacation.

Air Force One burning off tons of fuel along with numerous escort planes, and the staff and massive security entourage that accompany him, and a caravan of armored limos. Wonder how many of his personal friends will "accompany" him?

Meanwhile, should a crisis unfold, we'll have the inept Biden at the ready to push the big red button.

Having been stationed at Pt Mugu during a large chunk of Reagan's presidency...I agree with you about the continuous burning of fuel, every 3 day weekend...coming to Santa Barbara. Every 3 day weekend. You complained about that too, right?
how dare he have a vacation!

Yeah, picture it. Just a simple little vacation.

Air Force One burning off tons of fuel along with numerous escort planes, and the staff and massive security entourage that accompany him, and a caravan of armored limos. Wonder how many of his personal friends will "accompany" him?

Meanwhile, should a crisis unfold, we'll have the inept Biden at the ready to push the big red button.

Having been stationed at Pt Mugu during a large chunk of Reagan's presidency...I agree with you about the continuous burning of fuel, every 3 day weekend...coming to Santa Barbara. Every 3 day weekend. You complained about that too, right?

All Presidents take vacations..

It is only the right wingnuts who try to paint Obama as an "uppity elitist" every time he leaves the Whitehouse grounds

Christ...they still whine about a one night trip to New York
Yeah, picture it. Just a simple little vacation.

Air Force One burning off tons of fuel along with numerous escort planes, and the staff and massive security entourage that accompany him, and a caravan of armored limos. Wonder how many of his personal friends will "accompany" him?

Meanwhile, should a crisis unfold, we'll have the inept Biden at the ready to push the big red button.

Having been stationed at Pt Mugu during a large chunk of Reagan's presidency...I agree with you about the continuous burning of fuel, every 3 day weekend...coming to Santa Barbara. Every 3 day weekend. You complained about that too, right?

All Presidents take vacations..

It is only the right wingnuts who try to paint Obama as an "uppity elitist" every time he leaves the Whitehouse grounds

Christ...they still whine about a one night trip to New York

Excuse me... but, "uppity" was your word, not mine. :)

Having been stationed at Pt Mugu during a large chunk of Reagan's presidency...I agree with you about the continuous burning of fuel, every 3 day weekend...coming to Santa Barbara. Every 3 day weekend. You complained about that too, right?

All Presidents take vacations..

It is only the right wingnuts who try to paint Obama as an "uppity elitist" every time he leaves the Whitehouse grounds

Christ...they still whine about a one night trip to New York

Excuse me... but, "uppity" was your word, not mine. :)


I did not mean to imply you......my apology

"Uppity" is a derogatory term used to describe black people who think they are as good or better than white people. It is mostly used by insecure whites who miss the days when they had a whole race of people officially designated as inferior.

Since every excursion outside the Whitehouse boundaries draws a negative thread on this board, it is apparent that there are those who are threatened by any expenditure of personal or public funds by the President. These threads are intended to appeal to those posters who are threatened by a black president.
Having been stationed at Pt Mugu during a large chunk of Reagan's presidency...I agree with you about the continuous burning of fuel, every 3 day weekend...coming to Santa Barbara. Every 3 day weekend. You complained about that too, right?

All Presidents take vacations..

It is only the right wingnuts who try to paint Obama as an "uppity elitist" every time he leaves the Whitehouse grounds

Christ...they still whine about a one night trip to New York

Excuse me... but, "uppity" was your word, not mine. :)


Here now...I've been informed by some very high up, well connected Right wing posters that the term "uppity" is a totally acceptable term.
You still haven't responded..

Do you prefer to spend money on the Iraq war rather than needy American people?

Are those the only choices?

Again for the spending I believe we need to look at a MoveOn ad

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I bet he'll be working on his third autobiography.:tongue:

I cannot believe that anyone here would be so stupid as to accept a nomination to the most thankless job in the nation, and not go to Hawaii for a Vacation.
"Uppity" is a derogatory term used to describe black people who think they are as good or better than white people. It is mostly used by insecure whites who miss the days when they had a whole race of people officially designated as inferior.

Since every excursion outside the Whitehouse boundaries draws a negative thread on this board, it is apparent that there are those who are threatened by any expenditure of personal or public funds by the President. These threads are intended to appeal to those posters who are threatened by a black president.

Oh yes the left plays the race card- of course what else could it be.
I guess since the majority of polls are negative on Papa Obama the US is what now? - officially racist?

You know the race of everyone on here? What race am I ?

The problem here is a pattern of elitist behavior that you choose to ignore by blaming racism. Of course, if Bush had done any of these things- the left and MSM would have been all over him

Again- it is not just one date trip it is more- in case you missed it::eusa_angel:

The 'People's President Celebrates ' Pork Bill or Jimmy Carter Remembrance Bill' with $50/lb steaks at a Swank White House party -so much for Shared Sacrifice or Post Modern 'Let Them Eat Cake'

As told to ABC’s Jake Tapper, the menu included alcoholic beverages (vodka martinis are an Obama favorite, reportedly) and wagyu steak ($50/lb).
Coming off of the most expensive inaugural celebration in American history and passage of a trillion-dollar 'Pork bill or Jimmy Carter Remembrance Bill' that will saddle future generations with unprecedented debt, should not the Messiah consider cutting back on such indulgences.
Or is the White House exempt from “shared sacrifice” ?

Papa Obama upset with proletariats criticizing his NY Date ($74,000 cost) as not part of the 'shared sacrifice' called for by him -It's not like he flew to Paris or 'Inner party' members don't count

WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama says only once since Jan. 20 has White House life annoyed him.​

It was the Saturday in May when, trying to be a good husband, he kept a campaign promise to take his wife, Michelle, to New York after the election for one of their "date nights" - dinner and a Broadway play.
"People made it into a political issue," Obama told The New York Times Magazine for an article about the Obamas' marriage, appearing in the Nov. 1 issue. The article was posted on the Times' Web site on Wednesday.​

“Everyone’s going to have to give. Everyone’s going to have to have some skin in the game.”
In our Era of 'Hope and Change', Michelle is the first, first lady to add a full-time makeup artist to her entourage or could you imagine the outcry from the nutroots if Republicans did this

Hope and Change or Obamas fly in chef 860 miles... just to make pizza
When you're the president of the United States, only the best pizza will do - even if that means flying a chef 860 miles.
Chris Sommers, 33, jetted into Washington from St Louis, Missouri, on Thursday with a suitcase of dough, cheese and pans to to prepare food for the Obamas and their staff.
He had apparently been handpicked after the President had tasted his pizzas on the campaign trail last autumn.
and of course your favorite :eusa_angel:

UK Mail) Papa Obama has played more golf in 10 months than Bush did in eight years or Papa Obama has played 24 times this year - as much as President Bush in eight years
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All Presidents take vacations..

It is only the right wingnuts who try to paint Obama as an "uppity elitist" every time he leaves the Whitehouse grounds

Christ...they still whine about a one night trip to New York

Excuse me... but, "uppity" was your word, not mine. :)


I did not mean to imply you......my apology

No apology necessary. I was only kidding about our earlier discussion anyway.

"Uppity" is a derogatory term used to describe black people who think they are as good or better than white people.

I gave my "definition of the word earlier, but I would agree that it is pretty close to this one. I said that it refers to people of color that have the gall to speak their mind and that it was used by white people who considered themselves better than people of color.

It is mostly used by insecure whites who miss the days when they had a whole race of people officially designated as inferior.

I don't know about that... I hadn't heard that word, except for in old, very old, movies since my grandmother passed away in the late 70's. My grandmother was raised in the South and as much as I love(d) her, she sure as heck wasn't perfect and that is as far as I am willing to go with that statement.

Since every excursion outside the Whitehouse boundaries draws a negative thread on this board, it is apparent that there are those who are threatened by any expenditure of personal or public funds by the President. These threads are intended to appeal to those posters who are threatened by a black president.

Well, first off, about the expenditure of public funds. I would like to see all unnecessary expenditures of public funds stopped. I believe that we are digging too deep of a hole of debt and think it needs to stop.

Second, the President needs a "vacation". He doesn't get one, but he needs personal time. His spending it in Hawaii doesn't bother me one iota. Staying at a $4k/night bungaloo? Hey well, he is the President. They need to keep him safe and a Motel 6 is not a safe place for the President of the United States of America.

Finally, threatened by a black President? Quite honestly, when they threw his hat in the ring, I was thrilled to death. Damn! I hope my grandmother isn't reading this. Anyway, I was thrilled. I didn't know a whole lot about him, but I thought finally a man of color with a chance to win. This can only be a good thing. From that time on, many things about me changed. Namely, I became so sickened by politicians and the political parties that I refused to vote for either party.

I am absolutely not thrilled with the policies of the Democratic Party today, but I would not be thrilled with Republican Party policies either. Everyone knows I despise the healthcare bills that are about to become law. I think there are so many bad things about it, but I realize that something must be done.

I don't see this President as "uppity". But, I do see him as being an elitist basically because he is a politician and to me politicians rank just below the level of the Ebola virus on the popularity scale.

All Presidents take vacations..

It is only the right wingnuts who try to paint Obama as an "uppity elitist" every time he leaves the Whitehouse grounds

Christ...they still whine about a one night trip to New York

Excuse me... but, "uppity" was your word, not mine. :)


Here now...I've been informed by some very high up, well connected Right wing posters that the term "uppity" is a totally acceptable term.

Acceptable? To whom?

Anyone, who uses the term "uppity" in the manner of applying it as it was meant, is not only lacking in intelligence, but also a racist.

Excuse me... but, "uppity" was your word, not mine. :)


I did not mean to imply you......my apology

No apology necessary. I was only kidding about our earlier discussion anyway.

I gave my "definition of the word earlier, but I would agree that it is pretty close to this one. I said that it refers to people of color that have the gall to speak their mind and that it was used by white people who considered themselves better than people of color.

I don't know about that... I hadn't heard that word, except for in old, very old, movies since my grandmother passed away in the late 70's. My grandmother was raised in the South and as much as I love(d) her, she sure as heck wasn't perfect and that is as far as I am willing to go with that statement.

Well, first off, about the expenditure of public funds. I would like to see all unnecessary expenditures of public funds stopped. I believe that we are digging too deep of a hole of debt and think it needs to stop.

Second, the President needs a "vacation". He doesn't get one, but he needs personal time. His spending it in Hawaii doesn't bother me one iota. Staying at a $4k/night bungaloo? Hey well, he is the President. They need to keep him safe and a Motel 6 is not a safe place for the President of the United States of America.

Finally, threatened by a black President? Quite honestly, when they threw his hat in the ring, I was thrilled to death. Damn! I hope my grandmother isn't reading this. Anyway, I was thrilled. I didn't know a whole lot about him, but I thought finally a man of color with a chance to win. This can only be a good thing. From that time on, many things about me changed. Namely, I became so sickened by politicians and the political parties that I refused to vote for either party.

I am absolutely not thrilled with the policies of the Democratic Party today, but I would not be thrilled with Republican Party policies either. Everyone knows I despise the healthcare bills that are about to become law. I think there are so many bad things about it, but I realize that something must be done.

I don't see this President as "uppity". But, I do see him as being an elitist basically because he is a politician and to me politicians rank just below the level of the Ebola virus on the popularity scale.

Excuse me... but, "uppity" was your word, not mine. :)


Here now...I've been informed by some very high up, well connected Right wing posters that the term "uppity" is a totally acceptable term.

Acceptable? To whom?

Anyone, who uses the term "uppity" in the manner of applying it as it was meant, is not only lacking in intelligence, but also a racist.


NO, NO, NO....I am quite sure that we've been told by right wing posters that the term "uppity" isn't racist at all. And you are just trying to bring out that race card....aren't you?
I did not mean to imply you......my apology

No apology necessary. I was only kidding about our earlier discussion anyway.

I gave my "definition of the word earlier, but I would agree that it is pretty close to this one. I said that it refers to people of color that have the gall to speak their mind and that it was used by white people who considered themselves better than people of color.

I don't know about that... I hadn't heard that word, except for in old, very old, movies since my grandmother passed away in the late 70's. My grandmother was raised in the South and as much as I love(d) her, she sure as heck wasn't perfect and that is as far as I am willing to go with that statement.

Well, first off, about the expenditure of public funds. I would like to see all unnecessary expenditures of public funds stopped. I believe that we are digging too deep of a hole of debt and think it needs to stop.

Second, the President needs a "vacation". He doesn't get one, but he needs personal time. His spending it in Hawaii doesn't bother me one iota. Staying at a $4k/night bungaloo? Hey well, he is the President. They need to keep him safe and a Motel 6 is not a safe place for the President of the United States of America.

Finally, threatened by a black President? Quite honestly, when they threw his hat in the ring, I was thrilled to death. Damn! I hope my grandmother isn't reading this. Anyway, I was thrilled. I didn't know a whole lot about him, but I thought finally a man of color with a chance to win. This can only be a good thing. From that time on, many things about me changed. Namely, I became so sickened by politicians and the political parties that I refused to vote for either party.

I am absolutely not thrilled with the policies of the Democratic Party today, but I would not be thrilled with Republican Party policies either. Everyone knows I despise the healthcare bills that are about to become law. I think there are so many bad things about it, but I realize that something must be done.

I don't see this President as "uppity". But, I do see him as being an elitist basically because he is a politician and to me politicians rank just below the level of the Ebola virus on the popularity scale.

Here now...I've been informed by some very high up, well connected Right wing posters that the term "uppity" is a totally acceptable term.

Acceptable? To whom?

Anyone, who uses the term "uppity" in the manner of applying it as it was meant, is not only lacking in intelligence, but also a racist.


NO, NO, NO....I am quite sure that we've been told by right wing posters that the term "uppity" isn't racist at all. And you are just trying to bring out that race card....aren't you?

I am?

HuH? Oh... yeah right... I am.

BTW: who told you that? I definitely need to see that for my self.

Anyone, who uses the term "uppity" in the manner of applying it as it was meant, is not only lacking in intelligence, but also a racist.



But Nutroots tend to see racists everywhere- it comes from adjustment problems with their tin foil hats


Actually, I hate to say this, but I think ALL of us are racists. Some of us, have realized that our prejudices are our own problems and not the problems of the people we look down upon. But, I do think that we all have racist tendencies.

And that was an "us" not a "you". I fully intended on including myself in that comment.

Anyone, who uses the term "uppity" in the manner of applying it as it was meant, is not only lacking in intelligence, but also a racist.



But Nutroots tend to see racists everywhere- it comes from adjustment problems with their tin foil hats


Actually, I hate to say this, but I think ALL of us are racists. Some of us, have realized that our prejudices are our own problems and not the problems of the people we look down upon. But, I do think that we all have racist tendencies.

And that was an "us" not a "you". I fully intended on including myself in that comment.


Possible, I would not say racist. I would say all people have biases of some type.

However, the left has overplayed the "race card" so much that they have devalued it.

They also choose to ignore the racism of others and only focus on the majority. Not to mention, the left tends to ignore their racist behavior when they go after minorities who are conservative- very sad.
As if a minority is suppose to "think" a certain way.

But Nutroots tend to see racists everywhere- it comes from adjustment problems with their tin foil hats


Actually, I hate to say this, but I think ALL of us are racists. Some of us, have realized that our prejudices are our own problems and not the problems of the people we look down upon. But, I do think that we all have racist tendencies.

And that was an "us" not a "you". I fully intended on including myself in that comment.


Possible, I would not say racist. I would say all people have biases of some type.

However, the left has overplayed the "race card" so much that they have devalued it.

They also choose to ignore the racism of others and only focus on the majority. Not to mention, the left tends to ignore their racist behavior when they go after minorities who are conservative- very sad.
As if a minority is suppose to "think" a certain way.

Too generalized brother. Rethink your statement.

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