Obamas heading to Hawaii "Winter White House"

Do you want the president of the USA to run around like a cheap bastard?

strawman and stupid question

but i am not surprised you fail to see the hypocrisy of demanding others tighten their belt, calling others who have elite and out of touch for having money, saying we are in the worst economy since the depression, saying everyone is going to have give some skin.....

and then going out and spending like the elite and out of touch

you're an obama apologists

"you're an obama apologists"

LOL, now why would I have any trouble taking that seriously.
Republicans sure have become cheap asses since Obama became president.
I don't recall any of them complaining about he who will not be mentioned's expenses.
Even a trillion or so for a war.

Really what choice do they have comrade

Papa Obama has tripled the debt in less than one year


and is Scheduled to Spend more on Welfare than Entire Iraq War

Sure, being frugal might not be a bad thing

Scheduled to Spend more on Welfare than Entire Iraq War

So, let me get this straight....

You have a problem with spending money on needy Americans while spending money thousands of miles away on an unnecessary war??

Merry Christmas America!
sigh. I recall the fuss the right made about Jimmy Carter turning off lights in the White house.

That is one thing I don't remember. What I do remember is the the inflation rate, gas lines, and 20% home mortgage rate. That's what I do remember....oh yeah, I remember the hostages taken and the miltary dumbed down so much they had a miserable attempt at a rescue. Oh yeah.....the good ol' carter years, how can anyone forget them? 'sigh'
Republicans sure have become cheap asses since Obama became president.
I don't recall any of them complaining about he who will not be mentioned's expenses.
Even a trillion or so for a war.

Really what choice do they have comrade

Papa Obama has tripled the debt in less than one year


and is Scheduled to Spend more on Welfare than Entire Iraq War

Sure, being frugal might not be a bad thing

Scheduled to Spend more on Welfare than Entire Iraq War

So, let me get this straight....

You have a problem with spending money on needy Americans while spending money thousands of miles away on an unnecessary war??

Merry Christmas America!

No the main problem now is the rate. Of course the left expressed concern over the amount Bush spent- but apparently amounts are not a concern anymore...

As for spending money on the needy- well that is a Democrat issue now since they are in charge SEE:

The 60 Sen Democrats health plan-doom 420,482 people to death

Funny how that works now :eusa_think:

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year
Last edited:
Republicans sure have become cheap asses since Obama became president.
I don't recall any of them complaining about he who will not be mentioned's expenses.
Even a trillion or so for a war.

Really what choice do they have comrade

Papa Obama has tripled the debt in less than one year


and is Scheduled to Spend more on Welfare than Entire Iraq War

Sure, being frugal might not be a bad thing

Scheduled to Spend more on Welfare than Entire Iraq War

So, let me get this straight....

You have a problem with spending money on needy Americans while spending money thousands of miles away on an unnecessary war??

Merry Christmas America!

Tell that to Obama...he keeps signing the checks to fund it....now his SecDef wants a "Nation Building Fund" so they have money set aside to overthrow governments....:lol:
Really what choice do they have comrade

Papa Obama has tripled the debt in less than one year


and is Scheduled to Spend more on Welfare than Entire Iraq War

Sure, being frugal might not be a bad thing

Scheduled to Spend more on Welfare than Entire Iraq War

So, let me get this straight....

You have a problem with spending money on needy Americans while spending money thousands of miles away on an unnecessary war??

Merry Christmas America!

Tell that to Obama...he keeps signing the checks to fund it....now his SecDef wants a "Nation Building Fund" so they have money set aside to overthrow governments....:lol:

And you complained when he whose name shall not be mentioned did it?
Really what choice do they have comrade

Papa Obama has tripled the debt in less than one year


and is Scheduled to Spend more on Welfare than Entire Iraq War

Sure, being frugal might not be a bad thing

Scheduled to Spend more on Welfare than Entire Iraq War

So, let me get this straight....

You have a problem with spending money on needy Americans while spending money thousands of miles away on an unnecessary war??

Merry Christmas America!

No the main problem now is the rate. Of course the left expressed concern over the amount Bush spent- but apparently amounts are not a concern anymore...

As for spending money on the needy- well that is a Democrat issue now since they are in charge SEE:

The 60 Sen Democrats health plan-doom 420,482 people to death

Funny how that works now :eusa_think:

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year

You still haven't responded..

Do you prefer to spend money on the Iraq war rather than needy American people?
So, let me get this straight....

You have a problem with spending money on needy Americans while spending money thousands of miles away on an unnecessary war??

Merry Christmas America!

Tell that to Obama...he keeps signing the checks to fund it....now his SecDef wants a "Nation Building Fund" so they have money set aside to overthrow governments....:lol:

And you complained when he whose name shall not be mentioned did it?

Sure did comrade
Medicare D is a good example

But question is if rates and amounts were bad then by the left
Why are the almost tripled rates and plannned amounts greater than war
not a problem now for the left?

Two wrongs do not make a right (three lefts do)
No, I have never seen him as "uppity". I just see him as believing that he is better than the rest of us. He acts like he thinks we should worship him and not because of his race. I have never felt that he was "racist", just arrogant and elitist. He doesn't act like we owe him because of his race. He acts like he honestly thinks he is better than we are because of who he is, not what race he is.


thats "uppity" in my book....

Not in my book, but then I am not sure how I would define "uppity" either.

I understand "uppity" not to be something that a person of color did, but rather what others claimed they did simply for being a human being and having the gall to speak their mind. To me "uppity" has nothing to do with thinking one is better than others or elitism, but rather simply being and not bowing to those that thought them inferior.

Do you want the president of the USA to run around like a cheap bastard?

strawman and stupid question

but i am not surprised you fail to see the hypocrisy of demanding others tighten their belt, calling others who have elite and out of touch for having money, saying we are in the worst economy since the depression, saying everyone is going to have give some skin.....

and then going out and spending like the elite and out of touch

you're an obama apologists

Hey, somebody has to spend money to get this economy going again. Four thousand a night goes a long way to improving someone's economic condition... I only wish some of it would trickle down to me.

you guys are funny....4k a night is nothing...got it

a family of four making only 400K a year and 4K a night is nothing and not elite, perfectly normal and in touch with america....

Its not pennies, but its also not uber rich like you keep spouting. We get it, no matter what obama does, you and your type have to say something negative about it.

Where were you when Bush took more vacation days than any other president in history? IN HISTORY....that is a fact I would love for you to address it.

not true, i have give obama props when he deserves it

and give me a break, 4K a night is not elite? is not out of touch with the vast majority of americans? and like i said before, i never said it was the most expensive, only that the wealthy and/or so called elite can "afford" it

So your saying you will keep an eye out when mcCain goes on vacation next year? :lol:
find his service record. not even posted

Of course my service record is not posted. Why the hell would any sane person post their service record on a message board?

Are you crazy?

oh and i guess you showed me...

12-23-2009 11:11 PM namvet you'll answer to Gunny and no one else

This is the equivalent of saying you will get your big brother to beat me up. LOL

REAL vets always post their service on a forum. so your calling of us insane. nice try but you failed.

im satisfied now you never served. thanks for admitting it.

case closed. im finished with your fake ass

I know you are, but what am I? This is the level you are on? Be carefull, that E-7 will lambast you for questioning my service to this country....lol Gunny, be a big brother and beat him up like he asked you to do to me. :lol:

Namvet, like I said, you and your type are dying off. Thank god. :eusa_angel:
Where the FUCK do you get off questioning Obama's vacation!!!??? Did you call out BUSH for SHATTERING the record for MOST TIME ON VACATION for any President EVER!!!??? No I imagine not!

I have been trying to get a righty to respond to this fact now fo two days.

Righty's, comments?
Really what choice do they have comrade

Papa Obama has tripled the debt in less than one year


and is Scheduled to Spend more on Welfare than Entire Iraq War

Sure, being frugal might not be a bad thing

Scheduled to Spend more on Welfare than Entire Iraq War

So, let me get this straight....

You have a problem with spending money on needy Americans while spending money thousands of miles away on an unnecessary war??

Merry Christmas America!

No the main problem now is the rate. Of course the left expressed concern over the amount Bush spent- but apparently amounts are not a concern anymore...

As for spending money on the needy- well that is a Democrat issue now since they are in charge SEE:

The 60 Sen Democrats health plan-doom 420,482 people to death

Funny how that works now :eusa_think:

Merry Xmas and Happy New Year

Too bad you don't seem to understand when Obama became responsible for the Gov't spending. Hint it WASN'T Jan 20th!!!
Where the FUCK do you get off questioning Obama's vacation!!!??? Did you call out BUSH for SHATTERING the record for MOST TIME ON VACATION for any President EVER!!!??? No I imagine not!

I have been trying to get a righty to respond to this fact now fo two days.

Righty's, comments?

My comment is that I feel the president has a right to take vacations...if you call them that. They are still briefed and kept up to date on everything. It's no more than moving the office from the white house to where ever they are vacationing.
Does that answer it for you?
Where the FUCK do you get off questioning Obama's vacation!!!??? Did you call out BUSH for SHATTERING the record for MOST TIME ON VACATION for any President EVER!!!??? No I imagine not!

I have been trying to get a righty to respond to this fact now fo two days.

Righty's, comments?

My comment is that I feel the president has a right to take vacations...if you call them that. They are still briefed and kept up to date on everything. It's no more than moving the office from the white house to where ever they are vacationing.
Does that answer it for you?

Yes and I wonder if you would still say that if Bush didnt take more vacations than any other president in history.
Where the FUCK do you get off questioning Obama's vacation!!!??? Did you call out BUSH for SHATTERING the record for MOST TIME ON VACATION for any President EVER!!!??? No I imagine not!

I have been trying to get a righty to respond to this fact now fo two days.

Righty's, comments?

Well, since you called me a righty earlier, I'll comment.

I don't have a problem with the President's "vacation" nor did I have a problem with President Bush's "vacations". Presidents do not get vacations. Where they choose to spend their time doesn't matter to me in the least. President Obama can and does take his office where ever he goes. He can do his job in Hawaii just as easily as he can in Washington DC or in Timbuktu for that matter. In fact, as cold as it is in DC this week, I suspect he can do it easier in Oahu than he can in Washington.

I don't care how many rounds of golf either one of them played either.

But one thing I would like is for him to spend some time in a high school home economics class. Maybe he would learn what living on a budget really means. Maybe he would learn that you only have so much to spend week to week and that there is a limit to how far in debt you can go. Then maybe he would pass that information on to his cohorts on Capital Hill.


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