Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

Let me explain this for your pea brain for about the 10th time. I'm not against the fact that we killed Osama. I am against the fact that Democrats and Obama have made a big stink about civilian and international trials for terrorists but Obama had no problem going against his so-called belief system when it came to Osama.

Exactly. Or when he:

1) Killed American citizens with drones

2) Ran against Bush on Iraq then followed his plan and timeline

3) Expanded the war in Afghanistan

4) Continued holding prisoners at Guantanamo

5) Ordered attacking Libya without a UN resolution

The pathetic ones are the liberal sheep like Jake who cheer him as a candidate for saying those things and still suck his balls when he doesn't do any of them.
There is some despicable BS going on on "Meet The Press" this morning.

Robert Gibbs, Obama's first Press Secretary said that Mitt Romney would not have made the brave decision that Obama did. He said that Romney would have let him get away.

Hilary Rosen is on the panel in attempt to recoup her image. She said they just don't know her. We didn't understand what she meant. Now they're talking about women's rights and Rachel Maddow is trying to shout everyone down.

Dang, I have to start watching that show.

Why do you say Romney wouldn't let him get away? Did you watch that campaign ad of Obama's upthread? Romney wouldn't even have been looking for him.

Romney wouldn't have announced he was looking for him. That's just tipping him off to the search.

Romney felt correctly that the war on terror didn't revolve around one individual.

Obama wants folks like you to think that now that OBL is gone that the war is over.

Far from the truth. But you still lap it up.
Let me explain this for your pea brain for about the 10th time. I'm not against the fact that we killed Osama. I am against the fact that Democrats and Obama have made a big stink about civilian and international trials for terrorists but Obama had no problem going against his so-called belief system when it came to Osama.

Exactly. Or when he:

1) Killed American citizens with drones

2) Ran against Bush on Iraq then followed his plan and timeline

3) Expanded the war in Afghanistan

4) Continued holding prisoners at Guantanamo

5) Ordered attacking Libya without a UN resolution

The pathetic ones are the liberal sheep like Jake who cheer him as a candidate for saying those things and still suck his balls when he doesn't do any of them.

LOL - Jake is a liberal sheep. Which is why he constantly lies and defends the indefensible. Oh, don't attack Obama for his hypocrisy, we got the result we wanted. That's just f'd up logic.
There is some despicable BS going on on "Meet The Press" this morning.

Robert Gibbs, Obama's first Press Secretary said that Mitt Romney would not have made the brave decision that Obama did. He said that Romney would have let him get away.

Hilary Rosen is on the panel in attempt to recoup her image. She said they just don't know her. We didn't understand what she meant. Now they're talking about women's rights and Rachel Maddow is trying to shout everyone down.

Dang, I have to start watching that show.

Why do you say Romney wouldn't let him get away? Did you watch that campaign ad of Obama's upthread? Romney wouldn't even have been looking for him.

Romney wouldn't have announced he was looking for him. That's just tipping him off to the search.

Romney felt correctly that the war on terror didn't revolve around one individual.

Obama wants folks like you to think that now that OBL is gone that the war is over.

Far from the truth. But you still lap it up.

It doesn't look like 'tipping him off' hurt any, what with the man being dead and all.

Obviously HE doesn't think the war is over, since the leaders are still being hunted down and killed, one by one.
It doesn't look like 'tipping him off' hurt any, what with the man being dead and all.

Obviously HE doesn't think the war is over, since the leaders are still being hunted down and killed, one by one.

I agree on the tipping off, but his running to a microphone as soon as it happened tipping off the others they were after and making the intelligence at the compound obsolete showed what Obama's motivation was, having a talking point for liberals to endlessly repeat defending him. I disagreed with W's entire middle east policy, but he was clearly true to his own convictions in the reverse direction. Had he defended his policies his Presidency would not have gone down in the flames that it did. If we could take Obama's PR modified by W's conviction and dump the love and trust both of them have in government domination over our lives then we'd be talking.
Dang, I have to start watching that show.

Why do you say Romney wouldn't let him get away? Did you watch that campaign ad of Obama's upthread? Romney wouldn't even have been looking for him.

Romney wouldn't have announced he was looking for him. That's just tipping him off to the search.

Romney felt correctly that the war on terror didn't revolve around one individual.

Obama wants folks like you to think that now that OBL is gone that the war is over.

Far from the truth. But you still lap it up.

It doesn't look like 'tipping him off' hurt any, what with the man being dead and all.

Obviously HE doesn't think the war is over, since the leaders are still being hunted down and killed, one by one.

Obama Admin: 'The War on Terror is Over' - Obama Administration - Fox Nation

Actually, a senior Obama official said that the war on terror is over. Of course, that's not stopping him from allowing the TSA to molest women and children or fight a war in Afghanistan or use the Patriot Act to do warrant-less spying on American citizens.
Dang, I have to start watching that show.

Why do you say Romney wouldn't let him get away? Did you watch that campaign ad of Obama's upthread? Romney wouldn't even have been looking for him.

Romney wouldn't have announced he was looking for him. That's just tipping him off to the search.

Romney felt correctly that the war on terror didn't revolve around one individual.

Obama wants folks like you to think that now that OBL is gone that the war is over.

Far from the truth. But you still lap it up.

It doesn't look like 'tipping him off' hurt any, what with the man being dead and all.

Obviously HE doesn't think the war is over, since the leaders are still being hunted down and killed, one by one.

Actually Obama didn't say anything about the hunt for a couple of years. So basically he did what Mitt said. Obama said he would make it his #1 mission in life......then he started the Stimulus crap and the Health Care crapola. He wasn't really concerned about catching bin laden. Bin laden was dropped in his lap, and he sat on it for 8 months.

Obama's folks have been telling everyone the war on terror is over. They changed the names of everything involved. Remember Over Seas Contingency Operation. The only time they would let the word "Terror" escape their lips is when they were describing the Tea Party.

Obama is all for standing up for their legal rights, but it's not beneath him to blow them into oblivion basically removing their rights with a drone attack. It's a bit confusing. Assassination is Obama's idea of dynamite foreign policy.
It doesn't look like 'tipping him off' hurt any, what with the man being dead and all.

Obviously HE doesn't think the war is over, since the leaders are still being hunted down and killed, one by one.

I agree on the tipping off, but his running to a microphone as soon as it happened tipping off the others they were after and making the intelligence at the compound obsolete showed what Obama's motivation was, having a talking point for liberals to endlessly repeat defending him. I disagreed with W's entire middle east policy, but he was clearly true to his own convictions in the reverse direction. Had he defended his policies his Presidency would not have gone down in the flames that it did. If we could take Obama's PR modified by W's conviction and dump the love and trust both of them have in government domination over our lives then we'd be talking.

That's some good double talk and for that matter some crazy blanket assertions on serious matters.

We don't need a president that says one thing and does another. Conviction is not conviction without saying and doing. You're trying to have your cake and eat it too. If you are advocating trusting a man to say one thing and do another then you deserve the negative consequences.
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED? While they were undermining the Military mission in Iraq, the democrat party actually made fun of US Military successes and the neat sign the Navy made up for president Bush when he landed on the Carrier. Now that the Seals took out a diabetic old terrorist during an incoherent democrat administration it's possible that left wingers actually think the war on terrorism is over.
Amazing how the sour grapes from the OP led him to dishonor William H. McRaven by attempting to use his excellent service as a political tool.

It's worse then sour grapes. They voted for a guy..who interacted with the family of one of the worst terrorists this nation had to deal with. And they voted for George W. Bush, twice.

It's hard to realize that the people they love so much..did so much harm to this country. Real live harm..that killed Americans.
What's really ironic is that Obama appointed McRaven to his job and publicly thanked him for his role in the capture of bin laden.

Obama picked the right guy and these nits are still fucked in the head over it.

And when Bush said "I'm taking him out", referring to Saddam,not critics on the far right; THEN, he plays dress up like a soldier, and I read & hear "HE IS THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF!". But Obama says one word, and the MILITARY gets the guy who leads al Qaeda and it is NOTHING.

PS I also disliked Ronnie R., not because of "treason" but because he was a lousy president who is given credit he does not deserve. But he had an IMAGE many loved, to ME, that is all it was. I respected George HW Bush by the way.
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED? While they were undermining the Military mission in Iraq, the democrat party actually made fun of US Military successes and the neat sign the Navy made up for president Bush when he landed on the Carrier. Now that the Seals took out a diabetic old terrorist during an incoherent democrat administration it's possible that left wingers actually think the war on terrorism is over.

Well, the White House seems to think so. We don't even need a military anymore. We don't need nukes. We can trust everyone to behave as long as we can print cash to bribe them.

Had Bush been the one, the GOP would still be screaming from the mountaintops, pounding their chest, shouting "Bush! Bush! USA! USA!". I'd love to see a denial of THAT. The President is like the quarterback; he gets the blame and the credit. Too bad.


His face would have been on Mount Rushmore. Look at the treatment Reagan gets from the right.

He was an unmitigated disaster as a President.

That was Carter who was the mistake. We solved that in 1980. Absolute clueless as hell about governance. No doubt though, Carter was a smart guy.

Had Bush been the one, the GOP would still be screaming from the mountaintops, pounding their chest, shouting "Bush! Bush! USA! USA!". I'd love to see a denial of THAT. The President is like the quarterback; he gets the blame and the credit. Too bad.


His face would have been on Mount Rushmore. Look at the treatment Reagan gets from the right.

He was an unmitigated disaster as a President.

That was Carter who was the mistake. We solved that in 1980. Absolute clueless as hell about governance. No doubt though, Carter was a smart guy.

Reagan slept through most his eight ears but some continue to ignore the debt, and damage to the economy.
Admittedly by giving a nod, obama performed better than he did during the pirate hostage situation where he could NOT nod. He abandoned decision making until authority was assumed by a ship captain. Had it failed, the fall guy would have been the captain.

obama's neck was paralyzed for 16 hours before he could squeeze out a nod. Had the operation failed, obama would have blamed Admiral McRaven within an hour. obama would not in any way have accepted his "nod" as having been a failure. He's not responsible for anything unless it comes out successful. obama was happy not only to bask in unearned success but concealed the man who was really responsible as long as he possibly could. A year.

obama waited 16 hours to give that nod, he waited until there was a contingency plan in place to fully blame Admiral McRaven if the operation went bad with government attorneys holding court martial papers already typed up.

Had Bush been the one, the GOP would still be screaming from the mountaintops, pounding their chest, shouting "Bush! Bush! USA! USA!". I'd love to see a denial of THAT. The President is like the quarterback; he gets the blame and the credit. Too bad.


His face would have been on Mount Rushmore. Look at the treatment Reagan gets from the right.

He was an unmitigated disaster as a President.

That was Carter who was the mistake. We solved that in 1980. Absolute clueless as hell about governance. No doubt though, Carter was a smart guy.

Being smart doesn't mean you know what you're doing.
Admittedly by giving a nod, obama performed better than he did during the pirate hostage situation where he could NOT nod. He abandoned decision making until authority was assumed by a ship captain. Had it failed, the fall guy would have been the captain.

obama's neck was paralyzed for 16 hours before he could squeeze out a nod. Had the operation failed, obama would have blamed Admiral McRaven within an hour. obama would not in any way have accepted his "nod" as having been a failure. He's not responsible for anything unless it comes out successful. obama was happy not only to bask in unearned success but concealed the man who was really responsible as long as he possibly could. A year.

obama waited 16 hours to give that nod, he waited until there was a contingency plan in place to fully blame Admiral McRaven if the operation went bad with government attorneys holding court martial papers already typed up.

Another psychic who knows what Obama thought and WOULD have done! We KNOW Bush blamed "bad intel" for his personal war when the claimed WMD's & nukes were proven to be a fantasy, yet the Bush boy gets a pass.
Admittedly by giving a nod, obama performed better than he did during the pirate hostage situation where he could NOT nod. He abandoned decision making until authority was assumed by a ship captain. Had it failed, the fall guy would have been the captain.

obama's neck was paralyzed for 16 hours before he could squeeze out a nod. Had the operation failed, obama would have blamed Admiral McRaven within an hour. obama would not in any way have accepted his "nod" as having been a failure. He's not responsible for anything unless it comes out successful. obama was happy not only to bask in unearned success but concealed the man who was really responsible as long as he possibly could. A year.

obama waited 16 hours to give that nod, he waited until there was a contingency plan in place to fully blame Admiral McRaven if the operation went bad with government attorneys holding court martial papers already typed up.

Another psychic who knows what Obama thought and WOULD have done! We KNOW Bush blamed "bad intel" for his personal war when the claimed WMD's & nukes were proven to be a fantasy, yet the Bush boy gets a pass.

Psychic, psychotic - tomato, tomahto.

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