Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

Looks like Obama understood the Pakistanis better than Bush did.

Allowing someone else to get bin Laden after he had killed thousands of Americans is unforgivable.

Seems to me that you don't understand how it went down.

Let me educate you:

The only U.S. forces in the area were Special Forces advisers in control of locals and Team Delta operators. We had some air assets conducting the bombings along with other allies including British Special Ops units. The bombing in the areas went on for 2 weeks. OBL was taken out of the area by 50 Al Qaeda fighters who knew the area, during a truce. Bribe money was paid to key individuals to look the other way while this took place.

While the assault concentrated on the area bin laden was believe to be in, he was being taken out through a series of caves and valleys into Pakistan. This would have been extremely difficult to do had it not been for some cooperation by Taliban sympathizers.

It wasn't like they knew exactly where he was at all times. In 2004 Tommy Franks wrote that to that day they're not sure if he was ever there.

I guess you're forgetting all of this.

The only way they found out that he was, was when they got a GITMO detainee to admit it. Little nuggets like this are lost on Obama because he doesn't like to take prisoners.

Osama bin Laden's escape: A tale of subterfuge and hard cash - CNN


Battle of Tora Bora - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yeah, I didn't make it past "Let me educate you." Arrogant much?

You should realize by now that your perception is not the universal perception.

Lady.....this is not my perception. It's the official actions on the objective as reported.

I'm just trying to set the record straight.

If you want to remain in denial that's on you.
You are the one who blusters, troop, not me.


I'm not the one politicizing this right now on Meet The Depressed.

Obama is now showing everyone where he was inside the war room.

This is a top-secret room he's politicizing.
Pretty pathetic.

Watch it tonight on NBC......."The Situation Room".
TGG, you have just satisfied America that you can't think well. Your three points clearly identify

1. BHO acted in his value set.
2. Politicization of this matter is not the point: the demeaning of the President and Seal Team Six will not be accepted by the overwhelming majority of America.
3. You are wrong on this issue.

Get used to it: that will never change.

1. No. Obama believes in trials for even terrorists. He had an unarmed Osama shot w/o a trial. He also aided the lynch mob who killed Kaddafi. He ignored his politicized calls for trial values b/c he was only using that card when it benefited himself politically. He played that card when it was 'oh look at this outrageous govt.' But as long as it was his govt. doing it then who cares.

2. Obama is not above criticism comrade. And I haven't seen one person denigrate Seal Team Six. This is what I'm talking about when I refer to your retarded logic.

3. I've shown you multiple times how you are a failure.

Give it a reread. Mmmkay.

The fact remains that 95% of America is satisfied with Obama's role in getting OBL and the 5% who politicize this can go rot. It's really that simple.

A person can be satisfied with "Obama's role in getting OBL" and believe that Obama politicized the issue. Conversely, a person can not be "satisfied with Obama's role in getting OBL" and feel that he did not politicize it. This says nothing of shades of gray.

Your little 95-5 spill is just you framing the argument like an f'ing retard. You want to pretend that if Obama made the right call that:

1. It's impossible that he violated his own stated values.
2. It's impossible for him to have politicized the matter.
3. That you can be a mental midget and use 1 & 2 as justification to go on a witch hunt against anybody that doesn't see matters based on your inept parameters.

You're an embarrassment to cognitive reasoning. And worse, you're a troll about it. Meaning, you can't or won't argue rationally and then you try to bully people that don't agree with your fallacies.
TGG, spamming does not change that I am right and you are wrong. Accept reality, please.
TGG, you have just satisfied America that you can't think well. Your three points clearly identify

1. BHO acted in his value set.
2. Politicization of this matter is not the point: the demeaning of the President and Seal Team Six will not be accepted by the overwhelming majority of America.
3. You are wrong on this issue.

Get used to it: that will never change.

1. No. Obama believes in trials for even terrorists. He had an unarmed Osama shot w/o a trial. He also aided the lynch mob who killed Kaddafi. He ignored his politicized calls for trial values b/c he was only using that card when it benefited himself politically. He played that card when it was 'oh look at this outrageous govt.' But as long as it was his govt. doing it then who cares.

2. Obama is not above criticism comrade. And I haven't seen one person denigrate Seal Team Six. This is what I'm talking about when I refer to your retarded logic.

3. I've shown you multiple times how you are a failure.

Give it a reread. Mmmkay.

The fact remains that 95% of America is satisfied with Obama's role in getting OBL and the 5% who politicize this can go rot. It's really that simple.

A person can be satisfied with "Obama's role in getting OBL" and believe that Obama politicized the issue. Conversely, a person can not be "satisfied with Obama's role in getting OBL" and feel that he did not politicize it. This says nothing of shades of gray.

Your little 95-5 spill is just you framing the argument like an f'ing retard. You want to pretend that if Obama made the right call that:

1. It's impossible that he violated his own stated values.
2. It's impossible for him to have politicized the matter.
3. That you can be a mental midget and use 1 & 2 as justification to go on a witch hunt against anybody that doesn't see matters based on your inept parameters.

You're an embarrassment to cognitive reasoning. And worse, you're a troll about it. Meaning, you can't or won't argue rationally and then you try to bully people that don't agree with your fallacies.

The reports I have read state OBL did not surrender. I KNOW it was the Seals decision, do you think they phone Obama first before shooting?
Democrats who voted to give Bush approval paid dearly....ask Hillary Clinton
Her losing had nothing to do with Iraq. Despite all the fur flying over the issue, she and Obama had the same actual position as each other. Same as every other issue. The choice was do you want a brother or the chick who agree with each other and every other liberal on every issue to be President. They chose the brother.

In any case Congress gave Bush the authorization if he thought it was necessary. Bush and Bush alone pulled the trigger
Once again the spinning cop out. Democrats authorized the invasion, they didn't order it so...pass...

Democrats = pass for you on every issue. Look in the closest mirror to see a complete and utter sheep. Lawyers, politicians, they care about you RW. You can trust them. Gosh darn it, makes you want to cry the love coming from DC for you, doesn't it RW?
TGG, spamming does not change that I am right and you are wrong. Accept reality, please.

You always resort to one liners, lies and baseless accusations when you've been owned. Meanwhile, daddy puts the meat on the dinner table. Eat up son.

In fact, less is more in your case, but you don't comprehend well.

And now you are projecting on to me what you do, simply because I called you on such behavior. Live with reality, kid.
TGG, you have just satisfied America that you can't think well. Your three points clearly identify

1. BHO acted in his value set.
2. Politicization of this matter is not the point: the demeaning of the President and Seal Team Six will not be accepted by the overwhelming majority of America.
3. You are wrong on this issue.

Get used to it: that will never change.

1. No. Obama believes in trials for even terrorists. He had an unarmed Osama shot w/o a trial. He also aided the lynch mob who killed Kaddafi. He ignored his politicized calls for trial values b/c he was only using that card when it benefited himself politically. He played that card when it was 'oh look at this outrageous govt.' But as long as it was his govt. doing it then who cares.

2. Obama is not above criticism comrade. And I haven't seen one person denigrate Seal Team Six. This is what I'm talking about when I refer to your retarded logic.

3. I've shown you multiple times how you are a failure.

Give it a reread. Mmmkay.

A person can be satisfied with "Obama's role in getting OBL" and believe that Obama politicized the issue. Conversely, a person can not be "satisfied with Obama's role in getting OBL" and feel that he did not politicize it. This says nothing of shades of gray.

Your little 95-5 spill is just you framing the argument like an f'ing retard. You want to pretend that if Obama made the right call that:

1. It's impossible that he violated his own stated values.
2. It's impossible for him to have politicized the matter.
3. That you can be a mental midget and use 1 & 2 as justification to go on a witch hunt against anybody that doesn't see matters based on your inept parameters.

You're an embarrassment to cognitive reasoning. And worse, you're a troll about it. Meaning, you can't or won't argue rationally and then you try to bully people that don't agree with your fallacies.

The reports I have read state OBL did not surrender. I KNOW it was the Seals decision, do you think they phone Obama first before shooting?

I think we all know that he gave the shoot to kill, take no prisoners order.
1. No. Obama believes in trials for even terrorists. He had an unarmed Osama shot w/o a trial. He also aided the lynch mob who killed Kaddafi. He ignored his politicized calls for trial values b/c he was only using that card when it benefited himself politically. He played that card when it was 'oh look at this outrageous govt.' But as long as it was his govt. doing it then who cares.

2. Obama is not above criticism comrade. And I haven't seen one person denigrate Seal Team Six. This is what I'm talking about when I refer to your retarded logic.

3. I've shown you multiple times how you are a failure.

Give it a reread. Mmmkay.

The reports I have read state OBL did not surrender. I KNOW it was the Seals decision, do you think they phone Obama first before shooting?

I think we all know that he gave the shoot to kill, take no prisoners order.

The right call with a mass and serial murderer, whose capture and detention would have sparked several thousand more killings across the world.

Why are you so pro-Osama?
The reports I have read state OBL did not surrender. I KNOW it was the Seals decision, do you think they phone Obama first before shooting?

I think we all know that he gave the shoot to kill, take no prisoners order.

The right call with a mass and serial murderer, whose capture and detention would have sparked several thousand more killings across the world.

Why are you so pro-Osama?

Why are you an idiot?

Let me explain this for your pea brain for about the 10th time. I'm not against the fact that we killed Osama. I am against the fact that Democrats and Obama have made a big stink about civilian and international trials for terrorists but Obama had no problem going against his so-called belief system when it came to Osama.
TGG does not get the only "stink: is being raised by the sore losers on the far right.

Lissen up, boychik: we can't win this attack on BHO. The country supports him 95% on this.

You simply look stupid and make the GOP by comparison, look stupid.

Let it go,
Maybe they should sell tickets to the Situation Room.


Obama does rare interview in White House Situation Room

By Olivier Knox
April 28, 2012

No, not Wolf Blitzer's "Situation Room" -- the real one. President Barack Obama, taking an election-year victory lap of sorts one year after the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, did an unprecedented television interview in the White House's strategic nerve center, the Situation Room.

NBC's sit-down with Obama will air on May 2, one year after Navy SEALs dropped into the al-Qaida chief's compound in the Pakistani garrison city of Abbottabad and killed him. The network said it had also interviewed Obama's top national security and foreign policy aides, including: Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, then-Joints Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen, National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, Deputy National Security Adviser Denis McDonough and John Brennan, Obama's homeland security and counterterrorism adviser.

Can't wait to see what the famous "nerve center" of the White House looks like? You're in luck. The White House threw open the Situation Room doors in December 2009 and produced this video.

TGG does not get the only "stink: is being raised by the sore losers on the far right.

Lissen up, boychik: we can't win this attack on BHO. The country supports him 95% on this.

You simply look stupid and make the GOP by comparison, look stupid.

Let it go,

Are you f'ing kidding? The better part of two GWB terms, Dems harped on the ideal of international order. Civilian trials for terrorists, miranda rights on the battle field, respecting the sovereignty of other nations borders (who supported terrorism). I was against all of that nonsense. But Obama wasn't. And just b/c you want to be his little bitch boy and say we can't attack him for his hypocrisy; that's your deal dude. Get over yourself and stop making up lies.
TGG, you have just satisfied America that you can't think well. Your three points clearly identify

1. BHO acted in his value set.
2. Politicization of this matter is not the point: the demeaning of the President and Seal Team Six will not be accepted by the overwhelming majority of America.
3. You are wrong on this issue.

Get used to it: that will never change.

1. No. Obama believes in trials for even terrorists. He had an unarmed Osama shot w/o a trial. He also aided the lynch mob who killed Kaddafi. He ignored his politicized calls for trial values b/c he was only using that card when it benefited himself politically. He played that card when it was 'oh look at this outrageous govt.' But as long as it was his govt. doing it then who cares.

2. Obama is not above criticism comrade. And I haven't seen one person denigrate Seal Team Six. This is what I'm talking about when I refer to your retarded logic.

3. I've shown you multiple times how you are a failure.

Give it a reread. Mmmkay.

A person can be satisfied with "Obama's role in getting OBL" and believe that Obama politicized the issue. Conversely, a person can not be "satisfied with Obama's role in getting OBL" and feel that he did not politicize it. This says nothing of shades of gray.

Your little 95-5 spill is just you framing the argument like an f'ing retard. You want to pretend that if Obama made the right call that:

1. It's impossible that he violated his own stated values.
2. It's impossible for him to have politicized the matter.
3. That you can be a mental midget and use 1 & 2 as justification to go on a witch hunt against anybody that doesn't see matters based on your inept parameters.

You're an embarrassment to cognitive reasoning. And worse, you're a troll about it. Meaning, you can't or won't argue rationally and then you try to bully people that don't agree with your fallacies.

The reports I have read state OBL did not surrender. I KNOW it was the Seals decision, do you think they phone Obama first before shooting?

I'm not gonna second-guess the SEALs. I know what it's like in those situations. It's best to be sure. However, why the coverup of the pics and videos taken at the compound if Obama is gonna do this victory lap.

I would think that the victory lap would only piss people off in the Middle East.

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