Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

Actually..it's the other way around..I'm talking to a brick wall.

For nearly a decade Bin Laden lived in plain sight..because the Policy of President Bush was to leave him alone. Dead, he would have not been the bogey man that enabled the invasion of Iraq. That was the prize for Bush.

And that was the policy.

is this your opinion or is it fact?...........

Opinion. The Bushies did not know where he was and would have happily killed him if possible.

thanx Sallow.....:eusa_angel:
A year after Osama bin Laden’s death, senior al Qaeda operatives tell Newsweek they’re straining to keep his successor safe—even as pressure mounts to pull off a fresh act of terror.

Al Qaeda Chief Ayman al-Zawahiri on Alert - The Daily Beast

Obama has them SCARED...


Had Bush been the one, the GOP would still be screaming from the mountaintops, pounding their chest, shouting "Bush! Bush! USA! USA!". I'd love to see a denial of THAT. The President is like the quarterback; he gets the blame and the credit. Too bad.


Gotta agree.

Barry had the balls to make the call. Bush would have done the same.

Kudo's to Barry for having those balls.

The SEALS did the actual takedown but they couldn't have done it without that nod from the CIC.

My guess is that there were standing orders and they were to complete the mission they had started. Obama's only decision was to either allow them to proceed or tell them no. He knew he would have been in trouble had he stopped the mission. And then for the next week, the White House couldn't even get the story straight and kept changing the details. We can never get straight answers. I wonder what version they settled on for the movie, which is incredibly tacky considering he didn't want to upset Muslims after the killing. The movie was started right away and it was reported that a movie director was allowed in the situation room. When the SEALS reported they had a location on bin Laden, the first thought of this administration was to get their Hollywood friends there so they could make Obama look good. Narcissistic POS.
Obama knew the risks and Obama pulled the trigger


That's pretty much it. There was no question about getting Bin Laden, it was a matter of how, and he chose the most difficult way to do it, the CIA and the SEALS took all the time they needed to plan it, and the whole thing went off pretty smoothly.

Obama ran on getting Bin Laden, re-authorized the search for him, and they got him. Had he not re-authorized the search in the first place, OBL would probably still be hiding out there today.
I like his ad saying he took down Bin Ladin. When in reality it was seal team six and since he cant run on his record this is the only positive ad he has.

Had Bush been the one, the GOP would still be screaming from the mountaintops, pounding their chest, shouting "Bush! Bush! USA! USA!". I'd love to see a denial of THAT. The President is like the quarterback; he gets the blame and the credit. Too bad.


Gotta agree.

Barry had the balls to make the call. Bush would have done the same.

Kudo's to Barry for having those balls.

The SEALS did the actual takedown but they couldn't have done it without that nod from the CIC.

My guess is that there were standing orders and they were to complete the mission they had started. Obama's only decision was to either allow them to proceed or tell them no. He knew he would have been in trouble had he stopped the mission. And then for the next week, the White House couldn't even get the story straight and kept changing the details. We can never get straight answers. I wonder what version they settled on for the movie, which is incredibly tacky considering he didn't want to upset Muslims after the killing. The movie was started right away and it was reported that a movie director was allowed in the situation room. When the SEALS reported they had a location on bin Laden, the first thought of this administration was to get their Hollywood friends there so they could make Obama look good. Narcissistic POS.

it was reported that a movie director was allowed in the situation room
Good grief!
Is this true?
Where can I find it?
Just a nod?

What did Obama know?

Facts: There was a person of interest holed up in a compound in Pakistan. Intelligence says there is a 60% probability it is bin Laden

Possible Courses of Action

COA 1: Wait
Gather further intelligence to be sure it is OBL
Risk: OBL could get wise that people are watching him or rotate on schedule out of the compound for safety

COA 2: Predator strike
Don't risk US forces or additional time in planning
Risk: Subject is not OBL, killing innocents, can't be positive OBL was killed

COA 3: Coordinate with Pakistan
Follow international law and have Pakistan arrest subject or participate in combined attack on compound
Risk: Pakistan cannot be trusted and is likely to tip off subject

COA 4: SEAL Team 6
Send in SEALS to invade compound, verify it is OBL and kill/capture
Risk: Pakistan could shoot down unidentified aircraft, Guards in compound could have RPGs, Compound could be wired with explosives, Guards and OBL may fight to the death

The safest COA is 1or 2
The COA that follows international law is COA 3
The most risky is COA 4

It was more than a nod of the head from Obama
This thread is hilarious.

If Bush had nodded his order to go ahead with the mission the USMB Right Wing Nut Brigade would be reminding everyone on a daily basis that the nod was the most decisive and powerful nod in American history.

There would animated .gif avatars galore of Bush nodding.

They would be sporting siglines saying "Osama bin Laden escape justice? Nod on my watch"

Etc, etc, etc.
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The fact remains that 95% of America is satisfied with Obama's role in getting OBL and the 5% who politicize this can go rot. It's really that simple.
The fact remains that 95% of America is satisfied with Obama's role in getting OBL and the 5% who politicize this can go rot. It's really that simple.

So when the White House tells everyone that Mitt Romney wouldn't have made the same brave decision that Obama did, can they go rot too?

The ad that claims this is called "One Chance". It came from the Obama Administration, narrated by Bill Clinton. Obama ad questions Romney's will to get Osama bin Laden. Fair? (+video) - CSMonitor.com


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This thread is hilarious.

If Bush had nodded his order to go ahead with the mission the USMB Right Wing Nut Brigade would be reminding everyone on a daily basis that the nod was the most decisive and powerful nod in American history.

There would animated .gif avatars galore of Bush nodding.

They would be sporting siglines saying "Osama bin Laden escape justice? Nod on my watch"

Etc, etc, etc.

Maybe....but Bush wouldn't be making it a part of his reelection campaign.

I don't care what people here do. I care about what the President does.

Had Bush been the one, the GOP would still be screaming from the mountaintops, pounding their chest, shouting "Bush! Bush! USA! USA!". I'd love to see a denial of THAT. The President is like the quarterback; he gets the blame and the credit. Too bad.


Gotta agree.

Barry had the balls to make the call. Bush would have done the same.

Kudo's to Barry for having those balls.

The SEALS did the actual takedown but they couldn't have done it without that nod from the CIC.

My guess is that there were standing orders and they were to complete the mission they had started. Obama's only decision was to either allow them to proceed or tell them no. He knew he would have been in trouble had he stopped the mission. And then for the next week, the White House couldn't even get the story straight and kept changing the details. We can never get straight answers. I wonder what version they settled on for the movie, which is incredibly tacky considering he didn't want to upset Muslims after the killing. The movie was started right away and it was reported that a movie director was allowed in the situation room. When the SEALS reported they had a location on bin Laden, the first thought of this administration was to get their Hollywood friends there so they could make Obama look good. Narcissistic POS.

Yet we're the ones trying to politicize this. :eusa_whistle:
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The fact remains that 95% of America is satisfied with Obama's role in getting OBL and the 5% who politicize this can go rot. It's really that simple.

A person can be satisfied with "Obama's role in getting OBL" and believe that Obama politicized the issue. Conversely, a person can not be "satisfied with Obama's role in getting OBL" and feel that he did not politicize it. This says nothing of shades of gray.

Your little 95-5 spill is just you framing the argument like an f'ing retard. You want to pretend that if Obama made the right call that:

1. It's impossible that he violated his own stated values.
2. It's impossible for him to have politicized the matter.
3. That you can be a mental midget and use 1 & 2 as justification to go on a witch hunt against anybody that doesn't see matters based on your inept parameters.

You're an embarrassment to cognitive reasoning. And worse, you're a troll about it. Meaning, you can't or won't argue rationally and then you try to bully people that don't agree with your fallacies.
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