Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia?

At any rate, I'm not even sure who this "Craig" fellow is, and cannot imagine how, even if he was guilty, he is considered "conservative" much less typical.

Regardless, I do appreciate your sharing your in depth knowledge of the Pee Sex Community. No doubt "buy-in" to this diversity will make us a stronger nation.


Yeah..sure..you don't know who this bastion of conservative morality is..righty oh..

And what fascist entity is Obama's Attack Watch straight out of? Or is he making up his own fascist entity reputation.... as he goes along?

Study the Bush TIPS Program. It was straight out of the 3rd Reich. It encouraged the domestic population to spy on anyone who didn't seem like a Real American. Remember what Bush said: those who oppose my foreign policy are against America. "You're either with us or with the terrorists and against America". Wrong George: citizens have a right to disagree with government. Only fascism assumes that you cannot disagree with Dear Leader. The Right is always talking about Real Americans - as if there is one single type of American that must be imposed on all of us. This is pure fascism. The Right wants to impose one vision of sexuality and one vision of family on people. Moral totalitarianism. God help us.

Study what happened to Don Siegelman.
Really? How did you become an expert?
Watching the news..read all about it.
On June 11, 2007, Craig was arrested at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport on suspicion of lewd conduct in a men's restroom,[39] where he was accused of soliciting an undercover police officer for sexual activity.[40] During the resulting interview with the arresting officer, Craig insisted upon his innocence, disputing the officer's version of the event by stating that he merely had a "wide stance" (Craig states that he said he was a "wide guy",[41]) and that he had been picking a piece of paper from the floor.[40]
Larry Craig - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia?

At any rate, I'm not even sure who this "Craig" fellow is, and cannot imagine how, even if he was guilty, he is considered "conservative" much less typical.

Regardless, I do appreciate your sharing your in depth knowledge of the Pee Sex Community. No doubt "buy-in" to this diversity will make us a stronger nation.

Larry Craig, a conservative Idaho Republican senator, and a sex freak.

Degenerate character is not limited by politics. Witness Clinton, witness Duke.
Watching the news..read all about it.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia?

At any rate, I'm not even sure who this "Craig" fellow is, and cannot imagine how, even if he was guilty, he is considered "conservative" much less typical.

Regardless, I do appreciate your sharing your in depth knowledge of the Pee Sex Community. No doubt "buy-in" to this diversity will make us a stronger nation.

Larry Craig, a conservative Idaho Republican senator, and a sex freak.

Degenerate character is not limited by politics. Witness Clinton, witness Duke.
Clinton and Duke are goalposts? Really?:lol:
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia?

At any rate, I'm not even sure who this "Craig" fellow is, and cannot imagine how, even if he was guilty, he is considered "conservative" much less typical.

Regardless, I do appreciate your sharing your in depth knowledge of the Pee Sex Community. No doubt "buy-in" to this diversity will make us a stronger nation.


Yeah..sure..you don't know who this bastion of conservative morality is..righty oh..


No really; I honestly cannot recall ever having voted for anyone running for the office of Bastion of Conservative Morality. Let me guess; Chris Matthews or Bill Maher called him that and you took them seriously.

Well, you're certainly not alone: Many cannot think for themselves.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia?

At any rate, I'm not even sure who this "Craig" fellow is, and cannot imagine how, even if he was guilty, he is considered "conservative" much less typical.

Regardless, I do appreciate your sharing your in depth knowledge of the Pee Sex Community. No doubt "buy-in" to this diversity will make us a stronger nation.

Larry Craig, a conservative Idaho Republican senator, and a sex freak.

Degenerate character is not limited by politics. Witness Clinton, witness Duke.
Clinton and Duke are goalposts? Really?:lol:
They are examples. "goalposts" are your interpretation, not mine.
Watching the news..read all about it.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia?

At any rate, I'm not even sure who this "Craig" fellow is, and cannot imagine how, even if he was guilty, he is considered "conservative" much less typical.

Regardless, I do appreciate your sharing your in depth knowledge of the Pee Sex Community. No doubt "buy-in" to this diversity will make us a stronger nation.

Larry Craig, a conservative Idaho Republican senator, and a sex freak.

Degenerate character is not limited by politics. Witness Clinton, witness Duke.

Is degenerate character limited by anything?

I mean, other than money?
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia?

At any rate, I'm not even sure who this "Craig" fellow is, and cannot imagine how, even if he was guilty, he is considered "conservative" much less typical.

Regardless, I do appreciate your sharing your in depth knowledge of the Pee Sex Community. No doubt "buy-in" to this diversity will make us a stronger nation.

Larry Craig, a conservative Idaho Republican senator, and a sex freak.

Degenerate character is not limited by politics. Witness Clinton, witness Duke.

Is degenerate character limited by anything?

I mean, other than money?

*OR* Stature or Standing? :eusa_whistle:

Certain of the KKK, AB, millitia nuts, etc., have trouble with those who disagree with them.

Your generalization, Londoner, adds nothing to the discussion.

While different in many ways, religion and fascism overlap in their blueprints for normative limits - they both give inflexible moral limits rather than allowing for choice. Under Christianity, you cannot choose to be a homosexual, nor can you depart from moral primacy of the nuclear family, nor can you live a good life if you choose not to accept Jesus Christ. It's fascism to claim there is only one path to a good life - and that path is through Christ. The individual is powerless in front of these inflexible moral structures. There is one sexuality imposed by God and enforced by the State. Nothing could be closer to fascism. The Liberalism of the Enlightenment (not New Deal, Welfare Liberalism) includes a list of people that stretch from John Locke to Milton Friedman. Both thought fascism and religion placed eerily similar limits on free individuals. Look at where Conservatism and Libertarianism are theoretically opposed (despite Reagan's effort to enfranchise them). Conservatism is at home giving inflexible universally imposed moral limits to human behavior that are contemptible to Libertarianism because Libertarians believe that there isn't one singular model for a human life. They believe the diversity of lifestyles is limited only by the diversity of possible choices - and that the state has no role imposing Christianity as the single solution for human life. Conservatism, like Fascism, has a singular model for how humans should behave, and it is largely derived from the Bible.

Try reading the brilliant conservative thinker Daniel Bell - specifically his "The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism". Bell shows where Free Market Libertarianism and Social Conservatism conflict. He stands amazed that we have raised a generation of conservatives who don't see these contradictions. He blames talk radio, which throws around terms like Fascism without the slightest hint of irony. Hitler hated Liberal tolerance, which he said caused the over-assimilation of Jews during the Weimar period. He divided the world into Real Germans and evil external contagions, like Jews. His saw the multiculturalism of Weimar as watering down the language, tradition, and religion of the Real Germany. His goal was to save the Real Germany from those who would otherwise tolerate the inclusion of "outsiders". He was the archetype of the "Borders, Language, Culture" championed by today's Talk Radio. Listen to how Sean Hannity talks about secularism - as if it's evil. He is imposing one America on the rest of us. He claims to speak for the founders and the Constitution - as if these things had one permanent inflexible vision for all time. As if they allowed for no evolution or change based on free choice. Nothing could be closer to fascism.
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Naw..it's in Brooklyn..

Sent you an invite after you threatened to kick my ass..punk.

Now stop being so fucking gay.

You think calling people commies isn't name calling?


I think you need to up your meds cuz you're hearing shit.

I never threatened to kick your ass.

Btw, if you aren't a commie I don't see why you would be offended.

And for somebody who hates Fascists so much you sure love supporting them in the White House.

Fascists are totalitarian socialists......I.E. the Obama Administrations.

And another thing bitch.....I don't make idle threats.

No I guess you don't..faggot.


Anytime you wanna run up and punch me..feel free.

Should be fun.

Oh..and calling people commies..is name calling. Something you generally start in each and every thread.


I don't usually run up to someone and punch them.

My best solution is 3 warning shots in the chest, then an eye-thump to make sure they aren't playing possum.
Certain of the KKK, AB, millitia nuts, etc., have trouble with those who disagree with them. Your generalization, Londoner, adds nothing to the discussion. Then you go into a long rant about libertarianism. No one gives a crap about libertarianism other than 13 folks down at the alternative book store. Stay on track. No one is talking about economics, we are talking about the limits of dissent.
What 'Gutsy Call'?: CIA Memo Reveals Admiral Controlled bin Laden Mission


Obama simply gave the go-ahead and was prepared to throw Adm William H. McRaven under the bus if anything when wrong. What was labelled a gusty call turns out to be barely a nod from a President that at the same moment was prepared to cast blame on the man put in charge of the mission using him in typical Obama fashion as a fall-guy.

How many of you even know who this guy is? Well, if proper credit had been given you would have known a lot about the man who took control of the mission and saw it through to it's successful conclusion. He should have been the one to make the announcement that Bin Laden was ether killed or captured.

During Desert Storm we became familiar with Gen Norman Schwartzkopf giving regular mission statements. George H. W. Bush allowed the General to take some of the glory. This is what good leaders do. Obama would have none of it. Instead he rushed in front of the cameras and hogged all of the glory for himself. The real heroes were essentially an after-thought. It would have been quite a different story if the mission had imploded and been a disaster similar to the failed Desert One debacle that took place just over 32 years ago in the desert sands of Tabas, Iran.

This now famous photo in the White House war-room was simply a publicity photo taken during the wrap up of the mission. Notice Obama almost hiding because the final word on the mission was still pending. Everyone who was anyone showed up for this photo-op which surely would not have been released had the mission gone bad.


William H. McRaven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Operation Eagle Claw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He GAVE the "nod."

And it was a decision which -- although I fully support it -- did require that he be decisive and willing to assume the burden of discord it would inevitably sew with Pakistan.

I have no problem whatsoever giving the President props for making that call.


Let's say you have a situation where we've been looking for a guy that's responsible for the death of almost 4000 Americans and in August of 2010 we discover where he is. Now you decide that you need to wait till after the election before you're willing to take the risk to kill him. Your commanders tell you that they can be ready by October to go in and get the bastard but you put if off for 8 months. Eventually your Sec of Defense tells you that if you don't make the decision he's gonna quit and tell everyone you knew where the fucker is but were afraid to act.

So finally in April of 2011 you give the nod, contrary to your self-interests. You don't want to invade an allies airspace but you simply have to act or you'll catch hell in the 2012 election. So you think in your mind, how am I gonna cast blame for this if it blows up in our faces??

Well the mission starts, you go out to the golf course, scared shitless, and all the while the Special Ops guys are doing their jobs like the professionals they are. It goes well except one of the choppers has to be blown in place because it can't get airborne. You take the body of the number one terrorist in the world to a carrier and give him his Muslim funeral, weight his body down and make him swim with the fishes....typical Chicago style. Nobody sees proof he's dead.

Even this week you claim national security when there is a demand that you release the photos. You don't care if you release photos of G.I. pissing on dead insurgents or posing with the body of suicide bombers. You're not gonna provide proof of Osama's killing because you're afraid it will inflame the Muslim street. I guess burning Qurans didn't do that enough. You're are basically afraid of leveling with the American people.

So as far as we know all this shit you're bragging about never fucken happened. You just made the whole thing up as far as we can tell.

But getting back to the decision. For me it's a no-brainer. Get the SOB.

Now he's making it up? Jesus Christ you're often times a fucking idiot.
He GAVE the "nod."

And it was a decision which -- although I fully support it -- did require that he be decisive and willing to assume the burden of discord it would inevitably sew with Pakistan.

I have no problem whatsoever giving the President props for making that call.


Let's say you have a situation where we've been looking for a guy that's responsible for the death of almost 4000 Americans and in August of 2010 we discover where he is. Now you decide that you need to wait till after the election before you're willing to take the risk to kill him. Your commanders tell you that they can be ready by October to go in and get the bastard but you put if off for 8 months. Eventually your Sec of Defense tells you that if you don't make the decision he's gonna quit and tell everyone you knew where the fucker is but were afraid to act.

So finally in April of 2011 you give the nod, contrary to your self-interests. You don't want to invade an allies airspace but you simply have to act or you'll catch hell in the 2012 election. So you think in your mind, how am I gonna cast blame for this if it blows up in our faces??

Well the mission starts, you go out to the golf course, scared shitless, and all the while the Special Ops guys are doing their jobs like the professionals they are. It goes well except one of the choppers has to be blown in place because it can't get airborne. You take the body of the number one terrorist in the world to a carrier and give him his Muslim funeral, weight his body down and make him swim with the fishes....typical Chicago style. Nobody sees proof he's dead.

Even this week you claim national security when there is a demand that you release the photos. You don't care if you release photos of G.I. pissing on dead insurgents or posing with the body of suicide bombers. You're not gonna provide proof of Osama's killing because you're afraid it will inflame the Muslim street. I guess burning Qurans didn't do that enough. You're are basically afraid of leveling with the American people.

So as far as we know all this shit you're bragging about never fucken happened. You just made the whole thing up as far as we can tell.

But getting back to the decision. For me it's a no-brainer. Get the SOB.

Now he's making it up? Jesus Christ you're often times a fucking idiot.

How many times YOU gonna quote this Cron?
Obama's narcisstic douchebaggery is hard to take. That said, Clinton let Osama walk when the Sudanese offered him because of "legal evidence", as if he was a bank robber. Meanwhile, GW Bush appeased Musharraf worse than Jimmy Carter appeased the Ayatollah, and refused to go into Pakistan to get Bin Laden. So as much as I dislike Obama, he deserves the credit. A tangential, no-risk role is better than the Clinton-Bush approach of letting Bin Laden go.
He GAVE the "nod."

And it was a decision which -- although I fully support it -- did require that he be decisive and willing to assume the burden of discord it would inevitably sew with Pakistan.

I have no problem whatsoever giving the President props for making that call.


Let's say you have a situation where we've been looking for a guy that's responsible for the death of almost 4000 Americans and in August of 2010 we discover where he is. Now you decide that you need to wait till after the election before you're willing to take the risk to kill him. Your commanders tell you that they can be ready by October to go in and get the bastard but you put if off for 8 months. Eventually your Sec of Defense tells you that if you don't make the decision he's gonna quit and tell everyone you knew where the fucker is but were afraid to act.

So finally in April of 2011 you give the nod, contrary to your self-interests. You don't want to invade an allies airspace but you simply have to act or you'll catch hell in the 2012 election. So you think in your mind, how am I gonna cast blame for this if it blows up in our faces??

Well the mission starts, you go out to the golf course, scared shitless, and all the while the Special Ops guys are doing their jobs like the professionals they are. It goes well except one of the choppers has to be blown in place because it can't get airborne. You take the body of the number one terrorist in the world to a carrier and give him his Muslim funeral, weight his body down and make him swim with the fishes....typical Chicago style. Nobody sees proof he's dead.

Even this week you claim national security when there is a demand that you release the photos. You don't care if you release photos of G.I. pissing on dead insurgents or posing with the body of suicide bombers. You're not gonna provide proof of Osama's killing because you're afraid it will inflame the Muslim street. I guess burning Qurans didn't do that enough. You're are basically afraid of leveling with the American people.

So as far as we know all this shit you're bragging about never fucken happened. You just made the whole thing up as far as we can tell.

But getting back to the decision. For me it's a no-brainer. Get the SOB.

Now he's making it up? Jesus Christ you're often times a fucking idiot.

Well, you're always a fucking idiot, so when those times come we can relate.

Let's say you have a situation where we've been looking for a guy that's responsible for the death of almost 4000 Americans and in August of 2010 we discover where he is. Now you decide that you need to wait till after the election before you're willing to take the risk to kill him. Your commanders tell you that they can be ready by October to go in and get the bastard but you put if off for 8 months. Eventually your Sec of Defense tells you that if you don't make the decision he's gonna quit and tell everyone you knew where the fucker is but were afraid to act.

So finally in April of 2011 you give the nod, contrary to your self-interests. You don't want to invade an allies airspace but you simply have to act or you'll catch hell in the 2012 election. So you think in your mind, how am I gonna cast blame for this if it blows up in our faces??

Well the mission starts, you go out to the golf course, scared shitless, and all the while the Special Ops guys are doing their jobs like the professionals they are. It goes well except one of the choppers has to be blown in place because it can't get airborne. You take the body of the number one terrorist in the world to a carrier and give him his Muslim funeral, weight his body down and make him swim with the fishes....typical Chicago style. Nobody sees proof he's dead.

Even this week you claim national security when there is a demand that you release the photos. You don't care if you release photos of G.I. pissing on dead insurgents or posing with the body of suicide bombers. You're not gonna provide proof of Osama's killing because you're afraid it will inflame the Muslim street. I guess burning Qurans didn't do that enough. You're are basically afraid of leveling with the American people.

So as far as we know all this shit you're bragging about never fucken happened. You just made the whole thing up as far as we can tell.

But getting back to the decision. For me it's a no-brainer. Get the SOB.

Now he's making it up? Jesus Christ you're often times a fucking idiot.

Well, you're always a fucking idiot, so when those times come we can relate.

Aww...SHE just wants to be accepted like anytypical Statist with NO direction...NO mind of thier own...

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