Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

You started the name calling faggot.

Btw, where the heck is McCarren park?

Is that a popular Gay hangout?

Naw..it's in Brooklyn..

Sent you an invite after you threatened to kick my ass..punk.

Now stop being so fucking gay.

You think calling people commies isn't name calling?


I think you need to up your meds cuz you're hearing shit.

I never threatened to kick your ass.

Btw, if you aren't a commie I don't see why you would be offended.

And for somebody who hates Fascists so much you sure love supporting them in the White House.

Fascists are totalitarian socialists......I.E. the Obama Administrations.

And another thing bitch.....I don't make idle threats.

No I guess you don't..faggot.


Anytime you wanna run up and punch me..feel free.

Should be fun.

Oh..and calling people commies..is name calling. Something you generally start in each and every thread.

Naw..it's in Brooklyn..

Sent you an invite after you threatened to kick my ass..punk.

Now stop being so fucking gay.

You think calling people commies isn't name calling?


I think you need to up your meds cuz you're hearing shit.

I never threatened to kick your ass.

Btw, if you aren't a commie I don't see why you would be offended.

And for somebody who hates Fascists so much you sure love supporting them in the White House.

Fascists are totalitarian socialists......I.E. the Obama Administrations.

And another thing bitch.....I don't make idle threats.

this is the 5th or 6th time I've seen Swallow attempt to bait another poster to get them banned.

You guys should meet up.

Conservative faggots generally get it on in public bathrooms.

You know..by gas stations.
I think you need to up your meds cuz you're hearing shit.

I never threatened to kick your ass.

Btw, if you aren't a commie I don't see why you would be offended.

And for somebody who hates Fascists so much you sure love supporting them in the White House.

Fascists are totalitarian socialists......I.E. the Obama Administrations.

And another thing bitch.....I don't make idle threats.

this is the 5th or 6th time I've seen Swallow attempt to bait another poster to get them banned.

You guys should meet up.

Conservative faggots generally get it on in public bathrooms.

You know..by gas stations.
I think you need to up your meds cuz you're hearing shit.

I never threatened to kick your ass.

Btw, if you aren't a commie I don't see why you would be offended.

And for somebody who hates Fascists so much you sure love supporting them in the White House.

Fascists are totalitarian socialists......I.E. the Obama Administrations.

And another thing bitch.....I don't make idle threats.

this is the 5th or 6th time I've seen Swallow attempt to bait another poster to get them banned.

You guys should meet up.

Conservative faggots generally get it on in public bathrooms.

You know..by gas stations.


How did you become an expert?
The original poster is probably a young kid who has not had any higher education.

The President doesn't ever pull the trigger.

He gathers information from his team - which includes advisors, intelligence agents, and generals - and then he decides whether to give the go-ahead to a particular plan of action.

But here is what original poster doesn't mention. Though the president does't create the action plan, he is the one accountable. He is responsible for evaluating the options assembled by his team and choosing which option to take. He sinks or swims with his decision. Carter's decision to give the nod to the failed hostage release lost him the presidency.

Had the plan to kill Bin Laden turned into fiasco of errors with terrible consequences, Mudwhistle would have called Obama the bumbler in chief.
this is the 5th or 6th time I've seen Swallow attempt to bait another poster to get them banned.

You guys should meet up.

Conservative faggots generally get it on in public bathrooms.

You know..by gas stations.


How did you become an expert?

Watching the news..read all about it.

On June 11, 2007, Craig was arrested at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport on suspicion of lewd conduct in a men's restroom,[39] where he was accused of soliciting an undercover police officer for sexual activity.[40] During the resulting interview with the arresting officer, Craig insisted upon his innocence, disputing the officer's version of the event by stating that he merely had a "wide stance" (Craig states that he said he was a "wide guy",[41]) and that he had been picking a piece of paper from the floor.[40]
Larry Craig - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I was on active duty in Korea at the time. What an amazing fiasco. Reagan did the right thing in pulling the Marines out.

So you're like 50? I seriously had you pegged for 15. You should try acting your age.

Your personalizing this simply trivializes your character here, TGG.

Reagan did the right thing in moving the Marines out.

Obama did the right and honorable thing in giving "go" of OBL

Some sorts of miserable people, who would have crucified the president if it went wrong, people such as you, want to play politics with this. Do that and BHO will win this argument with the voting population, Your position is minority, a very small minority, so keep that in mind.,




You guys should meet up.

Conservative faggots generally get it on in public bathrooms.

You know..by gas stations.


How did you become an expert?

Swallow is an expert of meeting up in Gas station restrooms for trists...

The fact you wanna "swallow" another poster's jiz makes you pretty much a fag.

Funny..after you put me on "ignore". So not only are you a gay drunk..you are a gay lying drunk.

And the answer's still no. I wouldn't even piss in your general direction, rummy.
"Fascists are totalitarian socialists......I.E. the Obama Administrations. " Moronic statement Fascism | Define Fascism at Dictionary.com

fas·cism    [fash-iz-uhm] Show IPA noun
1. ( sometimes initial capital letter ) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
2. ( sometimes initial capital letter ) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
3. ( initial capital letter ) a fascist movement, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

Study the Bush TIPS Program. It was straight out of the 3rd Reich. It encouraged the domestic population to spy on anyone who didn't seem like a Real American. Remember what Bush said: those who oppose my foreign policy are against America. "You're either with us or with the terrorists and against America". Wrong George: citizens have a right to disagree with government. Only fascism assumes that you cannot disagree with Dear Leader. The Right is always talking about Real Americans - as if there is one single type of American that must be imposed on all of us. This is pure fascism. The Right wants to impose one vision of sexuality and one vision of family on people. Moral totalitarianism. God help us.

Study what happened to Don Siegelman.
Last edited:

How did you become an expert?

Swallow is an expert of meeting up in Gas station restrooms for trists...

The fact you wanna "swallow" another poster's jiz makes you pretty much a fag.

Funny..after you put me on "ignore". So not only are you a gay drunk..you are a gay lying drunk.

And the answer's still no. I wouldn't even piss in your general direction, rummy.


Btw, do you enjoy when guys piss in your general direction?

How did you become an expert?

Swallow is an expert of meeting up in Gas station restrooms for trists...

The fact you wanna "swallow" another poster's jiz makes you pretty much a fag.

Funny..after you put me on "ignore". So not only are you a gay drunk..you are a gay lying drunk.

And the answer's still no. I wouldn't even piss in your general direction, rummy.

YOU singing to ME...:lol:

YOU too are obscessed...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yqGujr2-Jw&ob=av2e]Frank Sinatra - I've Got You Under My Skin [ABC TV] - YouTube[/ame]


Obama had no choice BUT to give the ok for that mission. Imagine the public backlash if it got out that he refused to give that nod. I remember how absolutely stricken he looked when announcing that we got Osama. He looked like he just lost his best friend....lol. Maybe he was wondering what his Muslim bros would think of him.

Of course, now....he takes full credit for everything.
"Fascists are totalitarian socialists......I.E. the Obama Administrations. " Moronic statement Fascism | Define Fascism at Dictionary.com

fas·cism    [fash-iz-uhm] Show IPA noun
1. ( sometimes initial capital letter ) a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism.
2. ( sometimes initial capital letter ) the philosophy, principles, or methods of fascism.
3. ( initial capital letter ) a fascist movement, especially the one established by Mussolini in Italy 1922–43.

Study the Bush TIPS Program. It was straight out of the 3rd Reich. It encouraged the domestic population to spy on anyone who didn't seem like a Real American. Remember what Bush said: those who oppose my foreign policy are against America. "You're either with us or again us". Wrong George: citizens have a right to disagree with government. Only fascism assumes that you cannot disagree with Dear Leader. The Right is always talking about Real Americans - as if there is one single type of American that must be imposed on all of us. This is pure fascism.

Study what happened to Don Siegelman.

Certain of the KKK, AB, millitia nuts, etc., have trouble with those who disagree with them.

Your generalization, Londoner, adds nothing to the discussion.
You guys should meet up.

Conservative faggots generally get it on in public bathrooms.

You know..by gas stations.


How did you become an expert?

Watching the news..read all about it.

On June 11, 2007, Craig was arrested at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport on suspicion of lewd conduct in a men's restroom,[39] where he was accused of soliciting an undercover police officer for sexual activity.[40] During the resulting interview with the arresting officer, Craig insisted upon his innocence, disputing the officer's version of the event by stating that he merely had a "wide stance" (Craig states that he said he was a "wide guy",[41]) and that he had been picking a piece of paper from the floor.[40]
Larry Craig - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia?

At any rate, I'm not even sure who this "Craig" fellow is, and cannot imagine how, even if he was guilty, he is considered "conservative" much less typical.

Regardless, I do appreciate your sharing your in depth knowledge of the Pee Sex Community. No doubt "buy-in" to this diversity will make us a stronger nation.

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