Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

What 'Gutsy Call'?: CIA Memo Reveals Admiral Controlled bin Laden Mission


Obama simply gave the go-ahead and was prepared to throw Adm William H. McRaven under the bus if anything when wrong. What was labelled a gusty call turns out to be barely a nod from a President that at the same moment was prepared to cast blame on the man put in charge of the mission using him in typical Obama fashion as a fall-guy.

How many of you even know who this guy is? Well, if proper credit had been given you would have known a lot about the man who took control of the mission and saw it through to it's successful conclusion. He should have been the one to make the announcement that Bin Laden was ether killed or captured.

During Desert Storm we became familiar with Gen Norman Schwartzkopf giving regular mission statements. George H. W. Bush allowed the General to take some of the glory. This is what good leaders do. Obama would have none of it. Instead he rushed in front of the cameras and hogged all of the glory for himself. The real heroes were essentially an after-thought. It would have been quite a different story if the mission had imploded and been a disaster similar to the failed Desert One debacle that took place just over 32 years ago in the desert sands of Tabas, Iran.

President Obama made the right call to give the green light to the mission. But he did it in a way that he could shift the blame if things went wrong. Typical Obama. And typical of him to claim full credit for it, when he didn’t do anything but give a vague nod, while putting his top military officials at risk of taking the hit in case of a bad turn. What 'Gutsy Call'?: CIA Memo Reveals Admiral Controlled bin Laden Mission

This now famous photo in the White House war-room was simply a publicity photo taken during the wrap up of the mission. Notice Obama almost hiding because the final word on the mission was still pending. Everyone who was anyone showed up for this photo-op which surely would not have been released had the mission gone bad.


William H. McRaven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Operation Eagle Claw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He GAVE the "nod."

And it was a decision which -- although I fully support it -- did require that he be decisive and willing to assume the burden of discord it would inevitably sew with Pakistan.

I have no problem whatsoever giving the President props for making that call.
What 'Gutsy Call'?: CIA Memo Reveals Admiral Controlled bin Laden Mission


Obama simply gave the go-ahead and was prepared to throw Adm William H. McRaven under the bus if anything when wrong. What was labelled a gusty call turns out to be barely a nod from a President that at the same moment was prepared to cast blame on the man put in charge of the mission using him in typical Obama fashion as a fall-guy.

How many of you even know who this guy is? Well, if proper credit had been given you would have known a lot about the man who took control of the mission and saw it through to it's successful conclusion. He should have been the one to make the announcement that Bin Laden was ether killed or captured.

During Desert Storm we became familiar with Gen Norman Schwartzkopf giving regular mission statements. George H. W. Bush allowed the General to take some of the glory. This is what good leaders do. Obama would have none of it. Instead he rushed in front of the cameras and hogged all of the glory for himself. The real heroes were essentially an after-thought. It would have been quite a different story if the mission had imploded and been a disaster similar to the failed Desert One debacle that took place just over 32 years ago in the desert sands of Tabas, Iran.

President Obama made the right call to give the green light to the mission. But he did it in a way that he could shift the blame if things went wrong. Typical Obama. And typical of him to claim full credit for it, when he didn’t do anything but give a vague nod, while putting his top military officials at risk of taking the hit in case of a bad turn. What 'Gutsy Call'?: CIA Memo Reveals Admiral Controlled bin Laden Mission

This now famous photo in the White House war-room was simply a publicity photo taken during the wrap up of the mission. Notice Obama almost hiding because the final word on the mission was still pending. Everyone who was anyone showed up for this photo-op which surely would not have been released had the mission gone bad.


William H. McRaven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Operation Eagle Claw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He GAVE the "nod."

And it was a decision which -- although I fully support it -- did require that he be decisive and willing to assume the burden of discord it would inevitably sew with Pakistan.

I have no problem whatsoever giving the President props for making that call.
Acting ON a standing order by Bush to get UBL is cool with me too...but the way he and the Statists are going to use it for his re-election presents a problem since Obama doesn't have anything else but failure.
The libs understand that, of course, but will make hay with it if they can. MR should acknowledge the deed and good that came from it and go on with the campaign. Mitt has plenty of material to beat Obama up with.

The libs here don't understand it.....because they keep repeating their usual nonsense whenever the subject comes up.

Mitt Romney doesn't have to acknowledge hyperbole. It is not his job to beat on Obama's drum. Obama does it enough on his own.

And Obama's Presidency will perish with pushing it much to his chegrin.

The people are tired of his games.

I hope he's called the moving men and set a packing date.

mud and TGG are not stupid, whereas you are just an alcoholic hater of so many things. The great majority of Americans approved of what he did and how he did in getting OBL. That you don't get is your problem, suds.
What 'Gutsy Call'?: CIA Memo Reveals Admiral Controlled bin Laden Mission


Obama simply gave the go-ahead and was prepared to throw Adm William H. McRaven under the bus if anything when wrong. What was labelled a gusty call turns out to be barely a nod from a President that at the same moment was prepared to cast blame on the man put in charge of the mission using him in typical Obama fashion as a fall-guy.

How many of you even know who this guy is? Well, if proper credit had been given you would have known a lot about the man who took control of the mission and saw it through to it's successful conclusion. He should have been the one to make the announcement that Bin Laden was ether killed or captured.

During Desert Storm we became familiar with Gen Norman Schwartzkopf giving regular mission statements. George H. W. Bush allowed the General to take some of the glory. This is what good leaders do. Obama would have none of it. Instead he rushed in front of the cameras and hogged all of the glory for himself. The real heroes were essentially an after-thought. It would have been quite a different story if the mission had imploded and been a disaster similar to the failed Desert One debacle that took place just over 32 years ago in the desert sands of Tabas, Iran.

President Obama made the right call to give the green light to the mission. But he did it in a way that he could shift the blame if things went wrong. Typical Obama. And typical of him to claim full credit for it, when he didn’t do anything but give a vague nod, while putting his top military officials at risk of taking the hit in case of a bad turn. What 'Gutsy Call'?: CIA Memo Reveals Admiral Controlled bin Laden Mission

This now famous photo in the White House war-room was simply a publicity photo taken during the wrap up of the mission. Notice Obama almost hiding because the final word on the mission was still pending. Everyone who was anyone showed up for this photo-op which surely would not have been released had the mission gone bad.


William H. McRaven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Operation Eagle Claw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He GAVE the "nod."

And it was a decision which -- although I fully support it -- did require that he be decisive and willing to assume the burden of discord it would inevitably sew with Pakistan.

I have no problem whatsoever giving the President props for making that call.


Let's say you have a situation where we've been looking for a guy that's responsible for the death of almost 4000 Americans and in August of 2010 we discover where he is. Now you decide that you need to wait till after the election before you're willing to take the risk to kill him. Your commanders tell you that they can be ready by October to go in and get the bastard but you put if off for 8 months. Eventually your Sec of Defense tells you that if you don't make the decision he's gonna quit and tell everyone you knew where the fucker is but were afraid to act.

So finally in April of 2011 you give the nod, contrary to your self-interests. You don't want to invade an allies airspace but you simply have to act or you'll catch hell in the 2012 election. So you think in your mind, how am I gonna cast blame for this if it blows up in our faces??

Well the mission starts, you go out to the golf course, scared shitless, and all the while the Special Ops guys are doing their jobs like the professionals they are. It goes well except one of the choppers has to be blown in place because it can't get airborne. You take the body of the number one terrorist in the world to a carrier and give him his Muslim funeral, weight his body down and make him swim with the fishes....typical Chicago style. Nobody sees proof he's dead.

Even this week you claim national security when there is a demand that you release the photos. You don't care if you release photos of G.I. pissing on dead insurgents or posing with the body of suicide bombers. You're not gonna provide proof of Osama's killing because you're afraid it will inflame the Muslim street. I guess burning Qurans didn't do that enough. You're are basically afraid of leveling with the American people.

So as far as we know all this shit you're bragging about never fucken happened. You just made the whole thing up as far as we can tell.

But getting back to the decision. For me it's a no-brainer. Get the SOB.
Yes, he is going to politicize it, and the great majority of Americans in the zone we are trying to convert to GOP this time support him and the outcome.

One, it is ethically wrong to attack him. Two, it is politically stupid to attack him. If you hate One then think of Two.

I want a Romney victory, and attacking the president on this issue is a failure.

I figure you give Obama whatever credit he deserves.......nothing more.

He shouldn't be using OBL as a reelection tool a full year after the fact.

But this is all the prick has. He can't talk about his record. He can't say we're better off today because of his policies. He has to demonize the competition and over inflate his accomplishments. That's all he can do.

Personally I think he should do the honorable thing and simply not run.....like LBJ did.

Tell me Hillary wouldn't win.

"A full year after the fact"?! Time doesn't negate the good that was done.
Yes, he is going to politicize it, and the great majority of Americans in the zone we are trying to convert to GOP this time support him and the outcome.

One, it is ethically wrong to attack him. Two, it is politically stupid to attack him. If you hate One then think of Two.

I want a Romney victory, and attacking the president on this issue is a failure.

I figure you give Obama whatever credit he deserves.......nothing more.

He shouldn't be using OBL as a reelection tool a full year after the fact.

But this is all the prick has. He can't talk about his record. He can't say we're better off today because of his policies. He has to demonize the competition and over inflate his accomplishments. That's all he can do.

Personally I think he should do the honorable thing and simply not run.....like LBJ did.

Tell me Hillary wouldn't win.

"A full year after the fact"?! Time doesn't negate the good that was done.

You betcha.....especially when you haven't done shit since.
I figure you give Obama whatever credit he deserves.......nothing more.

He shouldn't be using OBL as a reelection tool a full year after the fact.

But this is all the prick has. He can't talk about his record. He can't say we're better off today because of his policies. He has to demonize the competition and over inflate his accomplishments. That's all he can do.

Personally I think he should do the honorable thing and simply not run.....like LBJ did.

Tell me Hillary wouldn't win.

"A full year after the fact"?! Time doesn't negate the good that was done.

You betcha.....especially when you haven't done shit since.

He's never done shit, according to you. Therefore, your perception cannot be trusted.
The libs here don't understand it.....because they keep repeating their usual nonsense whenever the subject comes up.

Mitt Romney doesn't have to acknowledge hyperbole. It is not his job to beat on Obama's drum. Obama does it enough on his own.

And Obama's Presidency will perish with pushing it much to his chegrin.

The people are tired of his games.

I hope he's called the moving men and set a packing date.

mud and TGG are not stupid, whereas you are just an alcoholic hater of so many things. The great majority of Americans approved of what he did and how he did in getting OBL. That you don't get is your problem, suds.

Bite me fakey.

No, really.
Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

The op is bullshit of course. We all know that. BUT, lets pretend for just a moment that there is some tiny kernel of fact there ... Let's pretend that all President Obama did was "nod".

Then, why the hell didn't George Bush NOD?

Look at the ridiculous self-aggrandizing photo in MAC1958's post. There he is, wearing a uniform he did not earn and did not deserve. He was always dressing up in uniforms he didn't earn or deserve, always pretending to be the Commander In Chief.

Surely he had enough time between costume changes to NOD.
The libs here don't understand it.....because they keep repeating their usual nonsense whenever the subject comes up.

Mitt Romney doesn't have to acknowledge hyperbole. It is not his job to beat on Obama's drum. Obama does it enough on his own.

And Obama's Presidency will perish with pushing it much to his chegrin.

The people are tired of his games.

I hope he's called the moving men and set a packing date.

mud and TGG are not stupid, whereas you are just an alcoholic hater of so many things. The great majority of Americans approved of what he did and how he did in getting OBL. That you don't get is your problem, suds.

Duh. I'm jake. I live under a bridge. I'm pretending that people are saying it was bad to get UBL. Those stupidheads. Uh duh.
And Obama's Presidency will perish with pushing it much to his chegrin.

The people are tired of his games.

I hope he's called the moving men and set a packing date.

mud and TGG are not stupid, whereas you are just an alcoholic hater of so many things. The great majority of Americans approved of what he did and how he did in getting OBL. That you don't get is your problem, suds.

Duh. I'm jake. I live under a bridge. I'm pretending that people are saying it was bad to get UBL. Those stupidheads. Uh duh.


Jake just has to make it by deflection. He's on record as being the board's partisan Jester pretending to be Conservative under the cloak of being Republican.

He's a joke.
mud and TGG are not stupid, whereas you are just an alcoholic hater of so many things. The great majority of Americans approved of what he did and how he did in getting OBL. That you don't get is your problem, suds.

Duh. I'm jake. I live under a bridge. I'm pretending that people are saying it was bad to get UBL. Those stupidheads. Uh duh.


Jake just has to make it by deflection. He's on record as being the board's partisan Jester pretending to be Conservative under the cloak of being Republican.

He's a joke.

Every once in awhile he blurts out the truth.....but most of the time it's bullshit.
Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

The op is bullshit of course. We all know that. BUT, lets pretend for just a moment that there is some tiny kernel of fact there ... Let's pretend that all President Obama did was "nod".

Then, why the hell didn't George Bush NOD?

Look at the ridiculous self-aggrandizing photo in MAC1958's post. There he is, wearing a uniform he did not earn and did not deserve. He was always dressing up in uniforms he didn't earn or deserve, always pretending to be the Commander In Chief.

Surely he had enough time between costume changes to NOD.

George Bush gave a nod to invade Iraq......cost 5000 Americans their lives
George Bush gave a nod to invade Iraq......cost 5000 Americans their lives

Democrats gave the same nod to invade Iraq...cost 5000 Americans their lives, and you gave them a pass.

Sounds like the nod wasn't your issue, it was using the deaths of 5000 American soldiers to serve your political agenda....
Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

The op is bullshit of course. We all know that. BUT, lets pretend for just a moment that there is some tiny kernel of fact there ... Let's pretend that all President Obama did was "nod".

Then, why the hell didn't George Bush NOD?

Look at the ridiculous self-aggrandizing photo in MAC1958's post. There he is, wearing a uniform he did not earn and did not deserve. He was always dressing up in uniforms he didn't earn or deserve, always pretending to be the Commander In Chief.

Surely he had enough time between costume changes to NOD.

One of the dumber posts on this thread today.
George Bush gave a nod to invade Iraq......cost 5000 Americans their lives

Democrats gave the same nod to invade Iraq...cost 5000 Americans their lives, and you gave them a pass.

Sounds like the nod wasn't your issue, it was using the deaths of 5000 American soldiers to serve your political agenda....

That's because they didn't. They authorized the President to use force. And did so after they were lied too.

In any case..it was Bush that ordered the invasion.

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