Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

You're an idiot. I'm not denigrating the troops in any way and you can't point to one statement in which I have done so. That means that you are dishonoring the troops and using them as props for your argument (at least by your logic). In fact I challenge you to post verbatim the statement that I have made that has dishonored the troops. You can't do it tool. It didn't happen. How f'ing dare you make such an f'ing callous accusation. I have friends and family in the military and I'm not going to allow some twirp like you to pretend that that is what I'm doing.
You call me for name calling, then you name call. :lol:
You bad mouth the president, then you bad mouth me for calling you on it. :lol:
You act like a four-year old, then act out like a four-year old when called on it.
That you have friends and family in the military does not matter, anymore than I am a veteran and 100% VA medical qualified and try my pension.
You talk stupidly about what the president did and the troops magnificently carried out.
That is disgraceful behavior, and it hurts Romney's chances.

Now that you got your filibuster out of the way; post verbatim what I have said that is supposed to have denigrated the military. You can't do it because you're nothing but a political hack and a cheap shot artist.

Be the hack all you want. Your comments denigrated the president and the troops because you first comments basically described it as a murder mission: no rights and all that, you know. But you dropped that, wisely I must add.

Listen, I will call you on your cheap shots every time they harm Romney's chances.
SEALS were in a dangerous situation. They didn't know how many people were in the compound, how they were armed, was the compound wired, was Bin Laden armed, would he fight to the death???

A SEAL enters your room in the middle of the night....you are in deep shit
If you lay on the floor spread eagle....you may survive
Anything else, you are going down

Well, according to Mudwhistle, the only ones who are to get any credit are the ones who actually pulled the trigger. Everybody else was just a bystander. Unless they were republicans. The intel dudes on the ground, analysts who decoded the clues, the CIA officials, President, command and control personnel, operations staff on the vessels/bases from where the choppers deployed; all just along for the ride!

It is a rather cartoonish view of the world he has

Pure hyperbole.

I posted in the OP that the Admiral had more to do with it than Obama. So the Admiral should have been the guy announcing it. Obama rushed to the mike instead so he could hog the lime-light.

So basically...........


Oh my goodness; It's a poorly drawn cartoon--your view of the world.

Uhhhh...yeah okay. And Bush flying out to the aircraft carrier and announcing "Mission Accomplished" should have been done by the Commnder of the Lincoln? Or First Sargeant John Smith in the desert over in Iraq?

You're no longer thinking and I'm giving you credit assuming there was some thought before hand. There little evidence of that either.

Has any President ever deserved credit for anything his military has done? Ever?
You call me for name calling, then you name call. :lol:
You bad mouth the president, then you bad mouth me for calling you on it. :lol:
You act like a four-year old, then act out like a four-year old when called on it.
That you have friends and family in the military does not matter, anymore than I am a veteran and 100% VA medical qualified and try my pension.
You talk stupidly about what the president did and the troops magnificently carried out.
That is disgraceful behavior, and it hurts Romney's chances.

Now that you got your filibuster out of the way; post verbatim what I have said that is supposed to have denigrated the military. You can't do it because you're nothing but a political hack and a cheap shot artist.

Be the hack all you want. Your comments denigrated the president and the troops because you first comments basically described it as a murder mission: no rights and all that, you know. But you dropped that, wisely I must add.

Listen, I will call you on your cheap shots every time they harm Romney's chances.

That's what I thought. You can't post the statement I made that is supposed to have dishonored the troops b/c there is no such statement. You'll always sanctimoniously rely on your own twisted recollection and manipulations as evidence of truth. Go ahead and post the statement I made that dishonored the troops or QFT twirp.
Thinking is a strange concept to T, because he is barely sentient.

So, mud and TGG and The T, your stupid comments hurt GOP chances, not improve them.

Fuck YOU and the GOP Repubicans.

Take your partisanship elsewhere.

Dem or repub, Both big government, high spending entities that deserve to be cast to the pages of history. Hopefully replaced by freedom loving Americans. Something dems and repubs can only give lip service to.
Well, according to Mudwhistle, the only ones who are to get any credit are the ones who actually pulled the trigger. Everybody else was just a bystander. Unless they were republicans. The intel dudes on the ground, analysts who decoded the clues, the CIA officials, President, command and control personnel, operations staff on the vessels/bases from where the choppers deployed; all just along for the ride!

It is a rather cartoonish view of the world he has

Pure hyperbole.

I posted in the OP that the Admiral had more to do with it than Obama. So the Admiral should have been the guy announcing it. Obama rushed to the mike instead so he could hog the lime-light.

So basically...........


Oh my goodness; It's a poorly drawn cartoon--your view of the world.

Uhhhh...yeah okay. And Bush flying out to the aircraft carrier and announcing "Mission Accomplished" should have been done by the Commnder of the Lincoln? Or First Sargeant John Smith in the desert over in Iraq?

You're no longer thinking and I'm giving you credit assuming there was some thought before hand. There little evidence of that either.

Has any President ever deserved credit for anything his military has done? Ever?

Bush went out there and for a couple of hours shook the hands of everyone he could find on that carrier........and you.....the stink-butt that you are.....thinks that was fucked up.

I really think you must love the smell of crap.

Obama is like cellophane, you can see right through him. He did not get osama, the navy seals did. But isn't it typical of obama to try take the credit. He will now use this as a way to make himself look good for election time. Like the article said, obama merely gave a nod to go ahead. That is all he did. He did not find osama, and he did not kill osama, and nor does he get the credit. Its just laughable that obama tryings using this as a campaign issue to make himself look good, when he doesn't even get the credit. Even if osama had been found during the bush administration and killed, the seals would have still gotten the credit not bush. And bush would have given the credit to them, unlike obama.

look everyone knows,or should know anyway,that the President did not come up with the plans on how this was going to go down.....but he could have said no.....but he did not......it was a gutsy call on his part.....and i would bet many a right winger would NEVER have thought that THIS President would give the OK to going into another Country to do this.....

Had Bush been the one, the GOP would still be screaming from the mountaintops, pounding their chest, shouting "Bush! Bush! USA! USA!". I'd love to see a denial of THAT. The President is like the quarterback; he gets the blame and the credit. Too bad.


His face would have been on Mount Rushmore. Look at the treatment Reagan gets from the right.

He was an unmitigated disaster as a President.
you have a good argument for domestically.....internationally im not so sure.....Carter made us look weak,Reagan i think helped erase some of that image....
His face would have been on Mount Rushmore. Look at the treatment Reagan gets from the right.

He was an unmitigated disaster as a President.

Reagan was a fantastic President; was precisely the right man at the right time.

The real Reagan........maybe. Not the one that nutters have fabricated over the years. If one can admit the man's faults and assign blame to him for his fuck-ups.........then one can say such a thing. Otherwise.....it is just a story.

Funny.....nutters are fabricating a version of the current POTUS also........one that does not have basis in reality. Wait.......they do that with every President.

both sides do.....and say they dont....
Now that you got your filibuster out of the way; post verbatim what I have said that is supposed to have denigrated the military. You can't do it because you're nothing but a political hack and a cheap shot artist.

Be the hack all you want. Your comments denigrated the president and the troops because you first comments basically described it as a murder mission: no rights and all that, you know. But you dropped that, wisely I must add.

Listen, I will call you on your cheap shots every time they harm Romney's chances.

That's what I thought. You can't post the statement I made that is supposed to have dishonored the troops b/c there is no such statement. You'll always sanctimoniously rely on your own twisted recollection and manipulations as evidence of truth. Go ahead and post the statement I made that dishonored the troops or QFT twirp.

Your first post is all the proof need. You don't get to pose as a whatever falsely then get away with being offended when called out. Tuff that, sparky.
Oh Bullshit. Aside from the fact he was still involved in ongoing operations he was a middle finger to the United States and a rallying cry for terrorists.

He's more a rallying cry for ignorant libs now. Obama's single greatest accomplishment. An accomplishment he falsely claimed to be a foreign policy success.

He doesn't even know the difference.

For someone who's "trained in special forces" you seem to know very little about how the covert world works.

Amazingly little.
so how do you know how it works?.....what are your credentials?....:eusa_eh:
Be the hack all you want. Your comments denigrated the president and the troops because you first comments basically described it as a murder mission: no rights and all that, you know. But you dropped that, wisely I must add.

Listen, I will call you on your cheap shots every time they harm Romney's chances.

That's what I thought. You can't post the statement I made that is supposed to have dishonored the troops b/c there is no such statement. You'll always sanctimoniously rely on your own twisted recollection and manipulations as evidence of truth. Go ahead and post the statement I made that dishonored the troops or QFT twirp.

Your first post is all the proof need. You don't get to pose as a whatever falsely then get away with being offended when called out. Tuff that, sparky.

Yea and Obama had him shot while he was unarmed. He didn't even adhere to his every defendant deserves an international (or civilian) trial concept. I guess you only want to hang on to your loony left ideals when it doesn't make for convenient propaganda.

That's what I posted. You'll notice that I never badmouthed the military idiot.
TGG is merely repeating nonsense, that has been repeatedly and completely rebutted. Tis what tis. :lol:

Now shut up about this and work for Romney's in smart ways, not dumb ways like this.
TGG is merely repeating nonsense, that has been repeatedly and completely rebutted. Tis what tis. :lol:

Now shut up about this and work for Romney's in smart ways, not dumb ways like this.

When have you ever rebutted anything with facts?

I dont recall a single instance. In fact you cower when asked to produce past proclamations.
His face would have been on Mount Rushmore. Look at the treatment Reagan gets from the right.

He was an unmitigated disaster as a President.

Reagan was a fantastic President; was precisely the right man at the right time.

I know a few survivors of the Beirut Marine Corps Barracks attack that might disagree with you, my friend.

and i know 2 who are more pissed at Weinberger than Reagan....
Not mistaken at all. The President sets the policy. And calls the shots.

It's no mistake that John Yoo was called in to help President George W. Bush set the policy on torture. This was something that the Bush administration was fully aware of..despite claims to contrary. Same with domestic spying. Prior to the Times story..President Bush said that warrants would be sought before wire taps went out. Which is why he was so pissed about that story. He got caught in a big fat lie.

Never mind.

Your admiration for the man clouds your thinking. I am talking to a brick wall.

Believe what you wish.

Actually..it's the other way around..I'm talking to a brick wall.

For nearly a decade Bin Laden lived in plain sight..because the Policy of President Bush was to leave him alone. Dead, he would have not been the bogey man that enabled the invasion of Iraq. That was the prize for Bush.

And that was the policy.

is this your opinion or is it fact?...........
I was on active duty in Korea at the time. What an amazing fiasco. Reagan did the right thing in pulling the Marines out.
Never mind.

Your admiration for the man clouds your thinking. I am talking to a brick wall.

Believe what you wish.

Actually..it's the other way around..I'm talking to a brick wall.

For nearly a decade Bin Laden lived in plain sight..because the Policy of President Bush was to leave him alone. Dead, he would have not been the bogey man that enabled the invasion of Iraq. That was the prize for Bush.

And that was the policy.

is this your opinion or is it fact?...........

Opinion. The Bushies did not know where he was and would have happily killed him if possible.

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