Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

Carter downsized because of the end of the VietNam war
Clinton downsized because of the end of the Cold War

What would a Republican President have done?

Why would Carter feel the need to downsize in the midst of The Cold War? Ronald Reagan ended The Cold War. Why would Clinton need to end something Reagan already did? The answer to your question is both Carter and Clinton's successors, Republicans, beefed us up to build a Defense that would end the Cold War and build an intel infrastructure that helped US get Bin Laden. The current President was smart enough to leave this good Intel infrastructure in place to give the nod to kill Bin Laden.

Do you understand how many troops we had in VietNam? Why would you want to maintain that troop strength without a war. Cold War forces in Europe remained constant.

Reagan did not end the Cold War. It happened under Bush. Force restructuring in a post cold war military did not begin until Clinton

Did you know that most of our troops after Vietnam were in Germany????

Clinton pulled most of them out and sent them home. Bush had to rebuild the military because of all of the Clinton cuts. Carter didn't reduce personnel as much as cut most of our funding. We had to put everything together with coat-hangers and bailing wire. Reagan reversed that and rebuilt the military we used to kick Saddam out of Kuwait.
Why would Carter feel the need to downsize in the midst of The Cold War? Ronald Reagan ended The Cold War. Why would Clinton need to end something Reagan already did? The answer to your question is both Carter and Clinton's successors, Republicans, beefed us up to build a Defense that would end the Cold War and build an intel infrastructure that helped US get Bin Laden. The current President was smart enough to leave this good Intel infrastructure in place to give the nod to kill Bin Laden.

Do you understand how many troops we had in VietNam? Why would you want to maintain that troop strength without a war. Cold War forces in Europe remained constant.

Reagan did not end the Cold War. It happened under Bush. Force restructuring in a post cold war military did not begin until Clinton

Did you know that most of our troops after Vietnam were in Germany????

Clinton pulled most of them out and sent them home. Bush had to rebuild the military because of all of the Clinton cuts. Carter didn't reduce personnel as much as cut most of our funding. We had to put everything together with coat-hangers and bailing wire. Reagan reversed that and rebuilt the military we used to kick Saddam out of Kuwait.

Odd perception of history..

The draft ended in 1975 so no, the Viet Nam troops did not go to Germany

Bush did not rebuild the Military because of Clintons post cold war cuts. He increased troop strength because he started two wars

A Historical Perspective on Defense Budgets
Osama is dead.

Yea and Obama had him shot while he was unarmed. He didn't even adhere to his every defendant deserves an international (or civilian) trial concept. I guess you only want to hang on to your loony left ideals when it doesn't make for convenient propaganda.
Osama is dead.

Yea and Obama had him shot while he was unarmed. He didn't even adhere to his every defendant deserves an international (or civilian) trial concept. I guess you only want to hang on to your loony left ideals when it doesn't make for convenient propaganda.

So he is responsible. Good we got that settled. Tell Mudwhistle that.

What you say is true. The evidence against Osama--from Osama's own mouth--was overwhelming, confirmed, and unimpeachable. A good kill. Good riddance.

I can't wait for you to make the Travon Martin/OBL comparisons. Please do me a favor and go for it.
Osama is dead.

Yea and Obama had him shot while he was unarmed. He didn't even adhere to his every defendant deserves an international (or civilian) trial concept. I guess you only want to hang on to your loony left ideals when it doesn't make for convenient propaganda.

So he is responsible. Good we got that settled. Tell Mudwhistle that.

What you say is true. The evidence against Osama--from Osama's own mouth--was overwhelming, confirmed, and unimpeachable. A good kill. Good riddance.

I can't wait for you to make the Travon Martin/OBL comparisons. Please do me a favor and go for it.

So you're saying you're not only for capital punishment but that you are for govt. raid capital punishment without a trial. Like I said, you hold to your loony left ideals only when it suits you.
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Why is it that in his entire speech on the carrier deck, Bush never mentioned that the Lincoln had completed it's mission or recognized the crew?

You're really full of crap on this.

But what else is new.

Here is the text of the speech by Bush....show where he acknowledges that the crew of the Lincoln has accomplished it's mission. If that was the purpose of his speech under the Mission Accomplished banner......why don't they deserve a mention?

Text Of Bush Speech - CBS News
Jesus Christ....you must be fucken blind!!!!

In the first paragraph I see he mentioned them 5 times.
In this battle, we have fought for the cause of liberty, and for the peace of the world. Our nation and our coalition are proud of this accomplishment — yet it is you, the members of the United States military, who achieved it. Your courage — your willingness to face danger for your country and for each other — made this day possible. Because of you, our nation is more secure. Because of you, the tyrant has fallen, and Iraq is free.

Must I go on........?

Or are you gonna continue to waste more of my time with your happy horseshit?

If it had been Obama, trust me.....it would have been ether I,I,I,or We, We, We. Not You.
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Osama is dead.

Yea and Obama had him shot while he was unarmed. He didn't even adhere to his every defendant deserves an international (or civilian) trial concept. I guess you only want to hang on to your loony left ideals when it doesn't make for convenient propaganda.

If my home were invaded by Navy SEALS I would be belly down with my arms spread. Especially if I were responsible for the deaths of thousands. Too bad he ended up getting killed
You're really full of crap on this.

But what else is new.

Here is the text of the speech by Bush....show where he acknowledges that the crew of the Lincoln has accomplished it's mission. If that was the purpose of his speech under the Mission Accomplished banner......why don't they deserve a mention?

Text Of Bush Speech - CBS News
Jesus Christ....you must be fucken blind!!!!

In the first paragraph I see him mentioned them 5 times.
In this battle, we have fought for the cause of liberty, and for the peace of the world. Our nation and our coalition are proud of this accomplishment — yet it is you, the members of the United States military, who achieved it. Your courage — your willingness to face danger for your country and for each other — made this day possible. Because of you, our nation is more secure. Because of you, the tyrant has fallen, and Iraq is free.

Must I go on........?

Or are you gonna continue to waste more of my time with your happy horseshit?

If it had been Obama, trust me.....it would have been ether I,I,I,or We, We, We. Not You.

Reading comprehension is a lost skill

Bush is talking about his triumphant victory over the forces of evil. He is crediting the US military for it's victory over Iraq. If, as revisionist right-wingers claim, he came on board the Lincoln to congratulate the crew for accomplishing IT'S mission, he would have mentioned the Lincoln, it's deployment and how they helped the success of the mission

A generic compliment to the military as a whole is not the same

You can't have it both ways. If Bush was there to specifically thank the crew instead of proclaiming victory in Iraq......he would have done so
Osama is dead.

Yea and Obama had him shot while he was unarmed. He didn't even adhere to his every defendant deserves an international (or civilian) trial concept. I guess you only want to hang on to your loony left ideals when it doesn't make for convenient propaganda.

Believe it or not Obama doesn't take prisoners.....because he feels the legal ramifications might hurt his reelection chances.

He doesn't care if the prisoner might spill the beans on Al Qaeda. He just wants kills. Body-counts are what matters. You can't tell me that the SEALs couldn't capture Bin Laden. They were ordered to kill him.

Perhaps Obama's secret talks with key terrorist groups like the Taliban might come to light if they actually captured someone. Plus, Waterboarding which is extremely effective and is being used on our own troops, has been deemed illegal by Democrats.

Ever notice that whatever really works the left is always against it?????
Do you understand how many troops we had in VietNam? Why would you want to maintain that troop strength without a war. Cold War forces in Europe remained constant.

Reagan did not end the Cold War. It happened under Bush. Force restructuring in a post cold war military did not begin until Clinton

Did you know that most of our troops after Vietnam were in Germany????

Clinton pulled most of them out and sent them home. Bush had to rebuild the military because of all of the Clinton cuts. Carter didn't reduce personnel as much as cut most of our funding. We had to put everything together with coat-hangers and bailing wire. Reagan reversed that and rebuilt the military we used to kick Saddam out of Kuwait.

Odd perception of history..

The draft ended in 1975 so no, the Viet Nam troops did not go to Germany

Bush did not rebuild the Military because of Clintons post cold war cuts. He increased troop strength because he started two wars

I never said the Vietnam troops went to Germany. After Vietnam most of them got out. I got out and went into Civil Service working at Public Works before I went to college. The military sucked under Carter, but when Reagan was elected the economy was terrible so I joined the Army just to pay my bills. During this time the Cold war was in full force so we had close to a million troops in Germany as a barrier to Soviet aggression. The Fulda Gap was ground zero in the Cold War. Fulda Gap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bush's Dad started base-closings because in the post Vietnam era we had too many aging almost vacant CONUS facilities that were simply drawing cash from the Treasury.

G H W Bush had a massive military that was pulled partly from Germany and partly from CONUS to fight in Desert Storm. Right after that we went into Somalia, where we saw the need to produce more armored units to do a different type of mission. Lessons learned in Somalia was using tanks and APCs were essential in Muslim countries because those rotten bastards and their silly habit of turning on their liberators once they've been liberated. Somalia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But why did Bush have to rebuild the military???? Because Bubba sat on his ass and played politics and decimated the military that went into Desert Storm cutting personnel by half. He didn't use the lessons we learned in Somalia to increase our armored units to handle the new missions. So when we went into Iraq stories came out that we were using aluminum Humvees when we should be using APCs and tanks. We didn't have any body-armor, only standard issue flack-vests. Bush had to spend billions to up-armor our current stock of Hummers and outfit our troops with state of the art body-armor.....not to mention the fact that our military was using millions of dollars of fuel in our vehicles and aircraft just to keep Iraqis from killing each other. Somalia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But we had a choice........sit back and wait for the next attack, or take the fight to them. Was it worth it? Yes, for awhile, but now Obama has made all of that blood and taxpayer money a total waste because with his help most of the Middle East is in the hands of the enemy.

Yet you pudknockers think he's a foreign policy genius and a great warrior.

What a fucken joke.
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Osama is dead.

Yea and Obama had him shot while he was unarmed. He didn't even adhere to his every defendant deserves an international (or civilian) trial concept. I guess you only want to hang on to your loony left ideals when it doesn't make for convenient propaganda.

What? You sound like a weak-hearted leftist.

You, a far righty, are now extending a nebulous constitutional right to a man who waged war against us, responsible for thousands of Americans slain, took refuge in a way that required our armed forces to respond as they did.

Our president did right. Our troops acted right. You are acting and talking wrong. Period.
Osama is dead.

Yea and Obama had him shot while he was unarmed. He didn't even adhere to his every defendant deserves an international (or civilian) trial concept. I guess you only want to hang on to your loony left ideals when it doesn't make for convenient propaganda.

What? You sound like a weak-hearted leftist.

You, a far righty, are now extending a nebulous constitutional right to a man who waged war against us, responsible for thousands of Americans slain, took refuge in a way that required our armed forces to respond as they did.

Our president did right. Our troops acted right. You are acting and talking wrong. Period.

Our president did right till he started repeatedly spiking the fucken ball.

Right now the Bin Laden takedown is his number-one talking point.

He also thinks that assassinating OBL is his number-one foreign policy victory.

He doesn't even know what foreign policy means if this were to be his true belief.
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Osama is dead.

Yea and Obama had him shot while he was unarmed. He didn't even adhere to his every defendant deserves an international (or civilian) trial concept. I guess you only want to hang on to your loony left ideals when it doesn't make for convenient propaganda.

What? You sound like a weak-hearted leftist.

You, a far righty, are now extending a nebulous constitutional right to a man who waged war against us, responsible for thousands of Americans slain, took refuge in a way that required our armed forces to respond as they did.

Our president did right. Our troops acted right. You are acting and talking wrong. Period.

Explain to me what a far righty is and how I'm supposed to fit that mold. I know you are anxious to label me to suit your own whims.

And I'm not arguing that we shouldn't have killed Osama. I'm arguing that Obama and his followers are more than willing to abandon their so-called principles for political expediency. I think you're smart enough to get that. You just allow your contempt to let you pretend that you don't get it.
Osama is dead.

Yea and Obama had him shot while he was unarmed. He didn't even adhere to his every defendant deserves an international (or civilian) trial concept. I guess you only want to hang on to your loony left ideals when it doesn't make for convenient propaganda.

What? You sound like a weak-hearted leftist.

You, a far righty, are now extending a nebulous constitutional right to a man who waged war against us, responsible for thousands of Americans slain, took refuge in a way that required our armed forces to respond as they did.

Our president did right. Our troops acted right. You are acting and talking wrong. Period.

SEALS were in a dangerous situation. They didn't know how many people were in the compound, how they were armed, was the compound wired, was Bin Laden armed, would he fight to the death???

A SEAL enters your room in the middle of the night....you are in deep shit
If you lay on the floor spread eagle....you may survive
Anything else, you are going down
Because, Great Gatsby, you talk stupidly and falsely, You maintain far right positions then talk like a lefty when it suits you. My contempt is for your hollowness as a human being, that puts political power over doing the hard, the honorable choice. I am proud of my president and the troops who offed OBL. That you would even think, much less flap your lips, about the rightness of it tells us far more about you than we want to know.
Yea and Obama had him shot while he was unarmed. He didn't even adhere to his every defendant deserves an international (or civilian) trial concept. I guess you only want to hang on to your loony left ideals when it doesn't make for convenient propaganda.

What? You sound like a weak-hearted leftist.

You, a far righty, are now extending a nebulous constitutional right to a man who waged war against us, responsible for thousands of Americans slain, took refuge in a way that required our armed forces to respond as they did.

Our president did right. Our troops acted right. You are acting and talking wrong. Period.

Explain to me what a far righty is and how I'm supposed to fit that mold. I know you are anxious to label me to suit your own whims.

And I'm not arguing that we shouldn't have killed Osama. I'm arguing that Obama and his followers are more than willing to abandon their so-called principles for political expediency. I think you're smart enough to get that. You just allow your contempt to let you pretend that you don't get it.

Here it is a year after the takedown and Obama is still doing a victory-lap.

It's unseemly. Simple as that.

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