Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

Because, Great Gatsby, you talk stupidly and falsely, You maintain far right positions then talk like a lefty when it suits you. My contempt is for your hollowness as a human being, that puts political power over doing the hard, the honorable choice. I am proud of my president and the troops who offed OBL. That you would even think, much less flap your lips, about the rightness of it tells us far more about you than we want to know.

So essentially everyone must remain in their proper place.

You can't have original ideas, nor can you believe in ideologis that don't seem to pigeon-hole into what you deem acceptable norms.

Thinking outside of the box is contemptuous.
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Basically everybody must work for the good of the country, Two-facedness is not thinking out of the box; it is hypocrisy. Don't try to justify the unjustifiable. Your values are despicable.

I notice you use the far lefty tactic of saying something that I did not say, then you deny what I actually did not say. I know you are glad OBL is dead, I also know you are using the president and the troops for a vile purpose: to distort what happened.

We GOP can beat Obama. Such comments as yours makes it harder.
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Because, Great Gatsby, you talk stupidly and falsely, You maintain far right positions then talk like a lefty when it suits you. My contempt is for your hollowness as a human being, that puts political power over doing the hard, the honorable choice. I am proud of my president and the troops who offed OBL. That you would even think, much less flap your lips, about the rightness of it tells us far more about you than we want to know.

So essentially everyone must remain in their proper place.

You can't have original ideas, nor can you believe in ideology that don't seem to pigeon-hole into what you deem acceptable norms.

Thinking outside of the box is contemptuous.

Thinking outside the box is a foreign concept to Fakey. He prefers everyone sit down, shut up and go with the flow, and don't you DARE be an individual.:eusa_shhh:
What? You sound like a weak-hearted leftist.

You, a far righty, are now extending a nebulous constitutional right to a man who waged war against us, responsible for thousands of Americans slain, took refuge in a way that required our armed forces to respond as they did.

Our president did right. Our troops acted right. You are acting and talking wrong. Period.

Explain to me what a far righty is and how I'm supposed to fit that mold. I know you are anxious to label me to suit your own whims.

And I'm not arguing that we shouldn't have killed Osama. I'm arguing that Obama and his followers are more than willing to abandon their so-called principles for political expediency. I think you're smart enough to get that. You just allow your contempt to let you pretend that you don't get it.

Here it is a year after the takedown and Obama is still doing a victory-lap.

It's unseemly. Simple as that.

You are unseemly to make such a comment, when folks on our side (supposedly) are denigrating the president, and by extension, the troops in doing the hard and right thing.

Go to.
Thinking is a strange concept to T, because he is barely sentient.

So, mud and TGG and The T, your stupid comments hurt GOP chances, not improve them.
Basically everybody must work for the good of the country, Two-facedness is not thinking out of the box; it is hypocrisy. Don't try to justify the unjustifiable. Your values are despicable.

In other words.......you're ether for us or against us.

Yea and Obama had him shot while he was unarmed. He didn't even adhere to his every defendant deserves an international (or civilian) trial concept. I guess you only want to hang on to your loony left ideals when it doesn't make for convenient propaganda.

What? You sound like a weak-hearted leftist.

You, a far righty, are now extending a nebulous constitutional right to a man who waged war against us, responsible for thousands of Americans slain, took refuge in a way that required our armed forces to respond as they did.

Our president did right. Our troops acted right. You are acting and talking wrong. Period.

SEALS were in a dangerous situation. They didn't know how many people were in the compound, how they were armed, was the compound wired, was Bin Laden armed, would he fight to the death???

A SEAL enters your room in the middle of the night....you are in deep shit
If you lay on the floor spread eagle....you may survive
Anything else, you are going down

Well, according to Mudwhistle, the only ones who are to get any credit are the ones who actually pulled the trigger. Everybody else was just a bystander. Unless they were republicans. The intel dudes on the ground, analysts who decoded the clues, the CIA officials, President, command and control personnel, operations staff on the vessels/bases from where the choppers deployed; all just along for the ride!

It is a rather cartoonish view of the world he has
Because, Great Gatsby, you talk I will call any foolish child out for foolish, whiny, childishness comments. Don't cry about name calling, when the identification fits you perfectly. You lie and manipulate, and you cry. Keep doing that, I will keep you crying, TGG.
Basically everybody must work for the good of the country, Two-facedness is not thinking out of the box; it is hypocrisy. Don't try to justify the unjustifiable. Your values are despicable.

I notice you use the far lefty tactic of saying something that I did not say, then you deny what I actually did not say. I know you are glad OBL is dead, I also know you are using the president and the troops for a vile purpose: to distort what happened.

We GOP can beat Obama. Such comments as yours makes it harder.

You're an idiot. I'm not denigrating the troops in any way and you can't point to one statement in which I have done so. That means that you are dishonoring the troops and using them as props for your argument (at least by your logic). In fact I challenge you to post verbatim the statement that I have made that has dishonored the troops. You can't do it tool. It didn't happen. How f'ing dare you make such an f'ing callous accusation. I have friends and family in the military and I'm not going to allow some twirp like you to pretend that that is what I'm doing.
Basically everybody must work for the good of the country, Two-facedness is not thinking out of the box; it is hypocrisy. Don't try to justify the unjustifiable. Your values are despicable.
In other words.......you're ether for us or against us.l
In other words, you work for a Romney victory, not your own psychopathology about Obama. Obama is not important, Romney's victory is.
What? You sound like a weak-hearted leftist.

You, a far righty, are now extending a nebulous constitutional right to a man who waged war against us, responsible for thousands of Americans slain, took refuge in a way that required our armed forces to respond as they did.

Our president did right. Our troops acted right. You are acting and talking wrong. Period.

SEALS were in a dangerous situation. They didn't know how many people were in the compound, how they were armed, was the compound wired, was Bin Laden armed, would he fight to the death???

A SEAL enters your room in the middle of the night....you are in deep shit
If you lay on the floor spread eagle....you may survive
Anything else, you are going down

Well, according to Mudwhistle, the only ones who are to get any credit are the ones who actually pulled the trigger. Everybody else was just a bystander. Unless they were republicans. The intel dudes on the ground, analysts who decoded the clues, the CIA officials, President, command and control personnel, operations staff on the vessels/bases from where the choppers deployed; all just along for the ride!

It is a rather cartoonish view of the world he has

Pure hyperbole.

I posted in the OP that the Admiral had more to do with it than Obama. So the Admiral should have been the guy announcing it. Obama rushed to the mike instead so he could hog the lime-light.

So basically...........

You're an idiot. I'm not denigrating the troops in any way and you can't point to one statement in which I have done so. That means that you are dishonoring the troops and using them as props for your argument (at least by your logic). In fact I challenge you to post verbatim the statement that I have made that has dishonored the troops. You can't do it tool. It didn't happen. How f'ing dare you make such an f'ing callous accusation. I have friends and family in the military and I'm not going to allow some twirp like you to pretend that that is what I'm doing.
You call me for name calling, then you name call. :lol:
You bad mouth the president, then you bad mouth me for calling you on it. :lol:
You act like a four-year old, then act out like a four-year old when called on it.
That you have friends and family in the military does not matter, anymore than I am a veteran and 100% VA medical qualified and try my pension.
You talk stupidly about what the president did and the troops magnificently carried out.
That is disgraceful behavior, and it hurts Romney's chances.
Because, Great Gatsby, you talk stupidly and falsely, You maintain far right positions then talk like a lefty when it suits you. My contempt is for your hollowness as a human being, that puts political power over doing the hard, the honorable choice. I am proud of my president and the troops who offed OBL. That you would even think, much less flap your lips, about the rightness of it tells us far more about you than we want to know.

You got nothing and in fact you're willing to attribute the stupid and false position that I was against killing OBL while calling me stupid and false. That makes you a sanctimonious psychopath hypocrite kid. I'm done asking you to justify your lame name calling. You're clearly just a retarded bomb thrower brat that has personal issues well beyond what I can fix on a message board. I've caught you in these types of lies and manipulations before and I already know that you're going to be unrepentant about your behavior.

(Moved to reflect edit)
SEALS were in a dangerous situation. They didn't know how many people were in the compound, how they were armed, was the compound wired, was Bin Laden armed, would he fight to the death???

A SEAL enters your room in the middle of the night....you are in deep shit
If you lay on the floor spread eagle....you may survive
Anything else, you are going down

Well, according to Mudwhistle, the only ones who are to get any credit are the ones who actually pulled the trigger. Everybody else was just a bystander. Unless they were republicans. The intel dudes on the ground, analysts who decoded the clues, the CIA officials, President, command and control personnel, operations staff on the vessels/bases from where the choppers deployed; all just along for the ride!

It is a rather cartoonish view of the world he has

Pure hyperbole.

I posted in the OP that the Admiral had more to do with it than Obama. So the Admiral should have been the guy announcing it. Obama rushed to the mike instead so he could hog the lime-light.

So basically...........


The cartoon applies to you, mud. The president commanded and the Admiral demanded and the troops were victorious. Of course the president announced it to the nation. Don't be a fool.
You're an idiot. I'm not denigrating the troops in any way and you can't point to one statement in which I have done so. That means that you are dishonoring the troops and using them as props for your argument (at least by your logic). In fact I challenge you to post verbatim the statement that I have made that has dishonored the troops. You can't do it tool. It didn't happen. How f'ing dare you make such an f'ing callous accusation. I have friends and family in the military and I'm not going to allow some twirp like you to pretend that that is what I'm doing.
You call me for name calling, then you name call. :lol:
You bad mouth the president, then you bad mouth me for calling you on it. :lol:
You act like a four-year old, then act out like a four-year old when called on it.
That you have friends and family in the military does not matter, anymore than I am a veteran and 100% VA medical qualified and try my pension.
You talk stupidly about what the president did and the troops magnificently carried out.
That is disgraceful behavior, and it hurts Romney's chances.

Now that you got your filibuster out of the way; post verbatim what I have said that is supposed to have denigrated the military. You can't do it because you're nothing but a political hack and a cheap shot artist.
I understand the commander and the troops got plenty of credit. Can anybody show us they did not? Didn't think so.

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