Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

What 'Gutsy Call'?: CIA Memo Reveals Admiral Controlled bin Laden Mission


Obama simply gave the go-ahead and was prepared to throw Adm William H. McRaven under the bus if anything when wrong. What was labelled a gusty call turns out to be barely a nod from a President that at the same moment was prepared to cast blame on the man put in charge of the mission using him in typical Obama fashion as a fall-guy.

How many of you even know who this guy is? Well, if proper credit had been given you would have known a lot about the man who took control of the mission and saw it through to it's successful conclusion. He should have been the one to make the announcement that Bin Laden was ether killed or captured.

During Desert Storm we became familiar with Gen Norman Schwartzkopf giving regular mission statements. George H. W. Bush allowed the General to take some of the glory. This is what good leaders do. Obama would have none of it. Instead he rushed in front of the cameras and hogged all of the glory for himself. The real heroes were essentially an after-thought. It would have been quite a different story if the mission had imploded and been a disaster similar to the failed Desert One debacle that took place just over 32 years ago in the desert sands of Tabas, Iran.

President Obama made the right call to give the green light to the mission. But he did it in a way that he could shift the blame if things went wrong. Typical Obama. And typical of him to claim full credit for it, when he didn’t do anything but give a vague nod, while putting his top military officials at risk of taking the hit in case of a bad turn. What 'Gutsy Call'?: CIA Memo Reveals Admiral Controlled bin Laden Mission

This now famous photo in the White House war-room was simply a publicity photo taken during the wrap up of the mission. Notice Obama almost hiding because the final word on the mission was still pending. Everyone who was anyone showed up for this photo-op which surely would not have been released had the mission gone bad.


William H. McRaven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Operation Eagle Claw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mudwhistle, this is an appropriate post. Of course Obama's involvement was minimal. We don't even know if he waivered or was talked into it or was enthusiastic about it. But from past performances, we know that he would be ready to throw someone under the bus if it went badly.

It is what it is. Bin Laden supposedly is no longergiving the nod for terrorist acts and the intelligence that led to that end was good. He can take credit for his leadership in giving the nod, but it is disappointing that he didn't call out those who were really responsible for the success of the plan, if it wouldnn't jeopardize them in any way.
Jackson sounds stupid. The president made the decision, period, kiddo. End of story.

That's not the end of the story though. Obama has greatly politicized it for his own benefit. That's the f'ing point. And as I stated (and you ignored); he ignored many of his own core principles.
Yes, he is going to politicize it, and the great majority of Americans in the zone we are trying to convert to GOP this time support him and the outcome.

One, it is ethically wrong to attack him. Two, it is politically stupid to attack him. If you hate One then think of Two.

I want a Romney victory, and attacking the president on this issue is a failure.
Actually..it's the other way around..I'm talking to a brick wall.

For nearly a decade Bin Laden lived in plain sight..because the Policy of President Bush was to leave him alone. Dead, he would have not been the bogey man that enabled the invasion of Iraq. That was the prize for Bush.

And that was the policy.

is this your opinion or is it fact?...........

Opinion. The Bushies did not know where he was and would have happily killed him if possible.

They would have loved to capture the bastard. You get more intel with a live body.

Obama hasn't captured any terrorist overseas. Not one.
Yes, he is going to politicize it, and the great majority of Americans in the zone we are trying to convert to GOP this time support him and the outcome.

One, it is ethically wrong to attack him. Two, it is politically stupid to attack him. If you hate One then think of Two.

I want a Romney victory, and attacking the president on this issue is a failure.

Dude. You need to take a course in logic. It's not ethically wrong to call out the president for his BS. That's the foundation of our country; righteous dissent.

Your second argument is more of an opinion or strategy and maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong.
is this your opinion or is it fact?...........

Opinion. The Bushies did not know where he was and would have happily killed him if possible.

They would have loved to capture the bastard. You get more intel with a live body.

Obama hasn't captured any terrorist overseas. Not one.
I agree with that, too. They would have happily taken him alive or dead. To suggest the bushies let him run around untouched willingly is simply false.
Yes, he is going to politicize it, and the great majority of Americans in the zone we are trying to convert to GOP this time support him and the outcome.

One, it is ethically wrong to attack him. Two, it is politically stupid to attack him. If you hate One then think of Two.

I want a Romney victory, and attacking the president on this issue is a failure.

I figure you give Obama whatever credit he deserves.......nothing more.

He shouldn't be using OBL as a reelection tool a full year after the fact.

But this is all the prick has. He can't talk about his record. He can't say we're better off today because of his policies. He has to demonize the competition and over inflate his accomplishments. That's all he can do.

Personally I think he should do the honorable thing and simply not run.....like LBJ did.

Tell me Hillary wouldn't win.
Yes, he is going to politicize it, and the great majority of Americans in the zone we are trying to convert to GOP this time support him and the outcome.

One, it is ethically wrong to attack him. Two, it is politically stupid to attack him. If you hate One then think of Two.

I want a Romney victory, and attacking the president on this issue is a failure.

Dude. You need to take a course in logic. It's not ethically wrong to call out the president for his BS. That's the foundation of our country; righteous dissent.

Your second argument is more of an opinion or strategy and maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong.

One, yes, you are unethical to call him out when it clearly is not BS.

Two, I am certainly right, because the folks we want to reach agreed with the president.

Addendum: don't think that attacking him on this will help MR in the election.
Yes, he is going to politicize it, and the great majority of Americans in the zone we are trying to convert to GOP this time support him and the outcome.

One, it is ethically wrong to attack him. Two, it is politically stupid to attack him. If you hate One then think of Two.

I want a Romney victory, and attacking the president on this issue is a failure.

Dude. You need to take a course in logic. It's not ethically wrong to call out the president for his BS. That's the foundation of our country; righteous dissent.

Your second argument is more of an opinion or strategy and maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong.

One, yes, you are unethical to call him out when it clearly is not BS.

Two, I am certainly right, because the folks we want to reach agreed with the president.

Addendum: don't think that attacking him on this will help MR in the election.

You realize that holding to a valid belief or perception is not unethical? There's a great case that Obama has politicized UBL. Ethics is black and white right and wrong dude. It goes beyond even morals. Learn what ethics is. When you call something or someone unethical then that is a serious charge. For instance, knowingly lying about matters is unethical. You constantly lie. You are not an ethical person. Get it? Good.
You believing the moon is cheese is ethical thinking. Foolish.

Obama made the ethical call to take out OBL. You don't like it? Who cares?

Go study ethics, bub, and stop sounding stupid.
Opinion. The Bushies did not know where he was and would have happily killed him if possible.

They would have loved to capture the bastard. You get more intel with a live body.

Obama hasn't captured any terrorist overseas. Not one.
I agree with that, too. They would have happily taken him alive or dead. To suggest the bushies let him run around untouched willingly is simply false.

I never did. Bush just felt it was better to let the pros handle the search.

He felt the war had to go on regardless and go behind the scenes. Out of the news. Let the search go on for some old fart who was hiding in some compound in Pakistan or Iran.....wherever the fuck he was, but keep it out of the news.

As long as Bush emphasized his capture he felt that OBL wouldn't let his guard down. The libs here just don't friggen understand that.
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The libs understand that, of course, but will make hay with it if they can. MR should acknowledge the deed and good that came from it and go on with the campaign. Mitt has plenty of material to beat Obama up with.
You believing the moon is cheese is ethical thinking. Foolish.

Obama made the ethical call to take out OBL. You don't like it? Who cares?

Go study ethics, bub, and stop sounding stupid.

1. Yes if a person actually believes that the moon is made of cheese then that is their ethical right. If they don't believe that is made of cheese and yet they claim it's made of cheese then that is unethical.

2. Don't do your patented twisting. I regarded your absurd accusation that it is unethical for one to believe that Obama is politicizing the UBL matter.

3. I think you're just an intellectual lightweight. These aren't hard matters to comprehend.
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They would have loved to capture the bastard. You get more intel with a live body.

Obama hasn't captured any terrorist overseas. Not one.
I agree with that, too. They would have happily taken him alive or dead. To suggest the bushies let him run around untouched willingly is simply false.

I never did. Bush just felt it was better to let the pros handle the search.

Yeah.....that's what it was.

The libs understand that, of course, but will make hay with it if they can. MR should acknowledge the deed and good that came from it and go on with the campaign. Mitt has plenty of material to beat Obama up with.

I think you are confusing what MR should do with people's opinions. I believe that Obama politicized and is politicizing UBL. I also don't believe that Obama is even a citizen.

MR likely shouldn't focus on those matters. He's better off focusing on more tangible realities like Obama's failed economic policies and broken promises. All of that said, it doesn't mean that these aren't serious matters to many Americans.

This thread isn't a point of emphasis for Romney. It's a place for people with legitimate opinions to regard specific matters.
The libs understand that, of course, but will make hay with it if they can. MR should acknowledge the deed and good that came from it and go on with the campaign. Mitt has plenty of material to beat Obama up with.

The libs here don't understand it.....because they keep repeating their usual nonsense whenever the subject comes up.

Mitt Romney doesn't have to acknowledge hyperbole. It is not his job to beat on Obama's drum. Obama does it enough on his own.
The libs understand that, of course, but will make hay with it if they can. MR should acknowledge the deed and good that came from it and go on with the campaign. Mitt has plenty of material to beat Obama up with.

The libs here don't understand it.....because they keep repeating their usual nonsense whenever the subject comes up.

Mitt Romney doesn't have to acknowledge hyperbole. It is not his job to beat on Obama's drum. Obama does it enough on his own.

And Obama's Presidency will perish with pushing it much to his chegrin.

The people are tired of his games.

I hope he's called the moving men and set a packing date.

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