Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

We do not have unlimited troops, nor military intel.

Bush and his Military advisors all agreed NOT to send large numbers of troops to Afghanistan right off the bat. WHY? Because the thinking ( and it is borne out by our current troop levels and the problems we have now) was that to many troops would rile up the Afghan citizenry and cause them to openly or quietly support the Taliban against a known invader.

With the surge we have caused exactly that to happen. More problems then solutions as the Afghans people do not like nor want outsiders in their Country.

Iraq had no bearing on the hunt for Osama Bin laden, those troops would never have been sent to Afghanistan anyway.

But thousands would be alive, and tens of thousands unhurt.

Which has exactly what to do with this thread? With finding and killing Bin Laden?

As for Iraq we had sound grounds for invading that Country. Saddam was a threat that was going to come back as soon as France, China and Russia managed to end the embargo.
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Panetta is an acolyte of Obama. He is entitled to his opinion.

In other words, believe everyone else except Obama and Panetta?
In other words? Obama acted on standing orders from Bush...

It's that simple. I know it is contrary to whatever thought you may pretend to posess.

Bush? If you read the PBS link, you'd know that Obama had options, and chose the raid that killed bin Laden. Among other options, Obama ruled out a B-2 strike on the compound.
In other words, believe everyone else except Obama and Panetta?
In other words? Obama acted on standing orders from Bush...

It's that simple. I know it is contrary to whatever thought you may pretend to posess.

Bush? If you read the PBS link, you'd know that Obama had options, and chose the raid that killed bin Laden. Among other options, Obama ruled out a B-2 strike on the compound.

Maybe "Act of War" had something to do with that.

His compound was in the middle of a city right next to a military academy.

That wasn't a very hard choice.

Btw, they needed actual positive I.D......so a raid was the best option. A bit risky, but the one I would have chosen. I would have had to have complete confidence in it's success.

Which to me says that I think someone inside the Pakistani government cooperated.
What 'Gutsy Call'?: CIA Memo Reveals Admiral Controlled bin Laden Mission


Obama simply gave the go-ahead and was prepared to throw Adm William H. McRaven under the bus if anything when wrong. What was labelled a gusty call turns out to be barely a nod from a President that at the same moment was prepared to cast blame on the man put in charge of the mission using him in typical Obama fashion as a fall-guy.

How many of you even know who this guy is? Well, if proper credit had been given you would have known a lot about the man who took control of the mission and saw it through to it's successful conclusion. He should have been the one to make the announcement that Bin Laden was ether killed or captured.

During Desert Storm we became familiar with Gen Norman Schwartzkopf giving regular mission statements. George H. W. Bush allowed the General to take some of the glory. This is what good leaders do. Obama would have none of it. Instead he rushed in front of the cameras and hogged all of the glory for himself. The real heroes were essentially an after-thought. It would have been quite a different story if the mission had imploded and been a disaster similar to the failed Desert One debacle that took place just over 32 years ago in the desert sands of Tabas, Iran.

President Obama made the right call to give the green light to the mission. But he did it in a way that he could shift the blame if things went wrong. Typical Obama. And typical of him to claim full credit for it, when he didn’t do anything but give a vague nod, while putting his top military officials at risk of taking the hit in case of a bad turn. What 'Gutsy Call'?: CIA Memo Reveals Admiral Controlled bin Laden Mission

This now famous photo in the White House war-room was simply a publicity photo taken during the wrap up of the mission. Notice Obama almost hiding because the final word on the mission was still pending. Everyone who was anyone showed up for this photo-op which surely would not have been released had the mission gone bad.


William H. McRaven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Operation Eagle Claw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I don't like Obama, I do not like his policies nor his politics. However he made a decision to allow our troops to basically invade an ally nation without their consent. If it had gone bad believe me he would have been accountable no matter how he tried to spin it.

It was a tough call and a bold move. Give him credit when it is due.

Not many rw's are willing to do that.

Good for you.

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