Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

His face would have been on Mount Rushmore. Look at the treatment Reagan gets from the right.

He was an unmitigated disaster as a President.

That was Carter who was the mistake. We solved that in 1980. Absolute clueless as hell about governance. No doubt though, Carter was a smart guy.

Reagan slept through most his eight ears but some continue to ignore the debt, and damage to the economy.

By your logic, you should be especially against Obama. He's advanced way more debt than any other president. Good to know you'll be voting for Romney since debt is so important to you :laugh2:
That was Carter who was the mistake. We solved that in 1980. Absolute clueless as hell about governance. No doubt though, Carter was a smart guy.

Reagan slept through most his eight ears but some continue to ignore the debt, and damage to the economy.

By your logic, you should be especially against Obama. He's advanced way more debt than any other president. Good to know you'll be voting for Romney since debt is so important to you :laugh2:

I might. Depends on his VP pick, and the economy come November.
muddy & his Rightie brethren STILL butthurt? :(



1. What was GW's role in getting Bin Ladin? Besides disbanding the Get Bin Ladin Task Force that Obama put back together to find enemy number one. Remember when Bush was asked about Bin Ladin and remember what he said? He said, "you know honestly I don't think about him that much". Republicans have short selective memory. I don't.

2. Imagine if Bush got Bin Ladin? But that's all you can do is imagine it. And remember we said we wouldn't have gone to war with Iraq if Gore won and Republicans said we can't play the What If game? Well we can't here either. Bush didn't get Bin Ladin, Obama did.

3. What was Bush's involvement in outting Valerie Plames, a CIA Agent? What was Bush's role in lying us into Iraq? How come Republicans didn't ask any question for 8 years but now have so many questions? Hypocrites.
That was Carter who was the mistake. We solved that in 1980. Absolute clueless as hell about governance. No doubt though, Carter was a smart guy.

Reagan slept through most his eight ears but some continue to ignore the debt, and damage to the economy.

By your logic, you should be especially against Obama. He's advanced way more debt than any other president. Good to know you'll be voting for Romney since debt is so important to you :laugh2:

You liars who say you want a president who will run the country like a business. Any CEO knows it takes investment to make money. If you walk into a failing company, yes you have to spend less, but you also have to invest. The GOP and Romney don't want to invest in America. They want to invest in China and India and Africa but they clearly are not investing in America. Look at Paul Ryan's budget for proof. And what does Romney think about his plan? Marvelous he says! Who uses that word? :lol:

Think you should only make $10 hr but the CEO should make 320 times what you make? Vote for Romney.

Had Bush been the one, the GOP would still be screaming from the mountaintops, pounding their chest, shouting "Bush! Bush! USA! USA!". I'd love to see a denial of THAT. The President is like the quarterback; he gets the blame and the credit. Too bad.


His face would have been on Mount Rushmore. Look at the treatment Reagan gets from the right.

He was an unmitigated disaster as a President.

Don't forget that Bush didn't hand Obama a clean slate. Most of what Obama spent money on, was things Bush created. Not one dime of the Iraq war would be on Obama's plate if Bush didn't lie us into Iraq and keep us there for 5 years straight. And all the jobs that Bush sent overseas? Those jobs were paying taxes. Now you cry because we are broke or because unemployment is high or the economy isn't fixed? And don't forget the Bush tax breaks. The rich aren't paying their fair share, and they aren't hiring either. It didn't trickle down. So any money Obama gave GM, the Banks, war, even the stimulis, are all because Bush ruined the economy.

I bet if Bush didn't fuck us over, Obama would have had a balanced budget like Clinton did.

Oh, and other thing you righties want to ignore. Bush ignored infrastructure for 8 years so he could gie all our money to his buddies. So now 8 plus years later, our bridges, roads, infrastructure is falling apart. So you can't even blame Obama for this. This should have been stuff Bush was spending money on. Instead he spent it all in Iraq. Gave it all to Haloburton.
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Reagan slept through most his eight ears but some continue to ignore the debt, and damage to the economy.

By your logic, you should be especially against Obama. He's advanced way more debt than any other president. Good to know you'll be voting for Romney since debt is so important to you :laugh2:

You liars who say you want a president who will run the country like a business. Any CEO knows it takes investment to make money. If you walk into a failing company, yes you have to spend less, but you also have to invest. The GOP and Romney don't want to invest in America. They want to invest in China and India and Africa but they clearly are not investing in America. Look at Paul Ryan's budget for proof. And what does Romney think about his plan? Marvelous he says! Who uses that word? :lol:

Think you should only make $10 hr but the CEO should make 320 times what you make? Vote for Romney.

You should invest.....but investing wisely is pretty much essential....not throwing it down a rat-hole.

I remember Reagan never took a cent from the Treasury when it came to his own pay. He worked for 8 years and never cashed a check. Think Obama would ever do that? Do you think Romney would? Why don't find out, shall we????
Reagan slept through most his eight ears but some continue to ignore the debt, and damage to the economy.

By your logic, you should be especially against Obama. He's advanced way more debt than any other president. Good to know you'll be voting for Romney since debt is so important to you :laugh2:

You liars who say you want a president who will run the country like a business. Any CEO knows it takes investment to make money. If you walk into a failing company, yes you have to spend less, but you also have to invest. The GOP and Romney don't want to invest in America. They want to invest in China and India and Africa but they clearly are not investing in America. Look at Paul Ryan's budget for proof. And what does Romney think about his plan? Marvelous he says! Who uses that word? :lol:

Think you should only make $10 hr but the CEO should make 320 times what you make? Vote for Romney.

I differentiate between political paybacks and slush funds and actual investment. And all of that said, I'm not for investment in govt except when it comes to select things that the private industry does not do. Romney understands efficiency and Obama does not.
By your logic, you should be especially against Obama. He's advanced way more debt than any other president. Good to know you'll be voting for Romney since debt is so important to you :laugh2:

You liars who say you want a president who will run the country like a business. Any CEO knows it takes investment to make money. If you walk into a failing company, yes you have to spend less, but you also have to invest. The GOP and Romney don't want to invest in America. They want to invest in China and India and Africa but they clearly are not investing in America. Look at Paul Ryan's budget for proof. And what does Romney think about his plan? Marvelous he says! Who uses that word? :lol:

Think you should only make $10 hr but the CEO should make 320 times what you make? Vote for Romney.

You should invest.....but investing wisely is pretty much essential....not throwing it down a rat-hole.

I remember Reagan never took a cent from the Treasury when it came to his own pay. He worked for 8 years and never cashed a check. Think Obama would ever do that? Do you think Romney would? Why don't find out, shall we????

Reagan never worked 8 hours; no, he is said to have rejected his pay, Since he did not earn it, that was the right thing to do. As for Obama, I would think he kept his, do not know about Romney.
Don't forget that Bush didn't hand Obama a clean slate. Most of what Obama spent money on, was thing Bush created. Not one time of the Iraq war would be on Obama's plate if Bush didn't lie us into Iraq and keep us there for 5 years straight. And all the jobs that Bush sent overseas? Those jobs were paying taxes. Now you cry because we are broke? And don't forget the Bush tax breaks. The rich aren't paying their fair share, and they aren't hiring either. It didn't trickle down. So any money Obama gave GM, the Banks, war, even the stimulis, are all because Bush ruined the economy.

I bet if Bush didn't fuck us over, Obama would have had a balanced budget like Clinton did.

Oh, and other thing you righties want to ignore. Bush ignored infrastructure for 8 years so he could gie all our money to his buddies. So now 8 plus years later, our bridges, roads, infrastructure is falling apart. So you can't even blame Obama for this. This should have been stuff Bush was spending money on. Instead he spent it all in Iraq. Gave it all to Haloburton.

Yes, you folks keep trying to remind us. And so does Obama, constantly. If things turn out bad it's because he inherited it from Bush.

He only takes credit for what works, like the OBL takedown. Bush had nothing to do with it. It's all Obama's doing.

Insiders know differently, and they're starting to tell us the truth. Obama simply gave the nod.....reluctantly. Now he wants to take more credit than he's due. He wants to have NBC proudly proclaim on May 2nd 8pm Eastern "The Situation Room", the great warrior Obama made the right choice. And soon you'll be able to see in a great movie in time for the election.Tough Decisions: "The Road We've Traveled".

Tough Decisions: "The Road We've Traveled" Teaser - Obama for America 2012 - YouTube

Just a nod?

What did Obama know?

Facts: There was a person of interest holed up in a compound in Pakistan. Intelligence says there is a 60% probability it is bin Laden

Possible Courses of Action

COA 1: Wait
Gather further intelligence to be sure it is OBL
Risk: OBL could get wise that people are watching him or rotate on schedule out of the compound for safety

COA 2: Predator strike
Don't risk US forces or additional time in planning
Risk: Subject is not OBL, killing innocents, can't be positive OBL was killed

COA 3: Coordinate with Pakistan
Follow international law and have Pakistan arrest subject or participate in combined attack on compound
Risk: Pakistan cannot be trusted and is likely to tip off subject

COA 4: SEAL Team 6
Send in SEALS to invade compound, verify it is OBL and kill/capture
Risk: Pakistan could shoot down unidentified aircraft, Guards in compound could have RPGs, Compound could be wired with explosives, Guards and OBL may fight to the death

The safest COA is 1or 2
The COA that follows international law is COA 3
The most risky is COA 4

It was more than a nod of the head from Obama

The decision to get bin laden was risky and far from a slam dunk. Jimmy Carter learned the consequences of a failed commando raid. Things can go wrong quickly.
Just a nod?

What did Obama know?

Facts: There was a person of interest holed up in a compound in Pakistan. Intelligence says there is a 60% probability it is bin Laden

Possible Courses of Action

COA 1: Wait
Gather further intelligence to be sure it is OBL
Risk: OBL could get wise that people are watching him or rotate on schedule out of the compound for safety

COA 2: Predator strike
Don't risk US forces or additional time in planning
Risk: Subject is not OBL, killing innocents, can't be positive OBL was killed

COA 3: Coordinate with Pakistan
Follow international law and have Pakistan arrest subject or participate in combined attack on compound
Risk: Pakistan cannot be trusted and is likely to tip off subject

COA 4: SEAL Team 6
Send in SEALS to invade compound, verify it is OBL and kill/capture
Risk: Pakistan could shoot down unidentified aircraft, Guards in compound could have RPGs, Compound could be wired with explosives, Guards and OBL may fight to the death

The safest COA is 1or 2
The COA that follows international law is COA 3
The most risky is COA 4

It was more than a nod of the head from Obama

The decision to get bin laden was risky and far from a slam dunk. Jimmy Carter learned the consequences of a failed commando raid. Things can go wrong quickly.

Can't argue that.

Some on the left think the guys with guns are bullet-proof. Try putting yourself in their shoes. Even during live-fire training we had to be really on guard. Had a friend of mine killed during one. Just getting shot in the leg can kill you.

The last thing I would want was to send someone else in to get him if there were other options, even though every one of those guys on those teams were just waiting for the call enthusiastically. But the pucker-facter is real high right before you exit that chopper. Then you just do what you're trained to do and try to stay alert. Something always goes wrong, and in this mission something did. But they adapted and pulled it off, no thanks to the president.

And again, as I pointed out in the op, he was prepared to dump this all on the guy with the scramble-eggs on his cap if things turned bad. It's his usual tactic. He's done it over and over again. Why should this time be any different from all the others.
TGG does not get the only "stink: is being raised by the sore losers on the far right.

Lissen up, boychik: we can't win this attack on BHO. The country supports him 95% on this.

You simply look stupid and make the GOP by comparison, look stupid.

Let it go,

Are you f'ing kidding? The better part of two GWB terms, Dems harped on the ideal of international order. Civilian trials for terrorists, miranda rights on the battle field, respecting the sovereignty of other nations borders (who supported terrorism). I was against all of that nonsense. But Obama wasn't. And just b/c you want to be his little bitch boy and say we can't attack him for his hypocrisy; that's your deal dude. Get over yourself and stop making up lies.

TGG continues to lie. The country supports BHO on this, period. You have nothing at all to suggest otherwise. Once again you are name calling, just like a little girl. :lol: The only hypocrisy showing here is yours. The Republican Party needs to concentrate on economic issues, where we can trash BHO. Not on this, though, because you alienate voters from Romney every time you and those inanities like you condemn the right and honorable action of the president and Seal Team Six.
Neither Mud nor anyone else has any evidence the president would have hung the Admiral out to dry if the Seals came out badly on the deal.

What a bunch of anti-American crap from the haters.
The military genius BHO decided the best way to protect the troops in Afghanistan was to turn their desks toward the door (so they could see it coming).

Well, they're still killing our troops.

Three More Troops Are Shot Dead By Afghan Allies And The US Military Can't Agree On What To Make Of It

Eloise Lee|March 27, 2012|

Three more troops have been killed by so-called friendly members of the Afghan security forces. In response to the incidents, the top U.S. and British commanders are telling very different stories.

One American and two British troops were shot at close range in two separate incidents on Monday, reported the Associate Press. They're the latest "green on blue" attacks as international forces commit to training and working more closely with their Afghan allies.

But General John Allen says that these tragic incidents are untypical, reported the Telegraph.

"We should expect that this will occur in counter-insurgency operations, and as we saw it in Iraq and as we've seen it historically in counter-insurgencies, but also in Vietnam. It is a characteristic of this kind of warfare," he said.


He spoke to reporters after two British troops, a Royal Marine and a Soldier, were shot dead by an Afghan army officer following an argument at the U.K. forces base in Helmand province. At the time of his address, it appears the killing of the American service member was not yet known.

In contrast to General Allen's remarks that such incidents are to be expected, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said attacks by friendly forces are not a trend. He told reporters the killings by Afghans are still sporadic incidents and do not represent the direction of ongoing cooperation: "I don't think they reflect any kind of broad pattern."

There have been at least 10 troop deaths at the hands of Afghan forces this year.

"I'm not saying things are perfect, and much work remains to be done. But for every bribe accepted, and for every insider threat or what is known as a green-on-blue incident...I can cite hundreds of other examples where they do perform their duties, where the partnership is strong," General Allen also said.

Read more: Three More Troops Are Shot Dead By Afghan Allies And The US Military Can't Agree On What To Make Of It - Business Insider

Not a trend, huh????

I guess this bright idea can be filed along with his tire-gage and his Solyndra ideas.
Maybe if you would present something worthwhile, but . . . only you can do is hate and post crap.
Romney wouldn't have announced he was looking for him. That's just tipping him off to the search.

Romney felt correctly that the war on terror didn't revolve around one individual.

Obama wants folks like you to think that now that OBL is gone that the war is over.

Far from the truth. But you still lap it up.

It doesn't look like 'tipping him off' hurt any, what with the man being dead and all.

Obviously HE doesn't think the war is over, since the leaders are still being hunted down and killed, one by one.

Obama Admin: 'The War on Terror is Over' - Obama Administration - Fox Nation

Actually, a senior Obama official said that the war on terror is over. Of course, that's not stopping him from allowing the TSA to molest women and children or fight a war in Afghanistan or use the Patriot Act to do warrant-less spying on American citizens.

WOT is over? really?

Or in Obamaspeak does that mean he's made nice with them allowing them over our borders? Capitulatiiong to CAIR as they are frequent visitors to the WhiteHouse? :eusa_shifty::idea:

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