Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

What did Bush have to do with the day they dragged Saddam out of that hole in the ground? Nothing, but the GOP used that propoganda for political gain big time.

I'm dealing with fucken idiots. lol

Did Bush celebrate the one year anniversary of Saddam's capture?

He could have used it to get reelected but he didn't.

2 reasons, even though I'm sure he used Saddam's capture as propoganda. And I'm certain you guys did.

1. Iraq was a quagmire. Nothing to brag about a year later because we were still going to be there for the long haul.

2. Saddam wasn't enemy number 1. Bin Ladin was. Remember Bin Ladin did 9-11?

Or just like you guys say Obama didn't have anything to do with Bin Ladin's capture, I guess Bin Ladin didn't have anything to do with 9-11 other than give the nod. :lol:
What 'Gutsy Call'?: CIA Memo Reveals Admiral Controlled bin Laden Mission


Obama simply gave the go-ahead and was prepared to throw Adm William H. McRaven under the bus if anything when wrong. What was labelled a gusty call turns out to be barely a nod from a President that at the same moment was prepared to cast blame on the man put in charge of the mission using him in typical Obama fashion as a fall-guy.

How many of you even know who this guy is? Well, if proper credit had been given you would have known a lot about the man who took control of the mission and saw it through to it's successful conclusion. He should have been the one to make the announcement that Bin Laden was ether killed or captured.

During Desert Storm we became familiar with Gen Norman Schwartzkopf giving regular mission statements. George H. W. Bush allowed the General to take some of the glory. This is what good leaders do. Obama would have none of it. Instead he rushed in front of the cameras and hogged all of the glory for himself. The real heroes were essentially an after-thought. It would have been quite a different story if the mission had imploded and been a disaster similar to the failed Desert One debacle that took place just over 32 years ago in the desert sands of Tabas, Iran.

President Obama made the right call to give the green light to the mission. But he did it in a way that he could shift the blame if things went wrong. Typical Obama. And typical of him to claim full credit for it, when he didn’t do anything but give a vague nod, while putting his top military officials at risk of taking the hit in case of a bad turn. What 'Gutsy Call'?: CIA Memo Reveals Admiral Controlled bin Laden Mission

This now famous photo in the White House war-room was simply a publicity photo taken during the wrap up of the mission. Notice Obama almost hiding because the final word on the mission was still pending. Everyone who was anyone showed up for this photo-op which surely would not have been released had the mission gone bad.


William H. McRaven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Operation Eagle Claw - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bin Ladin didn't fly any of those planes. What did he have to do with 9-11 then? :cuckoo:
Obamination is the typical liberal in high school that laughed at the miliary recruiters and any students that talked with them. In college he did the same with ROTC people he saw on campus, probably smirking at them while smoking pot.

Oh, but fast forward to last year and he is standing on top of a tank in his Rambo outfit puffing out his chest with crazy Joe Biden mc-ing the event....."this is a fucking big deal."

Either question, mud, is irrevelant, yours and the one before it.

Irrelevant to what?

We're discussing what Obama thinks he did and what Bush thought he did.

It seems to me we have two completely different men.

One, a guy who doesn't believe in beating his own drum and another who can't help doing so.

Obama is rumored to have been scared shit-less during the mission. Photos show this was the case. He was scared. I provided a story that shows he was prepared to do his usual deceptive act and cast blame on the good Admiral if anything went wrong.

Are you saying that he never would have tried that?

Even after watching the lying prick do it time and time again with everything else.

You and everyone else here that's defending Obama claim he would have stood up and said he fucked up?

Am I right in saying that?

If so I think you're a god damned liar.
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What did Bush have to do with the day they dragged Saddam out of that hole in the ground? Nothing, but the GOP used that propoganda for political gain big time.

I'm dealing with fucken idiots. lol

Did Bush celebrate the one year anniversary of Saddam's capture?

Did he do anything to brag about how great he was in capturing Saddam. He could have used it to get reelected but he didn't.

Iraqis thought a better life was at hand when Saddam Hussein's regime fell in April 2003, but after nine years of violence and suffering, many are still waiting for their dreams to be realised.

Iraq still faces major shortages in basic services such as electricity and water, the UN says some 1.3 million Iraqis are internally displaced, and though violence is down from its peak in 2006-2007, attacks remain common.

On April 9, 2003, US forces used an armoured vehicle to pull down a giant statue of Saddam in Al-Fardos Square in central Baghdad -- an image shown around the world that became a symbol of the end of the dictator's regime.

That wasn't propoganda. :eusa_liar:

And I'm reading this bullshit article that is all a lie. One year after the hanging of Saddam things in Iraq are calm? Bullshit! Baghdad calm one year after Saddam's death - Telegraph

And don't you remember "the surge worked"? Well if it worked, why didn't we get out of Iraq?

And what re-election could Bush have won? They killed Saddam in December 2006. Bush already won re election in 2004. Actually stole Ohio from Kerry, but that's another story for another day.
And does anyone believe the GOP didn't use the timing of executing Saddam to win the 2006 midterms? Convicted him in October and hung him in December. How convienent.
What did Bush have to do with the day they dragged Saddam out of that hole in the ground? Nothing, but the GOP used that propoganda for political gain big time.

I'm dealing with fucken idiots. lol

Did Bush celebrate the one year anniversary of Saddam's capture?

Did he do anything to brag about how great he was in capturing Saddam. He could have used it to get reelected but he didn't.

Iraqis thought a better life was at hand when Saddam Hussein's regime fell in April 2003, but after nine years of violence and suffering, many are still waiting for their dreams to be realised.

Iraq still faces major shortages in basic services such as electricity and water, the UN says some 1.3 million Iraqis are internally displaced, and though violence is down from its peak in 2006-2007, attacks remain common.

On April 9, 2003, US forces used an armoured vehicle to pull down a giant statue of Saddam in Al-Fardos Square in central Baghdad -- an image shown around the world that became a symbol of the end of the dictator's regime.

That wasn't propoganda. :eusa_liar:

And I'm reading this bullshit article that is all a lie. One year after the hanging of Saddam things in Iraq are calm? Bullshit! Baghdad calm one year after Saddam's death - Telegraph

And don't you remember "the surge worked"? Well if it worked, why didn't we get out of Iraq?

And what re-election could Bush have won? They killed Saddam in December 2006. Bush already won re election in 2004. Actually stole Ohio from Kerry, but that's another story for another day.

You're ranting now.

The surge worked yet we still had commitments.

Up until a few years ago we were still in Germany, how many years after WWII????

Guess you forgot that.

The goal was never to win the war and just pull out. Now we have to refight the damned thing because all of our gains are being lost, thanks to that prick Obama pulling the rug out from under Iraq.

Well figure the odds on that ever happening.

Now Iran is gaining a foothold in Iraq.
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The lengths that Obama supporters will go to to avoid the truth is pretty pathetic.

Like they simply have no minds of their own anymore.


We think the same thing about you. But look at it from our perspective. You looked the other way when the GOP stole Florida in 2000, then gave Bush a pass for getting hit on 9-11, then let him lie us into Iraq, then defended his quagmire in both wars while it was bankrupting the US Economy, then said the economy was fine when you wanted McCain to win, but when he didn't you immediately started blaming the bad economy that you were denying on Pelosi and Reed. Then you distanced yourselves from Bush but now we see you falling in line for Romney who is actually worse than Bush. And we should take you seriously? We know lies when we hear them. Unfortunately, you don't.
I'm dealing with fucken idiots. lol

Did Bush celebrate the one year anniversary of Saddam's capture?

Did he do anything to brag about how great he was in capturing Saddam. He could have used it to get reelected but he didn't.

Iraqis thought a better life was at hand when Saddam Hussein's regime fell in April 2003, but after nine years of violence and suffering, many are still waiting for their dreams to be realised.

Iraq still faces major shortages in basic services such as electricity and water, the UN says some 1.3 million Iraqis are internally displaced, and though violence is down from its peak in 2006-2007, attacks remain common.

On April 9, 2003, US forces used an armoured vehicle to pull down a giant statue of Saddam in Al-Fardos Square in central Baghdad -- an image shown around the world that became a symbol of the end of the dictator's regime.

That wasn't propoganda. :eusa_liar:

And I'm reading this bullshit article that is all a lie. One year after the hanging of Saddam things in Iraq are calm? Bullshit! Baghdad calm one year after Saddam's death - Telegraph

And don't you remember "the surge worked"? Well if it worked, why didn't we get out of Iraq?

And what re-election could Bush have won? They killed Saddam in December 2006. Bush already won re election in 2004. Actually stole Ohio from Kerry, but that's another story for another day.

You're ranting now.

The surge worked yet we still had commitments.

Up until a few years ago we were still in Germany, how many years after WWII????

Guess you forgot that.

The goal was never to win the war and just pull out. Now we have to refight the damned thing because all of our gains are being lost, thanks to that prick Obama pulling the rug out from under Iraq.

Well figure the odds on that ever happening.

Now Iran is gaining a foothold in Iraq.

So you and Romney want another surge. Great. Tell that to the American people during the debates. See how that plays out.
And does anyone believe the GOP didn't use the timing of executing Saddam to win the 2006 midterms? Convicted him in October and hung him in December. How convienent.

We didn't hang him. The Iraqis did.

And he was executed in December of 2006 so it was impossible to use it for the mid-terms because the election was already over. Btw, who took the motherfucken House and Senate in 2006'??????

I think your brain is rotten.

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Iraqis thought a better life was at hand when Saddam Hussein's regime fell in April 2003, but after nine years of violence and suffering, many are still waiting for their dreams to be realised.

Iraq still faces major shortages in basic services such as electricity and water, the UN says some 1.3 million Iraqis are internally displaced, and though violence is down from its peak in 2006-2007, attacks remain common.

On April 9, 2003, US forces used an armoured vehicle to pull down a giant statue of Saddam in Al-Fardos Square in central Baghdad -- an image shown around the world that became a symbol of the end of the dictator's regime.

That wasn't propoganda. :eusa_liar:

And I'm reading this bullshit article that is all a lie. One year after the hanging of Saddam things in Iraq are calm? Bullshit! Baghdad calm one year after Saddam's death - Telegraph

And don't you remember "the surge worked"? Well if it worked, why didn't we get out of Iraq?

And what re-election could Bush have won? They killed Saddam in December 2006. Bush already won re election in 2004. Actually stole Ohio from Kerry, but that's another story for another day.

You're ranting now.

The surge worked yet we still had commitments.

Up until a few years ago we were still in Germany, how many years after WWII????

Guess you forgot that.

The goal was never to win the war and just pull out. Now we have to refight the damned thing because all of our gains are being lost, thanks to that prick Obama pulling the rug out from under Iraq.

Well figure the odds on that ever happening.

Now Iran is gaining a foothold in Iraq.

So you and Romney want another surge. Great. Tell that to the American people during the debates. See how that plays out.

No dip-shit. The surging is over with.

The war was lost the day Obama was sworn in.
And does anyone believe the GOP didn't use the timing of executing Saddam to win the 2006 midterms? Convicted him in October and hung him in December. How convienent.

We didn't hang him. The Iraqis did.

And he was executed in December of 2006 so it was impossible to use it for the mid-terms because the election was already over. Btw, who took the motherfucken House and Senate in 2006'??????

I think your brain is rotten.


The Iraqis executed Saddam, yes.
The lengths that Obama supporters will go to to avoid the truth is pretty pathetic.

Like they simply have no minds of their own anymore.


We think the same thing about you. But look at it from our perspective. You looked the other way when the GOP stole Florida in 2000, then gave Bush a pass for getting hit on 9-11, then let him lie us into Iraq, then defended his quagmire in both wars while it was bankrupting the US Economy, then said the economy was fine when you wanted McCain to win, but when he didn't you immediately started blaming the bad economy that you were denying on Pelosi and Reed. Then you distanced yourselves from Bush but now we see you falling in line for Romney who is actually worse than Bush. And we should take you seriously? We know lies when we hear them. Unfortunately, you don't.

Yet you seem to think that the war on terror ended when they got bin laden.
The lengths that Obama supporters will go to to avoid the truth is pretty pathetic.

Like they simply have no minds of their own anymore.


We think the same thing about you. But look at it from our perspective. You looked the other way when the GOP stole Florida in 2000, then gave Bush a pass for getting hit on 9-11, then let him lie us into Iraq, then defended his quagmire in both wars while it was bankrupting the US Economy, then said the economy was fine when you wanted McCain to win, but when he didn't you immediately started blaming the bad economy that you were denying on Pelosi and Reed. Then you distanced yourselves from Bush but now we see you falling in line for Romney who is actually worse than Bush. And we should take you seriously? We know lies when we hear them. Unfortunately, you don't.

Yet you seem to think that the war on terror ended when they got bin laden.

You seem to think Bush was interested in killing terrorists.

Had Bush been the one, the GOP would still be screaming from the mountaintops, pounding their chest, shouting "Bush! Bush! USA! USA!". I'd love to see a denial of THAT. The President is like the quarterback; he gets the blame and the credit. Too bad.


His face would have been on Mount Rushmore. Look at the treatment Reagan gets from the right.

He was an unmitigated disaster as a President.

That was Carter who was the mistake. We solved that in 1980. Absolute clueless as hell about governance. No doubt though, Carter was a smart guy.

Carter wasn't a mistake. And in fact..he did alot of the right things.

Like NOT taking over a business owned by the brother of a terrorist..

Arbusto Energy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We think the same thing about you. But look at it from our perspective. You looked the other way when the GOP stole Florida in 2000, then gave Bush a pass for getting hit on 9-11, then let him lie us into Iraq, then defended his quagmire in both wars while it was bankrupting the US Economy, then said the economy was fine when you wanted McCain to win, but when he didn't you immediately started blaming the bad economy that you were denying on Pelosi and Reed. Then you distanced yourselves from Bush but now we see you falling in line for Romney who is actually worse than Bush. And we should take you seriously? We know lies when we hear them. Unfortunately, you don't.

Yet you seem to think that the war on terror ended when they got bin laden.

You seem to think Bush was interested in killing terrorists.

We wanted to end the threat.....but plenty got killed in the process. However he did capture and kill 70% of their leadership.

Right now Obama is bragging that he got 60%.

Seems his math is fuzzy again.....even in this.

70% is more than 60%......unless you're the one controlling the counting.
Yet you seem to think that the war on terror ended when they got bin laden.

You seem to think Bush was interested in killing terrorists.

We wanted to end the threat.....but plenty got killed in the process. However he did capture and kill 70% of their leadership.

Right now Obama is bragging that he got 60%.

Seems his math is fuzzy again.....even in this.

70% is more than 60%......unless you're the one controlling the counting.

New leaders take the place of the dead mud; let's hope OBL is not replaced.
Yet you seem to think that the war on terror ended when they got bin laden.

You seem to think Bush was interested in killing terrorists.

We wanted to end the threat.....but plenty got killed in the process. However he did capture and kill 70% of their leadership.

Right now Obama is bragging that he got 60%.

Seems his math is fuzzy again.....even in this.

70% is more than 60%......unless you're the one controlling the counting.

Well..no he didn't.

What Bush did was to kill Iraqis..and call the terrorists.
You seem to think Bush was interested in killing terrorists.

We wanted to end the threat.....but plenty got killed in the process. However he did capture and kill 70% of their leadership.

Right now Obama is bragging that he got 60%.

Seems his math is fuzzy again.....even in this.

70% is more than 60%......unless you're the one controlling the counting.

New leaders take the place of the dead mud; let's hope OBL is not replaced.

I've already posted proof that bin laden was replaced soon after by his #2 man.

An Egyptian doctor Ayman al-Zawahiri who was often pictured with him.....and is a current member of the Muslim Brotherhood......same group Obama is friends with.

Funny, he was reported to be under arrest in Iran in 2002.

Seems he wasn't under arrest after all.

9:19 a.m. PDT, June 16, 2011
WASHINGTON -- Ayman al-Zawahiri, the longtime deputy to Osama bin Laden, will take over leadership of al Qaeda, according to a statement posted on several jihadist websites Thursday.

"Hereby the General Command of the Qaeda al-Jihad -- and after the end of the consultations -- we declare that Sheikh Dr. Abu Muhammad Ayman al-Zawahiri (may God bless him) will take over the responsibility of command of the group," the statement said, attributed to al Qaeda's "general command."

It cited bin Laden's "martyrdom" and prayed "to the Almighty to raise him to his heavens and reward him for his good deeds for us and the Islamic nation."

Osama Bin Laden Successor: Al Qaeda No.2 Zawahiri Named bin Laden Successor - ktla.com

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