Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

Bush was inspiring the troops and the country by landing on that aircraft carrier. Not claiming glory for himself but for his country.

Unlike Obama who thinks america is a pile of crap and goes around telling eveyone as such.

Either question, mud, is irrevelant, yours and the one before it.

Irrelevant to what?

We're discussing what Obama thinks he did and what Bush thought he did.

It seems to me we have two completely different men.

One, a guy who doesn't believe in beating his own drum and another who can't help doing so.

Obama is rumored to have been scared shit-less during the mission. Photos show this was the case. He was scared. I provided a story that shows he was prepared to do his usual deceptive act and cast blame on the good Admiral if anything went wrong.

Are you saying that he never would have tried that?

Even after watching the lying prick do it time and time again with everything else.

You and everyone else here that's defending Obama claim he would have stood up and said he fucked up?

Am I right in saying that?

If so I think you're a god damned liar.

Bush landed on an aircraft carrier, you fool, and lied about the war.

Obama called the shot, and got the man Bush coukd not.

I don't think you are lying as much as I think you are mentally ill.
Either question, mud, is irrevelant, yours and the one before it.

Irrelevant to what?

We're discussing what Obama thinks he did and what Bush thought he did.

It seems to me we have two completely different men.

One, a guy who doesn't believe in beating his own drum and another who can't help doing so.

Obama is rumored to have been scared shit-less during the mission. Photos show this was the case. He was scared. I provided a story that shows he was prepared to do his usual deceptive act and cast blame on the good Admiral if anything went wrong.

Are you saying that he never would have tried that?

Even after watching the lying prick do it time and time again with everything else.

You and everyone else here that's defending Obama claim he would have stood up and said he fucked up?

Am I right in saying that?

If so I think you're a god damned liar.

Bush landed on an aircraft carrier, you fool, and lied about the war.

Obama called the shot, and got the man Bush coukd not.

I don't think you are lying as much as I think you are mentally ill.

You are a very twisted individual.

I think you need the psychiatrist.
Wait a minute. You just said he should have waited a day and walked on the ship to give his congrats. Now you're saying that sailors should probably get preference over being a prop in a politicians' photo-op.

Which is it numb-nuts?????

Now, along with your judgment, your reading comprehension has left the building. Try again. The soldier's wishes should take precedent over being made a prop in a photo opportunity in my view. Had Obama delayed a liberty to make a speech and basically hold sailors on duty for nearly 18 months hostage so he can get a photo taken of himself in a flight suit; what would you be saying about now? Be honest if you can still muster up any honesty. Liability can lend you some since you seem to be all out of it.

Bush didn't delay them. I spent 5 years in the Navy. I was stationed on an Aircraft Carrier. We started heading in early in the morning but the soonest we left the ship was in the late afternoon. All Bush did was land out at sea, spend a few hours with the crew and flew off in a chopper. It didn't delay them much at all. They were with their families later that day.

I've deployed too many times to count and I know the drill. Getting a visit from the president is a special event. I'm sure the crew appreciated it.

Wait a minute. You just said he it didn't delay them. Then you said it didn't delay them much at all?

Which is it numb-nuts?????

Again, if Obama had done that, you'd be castigating him--which is why you are acting like a little bitch and won't answer the question. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. That and the standing question about why other Presidents get credit (and blame when they are democrats) for their use of the military and why Obama isn't worthy of getting any in your view?

I wonder why THIS president doesn't get the same treatment all of the other presidents do? I'm sure it's just a matter of black and white.
Now, along with your judgment, your reading comprehension has left the building. Try again. The soldier's wishes should take precedent over being made a prop in a photo opportunity in my view. Had Obama delayed a liberty to make a speech and basically hold sailors on duty for nearly 18 months hostage so he can get a photo taken of himself in a flight suit; what would you be saying about now? Be honest if you can still muster up any honesty. Liability can lend you some since you seem to be all out of it.

Bush didn't delay them. I spent 5 years in the Navy. I was stationed on an Aircraft Carrier. We started heading in early in the morning but the soonest we left the ship was in the late afternoon. All Bush did was land out at sea, spend a few hours with the crew and flew off in a chopper. It didn't delay them much at all. They were with their families later that day.

I've deployed too many times to count and I know the drill. Getting a visit from the president is a special event. I'm sure the crew appreciated it.

Wait a minute. You just said he it didn't delay them. Then you said it didn't delay them much at all?

Which is it numb-nuts?????

Again, if Obama had done that, you'd be castigating him--which is why you are acting like a little bitch and won't answer the question. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. That and the standing question about why other Presidents get credit (and blame when they are democrats) for their use of the military and why Obama isn't worthy of getting any in your view?

I wonder why THIS president doesn't get the same treatment all of the other presidents do? I'm sure it's just a matter of black and white.

Sure....throw out the race card now....like the typical loser.

Thanks for admitting you're losing this argument.
Irrelevant to what?

We're discussing what Obama thinks he did and what Bush thought he did.

It seems to me we have two completely different men.

One, a guy who doesn't believe in beating his own drum and another who can't help doing so.

Obama is rumored to have been scared shit-less during the mission. Photos show this was the case. He was scared. I provided a story that shows he was prepared to do his usual deceptive act and cast blame on the good Admiral if anything went wrong.

Are you saying that he never would have tried that?

Even after watching the lying prick do it time and time again with everything else.

You and everyone else here that's defending Obama claim he would have stood up and said he fucked up?

Am I right in saying that?

If so I think you're a god damned liar.

Bush landed on an aircraft carrier, you fool, and lied about the war.

Obama called the shot, and got the man Bush coukd not.

I don't think you are lying as much as I think you are mentally ill.

You are a very twisted individual.

I think you need the psychiatrist.

Says the crazy man. I am a sensible Republican who wants a victory without you crazy people hanging onto the victory bus. Bush and the neo-cons were a disaster, and BHO is surrounded by neo-cons. I am hoping MR will have a better set of advisers than warmongers.
Bush landed on an aircraft carrier, you fool, and lied about the war.

Obama called the shot, and got the man Bush coukd not.

I don't think you are lying as much as I think you are mentally ill.

You are a very twisted individual.

I think you need the psychiatrist.

Says the crazy man. I am a sensible Republican who wants a victory without you crazy people hanging onto the victory bus. Bush and the neo-cons were a disaster, and BHO is surrounded by neo-cons. I am hoping MR will have a better set of advisers than warmongers.

You have fault memories. I have always stated I was a Republican and I have always stated that I oppose the far right wack weirdo wing nuts. That is what you have forgotten.

I want MR in office without having to worry about you crazies having any say. With Mitt, I am pretty sure he is horrified with your types. Rightly so.
Bush was inspiring the troops and the country by landing on that aircraft carrier. Not claiming glory for himself but for his country.

Unlike Obama who thinks america is a pile of crap and goes around telling eveyone as such.

You have got to be kidding me. Obama hasn't asked for credit, but you guys are trying to deny him credit. Mitt Romney sucks. You suck. :eusa_shhh: Let the grownups speak.
Either question, mud, is irrevelant, yours and the one before it.

Irrelevant to what?

We're discussing what Obama thinks he did and what Bush thought he did.

It seems to me we have two completely different men.

One, a guy who doesn't believe in beating his own drum and another who can't help doing so.

Obama is rumored to have been scared shit-less during the mission. Photos show this was the case. He was scared. I provided a story that shows he was prepared to do his usual deceptive act and cast blame on the good Admiral if anything went wrong.

Are you saying that he never would have tried that?

Even after watching the lying prick do it time and time again with everything else.

You and everyone else here that's defending Obama claim he would have stood up and said he fucked up?

Am I right in saying that?

If so I think you're a god damned liar.

Bush landed on an aircraft carrier, you fool, and lied about the war.

Obama called the shot, and got the man Bush coukd not.

I don't think you are lying as much as I think you are mentally ill.

I hate to play the race card but really, what else is there at this point? Mudwhistle is now stating that there is no proof that OBL was killed. Do you think he'd even hint at that if any other President was in office, Clinton, Carter, Bush Sr? Bush Jr? No.

He's a very troubled man.


Apparently, we shouldn't kill the leaders of our enemies because it pisses them off. That isn't me saying that; that is Mudwhistle. Yeah, I think he's been deployed too many times.
You have fault memories. I have always stated I was a Republican and I have always stated that I oppose the far right wack weirdo wing nuts. That is what you have forgotten.

I want MR in office without having to worry about you crazies having any say. With Mitt, I am pretty sure he is horrified with your types. Rightly so.

8 Reasons Why Mitt Romney Is More Right-Wing Than George W. Bush

1. Bush passed a huge tax cut plan, mostly benefiting the wealthy. Romney’s tax cut plan is four times larger, more heavily weighted to benefit ultra wealthy.

2. Bush signed the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law. Romney supports repealing virtually all campaign finance laws.

3. Bush supported comprehesive immigration reform, a path to citizenship for 12 million undocumented immigrants and provisions of the DREAM Act. Romney opposes all of it.

4. Bush enacted a historic expansion of Medicare. Romney wants to end Medicare as we know it.

5. Bush signed a substantial increase to the minimum wage. Romney opposes increasing the minimum wage.

6. Bush created higher fuel efficiency standards. Romney says even current standards are too high.

7. Bush acknowledged global warming is caused by humans. Romney says “we don’t know.”

8. Bush lauched one of the biggest land conservation programs in U.S. history. Romney says the federal government owns too much land.
You have fault memories. I have always stated I was a Republican and I have always stated that I oppose the far right wack weirdo wing nuts. That is what you have forgotten.

I want MR in office without having to worry about you crazies having any say. With Mitt, I am pretty sure he is horrified with your types. Rightly so.

You say you're a Repug but all of your talking points come right out of Cloward & Piven.


Irrelevant to what?

We're discussing what Obama thinks he did and what Bush thought he did.

It seems to me we have two completely different men.

One, a guy who doesn't believe in beating his own drum and another who can't help doing so.

Obama is rumored to have been scared shit-less during the mission. Photos show this was the case. He was scared. I provided a story that shows he was prepared to do his usual deceptive act and cast blame on the good Admiral if anything went wrong.

Are you saying that he never would have tried that?

Even after watching the lying prick do it time and time again with everything else.

You and everyone else here that's defending Obama claim he would have stood up and said he fucked up?

Am I right in saying that?

If so I think you're a god damned liar.

Bush landed on an aircraft carrier, you fool, and lied about the war.

Obama called the shot, and got the man Bush coukd not.

I don't think you are lying as much as I think you are mentally ill.

I hate to play the race card but really, what else is there at this point? Mudwhistle is now stating that there is no proof that OBL was killed. Do you think he'd even hint at that if any other President was in office, Clinton, Carter, Bush Sr? Bush Jr? No.

He's a very troubled man.


Apparently, we shouldn't kill the leaders of our enemies because it pisses them off. That isn't me saying that; that is Mudwhistle. Yeah, I think he's been deployed too many times.

We have photos and videos of Saddam and his sons. We have photos of KSM and all of the others at GITMO.

Obama has shown us nothing. Just reports of guys he claims to have killed. No bodies. The only bodies we've seen pics of are nobodies at the Bin Laden compound......but not Bin Laden.

After all of the lies coming from this Administration why should I trust anything this prick says?
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You have fault memories. I have always stated I was a Republican and I have always stated that I oppose the far right wack weirdo wing nuts. That is what you have forgotten.

I want MR in office without having to worry about you crazies having any say. With Mitt, I am pretty sure he is horrified with your types. Rightly so.

8 Reasons Why Mitt Romney Is More Right-Wing Than George W. Bush

1. Bush passed a huge tax cut plan, mostly benefiting the wealthy. Romney’s tax cut plan is four times larger, more heavily weighted to benefit ultra wealthy.

2. Bush signed the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law. Romney supports repealing virtually all campaign finance laws.

3. Bush supported comprehesive immigration reform, a path to citizenship for 12 million undocumented immigrants and provisions of the DREAM Act. Romney opposes all of it.

4. Bush enacted a historic expansion of Medicare. Romney wants to end Medicare as we know it.

5. Bush signed a substantial increase to the minimum wage. Romney opposes increasing the minimum wage.

6. Bush created higher fuel efficiency standards. Romney says even current standards are too high.

7. Bush acknowledged global warming is caused by humans. Romney says “we don’t know.”

8. Bush lauched one of the biggest land conservation programs in U.S. history. Romney says the federal government owns too much land.

Yeah, Bush was the Devil.....the worst SOB ever to inhabit the planet and Mitt Romney is 4 times worse.


Somehow I just don't believe you when you say that.
You have fault memories. I have always stated I was a Republican and I have always stated that I oppose the far right wack weirdo wing nuts. That is what you have forgotten.

I want MR in office without having to worry about you crazies having any say. With Mitt, I am pretty sure he is horrified with your types. Rightly so.

You've always stated it.

And nobody has ever bought it.
You have fault memories. I have always stated I was a Republican and I have always stated that I oppose the far right wack weirdo wing nuts. That is what you have forgotten.

I want MR in office without having to worry about you crazies having any say. With Mitt, I am pretty sure he is horrified with your types. Rightly so.

I told you all that this was why the GOP ran all those crazies against Romney. In comparison, he looks moderate. But don't let the smooth taste fool you. He's as right wing as the rest of them. No different.

But that is why they ran crazy Michelle Bachmann and Rick Santorum and Scumbag Newt and Pervert Cain. Compared to them, Jake thinks Romney is a moderate. :cuckoo:

The GOP plan to sucker your vote is working Jake. Congrats dumbass. You prove the electorate is stupid. :cuckoo:
Bush landed on an aircraft carrier, you fool, and lied about the war.

Obama called the shot, and got the man Bush coukd not.

I don't think you are lying as much as I think you are mentally ill.

I hate to play the race card but really, what else is there at this point? Mudwhistle is now stating that there is no proof that OBL was killed. Do you think he'd even hint at that if any other President was in office, Clinton, Carter, Bush Sr? Bush Jr? No.

He's a very troubled man.


Apparently, we shouldn't kill the leaders of our enemies because it pisses them off. That isn't me saying that; that is Mudwhistle. Yeah, I think he's been deployed too many times.

We have photos and videos of Saddam and his sons. We have photos of KSM and all of the others at GITMO.

Obama has shown us nothing. Just reports of guys he claims to have killed. No bodies. The only bodies we've seen pics of are nobodies at the Bin Laden compound......but not Bin Laden.

After all of the lies coming from this Administration why should I trust anything this prick says?

Watch out for them black choppers. Paulitician can hook you up with a good tin foil guy I'm sure.

Mudwhistle=Conspiracy kook. You're building quite the dossier of moronic tendencies there chappy.
You have fault memories. I have always stated I was a Republican and I have always stated that I oppose the far right wack weirdo wing nuts. That is what you have forgotten.

I want MR in office without having to worry about you crazies having any say. With Mitt, I am pretty sure he is horrified with your types. Rightly so.

I told you all that this was why the GOP ran all those crazies against Romney. In comparison, he looks moderate. But don't let the smooth taste fool you. He's as right wing as the rest of them. No different.

But that is why they ran crazy Michelle Bachmann and Rick Santorum and Scumbag Newt and Pervert Cain. Compared to them, Jake thinks Romney is a moderate. :cuckoo:

The GOP plan to sucker your vote is working Jake. Congrats dumbass. You prove the electorate is stupid. :cuckoo:

Who's they??????

From what I've heard candidates choose to run on their own. Bachmann was caught in a lie, Santorum spent the last month bad-mouthing Romney, and Newt basically dug his own grave. Cain....well, he was never a serious candidate.....and not one of them did I "Run" in the election. It never got to the point were I voted for any of them ether.

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