Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

I hate to play the race card but really, what else is there at this point? Mudwhistle is now stating that there is no proof that OBL was killed. Do you think he'd even hint at that if any other President was in office, Clinton, Carter, Bush Sr? Bush Jr? No.

He's a very troubled man.


Apparently, we shouldn't kill the leaders of our enemies because it pisses them off. That isn't me saying that; that is Mudwhistle. Yeah, I think he's been deployed too many times.

We have photos and videos of Saddam and his sons. We have photos of KSM and all of the others at GITMO.

Obama has shown us nothing. Just reports of guys he claims to have killed. No bodies. The only bodies we've seen pics of are nobodies at the Bin Laden compound......but not Bin Laden.

After all of the lies coming from this Administration why should I trust anything this prick says?

Watch out for them black choppers. Paulitician can hook you up with a good tin foil guy I'm sure.

Mudwhistle=Conspiracy kook. You're building quite the dossier of moronic tendencies there chappy.

It's like an atheist once said to me......"Unless I can see it I don't believe in it".

Obama isn't Jesus. I don't have any faith in him.
We have photos and videos of Saddam and his sons. We have photos of KSM and all of the others at GITMO.

Obama has shown us nothing. Just reports of guys he claims to have killed. No bodies. The only bodies we've seen pics of are nobodies at the Bin Laden compound......but not Bin Laden.

After all of the lies coming from this Administration why should I trust anything this prick says?

Watch out for them black choppers. Paulitician can hook you up with a good tin foil guy I'm sure.

Mudwhistle=Conspiracy kook. You're building quite the dossier of moronic tendencies there chappy.

It's like an atheist once said to me......"Unless I can see it I don't believe in it".

Obama isn't Jesus. I don't have any faith in him.

Setting aside your bitter (or is that birther) mentality just for a wee little second, do you honestly feel that President Obama would risk spinning a yarn of this magnitude? If so--and there isn't any "if" to it at this point pal--you're chops as a political analyst are waaaaaaay overblown. It's not even funny any more with you; it's sad. You, by way of "if I don't see it, I don't believe it", give license to the 9/11 Conspiracy whackjobs too by the way. Since the only litmus test for the 2 is trust; they are on just a firm a ground as you are loser-child.

Watch out for them black choppers. Paulitician can hook you up with a good tin foil guy I'm sure.

Mudwhistle=Conspiracy kook. You're building quite the dossier of moronic tendencies there chappy.

It's like an atheist once said to me......"Unless I can see it I don't believe in it".

Obama isn't Jesus. I don't have any faith in him.

Setting aside your bitter (or is that birther) mentality just for a wee little second, do you honestly feel that President Obama would risk spinning a yarn of this magnitude? If so--and there isn't any "if" to it at this point pal--you're chops as a political analyst are waaaaaaay overblown. It's not even funny any more with you; it's sad. You, by way of "if I don't see it, I don't believe it", give license to the 9/11 Conspiracy whackjobs too by the way. Since the only litmus test for the 2 is trust; they are on just a firm a ground as you are loser-child.


It depends on how much you think Obama is willing to get away with.

If he has done the shit I've been hearing about I think faking killing OBL is just another lie he's been using to get reelected. There is no reason for him not to produce photos, but he refuses to. I'd just like to see them.

I think faking the OBL take down isn't the worst thing he's done. Meeting with our enemies is another one on the list. We already know every statistic he produces is faulty.

His War On Women, the Trayvan Martin scandal, Dirty Air Dirty Water. Just too many lies from this guy. I can't understand why the left keeps believing him.
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45 pages in a few days? I'd say a lot of people believe that Obama is politicizing UBL and a lot of people are desperate to pretend otherwise.
45 pages in a few days? I'd say a lot of people believe that Obama is politicizing UBL and a lot of people are desperate to pretend otherwise.

With his "nod," the President authorized our guys to take out that motherfucker, bin Laden.

If that is a very good thing (and it is) then I am ok with the President citing it as part of his record.

He is running away from most of his record. But citing that part of his record makes sense. I don't begrudge him that.
He isn't running from anything, Pub dupe.

No compromise, "un-American" GOP (TIME) have caused any and all problems, dimwit. A disaster.
45 pages in a few days? I'd say a lot of people believe that Obama is politicizing UBL and a lot of people are desperate to pretend otherwise.

With his "nod," the President authorized our guys to take out that motherfucker, bin Laden.

If that is a very good thing (and it is) then I am ok with the President citing it as part of his record.

He is running away from most of his record. But citing that part of his record makes sense. I don't begrudge him that.

Well, first I'd like to see the proof.

I remember when Defense was considered his weakest point. Now because of a little nod he's supposed to be a warrior and a foreign policy genius....nether is close to being true.

It simply doesn't fit anything else this man has done. I think he is capable of doing anything imaginable to get reelected, including attempt to use this mission to make himself look like something he's not and make Mitt Romney look like a pacifist in comparison. The fact that they would claim Romney wouldn't make the same decision tells me this fucker isn't trustworthy on this matter.
He isn't running from anything, Pub dupe.

No compromise, "un-American" GOP (TIME) have caused any and all problems, dimwit. A disaster.

Hey, FroggyTub:

The Asswipe incumbent is running from his record.

Perfectly understandable.

By the way, did you realize that your post was unintelligible gibberish?

It's a fact, you meaningless partisan hack drone piece of crap.

He isn't running from anything, Pub dupe.

No compromise, "un-American" GOP (TIME) have caused any and all problems, dimwit. A disaster.

Hey, FroggyTub:

The Asswipe incumbent is running from his record.

Perfectly understandable.

By the way, did you realize that your post was unintelligible gibberish?

It's a fact, you meaningless partisan hack drone piece of crap.


I finally decided to put him on ignore because it seems he's high all of the time.

Total waste of bandwidth.
I agreed with bush. One person was not the problem he should have been concerned with. His comment was absolutely right. Our military was in combat with thousands of terrorist and that was the priority concern. Bush was absolutely right.
As for osama.....yes obama gave the nod to go forward, but obama doesn't get the credit for killing osama in any way. Good grief, the credit goes to the navy seals and those who actually did the work in locating osama and killing him, not obama.
Of course obama is going to use this to make himself look like he accomplished something........lol
I agreed with bush. One person was not the problem he should have been concerned with. His comment was absolutely right. Our military was in combat with thousands of terrorist and that was the priority concern. Bush was absolutely right.
As for osama.....yes obama gave the nod to go forward, but obama doesn't get the credit for killing osama in any way. Good grief, the credit goes to the navy seals and those who actually did the work in locating osama and killing him, not obama.
Of course obama is going to use this to make himself look like he accomplished something........lol

It wasn't that Bush gave up on the search for OBL, but he diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq.
Obama spoke against invading Iraq from the beginning, Obama campaigned on getting out of Iraq and refocusing on the war on terror, Obama increased drone strikes on terrorist targets.......Obama got Bin Laden
I agreed with bush. One person was not the problem he should have been concerned with. His comment was absolutely right. Our military was in combat with thousands of terrorist and that was the priority concern. Bush was absolutely right.
As for osama.....yes obama gave the nod to go forward, but obama doesn't get the credit for killing osama in any way. Good grief, the credit goes to the navy seals and those who actually did the work in locating osama and killing him, not obama.
Of course obama is going to use this to make himself look like he accomplished something........lol

It wasn't that Bush gave up on the search for OBL, but he diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq.
Obama spoke against invading Iraq from the beginning, Obama campaigned on getting out of Iraq and refocusing on the war on terror, Obama increased drone strikes on terrorist targets.......Obama got Bin Laden

Actually..yeah..it was that Bush gave up on the search for OBL. It didn't suit the agenda..which was to attack Iraq. And Bush was surprisingly nasty to the intelligence community given that his father was quite the opposite. Bush had no problem whatsoever breaking up CIA groups, hanging the director out to dry..or outting agents. It was the CIA that told him not to mention the Aluminium pipes in his state of the union..which..famously..he chose to ignore.
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It's like an atheist once said to me......"Unless I can see it I don't believe in it".

Obama isn't Jesus. I don't have any faith in him.

Setting aside your bitter (or is that birther) mentality just for a wee little second, do you honestly feel that President Obama would risk spinning a yarn of this magnitude? If so--and there isn't any "if" to it at this point pal--you're chops as a political analyst are waaaaaaay overblown. It's not even funny any more with you; it's sad. You, by way of "if I don't see it, I don't believe it", give license to the 9/11 Conspiracy whackjobs too by the way. Since the only litmus test for the 2 is trust; they are on just a firm a ground as you are loser-child.


It depends on how much you think Obama is willing to get away with.

If he has done the shit I've been hearing about I think faking killing OBL is just another lie he's been using to get reelected. There is no reason for him not to produce photos, but he refuses to. I'd just like to see them.

I think faking the OBL take down isn't the worst thing he's done. Meeting with our enemies is another one on the list. We already know every statistic he produces is faulty.

His War On Women, the Trayvan Martin scandal, Dirty Air Dirty Water. Just too many lies from this guy. I can't understand why the left keeps believing him.

Oh..so now he's faking the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

Do tell..moon landing fake too? Elvis hanging out with Jim Morrison?
I agreed with bush. One person was not the problem he should have been concerned with. His comment was absolutely right. Our military was in combat with thousands of terrorist and that was the priority concern. Bush was absolutely right.
As for osama.....yes obama gave the nod to go forward, but obama doesn't get the credit for killing osama in any way. Good grief, the credit goes to the navy seals and those who actually did the work in locating osama and killing him, not obama.
Of course obama is going to use this to make himself look like he accomplished something........lol

It wasn't that Bush gave up on the search for OBL, but he diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq.
Obama spoke against invading Iraq from the beginning, Obama campaigned on getting out of Iraq and refocusing on the war on terror, Obama increased drone strikes on terrorist targets.......Obama got Bin Laden

If McCain had won he would have got him.

You've got this crazy impression that our military is only capable of one mission at a time.

Iraq was just another front on the war. Once we started the invasion it kept al Qaeda tied up fighting over there and it pulled nearly all of their assets into the insurgency. The threat of terrorism here in our country decreased simply because the enemy didn't have the money to buy tickets and pay their intel guys to fly around the US looking for soft targets.

Also, it brought us to Iran's doorstep. Thanks to Obama, that advantage evaporated.
I agreed with bush. One person was not the problem he should have been concerned with. His comment was absolutely right. Our military was in combat with thousands of terrorist and that was the priority concern. Bush was absolutely right.
As for osama.....yes obama gave the nod to go forward, but obama doesn't get the credit for killing osama in any way. Good grief, the credit goes to the navy seals and those who actually did the work in locating osama and killing him, not obama.
Of course obama is going to use this to make himself look like he accomplished something........lol

It wasn't that Bush gave up on the search for OBL, but he diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq.
Obama spoke against invading Iraq from the beginning, Obama campaigned on getting out of Iraq and refocusing on the war on terror, Obama increased drone strikes on terrorist targets.......Obama got Bin Laden

Actually..yeah..it was that Bush gave up on the search for OBL. It didn't suit the agenda..which was to attack Iraq. And Bush was surprisingly nasty to the intelligence community given that his father was quite the opposite. Bush had no problem whatsoever breaking up CIA groups, hanging the director out to dry..or outting agents. It was the CIA that told him not to mention the Aluminium pipes in his state of the union..which..famously..he chose to ignore.

In reality, if Bush had killed/captured Osama bin Laden in Tora Bora in late 2002 he never could have convinced Americans that he needed to invade Iraq

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