Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

I agreed with bush. One person was not the problem he should have been concerned with. His comment was absolutely right. Our military was in combat with thousands of terrorist and that was the priority concern. Bush was absolutely right.
As for osama.....yes obama gave the nod to go forward, but obama doesn't get the credit for killing osama in any way. Good grief, the credit goes to the navy seals and those who actually did the work in locating osama and killing him, not obama.
Of course obama is going to use this to make himself look like he accomplished something........lol

It wasn't that Bush gave up on the search for OBL, but he diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq.
Obama spoke against invading Iraq from the beginning, Obama campaigned on getting out of Iraq and refocusing on the war on terror, Obama increased drone strikes on terrorist targets.......Obama got Bin Laden

Actually..yeah..it was that Bush gave up on the search for OBL. It didn't suit the agenda..which was to attack Iraq. And Bush was surprisingly nasty to the intelligence community given that his father was quite the opposite. Bush had no problem whatsoever breaking up CIA groups, hanging the director out to dry..or outting agents. It was the CIA that told him not to mention the Aluminium pipes in his state of the union..which..famously..he chose to ignore.

After 8 years of Clinton there a lot of his appointees still in the CIA. Bush should have cleared them out, but he didn't, so he paid a price for being a nice guy.

Obama made a mistake bringing in Clinton people because they seem to always cause truoble for him. The reason he did was cuz he doesn't know how to do the job. He deligates almost everything.

Columbia is Clinton's backyard. This Secret Service mess is partly Hillary's doing. The only blame I can give Obama for it is not putting the right people in charge. Hillary cannot be trusted. She's constantly screwing him.
Mud, shut up for heavens sake. You are making a Dem president look strong on national security and the GOP candidate look weak. Shut up.
It wasn't that Bush gave up on the search for OBL, but he diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq.
Obama spoke against invading Iraq from the beginning, Obama campaigned on getting out of Iraq and refocusing on the war on terror, Obama increased drone strikes on terrorist targets.......Obama got Bin Laden

Actually..yeah..it was that Bush gave up on the search for OBL. It didn't suit the agenda..which was to attack Iraq. And Bush was surprisingly nasty to the intelligence community given that his father was quite the opposite. Bush had no problem whatsoever breaking up CIA groups, hanging the director out to dry..or outting agents. It was the CIA that told him not to mention the Aluminium pipes in his state of the union..which..famously..he chose to ignore.

After 8 years of Clinton there a lot of his appointees still in the CIA. Bush should have cleared them out, but he didn't, so he paid a price for being a nice guy.

Obama made a mistake bringing in Clinton people because they seem to always cause truoble for him. The reason he did was cuz he doesn't know how to do the job. He deligates almost everything.

Columbia is Clinton's backyard. This Secret Service mess is partly Hillary's doing. The only blame I can give Obama for it is not putting the right people in charge. Hillary cannot be trusted. She's constantly screwing him.

Oh bullshit.

Many of those people were there since Reagan/Bush. And Clinton was the first to recognize that Bin Laden was a problem. It was the Republican congress that blocked him at every turn. And when Bush came to town, he wanted nothing to do with fighting terrorists or "swatting mosquitoes" as he called it. He had bigger fish to fry. He wanted to piss off China and Russia.

Good job boys!

It wasn't that Bush gave up on the search for OBL, but he diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq.
Obama spoke against invading Iraq from the beginning, Obama campaigned on getting out of Iraq and refocusing on the war on terror, Obama increased drone strikes on terrorist targets.......Obama got Bin Laden

Actually..yeah..it was that Bush gave up on the search for OBL. It didn't suit the agenda..which was to attack Iraq. And Bush was surprisingly nasty to the intelligence community given that his father was quite the opposite. Bush had no problem whatsoever breaking up CIA groups, hanging the director out to dry..or outting agents. It was the CIA that told him not to mention the Aluminium pipes in his state of the union..which..famously..he chose to ignore.

After 8 years of Clinton there a lot of his appointees still in the CIA. Bush should have cleared them out, but he didn't, so he paid a price for being a nice guy.

Obama made a mistake bringing in Clinton people because they seem to always cause truoble for him. The reason he did was cuz he doesn't know how to do the job. He deligates almost everything.

Columbia is Clinton's backyard. This Secret Service mess is partly Hillary's doing. The only blame I can give Obama for it is not putting the right people in charge. Hillary cannot be trusted. She's constantly screwing him.

Complete Bullshit

It was Clinton who understood the threat of terrorism and emphasized antiterrorism. It was Bush who disbanded and downgraded the antiterrorism group. Bush did not even meet his leading Al Qaida advisors until right before 9-11.
Bushs emphasis in 2001 was reenstating the Star Wars defense system. Terrorism was off his radar
It wasn't that Bush gave up on the search for OBL, but he diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq.
Obama spoke against invading Iraq from the beginning, Obama campaigned on getting out of Iraq and refocusing on the war on terror, Obama increased drone strikes on terrorist targets.......Obama got Bin Laden

Actually..yeah..it was that Bush gave up on the search for OBL. It didn't suit the agenda..which was to attack Iraq. And Bush was surprisingly nasty to the intelligence community given that his father was quite the opposite. Bush had no problem whatsoever breaking up CIA groups, hanging the director out to dry..or outting agents. It was the CIA that told him not to mention the Aluminium pipes in his state of the union..which..famously..he chose to ignore.

In reality, if Bush had killed/captured Osama bin Laden in Tora Bora in late 2002 he never could have convinced Americans that he needed to invade Iraq

I think if we had got him the Dems would have said the threat was over when in fact bin laden was the tip of the iceberg, to use an overworn expression. Democrats would have screamed for the end of hostilities, then screamed that Bush gave up on the war once al Qaeda attacked again. Liars don't need truth to make a case.
Actually..yeah..it was that Bush gave up on the search for OBL. It didn't suit the agenda..which was to attack Iraq. And Bush was surprisingly nasty to the intelligence community given that his father was quite the opposite. Bush had no problem whatsoever breaking up CIA groups, hanging the director out to dry..or outting agents. It was the CIA that told him not to mention the Aluminium pipes in his state of the union..which..famously..he chose to ignore.

In reality, if Bush had killed/captured Osama bin Laden in Tora Bora in late 2002 he never could have convinced Americans that he needed to invade Iraq

I think if we had got him the Dems would have said the threat was over when in fact bin laden was the tip of the iceberg, to use an overworn expression. Democrats would have screamed for the end of hostilities, then screamed that Bush gave up on the war once al Qaeda attacked again. Liars don't need truth to make a case.

You bet your ass Dems would have said that. No way Bush could have played the GWOT and WMD card if bin Laden had been killed.
Would have saved 5000 American lives and not destroyed our economy.
Disagree, RW. The neo-cons led by Cheney would have had their puppet Bush lead the charge to the Euphrates anyway. They would not listen to the minority on the right and center of the party (Army, Gingrich, Will, Powell) that this would lead to disaster for America.
I agreed with bush. One person was not the problem he should have been concerned with. His comment was absolutely right. Our military was in combat with thousands of terrorist and that was the priority concern. Bush was absolutely right.
As for osama.....yes obama gave the nod to go forward, but obama doesn't get the credit for killing osama in any way. Good grief, the credit goes to the navy seals and those who actually did the work in locating osama and killing him, not obama.
Of course obama is going to use this to make himself look like he accomplished something........lol

It wasn't that Bush gave up on the search for OBL, but he diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq.
Obama spoke against invading Iraq from the beginning, Obama campaigned on getting out of Iraq and refocusing on the war on terror, Obama increased drone strikes on terrorist targets.......Obama got Bin Laden

All true as far as it goes. I do think Bush deserves some credit for the takedown err...I'm sorry...the ALLEGED takedown right muddy? If Obama had just came into office in 09 and Bush hadn't gone into Afghanistan, no way he would have found OBL that quickly. It can be reasoned that Iraq diverted attention away from OBL very easily and correctly.
Mud, shut up for heavens sake. You are making a Dem president look strong on national security and the GOP candidate look weak. Shut up.

He should have shut up a long time ago. His fellow righties are cringing at the conspiracy kook shenanigans.

Not all righties are like Mud, but darn, I wish he would shut up. I live in Republicanville, and they don't like the president's "nod" on Obama denigrated. I am hearing it daily. The independents and moderates are beginning to look mulish on the issue.

This should be nothing about the economy, nothing but . . .
Actually..yeah..it was that Bush gave up on the search for OBL. It didn't suit the agenda..which was to attack Iraq. And Bush was surprisingly nasty to the intelligence community given that his father was quite the opposite. Bush had no problem whatsoever breaking up CIA groups, hanging the director out to dry..or outting agents. It was the CIA that told him not to mention the Aluminium pipes in his state of the union..which..famously..he chose to ignore.

After 8 years of Clinton there a lot of his appointees still in the CIA. Bush should have cleared them out, but he didn't, so he paid a price for being a nice guy.

Obama made a mistake bringing in Clinton people because they seem to always cause truoble for him. The reason he did was cuz he doesn't know how to do the job. He deligates almost everything.

Columbia is Clinton's backyard. This Secret Service mess is partly Hillary's doing. The only blame I can give Obama for it is not putting the right people in charge. Hillary cannot be trusted. She's constantly screwing him.

Complete Bullshit

It was Clinton who understood the threat of terrorism and emphasized antiterrorism. It was Bush who disbanded and downgraded the antiterrorism group. Bush did not even meet his leading Al Qaida advisors until right before 9-11.
Bushs emphasis in 2001 was reenstating the Star Wars defense system. Terrorism was off his radar

Right again. You'll note the lack of attention to the PDF on 8/6. Now I don't think I would have reacted any differently since there had never been such an attack here but this case that somehow Bush was ready to throw down on January 20 2001, is as you said; complete bullshit.
Mitt Romney was for invading Iraq.

Barack Obama was able to kill Osama bin Laden with a nod of his head.

Funny..he was into Vietnam too..a war he chose to sit out in the dangerous wilds of France.

So Bubba shouldn't have gone to the UK for school as well?

You deserve a shot in the groin for that worthless comment.

Mitt must have been living it up. He with his magic-underwear and not being able to drink. Having to wear a suit and tie every waking hour. Knocking on doors and being told "Fuck-off American".
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I agreed with bush. One person was not the problem he should have been concerned with. His comment was absolutely right. Our military was in combat with thousands of terrorist and that was the priority concern. Bush was absolutely right.
As for osama.....yes obama gave the nod to go forward, but obama doesn't get the credit for killing osama in any way. Good grief, the credit goes to the navy seals and those who actually did the work in locating osama and killing him, not obama.
Of course obama is going to use this to make himself look like he accomplished something........lol

So, has any President ever deserved credit (or blame) for what his military did? If so, why does Obama not get any credit for this operation?
He isn't running from anything, Pub dupe.

No compromise, "un-American" GOP (TIME) have caused any and all problems, dimwit. A disaster.

Hey, FroggyTub:

The Asswipe incumbent is running from his record.

Perfectly understandable.

By the way, did you realize that your post was unintelligible gibberish?

It's a fact, you meaningless partisan hack drone piece of crap.


Go suck some Koch. It'll bring out your feminine side.
It wasn't that Bush gave up on the search for OBL, but he diverted the war on terror to invade Iraq.
Obama spoke against invading Iraq from the beginning, Obama campaigned on getting out of Iraq and refocusing on the war on terror, Obama increased drone strikes on terrorist targets.......Obama got Bin Laden

Actually..yeah..it was that Bush gave up on the search for OBL. It didn't suit the agenda..which was to attack Iraq. And Bush was surprisingly nasty to the intelligence community given that his father was quite the opposite. Bush had no problem whatsoever breaking up CIA groups, hanging the director out to dry..or outting agents. It was the CIA that told him not to mention the Aluminium pipes in his state of the union..which..famously..he chose to ignore.

After 8 years of Clinton there a lot of his appointees still in the CIA. Bush should have cleared them out, but he didn't, so he paid a price for being a nice guy.

Obama made a mistake bringing in Clinton people because they seem to always cause truoble for him. The reason he did was cuz he doesn't know how to do the job. He deligates almost everything.

Columbia is Clinton's backyard. This Secret Service mess is partly Hillary's doing. The only blame I can give Obama for it is not putting the right people in charge. Hillary cannot be trusted. She's constantly screwing him.

Yo, PudWhistler, you DO realize that the Secret Service director who is implicated in the scandal in Columbia was actually appointed under Jr.?

And, if you want to talk about "mistakes" from previous admins, guess what? Most of the people in Romney's camp are the same ones that were in Jr.'s administration as well.

Oh.............and wasn't it Romney who said it wasn't worth moving Heaven and earth to get one man?

The original quote came from an April 2007 interview with the Associated Press. Romney said in that interview he backs a broad strategy to defeat Islamic jihadists and that it's "not worth moving heaven and earth" for one person. Romney said catching bin Laden would make the country safer by a "small percentage" -- he added, a "very insignificant increase in safety." Romney's argument was that somebody else would replace bin Laden at the helm of Al Qaeda.

None other than Sen. John McCain, the 2008 GOP nominee who is now defending Romney on the issue, criticized him for the April 2007 statement.

Read more: Obama campaign's bin Laden ad omits Romney clarification on key quote | Fox News

Oh..............and the article is from a news site you'll trust........Fox News.

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