Obama's Involvement In Bin Laden Takedown Was Simply A Nod

We wanted to end the threat.....but plenty got killed in the process. However he did capture and kill 70% of their leadership.

Right now Obama is bragging that he got 60%.

Seems his math is fuzzy again.....even in this.

70% is more than 60%......unless you're the one controlling the counting.

New leaders take the place of the dead mud; let's hope OBL is not replaced.

I've already posted proof that bin laden was replaced soon after by his #2 man.

An Egyptian doctor Ayman al-Zawahiri who was often pictured with him.....and is a current member of the Muslim Brotherhood......same group Obama is friends with.

Funny, he was reported to be under arrest in Iran in 2002.

Seems he wasn't under arrest after all.

9:19 a.m. PDT, June 16, 2011
WASHINGTON -- Ayman al-Zawahiri, the longtime deputy to Osama bin Laden, will take over leadership of al Qaeda, according to a statement posted on several jihadist websites Thursday.

"Hereby the General Command of the Qaeda al-Jihad -- and after the end of the consultations -- we declare that Sheikh Dr. Abu Muhammad Ayman al-Zawahiri (may God bless him) will take over the responsibility of command of the group," the statement said, attributed to al Qaeda's "general command."

It cited bin Laden's "martyrdom" and prayed "to the Almighty to raise him to his heavens and reward him for his good deeds for us and the Islamic nation."

Osama Bin Laden Successor: Al Qaeda No.2 Zawahiri Named bin Laden Successor - ktla.com

I remember the arrest being reported also; he may be NAMED as a replacement, but he may not inspire as OBL did.
You seem to think Bush was interested in killing terrorists.

We wanted to end the threat.....but plenty got killed in the process. However he did capture and kill 70% of their leadership.

Right now Obama is bragging that he got 60%.

Seems his math is fuzzy again.....even in this.

70% is more than 60%......unless you're the one controlling the counting.

Well..no he didn't.

What Bush did was to kill Iraqis..and call the terrorists.

Got any proof of that fuckwad??
New leaders take the place of the dead mud; let's hope OBL is not replaced.

I've already posted proof that bin laden was replaced soon after by his #2 man.

An Egyptian doctor Ayman al-Zawahiri who was often pictured with him.....and is a current member of the Muslim Brotherhood......same group Obama is friends with.

Funny, he was reported to be under arrest in Iran in 2002.

Seems he wasn't under arrest after all.

9:19 a.m. PDT, June 16, 2011
WASHINGTON -- Ayman al-Zawahiri, the longtime deputy to Osama bin Laden, will take over leadership of al Qaeda, according to a statement posted on several jihadist websites Thursday.

"Hereby the General Command of the Qaeda al-Jihad -- and after the end of the consultations -- we declare that Sheikh Dr. Abu Muhammad Ayman al-Zawahiri (may God bless him) will take over the responsibility of command of the group," the statement said, attributed to al Qaeda's "general command."

It cited bin Laden's "martyrdom" and prayed "to the Almighty to raise him to his heavens and reward him for his good deeds for us and the Islamic nation."

Osama Bin Laden Successor: Al Qaeda No.2 Zawahiri Named bin Laden Successor - ktla.com

I remember the arrest being reported also; he may be NAMED as a replacement, but he may not inspire as OBL did.

Then again he was considered the brains. Seems OBL had the money. His Daddy was a rich Saudi contractor.

I think these Islamists will follow anyone that shows they have the right stuff.

They tend to look up to someone that spent so much time with their hero.....sort of the way the look up to Jessie Jackson after his time with MLK.
The lengths that Obama supporters will go to to avoid the truth is pretty pathetic.

Like they simply have no minds of their own anymore.


...says one of the top conservative fluffers on the board :rolleyes: :lol:
I've already posted proof that bin laden was replaced soon after by his #2 man.

An Egyptian doctor Ayman al-Zawahiri who was often pictured with him.....and is a current member of the Muslim Brotherhood......same group Obama is friends with.

Funny, he was reported to be under arrest in Iran in 2002.

Seems he wasn't under arrest after all.

I remember the arrest being reported also; he may be NAMED as a replacement, but he may not inspire as OBL did.

Then again he was considered the brains. Seems OBL had the money. His Daddy was a rich Saudi contractor.

I think these Islamists will follow anyone that shows they have the right stuff.

They tend to look up to someone that spent so much time with their hero.....sort of the way the look up to Jessie Jackson after his time with MLK.

There may be infighting, as many will want to be the NEXT OBL.
I'm dealing with fucken idiots. lol

Did Bush celebrate the one year anniversary of Saddam's capture?

Did he do anything to brag about how great he was in capturing Saddam. He could have used it to get reelected but he didn't.

Iraqis thought a better life was at hand when Saddam Hussein's regime fell in April 2003, but after nine years of violence and suffering, many are still waiting for their dreams to be realised.

Iraq still faces major shortages in basic services such as electricity and water, the UN says some 1.3 million Iraqis are internally displaced, and though violence is down from its peak in 2006-2007, attacks remain common.

On April 9, 2003, US forces used an armoured vehicle to pull down a giant statue of Saddam in Al-Fardos Square in central Baghdad -- an image shown around the world that became a symbol of the end of the dictator's regime.

That wasn't propoganda. :eusa_liar:

And I'm reading this bullshit article that is all a lie. One year after the hanging of Saddam things in Iraq are calm? Bullshit! Baghdad calm one year after Saddam's death - Telegraph

And don't you remember "the surge worked"? Well if it worked, why didn't we get out of Iraq?

And what re-election could Bush have won? They killed Saddam in December 2006. Bush already won re election in 2004. Actually stole Ohio from Kerry, but that's another story for another day.

You're ranting now.

The surge worked yet we still had commitments.

Up until a few years ago we were still in Germany, how many years after WWII????

Guess you forgot that.

The goal was never to win the war and just pull out. Now we have to refight the damned thing because all of our gains are being lost, thanks to that prick Obama pulling the rug out from under Iraq.

Well figure the odds on that ever happening.

Now Iran is gaining a foothold in Iraq.

You do realize that if Saddam hadn't been removed, Iran and the terrorists wouldn't be there? Saddam didn't like competition and killed anyone that tried. Yeah, he was a bad man and a dictatorial ruler, but the Taliban stayed out of his country while he was ruling.

And by the way PudWhistler, you might wanna re-think Obama's commitment to getting Bin Laden. Why? After 2 years, Jr. said he didn't care about him anymore and that he wasn't a threat any longer.

After 2 years of Obama? He was buried at the bottom of the ocean.
We wanted to end the threat.....but plenty got killed in the process. However he did capture and kill 70% of their leadership.

Right now Obama is bragging that he got 60%.

Seems his math is fuzzy again.....even in this.

70% is more than 60%......unless you're the one controlling the counting.

Well..no he didn't.

What Bush did was to kill Iraqis..and call the terrorists.

Got any proof of that fuckwad??

What proof do you need?

Iraqi was invaded.

And no reason for it.

I will continue to blissfully criticize President Obama for ALMOST all the things he does and says. I continue to maintain that he needs to be booted out of Office on Election Day.

But I do NOT understand why anybody finds it necessary to criticize him for the few things he has done RIGHT.

He DID authorize the action against bin Laden. Osama bin Laden is now whale shit somewhere.

I happily offer my props to the President for that "nod."

I think our criticism should focus on the many other things he does which actually do warrant criticism.
I will continue to blissfully criticize President Obama for ALMOST all the things he does and says. I continue to maintain that he needs to be booted out of Office on Election Day.

But I do NOT understand why anybody finds it necessary to criticize him for the few things he has done RIGHT.

He DID authorize the action against bin Laden. Osama bin Laden is now whale shit somewhere.

I happily offer my props to the President for that "nod."

I think our criticism should focus on the many other things he does which actually do warrant criticism.

Probably one of the most intelligent posts on this thread. I'd rep ya Liability, but I've gotta spread some around.
Iraqis thought a better life was at hand when Saddam Hussein's regime fell in April 2003, but after nine years of violence and suffering, many are still waiting for their dreams to be realised.

Iraq still faces major shortages in basic services such as electricity and water, the UN says some 1.3 million Iraqis are internally displaced, and though violence is down from its peak in 2006-2007, attacks remain common.

On April 9, 2003, US forces used an armoured vehicle to pull down a giant statue of Saddam in Al-Fardos Square in central Baghdad -- an image shown around the world that became a symbol of the end of the dictator's regime.

That wasn't propoganda. :eusa_liar:

And I'm reading this bullshit article that is all a lie. One year after the hanging of Saddam things in Iraq are calm? Bullshit! Baghdad calm one year after Saddam's death - Telegraph

And don't you remember "the surge worked"? Well if it worked, why didn't we get out of Iraq?

And what re-election could Bush have won? They killed Saddam in December 2006. Bush already won re election in 2004. Actually stole Ohio from Kerry, but that's another story for another day.

You're ranting now.

The surge worked yet we still had commitments.

Up until a few years ago we were still in Germany, how many years after WWII????

Guess you forgot that.

The goal was never to win the war and just pull out. Now we have to refight the damned thing because all of our gains are being lost, thanks to that prick Obama pulling the rug out from under Iraq.

Well figure the odds on that ever happening.

Now Iran is gaining a foothold in Iraq.

You do realize that if Saddam hadn't been removed, Iran and the terrorists wouldn't be there? Saddam didn't like competition and killed anyone that tried. Yeah, he was a bad man and a dictatorial ruler, but the Taliban stayed out of his country while he was ruling.

And by the way PudWhistler, you might wanna re-think Obama's commitment to getting Bin Laden. Why? After 2 years, Jr. said he didn't care about him anymore and that he wasn't a threat any longer.

After 2 years of Obama? He was buried at the bottom of the ocean.

Well since we aren't there anymore they are now.

And don't you think the same thing has happened in Egypt, and Libya????

Oh, I think you're confusing Afghanistan with Iraq. The Taliban are in Afghanistan and Pakistan, not Iraq. The Kurds, Sunnis, and Shiites are in Iraq.
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I will continue to blissfully criticize President Obama for ALMOST all the things he does and says. I continue to maintain that he needs to be booted out of Office on Election Day.

But I do NOT understand why anybody finds it necessary to criticize him for the few things he has done RIGHT.

He DID authorize the action against bin Laden. Osama bin Laden is now whale shit somewhere.

I happily offer my props to the President for that "nod."

I think our criticism should focus on the many other things he does which actually do warrant criticism.

Fair enough!
Listen........your lack of knowledge is glaring.

After more than a year at sea you want those sailors to come in from boinking their wives and gfs so Bush can give them a pep-talk.

Are you fucken retarded or something?????

Jesus, you're just getting more insane wit every post.

Gee, your lack of knowledge is astounding....if you're a sailor who spent a year at sea; you should probably get preference over being a prop in a politician's photo op. I would think to a man, you would get 100% of the vote in favor of having relations with their wives and seeing their children as opposed to being a prop in a photo op. Are you now going to deny it was a photo op too in your quest to defend this silliness? Bush could have given the speech from anywhere in the world; thanked the sailors after they're back on duty, etc...

Wait a minute. You just said he should have waited a day and walked on the ship to give his congrats. Now you're saying that sailors should probably get preference over being a prop in a politicians' photo-op.

Which is it numb-nuts?????

Now, along with your judgment, your reading comprehension has left the building. Try again. The soldier's wishes should take precedent over being made a prop in a photo opportunity in my view. Had Obama delayed a liberty to make a speech and basically hold sailors on duty for nearly 18 months hostage so he can get a photo taken of himself in a flight suit; what would you be saying about now? Be honest if you can still muster up any honesty. Liability can lend you some since you seem to be all out of it.
And he could have walked onto the carrier the next day instead of wearing a flight suit and landing--at taxpayer's expense--on the carrier and giving that ridiculous speech 9 years too early as it turns out and, oh yeah...by the way...a job he didn't finish.

Has any President ever done anything worthy of getting credit for what his military did. Stop being a little bitch for once and answer the question lady.

I guess since you won't answer, I'll answer for you.


"Only certain presidents get credit. Ones I hate personally do not."

Dude.....your questions don't take preference over my own personal activities.

If it's a choice between taking a shit and answering your stupid questions I'd rather take a shit.

Yes, you must prepare dinner later on. Happy fishing. Still not man enough to answer the question. I guess the difference is the white presidents get credit, eh muddy?
You're ranting now.

The surge worked yet we still had commitments.

Up until a few years ago we were still in Germany, how many years after WWII????

Guess you forgot that.

The goal was never to win the war and just pull out. Now we have to refight the damned thing because all of our gains are being lost, thanks to that prick Obama pulling the rug out from under Iraq.

Well figure the odds on that ever happening.

Now Iran is gaining a foothold in Iraq.

You do realize that if Saddam hadn't been removed, Iran and the terrorists wouldn't be there? Saddam didn't like competition and killed anyone that tried. Yeah, he was a bad man and a dictatorial ruler, but the Taliban stayed out of his country while he was ruling.

And by the way PudWhistler, you might wanna re-think Obama's commitment to getting Bin Laden. Why? After 2 years, Jr. said he didn't care about him anymore and that he wasn't a threat any longer.

After 2 years of Obama? He was buried at the bottom of the ocean.

Well since we aren't there anymore they are now.

And don't you think the same thing has happened in Egypt, and Libya????

Oh, I think you're confusing Afghanistan with Iraq. The Taliban are in Afghanistan and Pakistan, not Iraq. The Kurds, Sunnis, and Shiites are in Iraq.

You're the one who's confused. Al Qaeda's infiltration into Iraq happened after Saddam was removed.
Jesus, you're just getting more insane wit every post.

Gee, your lack of knowledge is astounding....if you're a sailor who spent a year at sea; you should probably get preference over being a prop in a politician's photo op. I would think to a man, you would get 100% of the vote in favor of having relations with their wives and seeing their children as opposed to being a prop in a photo op. Are you now going to deny it was a photo op too in your quest to defend this silliness? Bush could have given the speech from anywhere in the world; thanked the sailors after they're back on duty, etc...

Wait a minute. You just said he should have waited a day and walked on the ship to give his congrats. Now you're saying that sailors should probably get preference over being a prop in a politicians' photo-op.

Which is it numb-nuts?????

Now, along with your judgment, your reading comprehension has left the building. Try again. The soldier's wishes should take precedent over being made a prop in a photo opportunity in my view. Had Obama delayed a liberty to make a speech and basically hold sailors on duty for nearly 18 months hostage so he can get a photo taken of himself in a flight suit; what would you be saying about now? Be honest if you can still muster up any honesty. Liability can lend you some since you seem to be all out of it.

Bush didn't delay them. I spent 5 years in the Navy. I was stationed on an Aircraft Carrier. We started heading in early in the morning but the soonest we left the ship was in the late afternoon. All Bush did was land out at sea, spend a few hours with the crew and flew off in a chopper. It didn't delay them much at all. They were with their families later that day.

I've deployed too many times to count and I know the drill. Getting a visit from the president is a special event. I'm sure the crew appreciated it.

Had Bush been the one, the GOP would still be screaming from the mountaintops, pounding their chest, shouting "Bush! Bush! USA! USA!". I'd love to see a denial of THAT. The President is like the quarterback; he gets the blame and the credit. Too bad.


You forgot to add, that Bush wouldn't have just nodded, he would have put on his camo's, flown over to Pakistan, got his flame thrower, and shot the prick himself. Then he would have flown back to the aircraft carrier, where there would already be a banner saying Mission Accomplished!

"Bin Laden was the founder and spiritual leader of al-Qaeda and orchestrated not only the Sept. 11 attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans, but also other attacks. Yet the principal strength of al-Qaeda is that it is designed to operate without a central leader, experts say."

Year after bin Laden's death: Al-Qaeda 'far from defeated'

Ooo ouch! All your hard work finding youtubes was pointless just like Bush said about bin laden.
Bush was inspiring the troops and the country by landing on that aircraft carrier. Not claiming glory for himself but for his country.

Unlike Obama who thinks america is a pile of crap and goes around telling eveyone as such.
You do realize that if Saddam hadn't been removed, Iran and the terrorists wouldn't be there? Saddam didn't like competition and killed anyone that tried. Yeah, he was a bad man and a dictatorial ruler, but the Taliban stayed out of his country while he was ruling.

And by the way PudWhistler, you might wanna re-think Obama's commitment to getting Bin Laden. Why? After 2 years, Jr. said he didn't care about him anymore and that he wasn't a threat any longer.

After 2 years of Obama? He was buried at the bottom of the ocean.

Well since we aren't there anymore they are now.

And don't you think the same thing has happened in Egypt, and Libya????

Oh, I think you're confusing Afghanistan with Iraq. The Taliban are in Afghanistan and Pakistan, not Iraq. The Kurds, Sunnis, and Shiites are in Iraq.

You're the one who's confused. Al Qaeda's infiltration into Iraq happened after Saddam was removed.

Wrong. al qaeda was there long before that.

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