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Obama's Iran deal is even worse than we thought.

You are aware, of course, that no money was actually given to Iran. There was a coalition of nations that seized the Iranian bank accounts until they did certain things to show they were not developing nukes. When Iran did the things required of them, the coalition released the money. Which already belonged to Iran.

It was not Obama, but the US, the UK, Germany, China ect ect.

That money belonged to the people of Iran, not the mullahs who have used it to further terrorism throughout the world.

The point is, that Obama did not give Iran pallets of cash from the US.
My god Obama is piece of shit.

Not only did the sonofabitch give the Mullahs billions of dollars with that stupid deal but he also allowed thousands of fucking Iranians come into this country. Sleeper cells anyone?

By the way, Soleimani's daughter is an American citizen. Yep, the one that has making death threats against Americans.

How many of you stupid Moon Bats voted for that worthless asshole Obama?

FLASHBACK: Iranian Lawmaker: Obama Granted Citizenship to 2500 Iranians During Nuclear Talks -- Including Family Members of Regime Officials

FLASHBACK: Iranian Lawmaker: Obama Granted Citizenship to 2500 Iranians During Nuclear Talks — Including Family Members of Regime Officials

In July 2018 Trump tweeted about Obama granting citizenship to 2,500 Iranians during the nuclear deal negotiations, including to government officials.
But Trump got the information from a top Iranian official as reported by FOX News.

The Obama administration granted citizenship to 2,500 Iranians, including family members of government officials, while negotiating the Iran nuclear deal, a senior cleric and member of parliament has claimed.

Hojjat al-Islam Mojtaba Zolnour, who is chairman of Iran’s parliamentary nuclear committee and a member of its national security and foreign affairs committee, made the allegations during an interview with the country’s Etemad newspaper, cited by the country’s Fars News agency.

He claimed it was done as a favor to senior Iranian officials linked to President Hassan Rouhani, and he alleged the move sparked a competition among Iranian officials over whose children would benefit from the scheme.

Iranian Sources: Obama Administration Granted Green Cards, U.S. Citizenship To Senior Iranian Regime Officials

...In June 2018, Mojtaba Zolnour, head of the Nuclear Committee of the Majlis National Security Committee, who is known for his criticism of Iran's pragmatic camp and of the Rohani government, demanded an investigation to determine who among the 2,500 Iranians he said had been granted U.S. citizenship were associates and relatives of associates of the Rohani government.

It should be noted that in 2015, Secretary of State Kerry promised Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif that U.S. immigration laws passed by the Obama administration in 2011 preventing anyone who had visited Iran from entering the country, among them businessmen, would not be negatively impacted by the laws and would receive special waivers to enter the country. See Kerry's letter to Foreign Minister Zarif as published by the National Iranian American Council (NIAC), Sec. Kerry Letter to Zarif Regarding Visa Waiver Reform; see also the letter by members of Congress to Kerry and Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson expressing "deep concern" over this move.

The following are the main points of the article by Amadnews and of the statements by Mojtaba Zolnour, head of the Nuclear Committee of the Majlis National Security Committee.

Amadnews: Obama Administration Agreed To Grant Green Cards To 2,800 Iranians

On February 17, 2016, the Iranian reformist website Amadnews[1] stated that a secret document of the nuclear understandings between the U.S. and Iran sets out the Obama administration's agreement to grant green cards to 2,800 individuals with Iranian, Iraqi, and Syrian citizenship, on direct orders from Secretary of State John Kerry. The following is the translation of the Amadnews report:

"A knowledgeable source has informed Amadnews that one of the secret documents of the nuclear understanding between Iran and the American administration of Barack Obama [sets out] the granting of a green card to 2,800 individuals with Iranian, Iraqi, or Syrian citizenship, with the consent of the government of Iran and on direct orders by then-Secretary of State John Kerry.

"The granting of a green card to these 2,800 people is aimed at keeping billions of dollars of the Iranian Republic's funds in America.

"Furthermore, the mosque in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles was recognized as a huge Iranian investment in America....

"The exposure of these documents, that constituted a precondition for the JCPOA, prompted President Trump's desire to confiscate Iran's great fortune and prevent those with Iranian passports from entering America.

"This understanding between the Islamic Republic [of Iran] and President Obama caused Iranian officials to claim that [President] Trump's move to temporarily prevent those with Iranian passports from entering America violated the JCPOA.

"Iran concluded with the Obama administration that instead of billions of dollars belonging to the Iranian public being sent back to Iran and being invested in development and construction there, they would remain in the U.S. financial system and would be registered there in the names of Iranian officials and in the name of some IRGC commanders, and would be invested in certain investments [in the U.S.] provided that permanent [American] residency would also be given to these people.
Now when we first got Internet back I started doing some checking on all the green cards being put out. The Obama administration was allowing anyone with $600,000.00 a green card. With that they also allowed many green card holders to get federal grants if they had a business plan and cash. Those records can be gotten through federal grants issued searches.
No lie about the Great Obama is dumb enough not to be repeated by the Die Hard Trumpublicans.

They all believe, You know that business you built...well Obama said you didn't build that.
You are aware, of course, that no money was actually given to Iran. There was a coalition of nations that seized the Iranian bank accounts until they did certain things to show they were not developing nukes. When Iran did the things required of them, the coalition released the money. Which already belonged to Iran.

It was not Obama, but the US, the UK, Germany, China ect ect.

The pallets of cash weren’t unfrozen bank accounts.

from: AP FACT CHECK: Trump's Iran cash story oft-told, still bogus
"WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump likes to tell a story about the U.S. paying out billions of dollars to Iran as part of the multinational deal freezing its nuclear program and easing sanctions against it. What he doesn’t say is that most of that money was Iran’s to begin with. The rest relates to an old debt the U.S. had with Iran."

Yes, it was. The money was Iran's to begin with.

It was the fucking Shah's money. Your fact checker is saying it wasn't part of the multinational deal freezing it's nuclear program. It doesn't clarify who's money it was. It is sloppy reporting.
You are aware, of course, that no money was actually given to Iran. There was a coalition of nations that seized the Iranian bank accounts until they did certain things to show they were not developing nukes. When Iran did the things required of them, the coalition released the money. Which already belonged to Iran.

It was not Obama, but the US, the UK, Germany, China ect ect.

That money belonged to the people of Iran, not the mullahs who have used it to further terrorism throughout the world.

The point is, that Obama did not give Iran pallets of cash from the US.

Obuma gave the Shah’s money to the Ayatollah.

That is like (as somebody else said) giving Al Copone's money to Tony Soprano.

The thing that was so despicable about giving the money to the Iranian Mullahs, in addition to the fact we all knew it was going to used for terrorism, is the fact the dumbshit gave it all up front without any verifiable milestones. How fucking stupid was that? The Iranians didn't have to prove they were going to adhere to that stupid deal. Obama just sent them the money before the ink had dried on the document. Dumb!

When the that moron Obama went to "Community Organizer School" he never learned anything about negotiations, did he?

He should have read Trump's book "Art of the Deal", shouldn't he?
You are aware, of course, that no money was actually given to Iran. There was a coalition of nations that seized the Iranian bank accounts until they did certain things to show they were not developing nukes. When Iran did the things required of them, the coalition released the money. Which already belonged to Iran.

It was not Obama, but the US, the UK, Germany, China ect ect.

That money belonged to the people of Iran, not the mullahs who have used it to further terrorism throughout the world.

The point is, that Obama did not give Iran pallets of cash from the US.


My god Obama was a friggin moron!

Only an idiot would have voted for him.
If you were actually objective and not biased, always ignoring facts how the republicans are as much corrupt as the dems,you could be taken seriously.
Trump dumping the Nuke deal is the worst to happen since GWB's WOMD BS TRump is an AH and repubs who stand with this pos are no better The art of the deal is a joke
My god Obama is piece of shit.

Not only did the sonofabitch give the Mullahs billions of dollars with that stupid deal but he also allowed thousands of fucking Iranians come into this country. Sleeper cells anyone?

By the way, Soleimani's daughter is an American citizen. Yep, the one that has making death threats against Americans.

How many of you stupid Moon Bats voted for that worthless asshole Obama?

FLASHBACK: Iranian Lawmaker: Obama Granted Citizenship to 2500 Iranians During Nuclear Talks -- Including Family Members of Regime Officials

FLASHBACK: Iranian Lawmaker: Obama Granted Citizenship to 2500 Iranians During Nuclear Talks — Including Family Members of Regime Officials

In July 2018 Trump tweeted about Obama granting citizenship to 2,500 Iranians during the nuclear deal negotiations, including to government officials.
But Trump got the information from a top Iranian official as reported by FOX News.

The Obama administration granted citizenship to 2,500 Iranians, including family members of government officials, while negotiating the Iran nuclear deal, a senior cleric and member of parliament has claimed.

Hojjat al-Islam Mojtaba Zolnour, who is chairman of Iran’s parliamentary nuclear committee and a member of its national security and foreign affairs committee, made the allegations during an interview with the country’s Etemad newspaper, cited by the country’s Fars News agency.

He claimed it was done as a favor to senior Iranian officials linked to President Hassan Rouhani, and he alleged the move sparked a competition among Iranian officials over whose children would benefit from the scheme.
Nice foul mouth zero college rube.
Too stupid to know it was their money
If you were actually objective and not biased, always ignoring facts how the republicans are as much corrupt as the dems,you could be taken seriously.
Trump dumping the Nuke deal is the worst to happen since GWB's WOMD BS TRump is an AH and repubs who stand with this pos are no better The art of the deal is a joke

Interesting how similar the con is to McCarthy .
Invented crises, solved them, so many lies you couldn't check them.
Nazi type rallies.
And Roy Cohn hero to both.
McCarthy doc is very interesting
If you were actually objective and not biased, always ignoring facts how the republicans are as much corrupt as the dems,you could be taken seriously.
Trump dumping the Nuke deal is the worst to happen since GWB's WOMD BS TRump is an AH and repubs who stand with this pos are no better The art of the deal is a joke

Yeah, giving Iran money was working so well. Obama was guaranteeing Iran a Nuke. You don't give a terrorist regime money and say you did it because it was theirs. That is like giving felons gift certificates for guns and ammo.
Sanction the crap out of Iran, and if they get all murdery, drop some bombs on things they love and say stop being bad little terrorists. If Iran didn't want to eradicate all of its neighbors, their people could probably have a pretty good life.
My god Obama is piece of shit.

Not only did the sonofabitch give the Mullahs billions of dollars with that stupid deal but he also allowed thousands of fucking Iranians come into this country. Sleeper cells anyone?

By the way, Soleimani's daughter is an American citizen. Yep, the one that has making death threats against Americans.

How many of you stupid Moon Bats voted for that worthless asshole Obama?

FLASHBACK: Iranian Lawmaker: Obama Granted Citizenship to 2500 Iranians During Nuclear Talks -- Including Family Members of Regime Officials

FLASHBACK: Iranian Lawmaker: Obama Granted Citizenship to 2500 Iranians During Nuclear Talks — Including Family Members of Regime Officials

In July 2018 Trump tweeted about Obama granting citizenship to 2,500 Iranians during the nuclear deal negotiations, including to government officials.
But Trump got the information from a top Iranian official as reported by FOX News.

The Obama administration granted citizenship to 2,500 Iranians, including family members of government officials, while negotiating the Iran nuclear deal, a senior cleric and member of parliament has claimed.

Hojjat al-Islam Mojtaba Zolnour, who is chairman of Iran’s parliamentary nuclear committee and a member of its national security and foreign affairs committee, made the allegations during an interview with the country’s Etemad newspaper, cited by the country’s Fars News agency.

He claimed it was done as a favor to senior Iranian officials linked to President Hassan Rouhani, and he alleged the move sparked a competition among Iranian officials over whose children would benefit from the scheme.
Nice foul mouth zero college rube.
Too stupid to know it was their money

Can I ask you a question Moon Bat?

Did you vote for that Obama asshole?

How come Obama gave all that money to the Iranian Mullahs up front without any verifiable milestones? That was pretty damn dumb, wasn't it?

Anybody that voted for that obama dipshit is pretty much a dumbass, aren't they?
If you were actually objective and not biased, always ignoring facts how the republicans are as much corrupt as the dems,you could be taken seriously.
Trump dumping the Nuke deal is the worst to happen since GWB's WOMD BS TRump is an AH and repubs who stand with this pos are no better The art of the deal is a joke

Tell the class how the nuke deal helped the world. Be specific.

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