Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

Obama has absolutely no idea what to do. His staff has no idea what to do, his czar's have no idea what to do. It's same ole, same ole every day. Dumping this country deeper into debt, deeper into dependence on China. The wanna be President is a complete failure, how this guy even got in office is pretty telling on the intelligence level of the left. You know the people that claim to be so much smarter than conservatives. I often refer to them as over educated idiots, common sense is not taught by liberal professors.

It's the failure of a gang of faculty lounge theoreticians who think the economy runs off government edicts from the central planners. Then they roll out a laundry list of rules, regulations, taxes and fees that impede growth, and then claim they need more rules, regulations, taxes and fees to get it moving.

Sorry, these folks aren't that smart.

Yep. Totally agree.

I happened to catch some of Cavuto last night and he had some guy speed reading the 25,000 pages of regulations that business has to comply with.

No wonder the economy sucks. Who would want to wade through all that shit just to start or run a business??
You idiots believe jobs bills are now communist. You're right off the wall. Change the fegging channel hater Pubbots...
The Bill is DOA. There will be GOP input and GOP policies in a reworked bill. Or there will be no passage.
The GOP will not blindly rubber stamp another half trillion dollar Obama stimulus plan.
Surely you must know this.
Its been anounced that his bill is proposed to be paid through TAX INCREASES 400 billion dollars worth of tax increases on anyone making over 200k a year. Essentially eliminating deductions for ....

state and local taxes (essentially taxing you twice if this passes)

And raising gas and oil taxes (as if the damn gas wasnt expensive enough as it is)

In early 2009 when the democrats controlled BOTH houses they tried and failed to pass these increases in taxes to pay for Obamacare. Now they plan to try again and blame the gop.

All this doublespeak about taxes is making me dizzy. These very increases were also mentioned as a way to decrease our debt. Obama and his minyons seem to think tax increases are the solution to every problem. NOT ONE WORD ABOUT CUTTING SPENDING

And now word that Bank Of America is planning on firing 30,000 people in the next couple of years. So yea, lets raise all these taxes and see how much further down the rabbit hole we can fall.

The GOP better stand firm!!!

COME ON 2012

Tax Hikes to Pay for Obama's Jobs Plan - Fox News Video - Fox News
If Obama could find a way to make a one dollar per gallon federal gas tax, an increase to 35 or 40% on capital gains, a federal "movement tax" where motorists are taxed based on miles driven by use of GPS tracking devices and increase of corporate income taxes, he'd do it. He'd do it if he could drum up enough class envy support from the Left to get enough votes to keep his seat in the Oval Office, he would do this and much more TO us.

The GPS is dead on arrival as far as I am concerned. I will never allow the government to place a gps in my truck.

The process would start with a government mandate that by a certain year all US bound and built vehicles MUST be equipped with a GPS chip. Now of course the additional cost would be passed along to the consumer. And I would also imagine that very harsh criminal penalties would be attached to the law, for anyone who was thinking of not letting the government track their every move.
This is coming...IN my estimation anyway. Why? Look to two weeks ago when Obama announced his goal of 56 mpg fleet wide for US Autos. That's 80% higher than now.
SO with us using 80% less fuel(Theoretically) the federal and state government lose a WHOLE BIG BUNCH of tax revenue. That loss must be made up some how. SO the next step is a mileage or a movement tax. The only way to do this would be for the government to track our movements.
Now of course the govt dunderheads will try to convince us that this thing will simply measure miles traveled. And no one will actually know where we've been. But I call bullshit on that. The feds mandated GPS tracking in our cell phones. So anyone at any time can see where we are within a few hundred feet.
These fucks up in Washington fear us. The only way for politicians to be able to operate in their own interests is to be able to control the population.
If Obama could find a way to make a one dollar per gallon federal gas tax, an increase to 35 or 40% on capital gains, a federal "movement tax" where motorists are taxed based on miles driven by use of GPS tracking devices and increase of corporate income taxes, he'd do it. He'd do it if he could drum up enough class envy support from the Left to get enough votes to keep his seat in the Oval Office, he would do this and much more TO us.

The GPS is dead on arrival as far as I am concerned. I will never allow the government to place a gps in my truck.

The process would start with a government mandate that by a certain year all US bound and built vehicles MUST be equipped with a GPS chip. Now of course the additional cost would be passed along to the consumer. And I would also imagine that very harsh criminal penalties would be attached to the law, for anyone who was thinking of not letting the government track their every move.
This is coming...IN my estimation anyway. Why? Look to two weeks ago when Obama announced his goal of 56 mpg fleet wide for US Autos. That's 80% higher than now.
SO with us using 80% less fuel(Theoretically) the federal and state government lose a WHOLE BIG BUNCH of tax revenue. That loss must be made up some how. SO the next step is a mileage or a movement tax. The only way to do this would be for the government to track our movements.
Now of course the govt dunderheads will try to convince us that this thing will simply measure miles traveled. And no one will actually know where we've been. But I call bullshit on that. The feds mandated GPS tracking in our cell phones. So anyone at any time can see where we are within a few hundred feet.
These fucks up in Washington fear us. The only way for politicians to be able to operate in their own interests is to be able to control the population.

What do you think North star is? I'll never have a truck with it installed I'll buy an old truck if my truck I have now breaks down. Hell I'll start driving the tractor if I have too. I'll make my own road throgh the woods if needs be.
The Cost Of Obama's Stimulus Plan: $312,500 Per Job (Vote) Created Or Saved (And Guess Who Is Paying It) | ZeroHedge

For those eager to put some math to the rhetoric coming from the White House over the president's jobs creation plan, and that should be everyone, here is a quick and dirty estimate based on the numbers being thrown around of a 2% GDP increase in year 1 and 1.9 million jobs created or saved... most saved, as in those you can't really quantify. Said otherwise, roughly a $300 billion increase in GDP yields 1.9 million jobs. So far so good. Now since the president is proposing to pay for the program over 10 years, let's assume the $475 billion in direct expenses is financed for 10 years at 2.5% which adds roughly $120 billion to the total cost of the program. In other words, as the calculations detailed and show below elaborate, the overall AJA plan will cost $250,000 per job created (excluding the interest expense) and $312,500 per union job, er job created (including interest). And that's how much it costs for Obama to purchase one vote... created or saved. Keynesian efficiency strikes like a Swiss watch yet again.


As for the just as troubling question of who ends up footing the bill of this "fully paid" for stimulus act, here are the details.Earlier today, the OMB director Jack Lew gave some so far largely missing information when he laid out how the president plans on paying for the Stimulus Act (White House Daily Briefing - C-SPAN Video Library). Specifically, Obama and his advisors believe they are "over achieving" by raising more ($467 bn) over 10yrs to pay for the jobs package now.

So on an annual basis, tax increases will be as follows: (86% limit of itemized deductions, 4% hedge fund managers, 8.6% oil & gas, 0.6% Corp Jets)

Per Year (Beg Jan 2013)
1) Itemized Deductions (ie $250k or higher income $40.0 bn
2) Hedge Fund managers $ 1.8 bn
3) Oil & Gas Industry $ 4.0 bn
4) Corp Jet Depreciation $ 300 mm

I was just surprised that in a joint session of congress the president said "Here is my plan, we keep doing what we have been doing the last 3 years but just spend more money on it over a shorter time, if you don't do it you don't want jobs and hate teachers"

thats my paraphrase of how the speech boiled down for me....oh and he yelled it at everyone with a bit of fire for a change
There are a couple insurance companies that now offer a discount if you use a gps device that tracks data. I bet it wont be long till they are in every vehicle.

So sad......

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