Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

In other words, like I said, the OP is Fox BS you had an attack over. Change the channel.
I see no liberal media. Nobody explains any plans (except the lies on Fox we see here).

The FOX News and CNBC info came from the White House. You must have ignored that part of the posted story.

News Headlines
President Barack Obama is proposing a series of tax increases, mainly on the wealthy, to help cover the cost of a $447 billion economic stimulus proposal, budget chief Jack Lew said on Monday.

You DO know he works for Obama, not FOX... right?
In other words, like I said, the OP is Fox BS you had an attack over. Change the channel.

The FOX News and CNBC info came from the White House. You must have ignored that part of the posted story.

News Headlines
President Barack Obama is proposing a series of tax increases, mainly on the wealthy, to help cover the cost of a $447 billion economic stimulus proposal, budget chief Jack Lew said on Monday.

You DO know he works for Obama, not FOX... right?
I see no liberal media. Nobody explains any plans (except the lies on Fox we see here), no documentaries except domestic murder mysteries- Everyone is terrified of the loudmouth Foxbots, or are just bought off. MSNBC is on Fox's ground, just the horse race andcorrecting gibberish...

Only a Partisan hack or a Deaf, dumb, and Blind Mute. See's no Liberal Media.

Check any network other than FOX for any coverage of the Union Violence out in WA just days after Hoffa Declared A war Between labor and the Tea Party.

If Some republican had said the same shit as Hoffa and there was Related Violence a week later, all the other Networks would be talking about it no stop.

Every min of every day you can find a glaring example of the Liberal Bias on almost all the other networks. Either threw skewed coverage or lack of Coverage.
As a Foxbot, you have no clue what he said.

President Barack Obama is proposing a series of tax increases, mainly on the wealthy, to help cover the cost of a $447 billion economic stimulus proposal, budget chief Jack Lew said on Monday.
Its been anounced that his bill is proposed to be paid through TAX INCREASES 400 billion dollars worth of tax increases on anyone making over 200k a year. Essentially eliminating deductions for ....

state and local taxes (essentially taxing you twice if this passes)

And raising gas and oil taxes (as if the damn gas wasnt expensive enough as it is)

In early 2009 when the democrats controlled BOTH houses they tried and failed to pass these increases in taxes to pay for Obamacare. Now they plan to try again and blame the gop.

All this doublespeak about taxes is making me dizzy. These very increases were also mentioned as a way to decrease our debt. Obama and his minyons seem to think tax increases are the solution to every problem. NOT ONE WORD ABOUT CUTTING SPENDING

And now word that Bank Of America is planning on firing 30,000 people in the next couple of years. So yea, lets raise all these taxes and see how much further down the rabbit hole we can fall.

The GOP better stand firm!!!

COME ON 2012

Tax Hikes to Pay for Obama's Jobs Plan - Fox News Video - Fox News
If Obama could find a way to make a one dollar per gallon federal gas tax, an increase to 35 or 40% on capital gains, a federal "movement tax" where motorists are taxed based on miles driven by use of GPS tracking devices and increase of corporate income taxes, he'd do it. He'd do it if he could drum up enough class envy support from the Left to get enough votes to keep his seat in the Oval Office, he would do this and much more TO us.

The GPS is dead on arrival as far as I am concerned. I will never allow the government to place a gps in my truck.
Its been anounced that his bill is proposed to be paid through TAX INCREASES 400 billion dollars worth of tax increases on anyone making over 200k a year. Essentially eliminating deductions for ....

state and local taxes (essentially taxing you twice if this passes)

And raising gas and oil taxes (as if the damn gas wasnt expensive enough as it is)

In early 2009 when the democrats controlled BOTH houses they tried and failed to pass these increases in taxes to pay for Obamacare. Now they plan to try again and blame the gop.

All this doublespeak about taxes is making me dizzy. These very increases were also mentioned as a way to decrease our debt. Obama and his minyons seem to think tax increases are the solution to every problem. NOT ONE WORD ABOUT CUTTING SPENDING

And now word that Bank Of America is planning on firing 30,000 people in the next couple of years. So yea, lets raise all these taxes and see how much further down the rabbit hole we can fall.

The GOP better stand firm!!!

COME ON 2012

Tax Hikes to Pay for Obama's Jobs Plan - Fox News Video - Fox News
If Obama could find a way to make a one dollar per gallon federal gas tax, an increase to 35 or 40% on capital gains, a federal "movement tax" where motorists are taxed based on miles driven by use of GPS tracking devices and increase of corporate income taxes, he'd do it. He'd do it if he could drum up enough class envy support from the Left to get enough votes to keep his seat in the Oval Office, he would do this and much more TO us.

The GPS is dead on arrival as far as I am concerned. I will never allow the government to place a gps in my truck.

Has that actually been proposed?
RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!!!! So, what ELSE did he say????? Ohhhhh, Fox didn't SAY!! Congrats, you're a functional moron.
Actually driving is a priviledge, not a right. If you want to drive you get to do it their way.
If Obama could find a way to make a one dollar per gallon federal gas tax, an increase to 35 or 40% on capital gains, a federal "movement tax" where motorists are taxed based on miles driven by use of GPS tracking devices and increase of corporate income taxes, he'd do it. He'd do it if he could drum up enough class envy support from the Left to get enough votes to keep his seat in the Oval Office, he would do this and much more TO us.

The GPS is dead on arrival as far as I am concerned. I will never allow the government to place a gps in my truck.

Has that actually been proposed?

I don't know but it was mentiuoned in the post I replied to. I'm just saying if it's ever mandated that I have to have a GPS on my truck I will not allow that.
Actually driving is a priviledge, not a right. If you want to drive you get to do it their way.

I really don't care I will only allow so much bullshit. They'll have o keep replacing one everyday.

I understand your frustration. You'll be the one replacing it at your expense and paying a fine. Now what you could do is switch vehicles with your neighbor...
Actually driving is a priviledge, not a right. If you want to drive you get to do it their way.

I really don't care I will only allow so much bullshit. They'll have o keep replacing one everyday.

I understand your frustration. You'll be the one replacing it at your expense and paying a fine. Now what you could do is switch vehicles with your neighbor...

It will only be on there to keep you safe.
Just like bodyscans and fingerprinting at the airport.

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