Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

this is pure campaign talk, when it doesn't pass because it is garbage he will blame the conservatives. He would not know a jobs plan if it was surgically attached to his butt.

Well suppose you enlighten us with the rights idea of a job bill.
Give it your best shot.
Since they have taken control of the House, the right wing has put forth not one single jobs bill.

Government needs to get the hell out of the way. Conservatives realize that we don't need a government solution to every problem. Every government "solution" has unintended consequences....Liberals want a "free" government solution for every ailment that a human can encounter. Government is not your mommy, the sooner your realize that the better off you'll be.
They talk of wanting a level plying field...the best one is zero government intrusion. No one ever taught them this, therefore? They fear it, which means they fear thier own life and liberty.
IOW, no...Pure Pubcrappe.The plan to pay for it hasn't come out yet.
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WTF happened to 'it's all paid for...every dime'???

lying sack of shit.

Wouldn't raising taxes in order to fund this bill be paying for it? How is that lying? Oh I get it, "paying for it" can only be through cuts that you approve of. So because it doesn't fit what you like it's now a lie. Got it.

Has zero to do with whether or not I personally approve of a cut, dip shit.

The President said PAID for. PAST tense. As in, already PAID for... as in we already have the funds.

he did NOT say 'WILL be paid for...'


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Yes, Obama will pay for it LATER- so the "Don't raise taxes now" is more BS. Can we wait until he actually announce the plan before going batshytte Foxcrazy?

Your savior said it was already PAID for, not 'we'll pay for it with...'

Get with the program, you libtard dup.
I wanted to post this because I trust the president and I believe he will do what he says. The way I understand it, we will find out next week how the bill will be paid for. So please don't jump to conclusions and give him a chance. However, I have to say that I have never seen anything wrong with wealthier citizens and corporations being asked to pay a little more. Most especially corporations!!!

This is what President Obama said about it today:

"The American Jobs Act is not going to add to the debt -- it’s fully paid for. I want to repeat that. It is fully paid for. It’s not going to add a dime to the deficit. Next week, I’m laying out my plan not only to pay for this jobs bill but also to bring down the deficit further. It’s a plan that lives by the same rules that families do: We’ve got to cut out things that we can’t afford to do in order to afford the things that we really need. It’s a plan that says everybody -- including the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations -- have to pay their fair share".

Remarks by the President on the American Jobs Act | The White House

You can get lots of information from whitehouse.gov when there is something particular that you want to know.

First, he says it's PAID (past tense) for. Then talks about the 'fair share' stuff, which is Obamaspeak for 'tax the shit out of people'. Unless you all consider $200,000/year 'rich', this will hurt a lot of people you claim to want to help.
Eliminating the Right off for Charitable Contributions is pure Insanity. I thought Democrats liked helping the needy. WTF

Do you have any idea how much Money Charities get from rich people, who would rather give to charity than have it go to the Government. Sheer unadulterated lunacy.
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I saw how Fox was covering this. Change the channel, MORON.

The messenger didnt change the facts of the plan you jackass. The nuts and bolts of the plan dont change depending on which channel you watch idiot.

You should thank the asshole for pointing out that once again. The Liberal Media is covering for Obama, and failing to point out how he wants to pay for it.
You idiots believe jobs bills are now communist. You're right off the wall. Change the fegging channel hater Pubbots...
You idiots believe jobs bills are now communist. You're right off the wall. Change the fegging channel hater Pubbots...

Who said anything about it being communist? It's just ineffective and fucking stupid.

Come on, You are a "compassionate Liberal" and you really think eliminating the Tax Right off for Charitable contributions is a good idea? You have any Idea how much Money Charities get from rich people attempting to lower their Tax Burden by Making contributions?

I thought you Libs liked helping the Poor and needy?

Obama's so called Jobs plan is nothing new, it will do nothing more than buy an artificial Short Term GDP Blip, and Give a lot of Union Construction Workers some Temporary work. As well as hand over Billions more to Teachers Unions. It would be better called the Save Obama's Job Plan. The best this bill will do is a small Blip right before Election time that will be completely gone by the end of the Year. What is Obama's Plan then? Another Stimulus called a Jobs Bill?

Face it, Obama has Nothing, He is totally out of his Depth when it comes to the Economy. Massive and complete failure. Period.
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Pubs ended anything like a liberal media when they set up and character assassinated Dan Rather for telling the truth about Bush's "service", but with the wrong copies. Now all the media cares about is ratings. And then there's the Pub Propaganda machine, truly a disgrace...
Pubs ended anything like a liberal media when they set up and character assassinated Dan Rather for telling the truth about Bush's "service", but with the wrong copies. Now all the media cares about is ratings. And then there's the Pub Propaganda machine, truly a disgrace...

ROFLMAO, yeah Republicans ruined the Liberal Media. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

They have ruined themselves with their Open Display of Biased, Partisan Coverage and overt attempts to effect the out comes of Elections. Death by their own Hands, The American people are not buying what their selling anymore, and you Libs can't stand it.

God damn you guys and your Persecution complexes and Delusions.
I think this was brilliant.... Politics.

Really puts the clamps on the GOP. If they pass it, UE will decline, the economy will improve, and Obama gets re-elected.

If they block it (which I think part of Obama hopes they will), he takes to the streets with that information. You'll find that the kind of things you see in this bill are actually what a majority of us support; If he sells GOP obstruction tactfully, he not only gets re-elected but a bunch of GOPers and especially teabaggers get the boot next year.

Win-win. The only way he can lose is if the GOP/Fox Machine spins it better than he can. This will prove difficult, both because most of the country desires this sort of thing, and because the teabagger/anti-government/conspiracy bullshit is on its last gasp for air.

The gloves are off, and it's obvious to me from both Mr. Obama's demeanor and the lackluster response from the GOP, that both sides have a knot in their stomachs anticipating the way it develops.

Contrast it to the response to HCR - Screaming, shouting, pulling out all the stops to desecrate and destroy the bill at all costs... To this... "Well we think there's some good ideas in there... Not big on the tax cuts... Maybe we should focus on what we agree on..." Very mousy by comparison.

It'll be interesting.

When the democrats had a veto proof majoriy they couldnt even pass this garbage. Every republican will explain that to the public and this will backfire on Obama. Nothing brilliant about it. :cuckoo:

Well, geez, if you're so sure this will backfire, you shouldn't be getting your undies all in a wad over this bill, then. :eusa_whistle:
No sense arguing with idiots folks. the only thing we can do is MAKE sure WE get out the voters in 2012 to end this GAME PLAYING bullshit.

Obama is a liar, a class divider, he is NOT A PRESIDENT for ALL the people..

vote his ass OUT.

And call you Reps. and tell them they better remember November. NO NEW TAXES or their ass will be on the line also.
I see no liberal media. Nobody explains any plans (except the lies on Fox we see here), no documentaries except domestic murder mysteries- Everyone is terrified of the loudmouth Foxbots, or are just bought off. MSNBC is on Fox's ground, just the horse race andcorrecting gibberish...

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