Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

Many Liberals just plain hate kids. Make them pay for all your entitlements, if they survive birth. Give them a poor education. Expect them to find a job and get rich, so they can tax them.
Correct. Because the conservative knows job creation comes from the private sector. Not government programs. Not stupid stimulus crap.
Yes, the GOP has some ideas they want placed in Obama's jobs bill. Will the democrat senate allow this to happen, probably not. This gives the democrats political cover. And jobs or no jobs political cover is all that matters. As long as democrats get to keep their seats, nothing else matters.

And what happens when the private sector does not do anything to provide jobs in this country, all they look at is the bottom line and that relates to money in their pocket.
Look at the big picture and decide what is the best thing to do, nothing for the USA or something.
When the private sector moves jobs overseas because of cheap labor to exploit and environmental laws that disease the country, what is America to do about the uneven playing field that allocates the private sector.
Lower their tax base? Get real and look at something to help the USA not to hinder this country.
John Boehner ran on screaming about jobs, jobs, jobs all during the last election.
What have they done to help bring jobs to this country? Nothing.
And the age old proposition of lower taxes on corporation and the wealthy have never proven to create jobs.

It's hard to take anyone seriously who applauds themselves.
Seems you really have trouble knowing cynicism, the applause is directed to the DO nothing crowd, you know them, the group you belong too.
Which becomes quite evident because you have only a rude remark and no real statement to the topic.
I saw how Fox was covering this. Change the channel, MORON.
Hey idiot, fox covers it more truthfully than the rest.

Thats his problem with fox ;)

He just doesn't like Foxbot is all...


He's more the America's Cup type.
in afew minutes Obama is going to give another political speech on jobs in Ohio !! get ready for more of the blame shifting he is so good at !! and libbs are going to lap up every bit of the poison he is going to spew !!
Unfortunately, every survey finds fox noise is full of crappe, Now, so are you.

So, when is President Obama saying how we should pay for this, dittohead?

He already has, you moron.

Mr. Obama proposed limiting itemized deductions for families with taxable income of $250,000 or more a year, ending tax breaks for oil companies and corporate jet owners, and cutting out a tax break for investment-fund managers. The White House says the tax changes would take effect in 2013 and estimates they would raise $467 billion in additional revenue over 10 years.​

GOP Balks at Taxes to Finance Jobs Plan - WSJ.com
Unfortunately, every survey finds fox noise is full of crappe, Now, so are you.

So, when is President Obama saying how we should pay for this, dittohead?

Unfortunately, every legitimate media outlet finds FOX report accurate,
Now you are full of crappe.

So, when will you realize Obama already said how he is paying for this, Dimbot?
Unfortunately, every survey finds fox noise is full of crappe, Now, so are you.

So, when is President Obama saying how we should pay for this, dittohead?


The sort of pubescent uninformed ingoramous it takes to elect an Obama.
Unfortunately, every survey finds fox noise is full of crappe, Now, so are you.

So, when is President Obama saying how we should pay for this, dittohead?

This guy obviously went through the public school system. It's time to fix that system. :eusa_whistle:
Maybe the poster is English? crappe, shoppe, programme,matte, tonne,cheque, junque... ;)

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