Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

The federal government is reportedly looking into mandating GPS devices be installed in new vehicles either shipped to or made in the US so that this movement/mileage tax can be applied.

Actually, that is something Obama already shot down... back in 2009. Not sure why it still has traction. I agreed with Obama dismissing this idea, as much as I disagreed with LaHood for contemplating it.

'Mileage tax' idea shot down by White House - Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON — As quickly as talk of taxing mileage instead of gasoline surfaced in the Obama Cabinet on Friday, the White House sank it.

Concerned that traditional gas taxes cannot keep pace with the cost of building and repairing highways, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said he was considering taxing motorists according to miles driven.

But President Obama has no interest in such a tax, the White House swiftly said.

"I can weigh in on it, and say that it is not and will not be the policy of the Obama administration," said White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.

The concept, which would require tracking devices in taxpayers' vehicles, strikes critics as a huge invasion of privacy.

It has been road-tested in some places and deemed a viable alternative to gas taxes.

LaHood suggested that the federal government should take the concept seriously. "We should look at the vehicular miles program where people are actually clocked on the number of miles that they traveled," the Transportation secretary -- the only registered Republican in the Cabinet -- told the Associated Press.
It's ON Star....And it only works where there is cell phone coverage. It is not GPS based.

Nope, your wrong. OnStar is a GPS, cell phones and your car's computer tied together. I sell them, I know. The cell phone is satellite based, so the available usage is much broader than tower based phones. If you recall, Onstar can locate a stolen car. That would require GPS.
Boy howstuffworks.com is a freakin cool website.
Just looked up OnStar and how the Dyson no blade fan works....
At a certain point a flat tax rate for all income level's should the norm here, because the wealthiest American's are getting a free ride and the those of a lower socio-economic status, can no longer afford to
foot the bill for the wealthiest profiteers among us.

As far as the jobs bill being "dead on arrival," both parties have displayed contempt for our currently
unemployed, also created by their campaign contributors.

The wealthiest americans pay the vast majority of the tax bill. I wouldn't call that a free ride. The lowest socio economic segment is the ones with the free ride. Free housing, free food, free clothes, free schooling, etc etc.
The currently sitting on their asses have been doing so for 99 weeks. We have the highest percentage of long term unemployed since the Depression. This is directly thanks to the constant extension of unemployment benefits. Because, get this, if you pay people not to work they won't. Kewl, eh?
I don't know why you are bothering to respond to that guy's ridiculous postings.
If he was correct in that both parties show contempt for the unemployed then why do both parties especially the democrats keep extending their benefits?
And required or the vehicle doesn't go on the road per government mandate.

There are ways to munipulate GPS in vehicles. My company I woirk for use to have them but they removed them when they saw the trucks not moving for months at a time.:lol:

Oh yeah. There are many firms that use GPS to track their vehicles. Of course those firms put it in themselves, They can remove it. I am referring to an auto manufacturer installed device that is placed by federal law. I can assure you this device if detached would somehow create an alert or disable the vehicle. I would also take a guess that the penalty for removing or tampering with the device would be quite steep.
Oh, I am very pissed off that the federal government is already mandating all cell phones be equipped with GPS. I do not want the feds having the ability to track my movements. This car thing is really the end. One thing...Here we are being told to conserve fuel which would lower our cost to travel. Then the fucking feds jump right in and tax us another way so while they get to look good to the enviro wackos, we get it in the shorts. Great.
Is it any wonder why politicians have long passed used car sales people in the "most hated " category?

If I pay for the vehicle it's mine and I will do anything I want to do to it even set it on fire.
Its been anounced that his bill is proposed to be paid through TAX INCREASES 400 billion dollars worth of tax increases on anyone making over 200k a year. Essentially eliminating deductions for ....

state and local taxes (essentially taxing you twice if this passes)

And raising gas and oil taxes (as if the damn gas wasnt expensive enough as it is)

In early 2009 when the democrats controlled BOTH houses they tried and failed to pass these increases in taxes to pay for Obamacare. Now they plan to try again and blame the gop.

All this doublespeak about taxes is making me dizzy. These very increases were also mentioned as a way to decrease our debt. Obama and his minyons seem to think tax increases are the solution to every problem. NOT ONE WORD ABOUT CUTTING SPENDING

And now word that Bank Of America is planning on firing 30,000 people in the next couple of years. So yea, lets raise all these taxes and see how much further down the rabbit hole we can fall.

The GOP better stand firm!!!

COME ON 2012

Tax Hikes to Pay for Obama's Jobs Plan - Fox News Video - Fox News

What happened to JUST TAXING the evil rich in this country--now they're down in the middle income class---:lol::lol: Eliminate the mortgage interest rate deduction and you just hit every middle class American in this country right in the gut.

But--I knew he was going to go there--before he was elected. There has never been a big taxing or big spending bill that Democrats didn't like.

PLUS--Obama wants to add another Federal Government Agency in this bill the American Infrastructure Financing Authority.

It's ON Star....And it only works where there is cell phone coverage. It is not GPS based.

Nope, your wrong. OnStar is a GPS, cell phones and your car's computer tied together. I sell them, I know. The cell phone is satellite based, so the available usage is much broader than tower based phones. If you recall, Onstar can locate a stolen car. That would require GPS.
Ok so they have changed it?..There was an incident in Upstate NY about 6 or so years ago..An elderly couple was traveling along I-87 in the Adirondacks. IN this area due to environmental issues and aesthetic concerns there is little if any cell coverage for about 75 miles.
One of the elderly couple had some kind of medical emergency. Their On Star system would not work in the area.
I stand corrected on the GPS thingy.
Nevertheless. The federal government is reportedly looking into mandating GPS devices be installed in new vehicles either shipped to or made in the US so that this movement/mileage tax can be applied.

Well, you have to pay or Onstar doesn't work for one thing. There are dead zones too, though fewer than other systems. One of the features I really like is the remote diagnoistics. Once a month they fire up the computer and cell phone to transmit how your car is doing. Then an email is sent about the findings. Basically your car tells you how it feels once a month.
Its been anounced that his bill is proposed to be paid through TAX INCREASES 400 billion dollars worth of tax increases on anyone making over 200k a year. Essentially eliminating deductions for ....


state and local taxes (essentially taxing you twice if this passes)

And raising gas and oil taxes (as if the damn gas wasnt expensive enough as it is)

In early 2009 when the democrats controlled BOTH houses they tried and failed to pass these increases in taxes to pay for Obamacare. Now they plan to try again and blame the gop.

All this doublespeak about taxes is making me dizzy. These very increases were also mentioned as a way to decrease our debt. Obama and his minyons seem to think tax increases are the solution to every problem. NOT ONE WORD ABOUT CUTTING SPENDING

And now word that Bank Of America is planning on firing 30,000 people in the next couple of years. So yea, lets raise all these taxes and see how much further down the rabbit hole we can fall.

The GOP better stand firm!!!

COME ON 2012

Tax Hikes to Pay for Obama's Jobs Plan - Fox News Video - Fox News

What happened to JUST TAXING the evil rich in this country--now they're down in the middle income class---:lol::lol: Eliminate the mortgage interest rate deduction and you just hit every middle class American in this country right in the gut.

But--I knew he was going to go there--before he was elected. There has never been a big taxing or big spending bill that Democrats didn't like.

PLUS--Obama wants to add another Federal Government Agency in this bill the American Infrastructure Financing Authority.

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There are ways to munipulate GPS in vehicles. My company I woirk for use to have them but they removed them when they saw the trucks not moving for months at a time.:lol:

Oh yeah. There are many firms that use GPS to track their vehicles. Of course those firms put it in themselves, They can remove it. I am referring to an auto manufacturer installed device that is placed by federal law. I can assure you this device if detached would somehow create an alert or disable the vehicle. I would also take a guess that the penalty for removing or tampering with the device would be quite steep.
Oh, I am very pissed off that the federal government is already mandating all cell phones be equipped with GPS. I do not want the feds having the ability to track my movements. This car thing is really the end. One thing...Here we are being told to conserve fuel which would lower our cost to travel. Then the fucking feds jump right in and tax us another way so while they get to look good to the enviro wackos, we get it in the shorts. Great.
Is it any wonder why politicians have long passed used car sales people in the "most hated " category?

If I pay for the vehicle it's mine and I will do anything I want to do to it even set it on fire.
Yes. It is yours..You CAN set it on fire or rip out the pollution control devices but legally YOU MAY NOT do these things.
I understand your frustration. I'd like to grab every politician by the lapels of their jacket every time they pass some piece of shit law that screws me out of money or limits my freedom. I CAN do this ....Legally I MAY NOT so this.
Oh yeah. There are many firms that use GPS to track their vehicles. Of course those firms put it in themselves, They can remove it. I am referring to an auto manufacturer installed device that is placed by federal law. I can assure you this device if detached would somehow create an alert or disable the vehicle. I would also take a guess that the penalty for removing or tampering with the device would be quite steep.
Oh, I am very pissed off that the federal government is already mandating all cell phones be equipped with GPS. I do not want the feds having the ability to track my movements. This car thing is really the end. One thing...Here we are being told to conserve fuel which would lower our cost to travel. Then the fucking feds jump right in and tax us another way so while they get to look good to the enviro wackos, we get it in the shorts. Great.
Is it any wonder why politicians have long passed used car sales people in the "most hated " category?

link please?

BTW, you know that can be turned off... right?
Link to what?
That people hate politicians more than used car sales people?
Ok....I am looking in my Droid phone's menu and I cannot find any place where is says "turn off GPS"...
I can turn off the mapping service GPS. That is just so my phone is not searching for satellites for the mapping program.
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Nevertheless. The federal government is reportedly looking into mandating GPS devices be installed in new vehicles either shipped to or made in the US so that this movement/mileage tax can be applied.

Do you have a link on that? The only thing I've seen is a few states considering mandating it. Oregon, for example, was looking into tracking road-usage as an alternative to the gas tax so that the bulk of money used to repair roads comes from those who use the roads the most. And even in that case, there was no mention of GPS in the legislation.
Seriously, what is the difference between this bill and what passed in early 2009? If they're the same then what makes you think it can work.

Off the top of my head - the payroll tax cut is bigger. It was cut by 2% in 2009; it's cut by 3% (i.e. in half) now. The payroll tax cut is extended to employers, not just employees. Cutting the tax for employers is the preferred way to create jobs by most economists.

Also, the Infrastructure Bank wasn't created in 2009. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has supported the idea in the past because it believes it will cut red tape and expedite those projects that are most worth doing. The Chamber points out that the U.S. is one of the few large countries without a central source of low-cost financing for construction projects.
Cutting payroll tax just creates more uncertainty in Social Security, the deficit and debt. With the risk of higher interest rates on loans in the near future, businesses will continue to wait and see and hold onto cash.
Oh yeah. There are many firms that use GPS to track their vehicles. Of course those firms put it in themselves, They can remove it. I am referring to an auto manufacturer installed device that is placed by federal law. I can assure you this device if detached would somehow create an alert or disable the vehicle. I would also take a guess that the penalty for removing or tampering with the device would be quite steep.
Oh, I am very pissed off that the federal government is already mandating all cell phones be equipped with GPS. I do not want the feds having the ability to track my movements. This car thing is really the end. One thing...Here we are being told to conserve fuel which would lower our cost to travel. Then the fucking feds jump right in and tax us another way so while they get to look good to the enviro wackos, we get it in the shorts. Great.
Is it any wonder why politicians have long passed used car sales people in the "most hated " category?

link please?

BTW, you know that can be turned off... right?
Link to what?
That people hate politicians more than used car sales people?
Ok....I am looking in my Droid phone's menu and I cannot find any place where is says "turn off GPS"...
I can turn off the mapping service GPS. That is just so my phone is not searching for satellites for the mapping program.
A link to something proving what you said (I bolded it above, and copied it below)...
the federal government is already mandating all cell phones be equipped with GPS.
I have seen no such mandate.

As for shutting off the GPS in your phone, here is just one method.
How to Turn Off the GPS on a Cell Phone | eHow.com
Yes. It is yours..You CAN set it on fire or rip out the pollution control devices but legally YOU MAY NOT do these things.

I beg to differ.

I can legally rip out my entire exhaust system, and have nothing past the manifold... I may not legally DRIVE it in said condition, but technically, I can put it into said condition.

I am also unaware of any law that states I cannot set my car on fire. If I want to take my car out into the middle of a field and have Jamie and Adam blow it up, I can legally do that.

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