Obamas "Jobs Bill" is DOA as it should be!!!!!!! Unfu***** believeable

, a federal "movement tax" where motorists are taxed based on miles driven by use of GPS tracking devices and increase of corporate income taxes, he'd do it.

What would be wrong with that? I'm sure personally responsible right wingers wouldn't even be effected, since they don't rely on Big Government for anything they need. So if you don't use what Big Government provides - and its a tax for USE - isn't that kinda a good thing for personally responsible righties? All of us nanny state liberals who rely on big government every-time we drive our car on the road, from cradle to grave, will be stuck paying for it - while the personally responsible teabaggers who don't use what the nanny state provides won't have to pay anything!
Why in the world would a supposedly intelligent man think doing the same thing a second time would have different results??

The right has been lowering taxes on the rich for decades thinking it would help the economy - and it has yet to do so.

They didnt do it to help the economy over the last decade. They did it because it didnt belong to them and they knew the right thing to do was give it back. :eusa_shhh:
They didnt do it to help the economy over the last decade. They did it because it didnt belong to them and they knew the right thing to do was give it back.

Who does money belong to -- the people who earned it, or the government?

For the sake of discussion, let's not have any "The rich didn't earn their money!!" nonsense, mmmkay?
So I'm sorry if I missed it but did anyone ever verify or disprove the claims in the OP?
Unfortunately, every survey finds fox noise is full of crappe, Now, so are you.

So, when is President Obama saying how we should pay for this, dittohead?

He already has, you moron.

Mr. Obama proposed limiting itemized deductions for families with taxable income of $250,000 or more a year, ending tax breaks for oil companies and corporate jet owners, and cutting out a tax break for investment-fund managers. The White House says the tax changes would take effect in 2013 and estimates they would raise $467 billion in additional revenue over 10 years.​

GOP Balks at Taxes to Finance Jobs Plan - WSJ.com
They didnt do it to help the economy over the last decade. They did it because it didnt belong to them and they knew the right thing to do was give it back.

Who does money belong to -- the people who earned it, or the government?

For the sake of discussion, let's not have any "The rich didn't earn their money!!" nonsense, mmmkay?
They were absent from class when the topic of discussion was the money belongs to those that earned it and not government.
Well, yea, I would think every Republican would like every Democrat to be a one termer. Vice-versa on the Dem side. What's the big deal. At least they're following through unlike the Campaigner-in-Chief that has promised not to rest until there are jobs. He hasn't fulfilled that promise yet!! I think he's running out of time.

Unlike most Dems, Republicans and Independents are free thinkers, they make decisions based on facts, not some Mass Media spin from the hard left leaning (cough, cough) journalists or Youtube videos. ;)
this is pure campaign talk, when it doesn't pass because it is garbage he will blame the conservatives. He would not know a jobs plan if it was surgically attached to his butt.
Gee.....lemme guess.....that's the Teabaggers' informed-opinion, huh??


Well, yea, I would think every Republican would like every Democrat to be a one termer. Vice-versa on the Dem side. What's the big deal. At least they're following through unlike the Campaigner-in-Chief that has promised not to rest until there are jobs. He hasn't fulfilled that promise yet!! I think he's running out of time.

Unlike most Dems, Republicans and Independents are free thinkers, they make decisions based on facts.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKKKgua7wQk]SARAH PALIN BOOK SIGNING - Interviews with Supporters - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vf_R3hQGYT4]Palin Supporters' Strange World - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04Ysv9B5ic0]Racist John McCain & Sarah Palin Supporters - YouTube[/ame]​
We've already played this tune with the first stimulus. You know. The one that stimulated jack shit.

Why in the world would a supposedly intelligent man think doing the same thing a second time would have different results??

I'm beginning to wonder if Barry gives a shit.

He talks a good story but talk is cheap. Its what you do that counts.

Fact Check: Did the stimulus create "zero" jobs?

The Facts: A more accurate jobs count may come from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which estimates the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known as the stimulus bill, "increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million" in the second quarter of 2010 alone. The budget office also states that well over half a million jobs were funded in each of the other three quarters of 2010.

Fact Check: Did the stimulus create “zero” jobs? – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Are you refering to these projects under the first $787 Billion Stimulus bill?

$150 million for the Smithsonian Museaum -- It's a nice museaum but hardly in need of creating more room.

$200 million for PUBLIC computer centers at community colleges -- Ever hear of a public library? What's wrong with utilizing THESE facilities?

$448 million for constructing the Department of Homeland Security headquarters -- what's wrong with the building that they occupy now?

$248 million for furniture at the new Homeland Security headquarters -- let them use the furniture they already have instead of trashing it for a slightly newer model or "proper" name brand

$600 million to buy hybrid vehicles for federal employees -- encourage them to use public transportation or have them buy the vehicles themselves. Why should our government pay for fancy new vehicles?

$160 million for "paid volunteers" at the Corporation for the National and Community Service -- if they are paid they aren't volunteers, they are called "employees"

$5.5 million for "energy efficiency initiatives" at the Department of Veterans Affairs National CEMETERY Administration -- electric hearses or lawn mowers? Use horses, they establish a better appearance and will fertilize the grounds they graze.

$100 million for reducing the hazards of lead based paint -- since lead-based paint is no longer permitted in new construction, wouldn't it be cheaper to repaint using latex paints?

$75 million to construct a "security training" facility for State Department Security Officers when they can be trained at existing facilities at other agencies. -- what's wrong with where they train now? Let them use Quantico, it's huge and already sitting there for use

$200 million in funding for the LEASE of alternative energy vehicles for use on millitary instillations -- they're soldiers, they need to be marching from building to building to remain in shape, not drive.

$6 billion to turn federal buildings into "green" buildings -- turn off lights when not in use, or install motion sensors. Use weather stripping insulation around windows and doors, it's cheaper.

. . . . are these the types of projects we can hope to find in Obama's "American Jobs Act"?
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Well, yea, I would think every Republican would like every Democrat to be a one termer. Vice-versa on the Dem side. What's the big deal. At least they're following through unlike the Campaigner-in-Chief that has promised not to rest until there are jobs. He hasn't fulfilled that promise yet!! I think he's running out of time.

Unlike most Dems, Republicans and Independents are free thinkers, they make decisions based on facts, not some Mass Media spin from the hard left leaning (cough, cough) journalists or Youtube videos. ;)

He went and spent the first 9 months on health care.....wasted all that time he needed to spend on the economy and jobs instead of a job killing health care bill.
We've already played this tune with the first stimulus. You know. The one that stimulated jack shit.

Why in the world would a supposedly intelligent man think doing the same thing a second time would have different results??

I'm beginning to wonder if Barry gives a shit.

He talks a good story but talk is cheap. Its what you do that counts.

Fact Check: Did the stimulus create "zero" jobs?

The Facts: A more accurate jobs count may come from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, which estimates the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, also known as the stimulus bill, "increased the number of people employed by between 1.4 million and 3.3 million" in the second quarter of 2010 alone. The budget office also states that well over half a million jobs were funded in each of the other three quarters of 2010.

Fact Check: Did the stimulus create “zero” jobs? – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs

Are you refering to these projects under the first $787 Billion Stimulus bill?

$150 million for the Smithsonian Museaum -- It's a nice museaum but hardly in need of creating more room.

$200 million for PUBLIC computer centers at community colleges -- Ever hear of a public library? What's wrong with utilizing THESE facilities?

$448 million for constructing the Department of Homeland Security headquarters -- what's wrong with the building that they occupy now?

$248 million for furniture at the new Homeland Security headquarters -- let them use the furniture they already have instead of trashing it for a slightly newer model or "proper" name brand

$600 million to buy hybrid vehicles for federal employees -- encourage them to use public transportation or have them buy the vehicles themselves. Why should our government pay for fancy new vehicles?

$160 million for "paid volunteers" at the Corporation for the National and Community Service -- if they are paid they aren't volunteers, they are called "employees"

$5.5 million for "energy efficiency initiatives" at the Department of Veterans Affairs National CEMETERY Administration -- electric hearses or lawn mowers? Use horses, they establish a better appearance and will fertilize the grounds they graze.

$100 million for reducing the hazards of lead based paint -- since lead-based paint is no longer permitted in new construction, wouldn't it be cheaper to repaint using latex paints?

$75 million to construct a "security training" facility for State Department Security Officers when they can be trained at existing facilities at other agencies. -- what's wrong with where they train now? Let them use Quantico, it's huge and already sitting there for use

$200 million in funding for the LEASE of alternative energy vehicles for use on millitary instillations -- they're soldiers, they need to be marching from building to building to remain in shape, not drive.

$6 billion to turn federal buildings into "green" buildings -- turn off lights when not in use, or install motion sensors. Use weather stripping insulation around windows and doors, it's cheaper.

. . . . are these the types of projects we can hope to find in Obama's "American Jobs Act"?

$5.5 million for "energy efficiency initiatives" at the Department of Veterans Affairs National CEMETERY Administration -- electric hearses or lawn mowers? Use horses, they establish a better appearance and will fertilize the grounds they graze.

How much of the engery money was wasted by giving it to Solyndra?
$200 million for PUBLIC computer centers at community colleges -- Ever hear of a public library? What's wrong with utilizing THESE facilities?

No one said anything was wrong with it.

$200 million in funding for the LEASE of alternative energy vehicles for use on millitary instillations -- they're soldiers, they need to be marching from building to building to remain in shape, not drive.

Oh, yeah, you're right! Shit man, the military has been using automobiles for decades, and all this time, they could have just been walking! Fucking MORONS! Its great you've brought this to our attention!
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