Obama's KILLIN 'Em In New Hampshire w/His Speech

General message is, "We're moving on, without Congress to help you."

Again, Obama hasn't even BEGUN to campaign.

When he opens his mouth to campaign and lists all the things HE'S done to help the country and the the things the Republicans have done to NOT help the country.

It's a wrap.

Romney won't know what hit him when he comes to from that blow he's about to get.

I can't wait.

Obama has to take the gloves off and highlight point by point what Republicans have done to this country with their political temper tantrum

At least you admit the Democratics are incapable of accomplishing anything whatsoever, even when holding majoities in the House,Senate, and the Presidency... Took you a while to figure that out, but at least now you admit it...
Apparently, not "killing" all of 'em... Not a hit with the Fleabaggers....:lol:

Protesters disrupt Obama N.H. speech - Washington Times

That was a great moment. He patiently and respectfully listened to them. Let them protest. Didn't kick them out, then proceeded once they quited down, which they did shortly thereafter and continued to address them and their needs in the speech.

Those same protesters were amongst those applauding by the time he finished.

Perfect handling of that situation.

You just can't hold him down.


Really? the ten protesters that were protesting who knows what were really clapping at the end? Really?

Sure. All part of the choreography. Obama is still the one who walks on the waves, turns water into whine, feeds the multitude with his verbiage. convincing the paid shills and getting them to applaud is only one of his many miracles.
General message is, "We're moving on, without Congress to help you."

Again, Obama hasn't even BEGUN to campaign.

When he opens his mouth to campaign and lists all the things HE'S done to help the country and the the things the Republicans have done to NOT help the country.

It's a wrap.

Romney won't know what hit him when he comes to from that blow he's about to get.

I can't wait.

Obama has to take the gloves off and highlight point by point what Republicans have done to this country with their political temper tantrum

At least you admit the Democratics are incapable of accomplishing anything whatsoever, even when holding majoities in the House,Senate, and the Presidency... Took you a while to figure that out, but at least now you admit it...

Hence, the politics of Obama must fail

Republicans have demonstrated how a political temper tantrum can bring our political system to it's knees.
Apparently, not "killing" all of 'em... Not a hit with the Fleabaggers....:lol:

Protesters disrupt Obama N.H. speech - Washington Times

That was a great moment. He patiently and respectfully listened to them. Let them protest. Didn't kick them out, then proceeded once they quited down, which they did shortly thereafter and continued to address them and their needs in the speech.

Those same protesters were amongst those applauding by the time he finished.

Perfect handling of that situation.

You just can't hold him down.


I'm sure you can back up that claim, right?

Of course they can. All part of the theater of our political system. It makes me laugh that people fall for it.... but one can never accuse the partisan hacks of critical thought or independent analysis. :lol:
Apparently, not "killing" all of 'em... Not a hit with the Fleabaggers....:lol:

Protesters disrupt Obama N.H. speech - Washington Times

That was a great moment. He patiently and respectfully listened to them. Let them protest. Didn't kick them out, then proceeded once they quited down, which they did shortly thereafter and continued to address them and their needs in the speech.

Those same protesters were amongst those applauding by the time he finished.

Perfect handling of that situation.

You just can't hold him down.


Yea, that wasn't a set up or anything.


I have some land in Florida that you might be interested in. Or a bridge in London. :lol:

Hey, I have land in Florida and I'm in the process of buying more.

But, I don't have a bridge.............yet.
KalifornaGurl's idea of "independent thought" is anything that's anti-Obama and/or anti-Democrat.

CLASSIC!!! :lol: :lol:
General message is, "We're moving on, without Congress to help you."

Again, Obama hasn't even BEGUN to campaign.

When he opens his mouth to campaign and lists all the things HE'S done to help the country and the the things the Republicans have done to NOT help the country.

It's a wrap.

Romney won't know what hit him when he comes to from that blow he's about to get.

I can't wait.

you might be right.

people generally appreciate a really short speech.
Obama has to take the gloves off and highlight point by point what Republicans have done to this country with their political temper tantrum

At least you admit the Democratics are incapable of accomplishing anything whatsoever, even when holding majoities in the House,Senate, and the Presidency... Took you a while to figure that out, but at least now you admit it...

Hence, the politics of Obama must fail

Republicans have demonstrated how a political temper tantrum can bring our political system to it's knees.

Yes ... Republicans haha:lol:
Apparently, not "killing" all of 'em... Not a hit with the Fleabaggers....:lol:

Protesters disrupt Obama N.H. speech - Washington Times

That was a great moment. He patiently and respectfully listened to them. Let them protest. Didn't kick them out, then proceeded once they quited down, which they did shortly thereafter and continued to address them and their needs in the speech.

Those same protesters were amongst those applauding by the time he finished.

Perfect handling of that situation.

You just can't hold him down.


Really? the ten protesters that were protesting who knows what were really clapping at the end? Really?

Yes, really. The ENTIRE audience was applauding. Common sense dictates that that included the OWSers. Moreover, even if they weren't or all of them weren't applauding, there were enough supporters there that did. Even before the noise subsided the supporters drowned out the OWSers chants with chants of their own.

"O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma!!"

It was a thing of beauty.

What a country we live in eh? *sniff*
General message is, "We're moving on, without Congress to help you."

Again, Obama hasn't even BEGUN to campaign.

When he opens his mouth to campaign and lists all the things HE'S done to help the country and the the things the Republicans have done to NOT help the country.

It's a wrap.

Romney won't know what hit him when he comes to from that blow he's about to get.

I can't wait.

Obama has to take the gloves off and highlight point by point what Republicans have done to this country with their political temper tantrum

At least you admit the Democratics are incapable of accomplishing anything whatsoever, even when holding majoities in the House,Senate, and the Presidency... Took you a while to figure that out, but at least now you admit it...[/QUOTE

Dems don't hold the majority of the House. Where do you get your information from?
John Benner (R) is the Speaker of the house, because after the last election in 2010 the Rep gained majority. It is the Rep party in the House who have said "No" to everything Obama is trying to get passed. No the jobs bill, no to end Bush tax breaks for the rich, ect...

BTW: There is a space after a comma before the next word in the sentence.
KalifornaGurl's idea of "independent thought" is anything that's anti-Obama and/or anti-Democrat.

CLASSIC!!! :lol: :lol:

Actually, I'm equally as mocking of the moronic right when required. Just because I'm a Conservative does not mean I respect the GOP any more than the Dems. The problem is that there are too many idiots on both sides who cannot see past what you are spoon fed. I actually feel quite sorry for you.... but that doesn't stop me being pissed at both sides and your willful destruction of this country for your petty fucking bullshit politics.
That was a great moment. He patiently and respectfully listened to them. Let them protest. Didn't kick them out, then proceeded once they quited down, which they did shortly thereafter and continued to address them and their needs in the speech.

Those same protesters were amongst those applauding by the time he finished.

Perfect handling of that situation.

You just can't hold him down.


Really? the ten protesters that were protesting who knows what were really clapping at the end? Really?

Yes, really. The ENTIRE audience was applauding. Common sense dictates that that included the OWSers. Moreover, even if they weren't or all of them weren't applauding, there were enough supporters there that did. Even before the noise subsided the supporters drowned out the OWSers chants with chants of their s"O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma!!"
I'dIt was a thing of beauty.

What a country we live in eh? *sniff*

Obama has been on the sidelines letting the Republicans beat each other up. Once he starts campaigning, the Republicans will have to answer for their political temper tantrum ofvthe last four years

Ain't gunn a be pretty
KalifornaGurl's idea of "independent thought" is anything that's anti-Obama and/or anti-Democrat.

CLASSIC!!! :lol: :lol:

Actually, I'm equally as mocking of the moronic right when required. Just because I'm a Conservative does not mean I respect the GOP any more than the Dems. The problem is that there are too many idiots on both sides who cannot see past what you are spoon fed. I actually feel quite sorry for you.... but that doesn't stop me being pissed at both sides and your willful destruction of this country for your petty fucking bullshit politics.

Your lack of political conviction is underwhelming. Have you ever been enthusiastic over anyone in your life? Ever voted Democratic? Other than your usual "I hate everyone".....is there anyone you like?
KalifornaGurl's idea of "independent thought" is anything that's anti-Obama and/or anti-Democrat.

CLASSIC!!! :lol: :lol:

Actually, I'm equally as mocking of the moronic right when required. Just because I'm a Conservative does not mean I respect the GOP any more than the Dems. The problem is that there are too many idiots on both sides who cannot see past what you are spoon fed. I actually feel quite sorry for you.... but that doesn't stop me being pissed at both sides and your willful destruction of this country for your petty fucking bullshit politics.

Your lack of political conviction is underwhelming. Have you ever been enthusiastic over anyone in your life? Ever voted Democratic? Other than your usual "I hate everyone".....is there anyone you like?

I don't do 'hate', nor do I do 'enthusiasm' when it comes to politicians. In my view, anyone who trusts any politician is an idiot. My political convictions are based on policies, not personalities. I'm not stupid enough to vote for someone because I like him. I leave that behavior to those who lack the capacity to think for themselves.

Frankly, this hero worship of Obama creeps me out more than a tad. Stupidity always makes me nervous.... stupid people can be dangerous in large groups.
Actually, I'm equally as mocking of the moronic right when required. Just because I'm a Conservative does not mean I respect the GOP any more than the Dems. The problem is that there are too many idiots on both sides who cannot see past what you are spoon fed. I actually feel quite sorry for you.... but that doesn't stop me being pissed at both sides and your willful destruction of this country for your petty fucking bullshit politics.

Your lack of political conviction is underwhelming. Have you ever been enthusiastic over anyone in your life? Ever voted Democratic? Other than your usual "I hate everyone".....is there anyone you like?

I don't do 'hate', nor do I do 'enthusiasm' when it comes to politicians. In my view, anyone who trusts any politician is an idiot. My political convictions are based on policies, not personalities. I'm not stupid enough to vote for someone because I like him. I leave that behavior to those who lack the capacity to think for themselves.

Frankly, this hero worship of Obama creeps me out more than a tad. Stupidity always makes me nervous.... stupid people can be dangerous in large groups.

About what I expected.....no political conviction

Do you mean that in your entire life you have never had a candidate you supported? Never liked a single President? With eight Republicans and One Democrat, there is not a single candidate you support?

It's sad really that you have to go through life like that......never committing to anything because nothing meets your expectations. I can name dozens of candidates from both parties that I have enthusiastically supported. It is a shame that in your young life you can't name one
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Apparently, not "killing" all of 'em... Not a hit with the Fleabaggers....:lol:

Protesters disrupt Obama N.H. speech - Washington Times

That was a great moment. He patiently and respectfully listened to them. Let them protest. Didn't kick them out, then proceeded once they quited down, which they did shortly thereafter and continued to address them and their needs in the speech.

Those same protesters were amongst those applauding by the time he finished.

Perfect handling of that situation.

You just can't hold him down.


Now this is interesting.

His fellow democrats, obama's closest advisors admit that he cannot run on his record. That's why all this deflection is going on.

What do you see that they don't? What do they know that you don't.
Apparently, not "killing" all of 'em... Not a hit with the Fleabaggers....:lol:

Protesters disrupt Obama N.H. speech - Washington Times

That was a great moment. He patiently and respectfully listened to them. Let them protest. Didn't kick them out, then proceeded once they quited down, which they did shortly thereafter and continued to address them and their needs in the speech.

Those same protesters were amongst those applauding by the time he finished.

Perfect handling of that situation.

You just can't hold him down.


OMG... your love affair with this guy rivals Chris "tingle up my leg" Mathews....
Geez is their anything you would deny this man if you two were behind closed doors.
KalifornaGurl's idea of "independent thought" is anything that's anti-Obama and/or anti-Democrat.

CLASSIC!!! :lol: :lol:

Actually, I'm equally as mocking of the moronic right when required. Just because I'm a Conservative does not mean I respect the GOP any more than the Dems. The problem is that there are too many idiots on both sides who cannot see past what you are spoon fed. I actually feel quite sorry for you.... but that doesn't stop me being pissed at both sides and your willful destruction of this country for your petty fucking bullshit politics.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you equally bash both parties, yada, yada, yada, you don't like any of them, blah, blah, blah.

Obama's finally calling out the Republicans by name.

However, being the nice guy that he is, he 's still willing to give them another chance.

He quipped, "in the spirit of Thanksgiving" during the speech.

Killer line.

Thanks for the updates.

You going to give us a blow-by-blow of his concession speech too?

:lol: So who do you think is going to beat him?

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