Obama's Latest Attack Ad Against Romney is MASTERFUL!!

The only thing of note about Obama's "attack" ads is that it is July and the GOPers are already back on thier heels. If you idiots think THIS is as hardball as it gets then you are in for a very distressing August, September and October. Do you REALLY think Obama is opening up with his "A" material? If you morons are freaking out with these very bland attacks you will probably all be in intensive psychiatric care in a couple of months.
The only thing of note about Obama's "attack" ads is that it is July and the GOPers are already back on thier heels. If you idiots think THIS is as hardball as it gets then you are in for a very distressing August, September and October. Do you REALLY think Obama is opening up with his "A" material? If you morons are freaking out with these very bland attacks you will probably all be in intensive psychiatric care in a couple of months.

no problem..Obama hasn't gotten a clue these latest attacks didn't work and the people are already "sick" of them..I say, GO OBAMA...don't tout your wonderful record to give the people a reason to re-elect you..Keep Attacking

hello November..vote Obama out people
The only thing of note about Obama's "attack" ads is that it is July and the GOPers are already back on thier heels. If you idiots think THIS is as hardball as it gets then you are in for a very distressing August, September and October. Do you REALLY think Obama is opening up with his "A" material? If you morons are freaking out with these very bland attacks you will probably all be in intensive psychiatric care in a couple of months.

no problem..Obama hasn't gotten a clue these latest attacks didn't work and the people are already "sick" of them..I say, GO OBAMA...don't tout your wonderful record to give the people a reason to re-elect you..Keep Attacking

hello November..vote Obama out people

Obama already stated in the Charlie Rose interview that he didn't think his first 3 and a half years was worth running on. He said he will be pointing out the differences between his vision and Romney's. You can expect him to do just that. There was more than enough "dirt" laid out by the hopeful GOP candidates in the primary to keep the ad men busy with Obama's "attack on Mittens over the next few months.
The only thing of note about Obama's "attack" ads is that it is July and the GOPers are already back on thier heels. If you idiots think THIS is as hardball as it gets then you are in for a very distressing August, September and October. Do you REALLY think Obama is opening up with his "A" material? If you morons are freaking out with these very bland attacks you will probably all be in intensive psychiatric care in a couple of months.

no problem..Obama hasn't gotten a clue these latest attacks didn't work and the people are already "sick" of them..I say, GO OBAMA...don't tout your wonderful record to give the people a reason to re-elect you..Keep Attacking

hello November..vote Obama out people

Obama already stated in the Charlie Rose interview that he didn't think his first 3 and a half years was worth running on. He said he will be pointing out the differences between his vision and Romney's. You can expect him to do just that. There was more than enough "dirt" laid out by the hopeful GOP candidates in the primary to keep the ad men busy with Obama's "attack on Mittens over the next few months.

okey dokey...you all go with that
Finally!! A Democrat dishing it out instead of receiving it all the time. You go, Obama!!

Probably the best Democrat attack ad ever. And it has the advantage of being 100% true.

The ad does a very effective job of exposing Romney for the absolute total fraud and shameless liar that he is. Romney's horrible singing, combined with the factual tidbits about his vulture capitalism, make him look very unappealing except to the most idiotic right-wing Repug extremists.

And it's quite telling how NO worthless Repug on this board can offer a viable endorsement of Romney. He's absolutely one of the least attractive Presidential candidates EVER.
Pull your head out of obamaturds butt. The dimwits have been dishing it out with their lies for years idiot. If this is masterful you can bet it wasn't the idiot obamaturds doing, he is too stupid, like you.

True? What? In your world?

The United States..IS A SECULAR NATION.


This allows all faiths to practice their own religion, in peace.

If what Romney is saying is true..he wants it more religious.

And he might want to impose a national religion.

Ready to convert to Mormonism?

Well..being female..you get to be part of someone else's planet..to serve them.

Like that idea?
You do know the President can't impose a national religion, right?

So you're getting your frilly panties in a wad over something that's impossible.

But, I understand that you're unable to support Obama's record, so all you have left is fear-mongering.
The only thing of note about Obama's "attack" ads is that it is July and the GOPers are already back on thier heels. If you idiots think THIS is as hardball as it gets then you are in for a very distressing August, September and October. Do you REALLY think Obama is opening up with his "A" material? If you morons are freaking out with these very bland attacks you will probably all be in intensive psychiatric care in a couple of months.

Given that all Obama's attacks so far are based on lies, I expect he's going to come up with ads saying Romney shoots kittens out of cannons.

You, of course, will believe it.
The only thing of note about Obama's "attack" ads is that it is July and the GOPers are already back on thier heels. If you idiots think THIS is as hardball as it gets then you are in for a very distressing August, September and October. Do you REALLY think Obama is opening up with his "A" material? If you morons are freaking out with these very bland attacks you will probably all be in intensive psychiatric care in a couple of months.

no problem..Obama hasn't gotten a clue these latest attacks didn't work and the people are already "sick" of them..I say, GO OBAMA...don't tout your wonderful record to give the people a reason to re-elect you..Keep Attacking

hello November..vote Obama out people

Obama already stated in the Charlie Rose interview that he didn't think his first 3 and a half years was worth running on. He said he will be pointing out the differences between his vision and Romney's. You can expect him to do just that. There was more than enough "dirt" laid out by the hopeful GOP candidates in the primary to keep the ad men busy with Obama's "attack on Mittens over the next few months.
So, Obama's admitted his first term is a failure.

Why does he deserve a second?
Finally!! A Democrat dishing it out instead of receiving it all the time. You go, Obama!!

Probably the best Democrat attack ad ever. And it has the advantage of being 100% true.

The ad does a very effective job of exposing Romney for the absolute total fraud and shameless liar that he is. Romney's horrible singing, combined with the factual tidbits about his vulture capitalism, make him look very unappealing except to the most idiotic right-wing Repug extremists.

And it's quite telling how NO worthless Repug on this board can offer a viable endorsement of Romney. He's absolutely one of the least attractive Presidential candidates EVER.

You're either fucking nuts or like what, 14?
obama's latest attack ad is a nice fat OOPS.

Obama Ad Accuses Romney of 'Launching a False Attack' for Quoting Obama | The Weekly Standard

And, in fact, later in the ad the Obama campaign actually plays the clip that Romney quotes of Obama, at about :40 second spot.

"Mitt Romney will say anything," the ad concludes. It turns out, he'll even say Obama's words when quoting him.

Maybe this is why obama is losing. No matter what he says, people know. Like they know that more people got on disability last month than got jobs.
Finally!! A Democrat dishing it out instead of receiving it all the time. You go, Obama!!

Probably the best Democrat attack ad ever. And it has the advantage of being 100% true.

The ad does a very effective job of exposing Romney for the absolute total fraud and shameless liar that he is. Romney's horrible singing, combined with the factual tidbits about his vulture capitalism, make him look very unappealing except to the most idiotic right-wing Repug extremists.

And it's quite telling how NO worthless Repug on this board can offer a viable endorsement of Romney. He's absolutely one of the least attractive Presidential candidates EVER.

"Despite months of negative advertising from Mr. Obama and his Democratic allies seeking to further define Mr. Romney as out of touch with the middle class and representative of wealthy interests, the poll shows little evidence of any substantial nationwide shift in attitudes about Mr. Romney."
1) Democrats always dish out trash. They are the kings of it.
2) Obama has yet to make an advertisement that was factual.

Hello, tea bagger Jesus freak!! How are you this fine evening?

You never answered my previous 500 questions...after all, you are an intellectually dishonest tea bagger lump of shit pussy. Let's try again shall we??

What would Jesus say about the richest 1% controlling over 40% of the wealth in this country?? Would Jesus call this "greed", hypocritical Jesus freak asshole??? I know this is very disappointing for a delusional tea bagger fascist such as yourself....but I think he would!!

Until an unremarkable simpleton such as yourself answers this simple question, kindly fuck off.

The intellect of some, if you aren't smart you just start with insults, very interesting response.

Seems that KWO is on a PMS trip... Or just unbelievably cranky...

True? What? In your world?

The United States..IS A SECULAR NATION.


Wow. You really are ignorant of what the First Amendment is all about, aren't you.

It does not just keep religion out of the State, it is intended to keep the State out of religion.

Obama FORCED religious business owners to VIOLATE their BELIEFS. He forced them to do something against their religion. When will you dumb fucks ever get that through your heads?

Obama is waging war on religion. Pure and simple.
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1) Democrats always dish out trash. They are the kings of it.
2) Obama has yet to make an advertisement that was factual.

Hello, tea bagger Jesus freak!! How are you this fine evening?

You never answered my previous 500 questions...after all, you are an intellectually dishonest tea bagger lump of shit pussy. Let's try again shall we??

What would Jesus say about the richest 1% controlling over 40% of the wealth in this country?? Would Jesus call this "greed", hypocritical Jesus freak asshole??? I know this is very disappointing for a delusional tea bagger fascist such as yourself....but I think he would!!

Until an unremarkable simpleton such as yourself answers this simple question, kindly fuck off.

Kook-Koo wild obongoist, will you be pulling for da team...

1) Democrats always dish out trash. They are the kings of it.
2) Obama has yet to make an advertisement that was factual.

Hello, tea bagger Jesus freak!! How are you this fine evening?

You never answered my previous 500 questions...after all, you are an intellectually dishonest tea bagger lump of shit pussy. Let's try again shall we??

What would Jesus say about the richest 1% controlling over 40% of the wealth in this country?? Would Jesus call this "greed", hypocritical Jesus freak asshole??? I know this is very disappointing for a delusional tea bagger fascist such as yourself....but I think he would!!

Until an unremarkable simpleton such as yourself answers this simple question, kindly fuck off.

Kook-Koo wild obongoist, will you be pulling for da team...

A picture is indeed worth a thousand words, American Jihad. People don't understand what's hidden in the 5-ream 2500+ page "bill" aka "Obamascare." It's a freaking plot to unionize healthcare and expose Americans' health records to the Omerta creeps who will use information against anyone with a political thought not in lockstep with Democrats.

Think of it. A current $1500 hospital room daily cost will now be $7,500 before inflation keeps wanking on the economy. After that, no telling what! Sick for 30 days? No soup for you! No discounts! Doubletime overtime on weekends and any one of 60 gummint holidays. Pay a quarter of a million dollars on your way out! (30x7,500+overtime=$250k)

Good grief, Charlie Brown!!!

Does anyone now see why Nancy Pelosi told people to just pass Obamacare and not read it?

Obama listened to God damn America for 20 years, and given the power, he's damning away all our childrens' future for an oversized, burgeoned huge federal government with insight into your hospital and medical records for government appointees to amuse themselves with as they while the workdays away at your expense.

Meanwhile, he's salving his own conscience with shibboleths like business owners didn't earn their own way, that the Federal Government granted people the privilege of subservience to it.

Get rid of Obamascare. Elect Mitt Romney.
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Romney is attacking our problems while Obama is attacking Romney

Romney isn't attacking our problems.

Romney is the problem.

If anyone represents the stupidity of undermining the middle class to make a few rich douchebags richer, (the cause of all our problems) Romney is that guy.
ok? what did he say that isn't true?
at least he's not calling Obama, a Felon

True? What? In your world?

The United States..IS A SECULAR NATION.


This allows all faiths to practice their own religion, in peace.

If what Romney is saying is true..he wants it more religious.

And he might want to impose a national religion.

Ready to convert to Mormonism?

Well..being female..you get to be part of someone else's planet..to serve them.

Like that idea?
You do know the President can't impose a national religion, right?

So you're getting your frilly panties in a wad over something that's impossible.

But, I understand that you're unable to support Obama's record, so all you have left is fear-mongering.

Millions of people have been killed by crazy religious fanatics who believe in impossible and even silly things.

Sorry, I was willing to vote for a Republican this year, but the Mormons are just too damned crazy for me to give the keys to the Nukes to.
1) Democrats always dish out trash. They are the kings of it.
2) Obama has yet to make an advertisement that was factual.

Hello, tea bagger Jesus freak!! How are you this fine evening?

You never answered my previous 500 questions...after all, you are an intellectually dishonest tea bagger lump of shit pussy. Let's try again shall we??

What would Jesus say about the richest 1% controlling over 40% of the wealth in this country?? Would Jesus call this "greed", hypocritical Jesus freak asshole??? I know this is very disappointing for a delusional tea bagger fascist such as yourself....but I think he would!!

Until an unremarkable simpleton such as yourself answers this simple question, kindly fuck off.

Jesus would say, "Mind your own fucking business and Bush really did win Ohio"

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