Obama's list of accomplishes in regards to the economy

And obama is handled by those who caused it.


Get a fucking taste of reality. obama is handled by the people who caused the failed economy. After all obama did say on day one he would have his administration running and getting the job done. What in the hell happened?

GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Unemployment is down.
We have had 22 months of private sector job growth.
GM was saved and is now the number one automaker in the world.

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.
This was a man made disaster.

There was nothing natural about it.

All economic swings are both man made and part of the natural cycle of the market. It is not my fault you are too stupid to understand this.

I made A's in economics in college. I am not stupid.

The stimulus worked. The GM rescue worked.

If it had not, you would be blaming Obama.

Krugman thinks the stimulus failed. He not only supported it, he has a Nobel prize in economics. That means I can blame Obama for spending $1 trillion that was a complete waste, most of which has not even been spent yet.

The GM rescue may, or may not, have worked, it is too early to tell. If they don't need another one in 10 years I will say it worked, until then I will wait until they have at least paid us back. I still blame Obama for not following the actual law, something I think is important for a president to do.
All economic swings are both man made and part of the natural cycle of the market. It is not my fault you are too stupid to understand this.

I made A's in economics in college. I am not stupid.

The stimulus worked. The GM rescue worked.

If it had not, you would be blaming Obama.

Krugman thinks the stimulus failed. He not only supported it, he has a Nobel prize in economics. That means I can blame Obama for spending $1 trillion that was a complete waste, most of which has not even been spent yet.

The GM rescue may, or may not, have worked, it is too early to tell. If they don't need another one in 10 years I will say it worked, until then I will wait until they have at least paid us back. I still blame Obama for not following the actual law, something I think is important for a president to do.

Wow, that was weak.

Krugman thought the stimuus was too small. But it worked. 8 straight quarters of GDP growth. 22 months of private sector job growth. The stock market doubled.

And the GM rescue kicked ass. GM needed smarter leadership, and they got it.

Get a fucking taste of reality. obama is handled by the people who caused the failed economy. After all obama did say on day one he would have his administration running and getting the job done. What in the hell happened?

GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Unemployment is down.
We have had 22 months of private sector job growth.
GM was saved and is now the number one automaker in the world.

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.

OH you attribute the death of Gaddafi to obama?

GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Unemployment is down.
We have had 22 months of private sector job growth.
GM was saved and is now the number one automaker in the world.

You will believe anything the government tells you as long as obama is president.

Home sales are up.
NO they are not

Unemployment is down.
Anyone can cook the numbers the government specializes in doing it.

We have had 22 months of private sector job growth.
No we have not

Retail sales are up.
Christmas time sales are always up wait until you get the report from charge card transactions

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.
Now back to this comment
Dictators are not wanted by obama's handlers so they just start a war to get rid of them that is if the dictators do not want to play ball with obama's handlers.
Get a fucking taste of reality. obama is handled by the people who caused the failed economy. After all obama did say on day one he would have his administration running and getting the job done. What in the hell happened?

GDP has been growing since 2009.
The stock market has doubled since 2009.
Americans net worth is up $9 trillion dollars since 2009.
Auto sales are up.
Home sales are up.
Retail sales are up.
Unemployment is down.
We have had 22 months of private sector job growth.
GM was saved and is now the number one automaker in the world.

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.

Obama has done a very good job.

OH you attribute the death of Gaddafi to obama?

You will believe anything the government tells you as long as obama is president.

NO they are not

Anyone can cook the numbers the government specializes in doing it.

No we have not

Retail sales are up.
Christmas time sales are always up wait until you get the report from charge card transactions

Bin Laden and Gaddafi are dead, and we are out of Iraq.
Now back to this comment
Dictators are not wanted by obama's handlers so they just start a war to get rid of them that is if the dictators do not want to play ball with obama's handlers.

You are following the three rules of lying....deny, deny, deny.

Existing home sales rose for the third consecutive month in December, according to data released Friday by the National Association of Realtors, which touts the upswing as a sign of recovery in the national housing market.

Sales of existing homes rose to a seasonally adjusted rate of 4.42 million during the final month of the year, marking a 5 percent increase over the downwardly revised 4.39 million homes sold in November and a 4 percent increase over the 4.25 million homes sold in October. The number of homes sold in December 2011 also marked a 3.6 percent increase over the 4.45 million homes sold during the same month one year ago.The December upswing closed out an altogether positive year for existing home sales, which rose 1.7 percent in 2011 to 4.26 million.

Existing home sales climb for third straight month - Where We Live - The Washington Post

For all of 2011, retail sales totaled a record $4.7 trillion, a gain of nearly 8 percent over 2010. It was the largest percentage increase since 1999

Steady sales gains have fueled a 20 percent surge from the low during the recession. Monthly sales are even 6 percent above their pre-recession high.

The figures confirm evidence that the economy was strengthening as 2011 ended.

Retail sales inched up in Dec., ending record year

SANTA MONICA, Calif., Dec. 28 (UPI) -- U.S. automobile sales are expected to hit 12.8 million cars and trucks sold in 2011, online industry research firm TrueCar.com said.

Sales are higher than any year since 2008, when 13.2 million vehicles were sold. Compared to 2010, sales are up by 1.2 million vehicles, the firm said.

December sales, expected to be up 8.1 percent from December 2010, will add to the year-to-year gains, the Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday.

2011 auto sales most since 2008 - UPI.com
A burst of hiring in December pushed the unemployment rate to its lowest level in nearly three years, giving the economy a boost at the end of 2011.

The Labor Department said Friday that employers added a net 200,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 8.5 percent, the lowest since February 2009. The rate has dropped for four straight months.

The hiring gains cap a six-month stretch in which the economy generated 100,000 jobs or more in each month. That hasn't happened since April 2006.

"There is no question that today's employment report is a positive and there is also no question that the pace of job growth has accelerated of late," said Dan Greenhaus, an analyst at BTIG LLC, a brokerage firm

Unemployment rate falls to 8.5 pct., hiring surges - BusinessWeek
A burst of hiring in December pushed the unemployment rate to its lowest level in nearly three years, giving the economy a boost at the end of 2011.

The Labor Department said Friday that employers added a net 200,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 8.5 percent, the lowest since February 2009. The rate has dropped for four straight months.

The hiring gains cap a six-month stretch in which the economy generated 100,000 jobs or more in each month. That hasn't happened since April 2006.

"There is no question that today's employment report is a positive and there is also no question that the pace of job growth has accelerated of late," said Dan Greenhaus, an analyst at BTIG LLC, a brokerage firm

Unemployment rate falls to 8.5 pct., hiring surges - BusinessWeek
Christmas is a band aid for the economy Try your hackery some where else.
OH how many stores did Sears and kmart close in december? The time of year they should be busy?
Last edited:
A burst of hiring in December pushed the unemployment rate to its lowest level in nearly three years, giving the economy a boost at the end of 2011.

The Labor Department said Friday that employers added a net 200,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 8.5 percent, the lowest since February 2009. The rate has dropped for four straight months.

The hiring gains cap a six-month stretch in which the economy generated 100,000 jobs or more in each month. That hasn't happened since April 2006.

"There is no question that today's employment report is a positive and there is also no question that the pace of job growth has accelerated of late," said Dan Greenhaus, an analyst at BTIG LLC, a brokerage firm

Unemployment rate falls to 8.5 pct., hiring surges - BusinessWeek
Christmas is a band aid for the economy Try your hackery some where else.
OH how many stores did Sears and kmart close in december? The time of year they should be busy?

Weak, very weak.....

Existing home sales climb for third straight month - Where We Live - The Washington Post

Retail sales inched up in Dec., ending record year

2011 auto sales most since 2008 - UPI.com
obama will be the obly president remembered for have America's AAA credit rating down graded.:clap2:
Way to go obamaer.
A burst of hiring in December pushed the unemployment rate to its lowest level in nearly three years, giving the economy a boost at the end of 2011.

The Labor Department said Friday that employers added a net 200,000 jobs last month and the unemployment rate fell to 8.5 percent, the lowest since February 2009. The rate has dropped for four straight months.

The hiring gains cap a six-month stretch in which the economy generated 100,000 jobs or more in each month. That hasn't happened since April 2006.

"There is no question that today's employment report is a positive and there is also no question that the pace of job growth has accelerated of late," said Dan Greenhaus, an analyst at BTIG LLC, a brokerage firm

Unemployment rate falls to 8.5 pct., hiring surges - BusinessWeek
Christmas is a band aid for the economy Try your hackery some where else.
OH how many stores did Sears and kmart close in december? The time of year they should be busy?

Weak, very weak.....

Existing home sales climb for third straight month - Where We Live - The Washington Post

Retail sales inched up in Dec., ending record year

2011 auto sales most since 2008 - UPI.com

It's not weak it's a fact thats why stores look for the christmas season so they can sale. It has always historically been the make or break tine for a company Oh why did sears and kmart close stores? DURING DECEMBER OF ALL TIMES OF THE YEAR?
Christmas is a band aid for the economy Try your hackery some where else.
OH how many stores did Sears and kmart close in december? The time of year they should be busy?

Weak, very weak.....

Existing home sales climb for third straight month - Where We Live - The Washington Post

Retail sales inched up in Dec., ending record year

2011 auto sales most since 2008 - UPI.com

It's not weak it's a fact thats why stores look for the christmas season so they can sale. It has always historically been the make or break tine for a company Oh why did sears and kmart close stores? DURING DECEMBER OF ALL TIMES OF THE YEAR?

One word...Walmart.
obama will be the obly president remembered for have America's AAA credit rating down graded.:clap2:
Way to go obamaer.

You have run out of bullets.

The treasonous Tea Party/Republicans caused the downgrade.

Keep trying...

nO YOU KEEP TRYING NOW YOU ARE BLAMING THE TEA PARTY? AND THE REPUBLICANS?pull your god damnb head out of obama ass for one god damn minute you stupid son of a bitch.
yeah, he said the unemployment wouldn't surpass 8 percent. Guess what, it want to 10 percent than back to 9 percent for 2.5 years. Fail!

So we give him a low grade on being a good prophet, soothsayer, crystal ball reader. Is that the best the right side boys can come up with?

The real jobless rate is closer to 20 per cent or so many of the experts have said.

The truth is, one democratic president cannot fix what it took the cons 30 years to break. Obama is trying to fix a conservative economic model that deregulated banking, and concocted free trade in secret, that would as Perot said, would send american middle class jobs to cheap labor, and it turned out to be communist labor. Just in order that some special interests could max out their profits, even though if it devastated the middle class here and put half the nation into poverty.

For what Obama had to work with, he did well, but he cannot fix what is broke and that is our economic model that is sending more wealth upwards. Unlike our post ww2 model that created history's largest middle class our current model is doing the reverse, with no real change in sight. We wil have to have riots in the streets to get these fuckers attention.

Out only hope is to elect a republican as President in 12 and let the repubs take the senate. In this manner the repubs will continue to impoverish millions here as they cannot create jobs by tax breaks, as that money will go to china, where you can make more on your investments. When they make the economy bad enough and gut social saftey nets, only then will the middle class rise up and relegate the pubs and their economic model to the dustbin of history and we can get back to making this economy work for the middle once again.
obama will be the obly president remembered for have America's AAA credit rating down graded.:clap2:
Way to go obamaer.

You have run out of bullets.

The treasonous Tea Party/Republicans caused the downgrade.

Keep trying...

nO YOU KEEP TRYING NOW YOU ARE BLAMING THE TEA PARTY? AND THE REPUBLICANS?pull your god damnb head out of obama ass for one god damn minute you stupid son of a bitch.

The next thing he will try to claim is the stimulus worked..

Oops he tried that.

White house admits stimuus faied - Bing

It's not weak it's a fact thats why stores look for the christmas season so they can sale. It has always historically been the make or break tine for a company Oh why did sears and kmart close stores? DURING DECEMBER OF ALL TIMES OF THE YEAR?

One word...Walmart.

I will be so damn glad when the economy just drops it's coming and people like you will continue to blame those who have no control when those who you asshats elected have all the control's that their handlers will allow them to have.
You have run out of bullets.

The treasonous Tea Party/Republicans caused the downgrade.

Keep trying...

nO YOU KEEP TRYING NOW YOU ARE BLAMING THE TEA PARTY? AND THE REPUBLICANS?pull your god damnb head out of obama ass for one god damn minute you stupid son of a bitch.

The next thing he will try to claim is the stimulus worked..

Oops he tried that.

White house admits stimuus faied - Bing

They need to pull their heads out of obama's ass so we the American people can fix this mess. Nothing will get done if they keep giving support to the failure in chief.
You have run out of bullets.

The treasonous Tea Party/Republicans caused the downgrade.

Keep trying...

nO YOU KEEP TRYING NOW YOU ARE BLAMING THE TEA PARTY? AND THE REPUBLICANS?pull your god damnb head out of obama ass for one god damn minute you stupid son of a bitch.


I knew you was telling a joke thanks but I do not think lies are very funny . When it comes to the economy.
I made A's in economics in college. I am not stupid.

The stimulus worked. The GM rescue worked.

If it had not, you would be blaming Obama.

Krugman thinks the stimulus failed. He not only supported it, he has a Nobel prize in economics. That means I can blame Obama for spending $1 trillion that was a complete waste, most of which has not even been spent yet.

The GM rescue may, or may not, have worked, it is too early to tell. If they don't need another one in 10 years I will say it worked, until then I will wait until they have at least paid us back. I still blame Obama for not following the actual law, something I think is important for a president to do.

Wow, that was weak.

Krugman thought the stimuus was too small. But it worked. 8 straight quarters of GDP growth. 22 months of private sector job growth. The stock market doubled.

And the GM rescue kicked ass. GM needed smarter leadership, and they got it.

Are you saying Krugman is wrong?

The stock market doubled? Under Obama? Are you high?

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