Obama's New War on Terror Approach


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2012
Obama says America at ‘crossroads’ in terror fight, outlines news steps on drones, Gitmo

(press conference still going on)
By Associated Press, Associated Press May 23, 2013 06:11 PM EDT
Published: May 22 | Updated: Thursday, May 23, 2:11 PM
WASHINGTON — Declaring America at a “crossroads” in the fight against terrorism, President Barack Obama on Thursday revealed clearer guidelines for the use of deadly drone strikes, including more control by the U.S. military, while leaving key details of the controversial program secret.

The president also announced a renewed push to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center in Cuba, including lifting a moratorium on prisoner transfers to Yemen. However, shutting the prison will still require help from Republicans reluctant to back Obama’s call to move some detainees to U.S. prisons and try them in civilian courts.

Obama says America at ?crossroads? in terror fight, outlines news steps on drones, Gitmo - The Washington Post


Obama framed his address as an attempt to redefine the nature and scope of terror threats facing the U.S., noting the weakening of al-Qaida and the impending end of the U.S. war in Afghanistan.

“Neither I, nor any president, can promise the total defeat of terror,” Obama said in remarks at the National Defense University. “What we can do — what we must do — is dismantle networks that pose a direct danger, and make it less likely for new groups to gain a foothold, all while maintaining the freedoms and ideals that we defend.”
The question for the ages is why does obama want 450 million dollars to refurbish Gitmo if he's doing to close it down? Do the inmate really need new tennis courts to go along with their recently upgraded soccer field?
Our laws constrain the Presidency, even in war times...
'Citizenship should not shield those that go to fight against us.'

Would have been derelict in my duty not to authorize to take him out.
Wants to establishment a special court, but problems with presidential and judicial authority.
OR establishment of an independent oversight board within the executive branch-problem of bureaucracy.
I noticed he tried to separate al queda from alot of the attacks since 9/11.
The question for the ages is why does obama want 450 million dollars to refurbish Gitmo if he's doing to close it down? Do the inmate really need new tennis courts to go along with their recently upgraded soccer field?

good question...
it is the ultimate rebuke to American muslims when we say we are at war with Islam.
I'm done. If anyone else is listening and wants to post what they hear, please do.
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We have no hope. Really. It is over. This creature plumbs depths of evil I never thought existed. David Cameron is just silly, but obama is completely evil.

Complete with his little plant heckler so we're impressed with how responsive he is to the peeps.

Sadly, we deserve everything that is going to happen to us.
Let's be honest here, Kiddies...

The main reason Barry trotted out to do a press conference on things like Gitmo and drones is that NEITHER is a scandal at the moment.

The Obama folks sat around the table trying to come up with something "safe" for Obama to talk about and someone brought up that drone strikes were supported by almost 70% of Americans. THAT is why we're having that press conference today. It's a diversion from the scandals that he desperately DOESN'T want to take questions about.
Imho, it was a very thoughtful speech that shows him to be a serious person who is grappling in public about the fine balance between national security and freedom.

On the point of the money being asked for to upkeep Gitmo, that's from the Pentagon. The Pentagon wants $450 million to upgrade it and to keep it going. The President wants the Congress to effectively close it and transfer the remaining detainees to America, where they will either face trial or be returned to where they came from.

I'm glad that the drone program is out in the open. This is the first President to acknowledge that it even existed. In this speech, he went further and talked about what kind of powers the public should allow the executive branch, and how to fashion those changes so that they do not abuse our liberties. That was pretty powerful stuff, unheard of since Eisenhower warned us of the "military industrial complex".

Obama is encouraging lawmakers to actually take powers away from him. But knowing this retarded set of Republicans these days, since they hate him so much that they do precisely the opposite of everything he wants, they probably won't take ANY power away from him! Fucking dingbats.

This was a serious speech, and it was very logical.

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