Obama's Nightmare Has Just Begun: Boehner Selects Trey Gowdy To Head Committee

Trey will Rock It!

He was a prosecutor for years and knows the law. This is going to be quite interesting.
LOL rw.

Charlene Lamb and the ARB report both stated that the BUDGET WAS NOT AN ISSUE. Can you for pete's sakes learn to read before you post?

Simple question

Why did Republicans vote to slash embassy security?

Don't they care?
LOL rw.

Charlene Lamb and the ARB report both stated that the BUDGET WAS NOT AN ISSUE. Can you for pete's sakes learn to read before you post?

Simple question

Why did Republicans vote to slash embassy security?

Don't they care?

Why didn't President "I've Got A Pen" allocate funding to the proper purpose of government instead of sending his wife on multi-million dollar vacations on the taxpayer dime?
Witch Hunt


I see now you are making the lie in really big letters. Doesn't make it any more true. But presenting it in a cartoon certainly seems fitting.
The ability to rescue the diplomats was also not possible. That testimony was also given to Congress

Yes it is impossible, especially when no attempt is made.

I guess you didn't hear any of the testimony given.

There are accounts of time, space and capability discussions of the question, could we have gotten there in time to make a difference. Well, the discussion is not in the “could or could not” in relation to time, space and capability—the point is we should have tried. As another saying goes: “Always move to the sound of the guns,” Lovell said. “It is with a sense of duty as a retired General officer that I respectfully submit these thoughts and perspectives.”

Retired Air Force Brigadier General Robert Lovell, who served as Deputy Director for Intelligence and Knowledge Development Directorate for AFRICOM at the time of the attack.

USAF general: “We should have tried” to respond to Benghazi attack

The next day the jackass said nothing could be done anyway. ALL Pubcrappe about the military is getting ''cartoonish''...

We should have tried because we as Americans NEVER leave another American behind. We have hero's serving their country with pride that would have risked there own lives to TRY to help save the guys that were left standing on a rooftop waiting for backup that was never ordered. It's Shameful that nothing was done. That's Not the American Way.

When did we lose the capability to assist in any emergency world wide. Most likely it was around Jan 2009 :eek:
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none of that is the issue. the issue is to get rid of the worst threat to the republic since Obama, (ie, Hilary).
Yes it is impossible, especially when no attempt is made.

I guess you didn't hear any of the testimony given.

There are accounts of time, space and capability discussions of the question, could we have gotten there in time to make a difference. Well, the discussion is not in the “could or could not” in relation to time, space and capability—the point is we should have tried. As another saying goes: “Always move to the sound of the guns,” Lovell said. “It is with a sense of duty as a retired General officer that I respectfully submit these thoughts and perspectives.”

Retired Air Force Brigadier General Robert Lovell, who served as Deputy Director for Intelligence and Knowledge Development Directorate for AFRICOM at the time of the attack.

USAF general: “We should have tried” to respond to Benghazi attack

The next day the jackass said nothing could be done anyway. ALL Pubcrappe about the military is getting ''cartoonish''...

We should have tried because we as Americans NEVER leave another American behind. We have hero's serving their country with pride that would have risked there own lives to TRY to help save the guys that were left standing on a rooftop waiting for backup that was never ordered. It's Shameful that nothing was done. That's Not the American Way.

When did we lose the capability to assist in any emergency world wide. Most likely it was around Jan 2009 :eek:

Indeed. The Ranger Creed doesn't say "I'll never leave a fallen comrade unless there's a risk I might get hurt".
LOL rw.

Charlene Lamb and the ARB report both stated that the BUDGET WAS NOT AN ISSUE. Can you for pete's sakes learn to read before you post?

Simple question

Why did Republicans vote to slash embassy security?

Don't they care?

Why didn't President "I've Got A Pen" allocate funding to the proper purpose of government instead of sending his wife on multi-million dollar vacations on the taxpayer dime?


Last vestige of a lost argument
Yes it is impossible, especially when no attempt is made.

I guess you didn't hear any of the testimony given.

There are accounts of time, space and capability discussions of the question, could we have gotten there in time to make a difference. Well, the discussion is not in the “could or could not” in relation to time, space and capability—the point is we should have tried. As another saying goes: “Always move to the sound of the guns,” Lovell said. “It is with a sense of duty as a retired General officer that I respectfully submit these thoughts and perspectives.”

Retired Air Force Brigadier General Robert Lovell, who served as Deputy Director for Intelligence and Knowledge Development Directorate for AFRICOM at the time of the attack.

USAF general: “We should have tried” to respond to Benghazi attack

The next day the jackass said nothing could be done anyway. ALL Pubcrappe about the military is getting ''cartoonish''...

We should have tried because we as Americans NEVER leave another American behind. We have hero's serving their country with pride that would have risked there own lives to TRY to help save the guys that were left standing on a rooftop waiting for backup that was never ordered. It's Shameful that nothing was done. That's Not the American Way.

When did we lose the capability to assist in any emergency world wide. Most likely it was around Jan 2009 :eek:

We don't order suicide missions. Sending men a thousand miles without cover and without support is suicide. All accounts show they would have been dead by the time SEALs arrived

We trust our SEALs to risk their lives. They trust us not to uselessly waste their lives
Simple question

Why did Republicans vote to slash embassy security?

Don't they care?

Why didn't President "I've Got A Pen" allocate funding to the proper purpose of government instead of sending his wife on multi-million dollar vacations on the taxpayer dime?


Last vestige of a lost argument

Lies. Big, Bold, Lies. The essence of every WrongWinger post....everything about you is a lie, right down to your user name.
The next day the jackass said nothing could be done anyway. ALL Pubcrappe about the military is getting ''cartoonish''...

We should have tried because we as Americans NEVER leave another American behind. We have hero's serving their country with pride that would have risked there own lives to TRY to help save the guys that were left standing on a rooftop waiting for backup that was never ordered. It's Shameful that nothing was done. That's Not the American Way.

When did we lose the capability to assist in any emergency world wide. Most likely it was around Jan 2009 :eek:

We don't order suicide missions. Sending men a thousand miles without cover and without support is suicide. All accounts show they would have been dead by the time SEALs arrived

We trust our SEALs to risk their lives. They trust us not to uselessly waste their lives

You are right, Obama probably did the right thing when he realized the clusterfuk he created in letting Stevens run guns at Benghazi. Now the question is if all of Obama's decisions were correct, why did he feel the need to lie about the incident and get a woman to lie for him?
The next day the jackass said nothing could be done anyway. ALL Pubcrappe about the military is getting ''cartoonish''...

We should have tried because we as Americans NEVER leave another American behind. We have hero's serving their country with pride that would have risked there own lives to TRY to help save the guys that were left standing on a rooftop waiting for backup that was never ordered. It's Shameful that nothing was done. That's Not the American Way.

When did we lose the capability to assist in any emergency world wide. Most likely it was around Jan 2009 :eek:

We don't order suicide missions. Sending men a thousand miles without cover and without support is suicide. All accounts show they would have been dead by the time SEALs arrived

We trust our SEALs to risk their lives. They trust us not to uselessly waste their lives

You mean of course a suicide mission exactly like Obama sent Stevens?
The next day the jackass said nothing could be done anyway. ALL Pubcrappe about the military is getting ''cartoonish''...

We should have tried because we as Americans NEVER leave another American behind. We have hero's serving their country with pride that would have risked there own lives to TRY to help save the guys that were left standing on a rooftop waiting for backup that was never ordered. It's Shameful that nothing was done. That's Not the American Way.

When did we lose the capability to assist in any emergency world wide. Most likely it was around Jan 2009 :eek:

We don't order suicide missions. Sending men a thousand miles without cover and without support is suicide. All accounts show they would have been dead by the time SEALs arrived

We trust our SEALs to risk their lives. They trust us not to uselessly waste their lives

Please explain exactly how they knew when it would end? That it was too late to send help? Who made that decision. Was there ever an order signed by obama to send help. We were LUCKY that only 4 died that night. There were over 30 others that would have been left behind if it weren't for the annex guys that rescued the survivors.
Where was Obama after 5pm. Not in the situation room available to sign any orders if needed.
The seals are trained to save Americans in just this type of situation. All military were pissed off that there were no orders to help...Still Are...
We should have tried because we as Americans NEVER leave another American behind. We have hero's serving their country with pride that would have risked there own lives to TRY to help save the guys that were left standing on a rooftop waiting for backup that was never ordered. It's Shameful that nothing was done. That's Not the American Way.

When did we lose the capability to assist in any emergency world wide. Most likely it was around Jan 2009 :eek:

We don't order suicide missions. Sending men a thousand miles without cover and without support is suicide. All accounts show they would have been dead by the time SEALs arrived

We trust our SEALs to risk their lives. They trust us not to uselessly waste their lives

You mean of course a suicide mission exactly like Obama sent Stevens?

So now you claim there was intelligence that an attack on Benghazi was imminent?

You guys get more bizarre by the minute
We should have tried because we as Americans NEVER leave another American behind. We have hero's serving their country with pride that would have risked there own lives to TRY to help save the guys that were left standing on a rooftop waiting for backup that was never ordered. It's Shameful that nothing was done. That's Not the American Way.

When did we lose the capability to assist in any emergency world wide. Most likely it was around Jan 2009 :eek:

We don't order suicide missions. Sending men a thousand miles without cover and without support is suicide. All accounts show they would have been dead by the time SEALs arrived

We trust our SEALs to risk their lives. They trust us not to uselessly waste their lives

Please explain exactly how they knew when it would end? That it was too late to send help? Who made that decision. Was there ever an order signed by obama to send help. We were LUCKY that only 4 died that night. There were over 30 others that would have been left behind if it weren't for the annex guys that rescued the survivors.
Where was Obama after 5pm. Not in the situation room available to sign any orders if needed.
The seals are trained to save Americans in just this type of situation. All military were pissed off that there were no orders to help...Still Are...

The same way you can Monday Morning Quarterback and declare that Obama left them to die.

All available information a year and a half after the attack says they could not have been saved. Obama made the right call and did not send men on a suicide mission

We are six months from the election and Boehner decides he needs a special investigator on Benghazi
I guess since Obamacare is a success, that is plan B
Shameless political posturing

We are six months from the election and Boehner decides he needs a special investigator on Benghazi
I guess since Obamacare is a success, that is plan B
Shameless political posturing

Hahahahhahahahaha ~ You really believe your own BS ~ Hahahhahahaaa
What a real obama idiot ~ hahahahaaaa

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