Obama's overt racism has turned this nation into a powder keg

You sure it was Obamas words and not the bullets flying? Thats missing the forest for the trees

The administration did support the lowering of promotional standards because there wasn't a lot of blacks that was able to pass the fire fighters exam in Connecticut. Utilizing skin color over your ability to pass an exam sounds pretty racist based, don't know any other way around that excuse.

Idiot comments like yours are exactly why the Republican Party is down to white men only. :0)

Right-wing swastikas, the confederate flag, are also coming down, thrown in the trash, and disappearing all over the country as well. Do you attribute that to blacks not passing a test as well?
Obama was inciting violence 8 years ago too? 20 years ago?

Obama got himself a time machine

{In the meantime, all Americans should recognize the anger, frustration, and grief that so many Americans are feeling -- feelings that are being expressed in peaceful protests and vigils. Michelle and I share those feelings. Rather than fall into a predictable pattern of division and political posturing, let’s reflect on what we can do better. Let’s come together as a nation, and keep faith with one another, in order to ensure a future where all of our children know that their lives matter.}

President Obama on the Fatal Shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile
He's quick to let us know thats he is squarely on the side of black lives matter.

Now that 5 cops are dead he wants to come together as a nation.

The time to come together was when the police were doing their thankless jobs.
You sure it was Obamas words and not the bullets flying? Thats missing the forest for the trees

The administration did support the lowering of promotional standards because there wasn't a lot of blacks that was able to pass the fire fighters exam in Connecticut. Utilizing skin color over your ability to pass an exam sounds pretty racist based, don't know any other way around that excuse.

Idiot comments like yours are exactly why the Republican Party is down to white men only. :0)

Right-wing swastikas, the confederate flag, are also coming down, thrown in the trash, and disappearing all over the country as well. Do you attribute that to blacks not passing a test as well?
The Confederate flag didn't come down because anyone wanted it to come down but because we have a tyrannical government that took it down. The flag remains in the hearts of freedom loving people around the world.
You sure it was Obamas words and not the bullets flying? Thats missing the forest for the trees

The administration did support the lowering of promotional standards because there wasn't a lot of blacks that was able to pass the fire fighters exam in Connecticut. Utilizing skin color over your ability to pass an exam sounds pretty racist based, don't know any other way around that excuse.
'Righties' have lost on virtually every fucking social issue they champion .. guns are next and right around the corner. The Republican Party is down to white men only voting for them in the majority .. and you still can't figure it out.

That's the beauty of the United States chief. The U.S. Constitution protects me from the "mob mentality" stupidity that mindless people such as yourself fall into. Your self-proclaimed "majority" won't be enough to get my guns. You need a super majority (2/3's of the House, 2/3's of the Senate, and 3/4's of the state). Good luck with that junior!

That's the beauty of the Constitution .. you can change it. Of course that falls short of how Jefferson viewed the Constitution. He believed it should be re-written every 19 years.

That being said, the interpretation of the Constitution is left to the Supreme Court .. which republicans have pushed into the hands of democrats. If you can't elect a president .. and you can't .. you have no control of the Supreme Court.

Given that even many states in the South are turning minority-majority, even the republican lock on those states are in serious jeopardy.

White men only doesn't bode well for your political future.
Sorry junior....that's not how it works. First of all, there is no "interpretation" of the U.S. Constitution any more than there is "interpretation" of the speed limit law or rape laws. Second, no where in the U.S. Constitution does it grant the Supreme Court to rule on the Constitution itself.

Sooooo....all you need is 2/3's of the House (which we own), 2/3's of the Senate (which we own), and 3/4's of the states (which we own) to alter the U.S. Constitution that protects my right to keep and bear arms. Good luck with that junior!
False! The constitution has been and will continue to be interpreted as needed.
Every constitution, then, and every law, naturally expires at the end of nineteen years. If it be enforced longer, it is an act of force, and not of right. It may be said, that the succeeding generation exercising, in fact, the power of repeal, this leaves them as free as if the constitution or law had been expressly limited to nineteen years only. In the first place, this objection admits the right, in proposing an equivalent. But the power of repeal is not an equivalent. It might be, indeed, if every form of government were so perfectly contrived, that the will of the majority could always be obtained, fairly and without impediment. But this is true of no form. The people cannot assemble themselves; their representation is unequal and vicious. Various checks are opposed to every legislative proposition. Factions get possession of the public councils, bribery corrupts them, personal interests lead them astray from the general interests of their constituents; and other impediments arise, so as to prove to every practical man, that a law of limited duration is much more manageable than one which needs a repeal." --Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1789. ME 7:459, Papers 15:396
Obama was inciting violence 8 years ago too? 20 years ago?

Obama got himself a time machine

{In the meantime, all Americans should recognize the anger, frustration, and grief that so many Americans are feeling -- feelings that are being expressed in peaceful protests and vigils. Michelle and I share those feelings. Rather than fall into a predictable pattern of division and political posturing, let’s reflect on what we can do better. Let’s come together as a nation, and keep faith with one another, in order to ensure a future where all of our children know that their lives matter.}

President Obama on the Fatal Shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile
He's quick to let us know thats he is squarely on the side of black lives matter.

Now that 5 cops are dead he wants to come together as a nation.

The time to come together was when the police were doing their thankless jobs.

500 hundred people have been shot by police so save the canned outrage
Time and time again Obama has overtly displayed his racism. From his autobiography when he said (and I quote) "that's just how white folks will do ya", to his ignorant statement of "the police acted stupidly" in the Harvard professor arrest before he had any facts, to his equally ignorant statement of "if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin" before he had any facts, to his appointing racists Eric Holder to attorney general and their subsequent refusal to indict the Black Panthers in the Philadelphia voter intimidation case, Obama's racism has transformed this nation from unified to racially divided in just 8 years. It took Obama a mere 8 years to add as much to the U.S. debt as it had taken the nation 235 years previous to accumulate and it took him a mere 8 years to undo 150 years of racial healing.

I wonder if the U.S. will ever be able to recover from the Obama reign of terror. He's run up more debt than could possibly ever be paid off, he has racially divided (and destroyed) this nation, he has destroyed the economy (first president in U.S. history to not see at least 1 year of 3% GDP growth, record number of people out of the labor force under Obama, record number of people on food stamps under Obama), and he's obliterated the U.S. Constitution. It's no wonder liberals consider him one of the best presidents in U.S. history - he's achieved every objective the modern day U.S. liberal has ever desired. Destroy the economy, destroy the U.S. Constitution, and return the racial tension that used to exist.

Dallas sniper who gunned down 5 cops 'wanted to kill white people,' chief says | Fox News

Your overt derangement has turned you into a keg of horseshit.
He was right about the Harvard prof thing .

Funny how big giv paranoid righties had no problem with a black guy being arrested for disorderly conduct in his OWN HOME!?
Because when a neighbor sees a person trying to break into a home and they call the police - it is law enforcement job to respond. The fact that the person was a typical arrogant Ivy League professor who felt he was above the law doesn't change anything. Obama was proven wrong and in his embarrassment - he held a "beer summit". Typical liberal - ignorant of the facts.

No, he was a man on HIS OWN PROPERTY who was guilty of being black.

How much above the law does one need to be to claim the right to occupy THEIR OWN PROPERTY??
You sure it was Obamas words and not the bullets flying? Thats missing the forest for the trees

The administration did support the lowering of promotional standards because there wasn't a lot of blacks that was able to pass the fire fighters exam in Connecticut. Utilizing skin color over your ability to pass an exam sounds pretty racist based, don't know any other way around that excuse.

Idiot comments like yours are exactly why the Republican Party is down to white men only. :0)

Right-wing swastikas, the confederate flag, are also coming down, thrown in the trash, and disappearing all over the country as well. Do you attribute that to blacks not passing a test as well?
The Confederate flag didn't come down because anyone wanted it to come down but because we have a tyrannical government that took it down. The flag remains in the hearts of freedom loving people around the world.
The previous was brought to you by Jack daniels !
Please drink responsibility.
You sure it was Obamas words and not the bullets flying? Thats missing the forest for the trees

The administration did support the lowering of promotional standards because there wasn't a lot of blacks that was able to pass the fire fighters exam in Connecticut. Utilizing skin color over your ability to pass an exam sounds pretty racist based, don't know any other way around that excuse.

Idiot comments like yours are exactly why the Republican Party is down to white men only. :0)

Right-wing swastikas, the confederate flag, are also coming down, thrown in the trash, and disappearing all over the country as well. Do you attribute that to blacks not passing a test as well?
The Confederate flag didn't come down because anyone wanted it to come down but because we have a tyrannical government that took it down. The flag remains in the hearts of freedom loving people around the world.

:lol: Fuck the ratshit flag of losers .. a shitstain on American history and it came down because it is exactly that .. a shitstain on American history.

Tell me that Obama ordered the flag down. Is that what happened?

Or did this happen?

After 54 years, Confederate flag comes down in S.C.

(Governor) Haley supported the flag before the shooting, but the Republican had a change of heart in the days after the killings, urging legislators to pass a bill before the end of the summer. She signed the legislation Thursday.
After 54 years, Confederate flag comes down in S.C.

The flag and all its nasty symbols will be gone, removed and trashed before this is over. :0)
Obama was inciting violence 8 years ago too? 20 years ago?

Obama got himself a time machine

{In the meantime, all Americans should recognize the anger, frustration, and grief that so many Americans are feeling -- feelings that are being expressed in peaceful protests and vigils. Michelle and I share those feelings. Rather than fall into a predictable pattern of division and political posturing, let’s reflect on what we can do better. Let’s come together as a nation, and keep faith with one another, in order to ensure a future where all of our children know that their lives matter.}

President Obama on the Fatal Shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile
He's quick to let us know thats he is squarely on the side of black lives matter.

Now that 5 cops are dead he wants to come together as a nation.

The time to come together was when the police were doing their thankless jobs.
Well all of us should be on the side of opposing what occurred this week in Minny, and apparently Baton Rouge. And BLM condemned the Dallas shootings. So, you're merely being divisive. There is racism in policing. A minority, imo, but it's there.

The problem with Obama highlighting it is that he hasn't highlighted black on black violence beyond supporting banning guns in Chicago. And he hasn't highlighted the reason there are black gangs is the kids don't finish school and take advantage of aid to go to focking college.

His indignation seems a bit narrow.
Yes, when Obama condemns one thing he has to scour the internet to find out what other things he should address beside the trending news story.:rolleyes:
Yes, when Obama condemns one thing he has to scour the internet to find out what other things he should address beside the trending news story.:rolleyes:
Yes, he's the president, so he should clearly address the issue of racism and what is happening to black children.
Yes, when Obama condemns one thing he has to scour the internet to find out what other things he should address beside the trending news story.:rolleyes:
Yes, he's the president, so he should clearly address the issue of racism and what is happening to black children.

Whoa, all the topics at the same time. How long of a speech would that be?
I dunno, but he sure talks a lot about BLM. Seems to me he's got the time.
Yes, when Obama condemns one thing he has to scour the internet to find out what other things he should address beside the trending news story.:rolleyes:
Yes, he's the president, so he should clearly address the issue of racism and what is happening to black children.

Whoa, all the topics at the same time. How long of a speech would that be?
I dunno, but he sure talks a lot about BLM. Seems to me he's got the time.

So you dont know but you want it? Thats reasonable :boohoo:
He was right about the Harvard prof thing .

Funny how big giv paranoid righties had no problem with a black guy being arrested for disorderly conduct in his OWN HOME!?
Because when a neighbor sees a person trying to break into a home and they call the police - it is law enforcement job to respond. The fact that the person was a typical arrogant Ivy League professor who felt he was above the law doesn't change anything. Obama was proven wrong and in his embarrassment - he held a "beer summit". Typical liberal - ignorant of the facts.

No, he was a man on HIS OWN PROPERTY who was guilty of being black.

How much above the law does one need to be to claim the right to occupy THEIR OWN PROPERTY??
Just showing identification instead of acting like a pompous ass is all that was required. Sadly, that's more than a liberal can handle. So of course it has to become a "racist" issue with you tools (like you are once again doing).

And now police officers are being murdered because of you and your fellow libtards.
Time and time again Obama has overtly displayed his racism. From his autobiography when he said (and I quote) "that's just how white folks will do ya", to his ignorant statement of "the police acted stupidly" in the Harvard professor arrest before he had any facts, to his equally ignorant statement of "if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin" before he had any facts, to his appointing racists Eric Holder to attorney general and their subsequent refusal to indict the Black Panthers in the Philadelphia voter intimidation case, Obama's racism has transformed this nation from unified to racially divided in just 8 years. It took Obama a mere 8 years to add as much to the U.S. debt as it had taken the nation 235 years previous to accumulate and it took him a mere 8 years to undo 150 years of racial healing.

I wonder if the U.S. will ever be able to recover from the Obama reign of terror. He's run up more debt than could possibly ever be paid off, he has racially divided (and destroyed) this nation, he has destroyed the economy (first president in U.S. history to not see at least 1 year of 3% GDP growth, record number of people out of the labor force under Obama, record number of people on food stamps under Obama), and he's obliterated the U.S. Constitution. It's no wonder liberals consider him one of the best presidents in U.S. history - he's achieved every objective the modern day U.S. liberal has ever desired. Destroy the economy, destroy the U.S. Constitution, and return the racial tension that used to exist.

Dallas sniper who gunned down 5 cops 'wanted to kill white people,' chief says | Fox News


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