Obama's overt racism has turned this nation into a powder keg

Retroactively? Sheesh Obama is the shit

Obama was inciting violence 6 hours before the BLM terrorists started their attack.

Put down the crack pipe and pay attention.

Obama was inciting violence 8 years ago too? 20 years ago?

Obama got himself a time machine

That's an app on his teleprompter. Same one that allowed him to go back in time and crash the economy retroactively so he could get elected.

You didn't get the memo? It was called "ODS determined to strike in US". Came from the Ministry of Self-Delusion.

Ask Buttsoiler, the OP. He's obviously got extra copies.
only in bigoted rightwingnuthackworld

Says the cop killing side.

who supports cop killers?

you are mentally ill if you've gotten that from anything I've posted. near as I can tell there was only one person who was ok with that.

it must be horrible to be a raving, delusional, uneducated, failure at life like you are. I understand it's embittered you. but you really should try to think before posting. I figure you spend your time spewing here because in real life people beat the bejeezus out of you.
just as an abused spouse is not responsible for the violence done to them..... the president is not responsible for the insane bigotry of the right since he became president.

Oh so the "right" are the ones murder cops on Obama's incitement?

Fucking leftists.
I guarantee you that those people were as left as left gets. It's ironic that the people who accuse conservatives of being "anti-government" are the one's who hate America. On the 4th of July, liberals started an #AmericaWasNeverGreat campaign on Twitter. What kind of assholes do that? Liberals can't even show love to the U.S. one day out of the year. And they are all too happy to shoot and kill government employees.
Time and time again Obama has overtly displayed his racism. From his autobiography when he said (and I quote) "that's just how white folks will do ya", to his ignorant statement of "the police acted stupidly" in the Harvard professor arrest before he had any facts, to his equally ignorant statement of "if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin" before he had any facts, to his appointing racists Eric Holder to attorney general and their subsequent refusal to indict the Black Panthers in the Philadelphia voter intimidation case, Obama's racism has transformed this nation from unified to racially divided in just 8 years. It took Obama a mere 8 years to add as much to the U.S. debt as it had taken the nation 235 years previous to accumulate and it took him a mere 8 years to undo 150 years of racial healing.

I wonder if the U.S. will ever be able to recover from the Obama reign of terror. He's run up more debt than could possibly ever be paid off, he has racially divided (and destroyed) this nation, he has destroyed the economy (first president in U.S. history to not see at least 1 year of 3% GDP growth, record number of people out of the labor force under Obama, record number of people on food stamps under Obama), and he's obliterated the U.S. Constitution. It's no wonder liberals consider him one of the best presidents in U.S. history - he's achieved every objective the modern day U.S. liberal has ever desired. Destroy the economy, destroy the U.S. Constitution, and return the racial tension that used to exist.

Dallas sniper who gunned down 5 cops 'wanted to kill white people,' chief says | Fox News

just as an abused spouse is not responsible for the violence done to them..... the president is not responsible for the insane bigotry of the right since he became president.
Um....my dear, dear friend....it's not the right engaging in violence. Oops

As someone who had the misfortune to be assigned to read reports and interview sworn officers and deputies about their reported misconduct, I can assure you there are officers who do act stupidly. In fact my job was to to recommend to the hiring authority discipline which exceeded a counseling memo or written reprimand (suspension or discharge).

In fact I've written what is tantamount to a reprimand on some of your posts, P@triot; since your arrogant disregard for constructive criticism has failed to improve your behavior, it is my wish that I had the power to recommend to the authority here that you be discharged.

Consider leaving here voluntarily, and posting on Stormfront, that will raise the average IQ both here and there - a good deed indeed.
That's an app on his teleprompter. Same one that allowed him to go back in time and crash the economy retroactively so he could get elected.

You didn't get the memo? It was called "ODS determined to strike in US". Came from the Ministry of Self-Delusion.

Ask Buttsoiler, the OP. He's obviously got extra copies.

Yesterday morning happened AFTER last night? :eek:

You fucking communists have no grip on reality.

11 cops shot, after the fuckwad in chief went on a rampage of anti-cop rhetoric, stating his solidarity with BLM.

And here you are blatantly lying in hopes of covering for his violent incitement. American need common ground, but how could decent people find common ground with you? You're dog shit, what do you have in common with honest, hard working Americans? Absolutely nothing.
just as an abused spouse is not responsible for the violence done to them..... the president is not responsible for the insane bigotry of the right since he became president.

Oh so the "right" are the ones murder cops on Obama's incitement?

Fucking leftists.

:0) She'd be wasting her time explaining it to you. You simply don't possess the capacity to figure it out. You're so controlled by the mindfuck that operates your brain .. you just could not figure it out.

'Righties' have lost on virtually every fucking social issue they champion .. guns are next and right around the corner. The Republican Party is down to white men only voting for them in the majority .. and you still can't figure it out.

The topic of this thread is absolutely fucking moronic to the nth degree .. and you can't figure it out.

There is one commonality among racists. They're stupid .. incredibly stupid. :0) I recommend that more people with brains visit sites like this.:0) They'd be amazed by the level of ignorance that comes from you dummies.

Politically, you have no chance. Too stupid. :0)
Time and time again Obama has overtly displayed his racism. From his autobiography when he said (and I quote) "that's just how white folks will do ya", to his ignorant statement of "the police acted stupidly" in the Harvard professor arrest before he had any facts, to his equally ignorant statement of "if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin" before he had any facts, to his appointing racists Eric Holder to attorney general and their subsequent refusal to indict the Black Panthers in the Philadelphia voter intimidation case, Obama's racism has transformed this nation from unified to racially divided in just 8 years. It took Obama a mere 8 years to add as much to the U.S. debt as it had taken the nation 235 years previous to accumulate and it took him a mere 8 years to undo 150 years of racial healing.

I wonder if the U.S. will ever be able to recover from the Obama reign of terror. He's run up more debt than could possibly ever be paid off, he has racially divided (and destroyed) this nation, he has destroyed the economy (first president in U.S. history to not see at least 1 year of 3% GDP growth, record number of people out of the labor force under Obama, record number of people on food stamps under Obama), and he's obliterated the U.S. Constitution. It's no wonder liberals consider him one of the best presidents in U.S. history - he's achieved every objective the modern day U.S. liberal has ever desired. Destroy the economy, destroy the U.S. Constitution, and return the racial tension that used to exist.

Dallas sniper who gunned down 5 cops 'wanted to kill white people,' chief says | Fox News

just as an abused spouse is not responsible for the violence done to them..... the president is not responsible for the insane bigotry of the right since he became president.
Um....my dear, dear friend....it's not the right engaging in violence. Oops

As someone who had the misfortune to be assigned to read reports and interview sworn officers and deputies about their reported misconduct, I can assure you there are officers who do act stupidly.
Yeah....no shit Sherlock. The entire world knows that. Why did you waste time posting something so obvious? Might as well post "as someone who lives in the world, I can tell you that the sun rises in the morning and sets at night". :eusa_doh:
That's an app on his teleprompter. Same one that allowed him to go back in time and crash the economy retroactively so he could get elected.

You didn't get the memo? It was called "ODS determined to strike in US". Came from the Ministry of Self-Delusion.

Ask Buttsoiler, the OP. He's obviously got extra copies.

Yesterday morning happened AFTER last night? :eek:

You fucking communists have no grip on reality.

11 cops shot, after the fuckwad in chief went on a rampage of anti-cop rhetoric, stating his solidarity with BLM.

And here you are blatantly lying in hopes of covering for his violent incitement. American need common ground, but how could decent people find common ground with you? You're dog shit, what do you have in common with honest, hard working Americans? Absolutely nothing.
As always an extremely delusional spin on the facts.
Time and time again Obama has overtly displayed his racism. From his autobiography when he said (and I quote) "that's just how white folks will do ya", to his ignorant statement of "the police acted stupidly" in the Harvard professor arrest before he had any facts, to his equally ignorant statement of "if I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin" before he had any facts, to his appointing racists Eric Holder to attorney general and their subsequent refusal to indict the Black Panthers in the Philadelphia voter intimidation case, Obama's racism has transformed this nation from unified to racially divided in just 8 years. It took Obama a mere 8 years to add as much to the U.S. debt as it had taken the nation 235 years previous to accumulate and it took him a mere 8 years to undo 150 years of racial healing.

I wonder if the U.S. will ever be able to recover from the Obama reign of terror. He's run up more debt than could possibly ever be paid off, he has racially divided (and destroyed) this nation, he has destroyed the economy (first president in U.S. history to not see at least 1 year of 3% GDP growth, record number of people out of the labor force under Obama, record number of people on food stamps under Obama), and he's obliterated the U.S. Constitution. It's no wonder liberals consider him one of the best presidents in U.S. history - he's achieved every objective the modern day U.S. liberal has ever desired. Destroy the economy, destroy the U.S. Constitution, and return the racial tension that used to exist.

Dallas sniper who gunned down 5 cops 'wanted to kill white people,' chief says | Fox News

just as an abused spouse is not responsible for the violence done to them..... the president is not responsible for the insane bigotry of the right since he became president.
Um....my dear, dear friend....it's not the right engaging in violence. Oops

As someone who had the misfortune to be assigned to read reports and interview sworn officers and deputies about their reported misconduct, I can assure you there are officers who do act stupidly.
Yeah....no shit Sherlock. The entire world knows that. Why did you waste time posting something so obvious? Might as well post "as someone who lives in the world, I can tell you that the sun rises in the morning and sets at night". :eusa_doh:
Stfu .
"Obama's overt racism has turned this nation into a powder keg"

No one believes this ridiculous lie.
'Righties' have lost on virtually every fucking social issue they champion .. guns are next and right around the corner. The Republican Party is down to white men only voting for them in the majority .. and you still can't figure it out.

That's the beauty of the United States chief. The U.S. Constitution protects me from the "mob mentality" stupidity that mindless people such as yourself fall into. Your self-proclaimed "majority" won't be enough to get my guns. You need a super majority (2/3's of the House, 2/3's of the Senate, and 3/4's of the state). Good luck with that junior!
who supports cop killers?


you are mentally ill if you've gotten that from anything I've posted. near as I can tell there was only one person who was ok with that.

You came in here and blamed the "right" for the terrorist attack by the far left BLM after an incitement by Obama yesterday. You were far more concerned with lying to slander the enemies you hate than to deal with the reality of what happened.

it must be horrible to be a raving, delusional, uneducated, failure at life like you are. I understand it's embittered you. but you really should try to think before posting. I figure you spend your time spewing here because in real life people beat the bejeezus out of you.

You mean like raving that the "right" is responsible for the BLM murderers? I understand that the party defines you, but you should try to think before you spout your slanderous lies. Clearly your are a loser in real life and the fantasy you create here is all you have.
And here you are blatantly lying in hopes of covering for his violent incitement. American need common ground, but how could decent people find common ground with you? You're dog shit, what do you have in common with honest, hard working Americans? Absolutely nothing.

Holy crap, someone get this guy a dictionary and some common sense. Do you know what Violent Incitement is, wait, obviously not. See he didn't incite anyone, because he didn't call for anyone to kill anyone, or to even confront anyone. He certainly didn't get up there with pitchforks and torches calling for cop heads...which is what VIOLENT incitment would be tantamount to.

HOLD ON, LET ME USE YOUR LOGIC. Everytime anyone comes on TV or the internet and comments negatively on the Presidents foreign policy or how he's handling ISIS, obviously their inciting terrorism and terrorist attacks.
"Obama's overt racism has turned this nation into a powder keg"

No one believes this ridiculous lie.

No one noticed the obvious facts, C-Coward.

You go on with that delusion.

You really think there will be no repercussion to the actions of the racist left?

If so, you are insane.
That's an app on his teleprompter. Same one that allowed him to go back in time and crash the economy retroactively so he could get elected.

You didn't get the memo? It was called "ODS determined to strike in US". Came from the Ministry of Self-Delusion.

Ask Buttsoiler, the OP. He's obviously got extra copies.

Yesterday morning happened AFTER last night? :eek:

You fucking communists have no grip on reality.

11 cops shot, after the fuckwad in chief went on a rampage of anti-cop rhetoric, stating his solidarity with BLM.

And here you are blatantly lying in hopes of covering for his violent incitement. American need common ground, but how could decent people find common ground with you? You're dog shit, what do you have in common with honest, hard working Americans? Absolutely nothing.

Yeah sure Unhinged2008, here is some of that incitement.

"They are symptomatic of the broader challenges within our criminal justice system, the racial disparities that appear across the system year after year, and the resulting lack of trust that exists between law enforcement and too many of the communities they serve.

"To admit we’ve got a serious problem in no way contradicts our respect and appreciation for the vast majority of police officers who put their lives on the line to protect us every single day."

President Obama on the Fatal Shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile

Of course he is spot on. There is a lack of trust between LEO's and many Black communities. The lack of trust goes both ways.

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