Obama's OWS


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
It's obvious that the Low level community agitator in the White House is behind the OWS protest, they are little puppets doing his bidding.

Do you remember Obama telling the bankers, "I'm standing between you and the pitchforks"?

Obama to Bankers: I’m Standing ‘Between You and the Pitchforks’ - ABC News

Well, now that the bankers refuse to contribute to their further destruction by reelecting the Marxist Macaca, Obama has sent out his mindless zombies in protest. Granted they don't have pitchforks, at least not yet, but they have Obama's SEIU thugs instead
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The parasitic class never really had a message. It was just confused and chaotic enough for people to impose their own message coming from the mass. Corporate abuse, yes you can find it, transgender rights, it's there too.

The use of the parasitic class was never in the message but in the mass.
The fund better start handing out a lot of condoms because that's tops on the list of needed donations..
Of all the people there you can find elements of everything. I believe there are also right wing infiltrators in the movement who are there to cause violent eruptions so that the movement will get bad press and to misinform the public. There are also some nuts there and some criminal elements, some college students and some good people who are just fed up with trying to make living and not getting ahead.

Only time will will tell if it forms into a viable movement. Next spring when the weather starts to warm up and the silly season begins (primaries) it may be reminiscent of the late 60's.

so a couple of start ups are funding this nation wide cause?

I think you mean some of the funds are coming from start ups.

Get it right.

I said neither

Its the second time I have seen you post it, considering how you responded to other posts it was clear to me it was implied. If you had no purpose with this info why post it?
most on these boards claim that the unions are funding this movement yet have no proof, here is an article which explains how they are getting funding
Republicans are starting to change their tune about the protests.

But ya gotta love the balls on John Paulson.

Keep Antagonizing John Paulson And Maybe He Takes His Ball And Goes Offshore « Dealbreaker: Wall Street Insider
“The top 1% of New Yorkers pay over 40% of all income taxes, providing huge benefits to everyone in our city and state. Paulson & Co. and its employees have paid hundreds of millions of dollars in New York City and New York State taxes in recent years and have created over 100 high paying jobs in New York City since its formation. New York currently has the highest income taxes of any state in the country and thousands of businesses have fled New York to states with no income taxes such as Florida, Texas and Nevada, or moved offshore.

Instead of vilifying our most successful businesses, we should be supporting them and encouraging them to remain in New York City and continue to grow.”
Apparently organizers of the march were not swayed and after choosing not to take the advice, made their planned stop at Paulson’s townhouse, where they left him a (slightly mixed) message of their own.

[JustinElliot via BI]

Sure, it could be sarcasm but maybe it’s a dare? In which case, you picked the wrong guy to take a risk on cashing that thing.

John Paulson Has A Message For The Protestors [BI]

Paulson & Co.’s Credit Opportunities fund, the one that shorted U.S. the subprime mortgage market and made Paulson a fortune, is down 1 percent for August.

Mortgage-Shorting Billionaire John Paulson’s Hedge Fund Down Big This Year | The New York Observer

:lol: Unreal.

In a different time and place, like France circa 1789, he'd be frog marched to a Guillotine.
Republicans are starting to change their tune about the protests.

But ya gotta love the balls on John Paulson.

Keep Antagonizing John Paulson And Maybe He Takes His Ball And Goes Offshore « Dealbreaker: Wall Street Insider
“The top 1% of New Yorkers pay over 40% of all income taxes, providing huge benefits to everyone in our city and state. Paulson & Co. and its employees have paid hundreds of millions of dollars in New York City and New York State taxes in recent years and have created over 100 high paying jobs in New York City since its formation. New York currently has the highest income taxes of any state in the country and thousands of businesses have fled New York to states with no income taxes such as Florida, Texas and Nevada, or moved offshore.

Instead of vilifying our most successful businesses, we should be supporting them and encouraging them to remain in New York City and continue to grow.”
Apparently organizers of the march were not swayed and after choosing not to take the advice, made their planned stop at Paulson’s townhouse, where they left him a (slightly mixed) message of their own.

[JustinElliot via BI]

Sure, it could be sarcasm but maybe it’s a dare? In which case, you picked the wrong guy to take a risk on cashing that thing.

John Paulson Has A Message For The Protestors [BI]

Paulson & Co.’s Credit Opportunities fund, the one that shorted U.S. the subprime mortgage market and made Paulson a fortune, is down 1 percent for August.

Mortgage-Shorting Billionaire John Paulson’s Hedge Fund Down Big This Year | The New York Observer

:lol: Unreal.

In a different time and place, like France circa 1789, he'd be frog marched to a Guillotine.

I've noticed that the occupation has fancied the french revolution. I've heard several talk about marching people to guillotines and off with the head stuff. Is it your and the occupations move to advocate this type of violence? Is this one of the messages?
Republicans are starting to change their tune about the protests.

But ya gotta love the balls on John Paulson.

Keep Antagonizing John Paulson And Maybe He Takes His Ball And Goes Offshore « Dealbreaker: Wall Street Insider
“The top 1% of New Yorkers pay over 40% of all income taxes, providing huge benefits to everyone in our city and state. Paulson & Co. and its employees have paid hundreds of millions of dollars in New York City and New York State taxes in recent years and have created over 100 high paying jobs in New York City since its formation. New York currently has the highest income taxes of any state in the country and thousands of businesses have fled New York to states with no income taxes such as Florida, Texas and Nevada, or moved offshore.

Instead of vilifying our most successful businesses, we should be supporting them and encouraging them to remain in New York City and continue to grow.”
Apparently organizers of the march were not swayed and after choosing not to take the advice, made their planned stop at Paulson’s townhouse, where they left him a (slightly mixed) message of their own.

[JustinElliot via BI]

Sure, it could be sarcasm but maybe it’s a dare? In which case, you picked the wrong guy to take a risk on cashing that thing.

John Paulson Has A Message For The Protestors [BI]

Paulson & Co.’s Credit Opportunities fund, the one that shorted U.S. the subprime mortgage market and made Paulson a fortune, is down 1 percent for August.

Mortgage-Shorting Billionaire John Paulson’s Hedge Fund Down Big This Year | The New York Observer

:lol: Unreal.

In a different time and place, like France circa 1789, he'd be frog marched to a Guillotine.

I've noticed that the occupation has fancied the french revolution. I've heard several talk about marching people to guillotines and off with the head stuff. Is it your and the occupations move to advocate this type of violence? Is this one of the messages?

nO, gLENN.
(Zuccotti Park owners get 135 million Green Jobs loan guarantee from the government, Soros and moveon.org get the use of Zuccotti Park for their freak show to desecrate and defecate on.)

"Straight outta moonbat central casting…

Some people think the Occupy Wall Street/Whatever movement harkens back to the 1960s.

Me? I’m getting bad, late 1980s flashbacks.

It’s like watching Oberlin College freshman orientation parties sprouting up all over the country.

Zombie caught an Occupy L.A. protester babbling about the “violence” necessary to achieve “fundamental transformation:”"

Michelle Malkin » Your Occupy Freak Show vids of the day
Republicans are starting to change their tune about the protests.

But ya gotta love the balls on John Paulson.

Keep Antagonizing John Paulson And Maybe He Takes His Ball And Goes Offshore « Dealbreaker: Wall Street Insider

:lol: Unreal.

In a different time and place, like France circa 1789, he'd be frog marched to a Guillotine.

I've noticed that the occupation has fancied the french revolution. I've heard several talk about marching people to guillotines and off with the head stuff. Is it your and the occupations move to advocate this type of violence? Is this one of the messages?

nO, gLENN.

Who is Glenn? I'm LBT.
(Unfortunately, this is exactly what Glenn Beck predicted, only he derived it from careful analysis of the movers, shakers, and other players behind Obama. The WSJ derives the same conclusion from watching the actors defecating on the streets)

"The left got what it wanted in 2008: a liberal president with a sweeping agenda and big Democratic majorities capable of enacting it. The result has been a great and failed experiment in progressive politics and governance. In due course, one hopes, the left will absorb some lessons--but for now, they seem to be suffering a nervous breakdown.

That is one way to understand why so much of the liberal establishment is rallying behind Krugman's Army, as the "Occupy Wall Street" protests are known. Everything they believe in has failed, so they are turning nihilistic."

The Left's Nervous Breakdown - WSJ.com
Republicans are starting to change their tune about the protests.

But ya gotta love the balls on John Paulson.

Keep Antagonizing John Paulson And Maybe He Takes His Ball And Goes Offshore « Dealbreaker: Wall Street Insider
“The top 1% of New Yorkers pay over 40% of all income taxes, providing huge benefits to everyone in our city and state. Paulson & Co. and its employees have paid hundreds of millions of dollars in New York City and New York State taxes in recent years and have created over 100 high paying jobs in New York City since its formation. New York currently has the highest income taxes of any state in the country and thousands of businesses have fled New York to states with no income taxes such as Florida, Texas and Nevada, or moved offshore.

Instead of vilifying our most successful businesses, we should be supporting them and encouraging them to remain in New York City and continue to grow.”
Apparently organizers of the march were not swayed and after choosing not to take the advice, made their planned stop at Paulson’s townhouse, where they left him a (slightly mixed) message of their own.

[JustinElliot via BI]

Sure, it could be sarcasm but maybe it’s a dare? In which case, you picked the wrong guy to take a risk on cashing that thing.

John Paulson Has A Message For The Protestors [BI]

Paulson & Co.’s Credit Opportunities fund, the one that shorted U.S. the subprime mortgage market and made Paulson a fortune, is down 1 percent for August.

Mortgage-Shorting Billionaire John Paulson’s Hedge Fund Down Big This Year | The New York Observer

:lol: Unreal.

In a different time and place, like France circa 1789, he'd be frog marched to a Guillotine.
I think he, and others should move. It's a more than wise business decision at this point.

But, love, just love, your hateful rhetoric. We'll blame your rhetoric when someone gets hurt.


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