obama's paranoia


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2011
His newest assault on Americans is the "Insider Threat Initiative" where the government wants to expand electronic surveillance to direct stasi-like informants. What are the informants looking for:

co-workers going through “certain life experiences . . . might turn a trusted user into an insider threat.” Those experiences, the department says in a computer training manual, include “stress, divorce, financial problems” or “frustrations with co-workers or the organization.”

Treason 101” teaches Department of Agriculture and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration employees to recognize the psychological profile of spies.

A Defense Security Service online pamphlet lists a wide range of “reportable” suspicious behaviors, including working outside of normal duty hours

If you think you are going to stay a little and finish something you're working on, you are NOT a diligent worker, you are a spy.

Obama’s crackdown views leaks as aiding enemies of U.S. | McClatchy

The inevitable result is a government that becomes frozen. No one is able to do anything out of fear. People will become very careful to do their job, but not do it too well, because doing it too well might make them a spy. This is the inevitable result of the kind of paranoia we have in Washington now.
His newest assault on Americans is the "Insider Threat Initiative" where the government wants to expand electronic surveillance to direct stasi-like informants. What are the informants looking for:

co-workers going through “certain life experiences . . . might turn a trusted user into an insider threat.” Those experiences, the department says in a computer training manual, include “stress, divorce, financial problems” or “frustrations with co-workers or the organization.”

Treason 101” teaches Department of Agriculture and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration employees to recognize the psychological profile of spies.

A Defense Security Service online pamphlet lists a wide range of “reportable” suspicious behaviors, including working outside of normal duty hours

If you think you are going to stay a little and finish something you're working on, you are NOT a diligent worker, you are a spy.

Obama’s crackdown views leaks as aiding enemies of U.S. | McClatchy

The inevitable result is a government that becomes frozen. No one is able to do anything out of fear. People will become very careful to do their job, but not do it too well, because doing it too well might make them a spy. This is the inevitable result of the kind of paranoia we have in Washington now.

Hey dipshit. Did you erase Operation Tips from your memory or something?

Operation TIPS, where the last part is an acronym for the Terrorism Information and Prevention System, was a domestic intelligence-gathering program designed by President George W. Bush to have United States citizens report suspicious activity. The program's website implied that US workers who had access to private citizens' homes, such as cable installers and telephone repair workers, would be reporting on what was in people's homes if it were deemed "suspicious."

It came under intense scrutiny in July 2002 when the Washington Post alleged in an editorial that the program was vaguely defined, and investigative political journalist Ritt Goldstein observed in Australia's Sydney Morning Herald that TIPS would provide America with a higher percentage of 'citizen spies' than the former East Germany had under the notorious Stasi secret police. Goldstein later observed that he broke news of Operation TIPS on March 10 in Spain's second largest daily, El Mundo, but that he struggled until July before finding a major English language paper which would print the story.

It is hilarious how suddenly you dumbasses are all concerned, like.

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The inevitable result is a government that becomes frozen. No one is able to do anything out of fear. People will become very careful to do their job, but not do it too well, because doing it too well might make them a spy. This is the inevitable result of the kind of paranoia we have in Washington now.

Considering who our President is and his agenda, the government becoming frozen would be a good thing. It's not frozen...it's aimed at eliminating the free speech of anyone who doesn't support The Agenda.
The inevitable result is a government that becomes frozen. No one is able to do anything out of fear. People will become very careful to do their job, but not do it too well, because doing it too well might make them a spy. This is the inevitable result of the kind of paranoia we have in Washington now.

Considering who our President is and his agenda, the government becoming frozen would be a good thing. It's not frozen...it's aimed at eliminating the free speech of anyone who doesn't support The Agenda.

RIGHT!!! I've noticed it hasn't shut you up any. :cuckoo:
Part of the problem, which has been around for some time, is our government stamps way too much shit as classified which shouldn't be.

Exacerbating the problem is the fact that a company like the one Snowden worked for had 50% of the entire company cleared for Top Secret or above. That's beyond stupid. With that many civilian contractors walking around with that many Top Secret clearances, it is amazing there aren't leaks on a daily basis.

For all we know, there are. Snowden leaked publicly, but you can be sure there are contractors selling out to China or Israel or France or anyone with some cash.

Providing counter-espionage training to people who have clearances is COMMON FUCKING SENSE. Making it out to be something nefarious is to be a retard.

I had a clearance, and I was provided useful training on how approaches are made by foreign spies. And I was provided training to be on the lookout for the people around me who might be doing things which could put them in compromising position to be exploited by a foreign power.

As I said, that is common sense.

If Obama didn't tighten up security, the same dipshit who started this topic would be parroting the inevitable complaints about that. Because that is what they do. Obama can do no right.

It is time for a top-down review. De-classify stuff that shouldn't be classified. Revoke clearances for those who don't have a need to know.
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Part of the problem, which has been around for some time, is our government stamps way too much shit as classified which shouldn't be.

Exacerbating the problem is the fact that a company like the one Snowden worked for had 50% of the entire company cleared for Top Secret or above. That's beyond stupid. With that many civilian contractors walking around with that many Top Secret clearances, it is amazing there aren't leaks on a daily basis.

For all we know, there are. Snowden leaked publicly, but you can be sure there are contractors selling out to China or Israel or France or anyone with some cash.

Providing counter-espionage training to people who have clearances is COMMON FUCKING SENSE. Making it out to be something nefarious is to be a retard.

I had a clearance, and I was provided useful training on how approaches are made by foreign spies. And I was provided training to be on the lookout for the people around me who might be doing things which could put them in compromising position to be exploited by a foreign power.

As I said, that is common sense.

If Obama didn't tighten up security, the same dipshit who started this topic would be parroting the inevitable complaints about that. Because that is what they do. Obama can do no right.

It is time for a top-down review. De-classify stuff that shouldn't be classified. Revoke clearances for those who don't have a need to know.

My last 8 years in the service, I worked at AFCENT, the air component command of CENTCOM. One of my duties was security manager. CENTCOM classifies EVERYTHING. Because of this, when someone at CENTCOM transferred non-classified from the secure system (SIPRNET) to the non-classified system (NIPRNET) and emailed to one of our folks, it became a security incident. Lots of butt-pain and getting brass involved. Even if the data was unclassified, it was still considered classified because CENTCOM deemed it so. We'd have to track down the originator of the data to get confirmation on whether or not the material was actually classified due to content. This happened several times. And our folks did it a few times, too, despite constant training and reminders on the proper handling of classified materials.

None of our incidents involved hard-core exploitable materials. We dealt with construction at US bases in the Middle East. The terrorists learned more about our facilities by having moles in construction and janitorial crews than by anything we could have inadvertently released.
If anyone's paranoid it's the Republicans. They're already running against Hillary.

Yes, that explains why it was Republicans who set up ATTACKWATCH.com and [email protected], so people could inform on and denounce thought criminals.

Oh, wait...

What's paranoid about turning in traitors? That would seem to be what a patriotic American does, not cheer for Putin, Xi and Assad like we've seen some CONS do on this board.
If anyone's paranoid it's the Republicans. They're already running against Hillary.

Yes, that explains why it was Republicans who set up ATTACKWATCH.com and [email protected], so people could inform on and denounce thought criminals.

Oh, wait...

What's paranoid about turning in traitors? That would seem to be what a patriotic American does, not cheer for Putin, Xi and Assad like we've seen some CONS do on this board.
Note for the progressivism-impaired:

Disagreeing with Obama is not treason.

But you're been programmed well.
His newest assault on Americans is the "Insider Threat Initiative" where the government wants to expand electronic surveillance to direct stasi-like informants. What are the informants looking for:

co-workers going through “certain life experiences . . . might turn a trusted user into an insider threat.” Those experiences, the department says in a computer training manual, include “stress, divorce, financial problems” or “frustrations with co-workers or the organization.”

Treason 101” teaches Department of Agriculture and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration employees to recognize the psychological profile of spies.

A Defense Security Service online pamphlet lists a wide range of “reportable” suspicious behaviors, including working outside of normal duty hours

If you think you are going to stay a little and finish something you're working on, you are NOT a diligent worker, you are a spy.

Obama’s crackdown views leaks as aiding enemies of U.S. | McClatchy

The inevitable result is a government that becomes frozen. No one is able to do anything out of fear. People will become very careful to do their job, but not do it too well, because doing it too well might make them a spy. This is the inevitable result of the kind of paranoia we have in Washington now.

If you have a culture that is built on secrecy and mistrust this is what you will always end up with.
His newest assault on Americans is the "Insider Threat Initiative" where the government wants to expand electronic surveillance to direct stasi-like informants. What are the informants looking for:

co-workers going through “certain life experiences . . . might turn a trusted user into an insider threat.” Those experiences, the department says in a computer training manual, include “stress, divorce, financial problems” or “frustrations with co-workers or the organization.”

Treason 101” teaches Department of Agriculture and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration employees to recognize the psychological profile of spies.

A Defense Security Service online pamphlet lists a wide range of “reportable” suspicious behaviors, including working outside of normal duty hours

If you think you are going to stay a little and finish something you're working on, you are NOT a diligent worker, you are a spy.

Obama’s crackdown views leaks as aiding enemies of U.S. | McClatchy

The inevitable result is a government that becomes frozen. No one is able to do anything out of fear. People will become very careful to do their job, but not do it too well, because doing it too well might make them a spy. This is the inevitable result of the kind of paranoia we have in Washington now.

Hey dipshit. Did you erase Operation Tips from your memory or something?

Operation TIPS, where the last part is an acronym for the Terrorism Information and Prevention System, was a domestic intelligence-gathering program designed by President George W. Bush to have United States citizens report suspicious activity. The program's website implied that US workers who had access to private citizens' homes, such as cable installers and telephone repair workers, would be reporting on what was in people's homes if it were deemed "suspicious."

It came under intense scrutiny in July 2002 when the Washington Post alleged in an editorial that the program was vaguely defined, and investigative political journalist Ritt Goldstein observed in Australia's Sydney Morning Herald that TIPS would provide America with a higher percentage of 'citizen spies' than the former East Germany had under the notorious Stasi secret police. Goldstein later observed that he broke news of Operation TIPS on March 10 in Spain's second largest daily, El Mundo, but that he struggled until July before finding a major English language paper which would print the story.
It is hilarious how suddenly you dumbasses are all concerned, like.


No one ever complained about Bush doing anything, which is why it is so easy for you to defend Obama doing it.
If anyone's paranoid it's the Republicans. They're already running against Hillary.

Yes, that explains why it was Republicans who set up ATTACKWATCH.com and [email protected], so people could inform on and denounce thought criminals.

Oh, wait...

What's paranoid about turning in traitors? That would seem to be what a patriotic American does, not cheer for Putin, Xi and Assad like we've seen some CONS do on this board.

You realize that anyone could make claims about you,for any reason?
That shit happens during war all the time. In fact in VN the villagers would tell US soldiers that the village next door was VC if they had a beef with them.
So do you like the idea that some pissed off republican could report you just because he hates you?
Part of the problem, which has been around for some time, is our government stamps way too much shit as classified which shouldn't be.

Exacerbating the problem is the fact that a company like the one Snowden worked for had 50% of the entire company cleared for Top Secret or above. That's beyond stupid. With that many civilian contractors walking around with that many Top Secret clearances, it is amazing there aren't leaks on a daily basis.

For all we know, there are. Snowden leaked publicly, but you can be sure there are contractors selling out to China or Israel or France or anyone with some cash.

Providing counter-espionage training to people who have clearances is COMMON FUCKING SENSE. Making it out to be something nefarious is to be a retard.

I had a clearance, and I was provided useful training on how approaches are made by foreign spies. And I was provided training to be on the lookout for the people around me who might be doing things which could put them in compromising position to be exploited by a foreign power.

As I said, that is common sense.

If Obama didn't tighten up security, the same dipshit who started this topic would be parroting the inevitable complaints about that. Because that is what they do. Obama can do no right.

It is time for a top-down review. De-classify stuff that shouldn't be classified. Revoke clearances for those who don't have a need to know.

My last 8 years in the service, I worked at AFCENT, the air component command of CENTCOM. One of my duties was security manager. CENTCOM classifies EVERYTHING. Because of this, when someone at CENTCOM transferred non-classified from the secure system (SIPRNET) to the non-classified system (NIPRNET) and emailed to one of our folks, it became a security incident. Lots of butt-pain and getting brass involved. Even if the data was unclassified, it was still considered classified because CENTCOM deemed it so. We'd have to track down the originator of the data to get confirmation on whether or not the material was actually classified due to content. This happened several times. And our folks did it a few times, too, despite constant training and reminders on the proper handling of classified materials.

None of our incidents involved hard-core exploitable materials. We dealt with construction at US bases in the Middle East. The terrorists learned more about our facilities by having moles in construction and janitorial crews than by anything we could have inadvertently released.

I can beat that.

I went to a school where my notebook was classified Top Secret. I had to go through and stamp each page by hand on the top and bottom, even though it was completely blank. I wasn't allowed to take it out of the building after that, even though most of the stuff I put in it was the exact same thing you would be taught at any decent college with a solid science and math program.

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