Obama's Politically Driven Airstrikes A Failure

Siding with Isis over America. You scumbags have reached a new low
Can you find anyone here siding with ISIS? No, of course not. You are either terminally stupid or intentionally obtuse. Obama's strategy is a failure both militarily and politically.
Nah fuck you scumbag. You've openly cheered for this president to fail at all costs.
Hmmmm....a statement like that says to me you are weak in your position.....you question whether or not your support for the current administration is warranted.

How do I know?

Because your interjection in this thread does not address the situation at hand. Instead, it addresses your assumed motivation for the dissent of others.

Nope. Not addressing the dissent....or the reason why it is not warranted.

Speaks volumes.
Threatening to give heavy weapons to the Kurds would be a powerful incentive to the Turks to take action against ISIS. As it stands now...ISIS fighting against the Kurds is a benefit to the Turks because it weakens both.
What people aren't grasping is that the Turks have an affinity for ISIL and their agenda.

Turkey was the seat of the Islamic caliphate for several centuries. And would like to reclaim that former title.

Also, both the Turks and ISIL are sunni muslims. So I personally don't envision Turkey taking up arms against ISIL anytime in the near future. Especially now that ISIL is fighting the Kurdish terrorists. ....... :cool:
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Barack Obama's "signature" accomplishment is going to be shown to be a colossal and epically costly failure as well.

Nope. It's been working as it should and your heroes who will likely control both houses of Congress next year won't repeal it. Not just because they won't be able to override the Prez's veto pen but also because they know repeal will make them responsible for the fallout.

As for the issue being discussed in this thread, well, not sure what to make of his efforts here, but one thing is for sure: we all know who's fault it is that US troops were occupying the area in the first place and the assurances that went along with that occupation. I'm confident that the American people will be reminded of this frequently, too.
No one gave a fuck when dozens of Kobanes and the residents of these cities were massacred with chemical weapons, air-to-ground missions and phosphor bombs. And certainly not Obama.
If obama would let the special forces on the ground to call in air strikes, the whole senario would change overnight.
The Turks consider the Kurds a bigger threat than ISIL. Because they have their own Kurdish population that wants to be independent of Turkey. And, yes, our own state department considers the PKK to be a "terrorist group".
Also, the Turkish government wants to see ISIS continue the fight against Assad in Syria. ..... :cool:

The wailing and whining of liberals about Turkey not getting involved is simple. Turkey has not been attacked and they have had a running battle with the Kurds for many years. All of a sudden they are supposed to come to the aid of the Kurds. Ain't gonna happen!
The main Kurdish group fighting ISIL is the Kurd PPK.

The Kurd PPK is still on both of the U.S. governments and the Turkish governments list of officially designated terrorist groups ..... :cool:

PKK Kurdish Terrorists Are Fighting IS Terrorists With U.S. Help - The Daily Beast

Do you consider ISIS terrorists?
As a patriotic American.......I only believe what my government tells me. ..... :thup:

Your government tells you that Hamas are terrorists
Time to withdraw from the Middle East. Sick of hearing about the Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. Let them sort out their own problems. We don't belong in their lands. It's time to come home.

You can't hide from terrorists by running away, Pauli...

The truth is that you'll end up fighting them one way or the other. The only choice you have is where that fight takes place.

Turkey has a formidable army. They need to get off their a*s and do something. Do they really thing ISIS is going to stop at their boarder> If they don't come to the aid of Kobani, there is going to be a blood bath. It may be too late now.

I have a great big color picture of Turkey coming to the aid of the Kurds. NOT!
Yeah Reagan's drive by bombings were most wasteful also...

Reagan didn't have to show bomb like Obama and Clinton because the world respected his word and his deed. They are laughing at Obama.
Informed critics claim that the strikes are indeed a political statement rather than an example of Military action. The US (allies) have uncontested air superiority but the strikes only go on at night targeting office buildings where nobody is working. Is it a war on custodians?
Informed critics claim that the strikes are indeed a political statement rather than an example of Military action. The US (allies) have uncontested air superiority but the strikes only go on at night targeting office buildings where nobody is working. Is it a war on custodians?

Hey, it got Bill out of trouble:)
Informed critics claim that the strikes are indeed a political statement rather than an example of Military action. The US (allies) have uncontested air superiority but the strikes only go on at night targeting office buildings where nobody is working. Is it a war on custodians?
You are not up to snuff just yet are you? Bombings have been in operation 24/7...as of late...Even the Brits are at it again...Tally-ho!

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