Obama's Politically Driven Airstrikes A Failure

Siding with Isis over America. You scumbags have reached a new low
Can you find anyone here siding with ISIS? No, of course not. You are either terminally stupid or intentionally obtuse. Obama's strategy is a failure both militarily and politically.
Nah fuck you scumbag. You've openly cheered for this president to fail at all costs.

I'm curious, Jed...do you think anyone cheering, either for or against this President, has made his policy choices succeed or fail? Barack Obama is failing simply because he's not good at the job he holds. I don't even blame him at this point! It's obvious that he never had the skills to perform the job of President yet the American people voted him into office not once but twice. It's our fault. We elected someone on a vague promise of "Hope & Change" without asking what the hell that meant...and then fell for the same vague promises four years later instead of voting for a guy who DID have the skills to get the job done. Now it's just a question of how much more damage takes place before someone else is sitting in the Oval Office.

A few million people who now have health coverage they didn't previously have might disagree with the part I bolded.
The thinking of the leftist. We are talking about defeating the islamonazis and you bring Obamacare:cuckoo:
"No Boots on the ground" what a joke. Without special forces targeting the enemy we are pinprick bombing blinds as ISIS advances. Obama acts as if he's actually doing something substantive, as he wastes time and money bombing pick up trucks and empty buildings ISIS advances:mad:....

Again, no one is stopping you and all the other NeoCons and Zionists from forming your own brigades and going over there to fight the good fight. I'm sure the Syrians and Iranians will welcome you with open arms.

I'm still trying to figure out which ones we should be cheering for, exactly?

Turkey, for instance, has enough military power to route ISIL easily. They just refuse to do so. Mostly because they consider the Kurds to be a bigger threat to them than ISIL.

Which is why they should be kicked out of NATO :thup:
Siding with Isis over America. You scumbags have reached a new low
Can you find anyone here siding with ISIS? No, of course not. You are either terminally stupid or intentionally obtuse. Obama's strategy is a failure both militarily and politically.
Nah fuck you scumbag. You've openly cheered for this president to fail at all costs.

I'm curious, Jed...do you think anyone cheering, either for or against this President, has made his policy choices succeed or fail? Barack Obama is failing simply because he's not good at the job he holds. I don't even blame him at this point! It's obvious that he never had the skills to perform the job of President yet the American people voted him into office not once but twice. It's our fault. We elected someone on a vague promise of "Hope & Change" without asking what the hell that meant...and then fell for the same vague promises four years later instead of voting for a guy who DID have the skills to get the job done. Now it's just a question of how much more damage takes place before someone else is sitting in the Oval Office.

A few million people who now have health coverage they didn't previously have might disagree with the part I bolded.

As one of the people who have seen my health care costs go up substantially since ObamaCare...I'm SURE that those people getting all that subsidized health care are happy as clams! It's human nature to be happy when you get something that someone else has to pay for.

There is a reason why Democrats aren't running on ObamaCare though, Erik. They've known all along that it was passed by promising things that can't be delivered on. The costs are going to go through the roof and the health care delivered is by necessity going to have to be rationed.

I'm amused by your attempt to divert this discussion from something you know is a loser for Obama supporters to something you think you have a chance at arguing he's accomplished something! What's sad for you is that with time...Barack Obama's "signature" accomplishment is going to be shown to be a colossal and epically costly failure as well.
Siding with Isis over America. You scumbags have reached a new low
Can you find anyone here siding with ISIS? No, of course not. You are either terminally stupid or intentionally obtuse. Obama's strategy is a failure both militarily and politically.
Nah fuck you scumbag. You've openly cheered for this president to fail at all costs.

I'm curious, Jed...do you think anyone cheering, either for or against this President, has made his policy choices succeed or fail? Barack Obama is failing simply because he's not good at the job he holds. I don't even blame him at this point! It's obvious that he never had the skills to perform the job of President yet the American people voted him into office not once but twice. It's our fault. We elected someone on a vague promise of "Hope & Change" without asking what the hell that meant...and then fell for the same vague promises four years later instead of voting for a guy who DID have the skills to get the job done. Now it's just a question of how much more damage takes place before someone else is sitting in the Oval Office.

A few million people who now have health coverage they didn't previously have might disagree with the part I bolded.

As one of the people who have seen my health care costs go up substantially since ObamaCare...I'm SURE that those people getting all that subsidized health care are happy as clams! It's human nature to be happy when you get something that someone else has to pay for.

There is a reason why Democrats aren't running on ObamaCare though, Erik. They've known all along that it was passed by promising things that can't be delivered on. The costs are going to go through the roof and the health care delivered is by necessity going to have to be rationed.

I'm amused by your attempt to divert this discussion from something you know is a loser for Obama supporters to something you think you have a chance at arguing he's accomplished something! What's sad for you is that with time...Barack Obama's "signature" accomplishment is going to be shown to be a colossal and epically costly failure as well.

Don't let the troll divert the thread. Obamacare is not relevant to the topic
Time to withdraw from the Middle East. Sick of hearing about the Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. Let them sort out their own problems. We don't belong in their lands. It's time to come home.
Time to withdraw from the Middle East. Sick of hearing about the Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. Let them sort out their own problems. We don't belong in their lands. It's time to come home.

You can't hide from terrorists by running away, Pauli...

The truth is that you'll end up fighting them one way or the other. The only choice you have is where that fight takes place.
Time to withdraw from the Middle East. Sick of hearing about the Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. Let them sort out their own problems. We don't belong in their lands. It's time to come home.

You can't hide from terrorists by running away, Pauli...

The truth is that you'll end up fighting them one way or the other. The only choice you have is where that fight takes place.

They'll kill each other over there. And that's their right. It's their lands. We don't belong there meddling. It is time to come home.
Were they killing each other "over there" when those planes were flying into American buildings, Pauli?
Were they killing each other "over there" when those planes were flying into American buildings, Pauli?

Time to leave their lands. We never belonged there. We've only been there to plunder their resources. It's time for a dramatic Foreign Policy change. They can sort out their own problems. If that means them killing each other for several years, than so be it. I don't see that as a problem for us. We've done enough meddling around the world. We gotta move on.
"Plunder their resources"? Dude, the parts of the Middle East that have oil reserves have some of the highest per capita incomes of anyone on earth. We haven't "plundered" anything! We've made a lot of formally dirt poor nomadic Bedouins fabulously wealthy.

You didn't answer my question about 9/11. You can't ignore the inconvenient, Pauli.
Time to withdraw from the Middle East. Sick of hearing about the Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. Let them sort out their own problems. We don't belong in their lands. It's time to come home.

You can't hide from terrorists by running away, Pauli...

The truth is that you'll end up fighting them one way or the other. The only choice you have is where that fight takes place.

Turkey has a formidable army. They need to get off their a*s and do something. Do they really thing ISIS is going to stop at their boarder> If they don't come to the aid of Kobani, there is going to be a blood bath. It may be too late now.
Siding with Isis over America. You scumbags have reached a new low
Can you find anyone here siding with ISIS? No, of course not. You are either terminally stupid or intentionally obtuse. Obama's strategy is a failure both militarily and politically.
Nah fuck you scumbag. You've openly cheered for this president to fail at all costs.
So you finally are admitting he's a failed POS
Time to withdraw from the Middle East. Sick of hearing about the Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. Let them sort out their own problems. We don't belong in their lands. It's time to come home.

You can't hide from terrorists by running away, Pauli...

The truth is that you'll end up fighting them one way or the other. The only choice you have is where that fight takes place.

Turkey has a formidable army. They need to get off their a*s and do something. Do they really thing ISIS is going to stop at their boarder> If they don't come to the aid of Kobani, there is going to be a blood bath. It may be too late now.

Do you really think ISIS will attack Turkey next? My prediction is that they will take the path of least resistance...which would mean Syria, Iraq, Jordan and then the Palestinian territories. They'll get around to Turkey and Egypt at a later date.
The Kurds are terrorists that the Turkish government and military have been fighting against for decades.

People here are naive to think the Turks are going to help the Kurds.

Besides, the Turks have no problem with ISIS because they are also fighting the brutal Assad government in Syria. ...... :cool:
If I had been Obama and I wanted the Turks to involve themselves against ISIS I would have made it a very simple proposition...either you step up to the plate and fight against ISIS or the US will be supplying the Kurds in Iraq and Syria with heavy weapons to do so for you and then you will be left to deal with a heavily armed group that supports a separate Kurdish State.
Obama wasn't savvy enough to figure that one out...which is why he isn't savvy enough to be President!
Time to withdraw from the Middle East. Sick of hearing about the Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, or whatever. Let them sort out their own problems. We don't belong in their lands. It's time to come home.

You can't hide from terrorists by running away, Pauli...

The truth is that you'll end up fighting them one way or the other. The only choice you have is where that fight takes place.

Turkey has a formidable army. They need to get off their a*s and do something. Do they really thing ISIS is going to stop at their boarder> If they don't come to the aid of Kobani, there is going to be a blood bath. It may be too late now.

Yes, let the Peoples of that region sort out their problems. If they kill each other for several years, than so be it. I'm good with that. But it's time for us to withdraw. We've done enough damage over there.
If I had been Obama and I wanted the Turks to involve themselves against ISIS I would have made it a very simple proposition...either you step up to the plate and fight against ISIS or the US will be supplying the Kurds in Iraq and Syria with heavy weapons to do so for you and then you will be left to deal with a heavily armed group that supports a separate Kurdish State.
Wouldn't work........Turkey has a very large and well equipped military that could easily wipe out the terrorist Kurds. ..... :cool:
If I had been Obama and I wanted the Turks to involve themselves against ISIS I would have made it a very simple proposition...either you step up to the plate and fight against ISIS or the US will be supplying the Kurds in Iraq and Syria with heavy weapons to do so for you and then you will be left to deal with a heavily armed group that supports a separate Kurdish State.
Wouldn't work........Turkey has a very large and well equipped military that could easily wipe out the terrorist Kurds. ..... :cool:

Actually it would work for precisely that reason, Sunni...Turkey has a decided military advantage over any Kurdish insurgency BECAUSE the Kurds do not have heavy weapons. Threatening to give heavy weapons to the Kurds would be a powerful incentive to the Turks to take action against ISIS. As it stands now...ISIS fighting against the Kurds is a benefit to the Turks because it weakens both.

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