Obama's Politically Driven Airstrikes A Failure

The hell he did,hater dupe, and there are ALREADY noncombat special forces targetters on the ground. Like Libya, this is in the nick of time bombing only. NOT chickenhawk Pub send in the 82nd Airborne disaster.
Kurds are on the ground radioing to bombers, and Obama is trying to get Turkey involved too. He's playing chess, Pubs play idiot chickenhawk checkers.
You want boots on the ground, put your boots on.
Some are.

Ex-US Army soldier joins 'private army' to fight against ISIS: One of three Americans fighting with Kurds in Syria identified
  • A Wisconsin man is reportedly in the Middle East with two other Americans, fighting ISIS
  • Jordan Matson of Wisconsin, a former American solder, has reportedly joined the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG), a YPG spokesman said
  • The YPG are mainly battling advances by Islamic State militants close to Syria's borders with Turkey and Iraq
  • A Facebook page for Jordan Matson says he attended Case High School in Racine, Wisconsin and is 28
  • The U.S. army said that a Jordan Matson of Sturtevant was a private first class in the U.S. Army from May 2006 to November 2007
By Reuters and Zoe Szathmary for MailOnline

Read more: One of three Americans fighting against ISIS in Syria identified Daily Mail Online
Pres. Obama is bombing ISIS because of the upcoming November elections in order to help the Democrats look tough.

After the elections he most likely will call the air strikes a total success and halt them. ...... :cool:

Don't worry, we will keep killing Radical Muslims.
Another fine half-assed program brought to you by President Obama. I wonder if the presentation on this strategy was done with little toy airplanes and fire crackers.
Kurds are on the ground radioing to bombers, and Obama is trying to get Turkey involved too. He's playing chess, Pubs play idiot chickenhawk checkers.

The Kurds are going to be slaughtered. We should have armed them months ago. Doubtful there are any special forces on the ground. Obama refused to put them there. If they were there, our airstrikes wold be much more effective as they would be on the ground targeting the enemy positions. That not happening:mad:
Siding with Isis over America. You scumbags have reached a new low
Can you find anyone here siding with ISIS? No, of course not. You are either terminally stupid or intentionally obtuse. Obama's strategy is a failure both militarily and politically.
Nah fuck you scumbag. You've openly cheered for this president to fail at all costs.

I'm curious, Jed...do you think anyone cheering, either for or against this President, has made his policy choices succeed or fail? Barack Obama is failing simply because he's not good at the job he holds. I don't even blame him at this point! It's obvious that he never had the skills to perform the job of President yet the American people voted him into office not once but twice. It's our fault. We elected someone on a vague promise of "Hope & Change" without asking what the hell that meant...and then fell for the same vague promises four years later instead of voting for a guy who DID have the skills to get the job done. Now it's just a question of how much more damage takes place before someone else is sitting in the Oval Office.
"No Boots on the ground" what a joke. Without special forces targeting the enemy we are pinprick bombing blinds as ISIS advances. Obama acts as if he's actually doing something substantive, as he wastes time and money bombing pick up trucks and empty buildings ISIS advances:mad:....

Again, no one is stopping you and all the other NeoCons and Zionists from forming your own brigades and going over there to fight the good fight. I'm sure the Syrians and Iranians will welcome you with open arms.

I'm still trying to figure out which ones we should be cheering for, exactly?

Turkey, for instance, has enough military power to route ISIL easily. They just refuse to do so. Mostly because they consider the Kurds to be a bigger threat to them than ISIL.
I'm curious, Jed...do you think anyone cheering, either for or against this President, has made his policy choices succeed or fail? Barack Obama is failing simply because he's not good at the job he holds. I don't even blame him at this point! It's obvious that he never had the skills to perform the job of President yet the American people voted him into office not once but twice. It's our fault. We elected someone on a vague promise of "Hope & Change" without asking what the hell that meant...and then fell for the same vague promises four years later instead of voting for a guy who DID have the skills to get the job done. Now it's just a question of how much more damage takes place before someone else is sitting in the Oval Office.

Actually, Obama is giving us EXACTLY what we wanted. We wanted the fuck out of Iraq and we didn't want any more American soldiers coming home in body bags.

And frankly, we didn't vote for Romney because that guy was more interested in making the military contractors rich than having any ideas that anyone cared about. The guy would have been a joke without the racists.
The Kurds are going to be slaughtered. We should have armed them months ago. Doubtful there are any special forces on the ground. Obama refused to put them there. If they were there, our airstrikes wold be much more effective as they would be on the ground targeting the enemy positions. That not happening:mad:

So what?

Here's the thing. The Turks consider the Kurds a bigger threat than ISIL. Because they have their own Kurdish population that wants to be independent of Turkey. And, yes, our own state department considers the PKK to be a "terrorist group".

I think before we side with yet another group of terrorists who will turn on us and attack us in ten years - you know, kind of like bin Laden did - maybe we need to ask some silly questions like, "What's the compelling American Interest?" and "Who benefits if we intervene?"

And the whopper, "Just because the Zionists think this is a good idea, doesn't make it so." Let's not forget, last year, your Zionist buddies and AIPAC wanted us to bomb Assad to help the Syrian Resistance, which included ISIL.
The Turks consider the Kurds a bigger threat than ISIL. Because they have their own Kurdish population that wants to be independent of Turkey. And, yes, our own state department considers the PKK to be a "terrorist group".
Also, the Turkish government wants to see ISIS continue the fight against Assad in Syria. ..... :cool:
Another GOP push to send troops to the middle east. I suppose it was time....
"No Boots on the ground" what a joke. Without special forces targeting the enemy we are pinprick bombing blinds as ISIS advances. Obama acts as if he's actually doing something substantive, as he wastes time and money bombing pick up trucks and empty buildings ISIS advances:mad:....

What's more, I thoink he knows ex
"No Boots on the ground" what a joke. Without special forces targeting the enemy we are pinprick bombing blinds as ISIS advances. Obama acts as if he's actually doing something substantive, as he wastes time and money bombing pick up trucks and empty buildings ISIS advances:mad:....

What's more, I think he knows exactly what he's doing. He doesn't want to be effective and wasting time and money is no problem to him. All for show.
It's troubling when Carter - Carter - comes out and says what he has said.

Regardless, I remain hopeful there's a ton of productive shit going on behind the scenes that will play out well.

Even Carter can see through the facade.
Siding with Isis over America. You scumbags have reached a new low
Can you find anyone here siding with ISIS? No, of course not. You are either terminally stupid or intentionally obtuse. Obama's strategy is a failure both militarily and politically.
Nah fuck you scumbag. You've openly cheered for this president to fail at all costs.

I'm curious, Jed...do you think anyone cheering, either for or against this President, has made his policy choices succeed or fail? Barack Obama is failing simply because he's not good at the job he holds. I don't even blame him at this point! It's obvious that he never had the skills to perform the job of President yet the American people voted him into office not once but twice. It's our fault. We elected someone on a vague promise of "Hope & Change" without asking what the hell that meant...and then fell for the same vague promises four years later instead of voting for a guy who DID have the skills to get the job done. Now it's just a question of how much more damage takes place before someone else is sitting in the Oval Office.

A few million people who now have health coverage they didn't previously have might disagree with the part I bolded.

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