Obama's Politically Driven Airstrikes A Failure

IS had adapted and adjusted to air strikes, as predicted and expected. Target acquisition has been the problem at Kobane. IS has been very good at dispersing and hiding it's assets in the hills and gullies surrounding Kobane. That is why air strikes have been limited to mostly small targets such as single tanks, pick up trucks with mounted heavy machine guns and only small groups of infantry. That has changed, as was hoped, in the last few days. IS has had to replenish and reinforce their forces and at the same time concentrate them in small and tight areas as they converged and entered the city. This has created a target rich environment with Kobane Kurd defenders being able to transmit accurate location data. This is classic military strategy, draw the enemy into the open and surprise him with overwhelming bombardment. It may not save the city, but that is not the American roll or mission. The mission is to degrade IS. That is happening.

The Mission is also to prevent the slaughter of these people:thup:
When did that become our mission. The lead group defending Kobane are communist Peoples Worker Party drug dealers and smugglers who have been listed by both Turkey and the USA as terrorist. The civilian population has been vacated across the Turkish border. There are an estimated 1,500 volunteers who remain in the city to support the Kurd fighters. How did it become our mission to defend and protect communist drug dealers?

Yeah? where do you get that information? The Turkish government?
It.s not my fault you are clueless about the PKK.


Fuck Turkey..you can worry about the Kurds.... I worry about the islamonazis. the Kurds are not our enemies the islamic nutjobs are
The middle east was lost the day Obama was elected.

It's only that the Muslim extremists thought his abject stupidity was a clever trick that caused them to wait until now.

Think that one through......
Come on, Camp...get serious! "Classic military strategy" is to allow an enemy force to move across open ground with tanks, artillery and troop transports, where they could be easily destroyed by air strikes...into an urban setting with places to hide and a civilian population that would be put at risk from air strikes?

That isn't classic military strategy at all! That's a lack of military strategy. Those ISIS troops should have NEVER BEEN ALLOWED TO GET NEAR KOBANE! I'd like to know why ISIS troops are still being allowed to move across miles of open desert to attack other cities? How is that happening?
You are misinterpreting my post. I never said anything about tanks and armored vehicles moving across open ground and being ignored. I said they were dispersed and hidden. And you seem unaware that the city has been depopulated. Anyhow, the strategy you claim is not a strategy worked and IS took a pounding and forced to retreat from most of city. That does not mean they won't be back, but they will get another pounding when they do.


Your "point" is absurd, Camp! ISIS moved large numbers of tanks, artillery and troops across miles of open desert to attack Kobane after Barack Obama had stated that he was going to use American air power to "degrade and destroy" them. How did that happen? Why were those ISIS forces even allowed to reach Kobane? Why weren't they destroyed in transit when they were exposed?
You are just guessing and making assumptions. You have no evidence that IS moved assets to Kobane in large formations or even that they have large numbers of tanks and artillery at Kobane. It is just as easy to assume the assets they do have were moved there piecemeal in small units over various routes. You are making guess's and claiming them as facts.

I don't care if they moved the tanks across the desert one at a time, Camp...my question remains the same...where were the airstrikes that Obama promised to degrade and destroy ISIS? How are they able to move ANYTHING across open desert to attack new cities and towns let alone tanks, artillery and troop transports?

My "guess" is that Barack Obama's words are not backed up by his deeds.
My guess is that you can't bomb every bus or tractor trailer without inflicting heavy civilian casualties while making guesses at what cargo might be getting transported. You seem to believe the ISIS forces move in WWII style formations across this "open desert" as you call it. You also seem to think we are capable of viewing huge areas and finding targets and launching air strikes within minutes of spotting a target. It doesn't work that way. That only works when you have aircraft searching for targets of opportunity, meaning readily identified targets that pose no threat to collateral damage.

Shut up idiot... Your only thought is defending this pathetic, excuse, for a president we have. We could have prevented all this. We should have attacked ISIS before they even entered Iraq. Obama didn't give a shit. He didn't even have time to read his intelligence briefings. What a weak, pathetic, embarresment, this president is
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Obama likes to travel alone and ditch the old lady. He grows tired of the call for action against his kind, radical Muslims

Come on, Camp...get serious! "Classic military strategy" is to allow an enemy force to move across open ground with tanks, artillery and troop transports, where they could be easily destroyed by air strikes...into an urban setting with places to hide and a civilian population that would be put at risk from air strikes?

That isn't classic military strategy at all! That's a lack of military strategy. Those ISIS troops should have NEVER BEEN ALLOWED TO GET NEAR KOBANE! I'd like to know why ISIS troops are still being allowed to move across miles of open desert to attack other cities? How is that happening?
You are misinterpreting my post. I never said anything about tanks and armored vehicles moving across open ground and being ignored. I said they were dispersed and hidden. And you seem unaware that the city has been depopulated. Anyhow, the strategy you claim is not a strategy worked and IS took a pounding and forced to retreat from most of city. That does not mean they won't be back, but they will get another pounding when they do.


Your "point" is absurd, Camp! ISIS moved large numbers of tanks, artillery and troops across miles of open desert to attack Kobane after Barack Obama had stated that he was going to use American air power to "degrade and destroy" them. How did that happen? Why were those ISIS forces even allowed to reach Kobane? Why weren't they destroyed in transit when they were exposed?
You are just guessing and making assumptions. You have no evidence that IS moved assets to Kobane in large formations or even that they have large numbers of tanks and artillery at Kobane. It is just as easy to assume the assets they do have were moved there piecemeal in small units over various routes. You are making guess's and claiming them as facts.

I don't care if they moved the tanks across the desert one at a time, Camp...my question remains the same...where were the airstrikes that Obama promised to degrade and destroy ISIS? How are they able to move ANYTHING across open desert to attack new cities and towns let alone tanks, artillery and troop transports?

My "guess" is that Barack Obama's words are not backed up by his deeds.
My guess is that you can't bomb every bus or tractor trailer without inflicting heavy civilian casualties while making guesses at what cargo might be getting transported. You seem to believe the ISIS forces move in WWII style formations across this "open desert" as you call it. You also seem to think we are capable of viewing huge areas and finding targets and launching air strikes within minutes of spotting a target. It doesn't work that way. That only works when you have aircraft searching for targets of opportunity, meaning readily identified targets that pose no threat to collateral damage.

Are you claiming that the US military can't view what's moving across miles of open desert? That they simply haven't SEEN ISIS troop movements? I don't think we need to bomb every bus or tractor trailer moving across those open areas but I'm amazed that ISIS can move tanks, artillery and armored troop carrying vehicles across open desert without being targeted! Let me put it to you this way, Camp...if we can't target ISIS in the open desert we might as well pack up this circus and surrender because we sure as hell won't be able to target ISIS in cities where they can hide among the civilian populations.
Airstrikes aren't going to work, drones aren't going to work. Ebola, I mean Embolism, what is the President's name? Numbnuts Obama reminds me of LBJ every day. Hey hey hey, ho ho ho , O-bam-A has got to go.
It's funny, I mixed up Osama with Obama. LBJ, Nixon, all these previous presidents, they were Americans. Obama is just outlander weirdo freak. he doesn't represent blacks or whites. He is a freak out side the world he was born into, not white, Christian or black or Muslim. Why vote for this guy?
Fuck Turkey..you can worry about the Kurds.... I worry about the islamonazis. the Kurds are not our enemies the islamic nutjobs are

Islamo-Nazis? Really? You went there?

Actually, none of these people are 'our enemies'. Their Israel's enemy. they're the enemy of the Oil Companies. "our enemy", not so much.

Again, why don't the Zionists finish off ISIL for us? I mean, shit, the billions we lavish on them, you think they'd be able to take on something other than a few Palestinians cowering in a tunnel.

Oh, yeah, that's right. The minute they do, the entire Islamic world sides with ISIL.
Shut up idiot... Your only thought is defending this pathetic, excuse, for a president we have. We could have prevented all this. We should have attacked ISIS before they even entered Iraq. Obama didn't give a shit. He didn't even have time to read his intelligence briefings. What a weak, pathetic, embarresment, this president is

Um, no, we probably couldn't have.

Let's not forget, your buddies in AIPAC didn't want us taking out ISIS, they wanted us taking out Bashir Assad because... well, Israel.

But the main reason why we have a problem with ISIS in Iraq is because Maliki ignored all the advice we gave him and excluded Sunnis from the government.
It's funny, I mixed up Osama with Obama. LBJ, Nixon, all these previous presidents, they were Americans. Obama is just outlander weirdo freak. he doesn't represent blacks or whites. He is a freak out side the world he was born into, not white, Christian or black or Muslim. Why vote for this guy?

The Dry-Cleaners called, they said your white sheets are ready so you won't miss the Cross-burning tonight.
All the gun grabbers will be happy their neighbors have one when ISIS hits the streets of America.

My bad- Obama said that is unlikely too

All the gun grabbers will be happy their neighbors have one when ISIS hits the streets of America.

My bad- Obama said that is unlikely too


Again, 32,000 gun deaths a year. I'm a lot more worried about my neighbors- one of whom literally shot his gun into the parking lot of the complex where I live before taking his own life - than I am about ISIS.
All the gun grabbers will be happy their neighbors have one when ISIS hits the streets of America.

My bad- Obama said that is unlikely too


Again, 32,000 gun deaths a year. I'm a lot more worried about my neighbors- one of whom literally shot his gun into the parking lot of the complex where I live before taking his own life - than I am about ISIS.

Of course you are Joe. That's why I said you'll be glad your neighbor may be able to hold them off long enough for you to grab the nearest club. You'll be glad because as you say, you weren't expecting it. I mean, ISIS being more evil than your neighbor. :badgrin:

Shut up idiot... Your only thought is defending this pathetic, excuse, for a president we have. We could have prevented all this. We should have attacked ISIS before they even entered Iraq. Obama didn't give a shit. He didn't even have time to read his intelligence briefings. What a weak, pathetic, embarresment, this president is

Um, no, we probably couldn't have.

Let's not forget, your buddies in AIPAC didn't want us taking out ISIS, they wanted us taking out Bashir Assad because... well, Israel.

But the main reason why we have a problem with ISIS in Iraq is because Maliki ignored all the advice we gave him and excluded Sunnis from the government.

Crawl back into your hole boy, and get some psychological help while you're at it. You've got problems. People tend not to listen to "advice" when we are hightailing it out of the country as, Iran is filling the power vacuum
All the gun grabbers will be happy their neighbors have one when ISIS hits the streets of America.

My bad- Obama said that is unlikely too


Again, 32,000 gun deaths a year. I'm a lot more worried about my neighbors- one of whom literally shot his gun into the parking lot of the complex where I live before taking his own life - than I am about ISIS.

Of course you are Joe. That's why I said you'll be glad your neighbor may be able to hold them off long enough for you to grab the nearest club. You'll be glad because as you say, you weren't expecting it. I mean, ISIS being more evil than your neighbor. :badgrin:


frankly, guy, the chances of an ISIS terrorist sh owing up in my sleepy chicago suburb are nil. they'd go after something big that would make a statement.

But more likely, they are going to just stay in their neck of the woods.

But 32,000 Americans will die and 78,000 will be injured by people you guys INSISTED must be able to excercise their 2nd Amendment "rights".
Crawl back into your hole boy, and get some psychological help while you're at it. You've got problems. People tend not to listen to "advice" when we are hightailing it out of the country as, Iran is filling the power vacuum

Hey, you Zionists were more than welcome to fill the 'vaccuum. Of course, it would mean actually going up against someone who can fight back, not some pretty young peace activist you run over with a bulldozer.
Obama's filed, bullshit, politically driven, "strategy"...Defeat ISIS?...... Not this president:eusa_eh:

American-led air attacks are failing. Jihadis are close to taking Kobani, in Syria – and in Iraq western Baghdad is now under serious threat

America's plans to fight Islamic State are in ruins as the militant group's fighters come close to capturing Kobani and have inflicted a heavy defeat on the Iraqi army west of Baghdad.

The US-led air attacks launched against Islamic State (also known as Isis) on 8 August in Iraq and 23 September in Syria have not worked. President Obama's plan to "degrade and destroy" Islamic State has not even begun to achieve success. In both Syria and Iraq, Isis is expanding its control rather than contracting.

Isis reinforcements have been rushing towards Kobani in the past few days to ensure that they win a decisive victory over the Syrian Kurdish town's remaining defenders. The group is willing to take heavy casualties in street fighting and from air attacks in order to add to the string of victories it has won in the four months since its forces captured Mosul, the second-largest city in Iraq, on 10 June. Part of the strength of the fundamentalist movement is a sense that there is something inevitable and divinely inspired about its victories, whether it is against superior numbers in Mosul or US airpower at Kobani.

In the face of a likely Isis victory at Kobani, senior US officials have been trying to explain away the failure to save the Syrian Kurds in the town, probably Isis's toughest opponents in Syria. "Our focus in Syria is in degrading the capacity of [Isis] at its core to project power, to command itself, to sustain itself, to resource itself," said US Deputy National Security Adviser Tony Blinken, in a typical piece of waffle designed to mask defeat

Administration tacitly admits that the air war against ISIS is not working

Perhaps Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey did not intend to make the startling admissions he did when he appeared on ABC News on
Sunday morning. Perhaps the chairman did not seek to confirm for the public that the Islamic State’s advance in Iraq has been more effective and wider spread than previously reported. Maybe he did not set out to corroborate the increasingly evident fact that the coalition air war against ISIS is failing to achieve its objectives. He probably did not want to do these things, but that is what he accomplished.
Reports broke late last weeks that the United States had dramatically shifted tactics in Iraq when they introduced Apache attack helicopters into that theater of operations. They were reportedly used in assaults on Islamic State mortar teams and other personnel near the city of Fallujah, according to a spokesman for Central Command. That infamous city lies 73 kilometers from Baghdad.
But, in his appearance on ABC, Dempsey said that those Apaches were used to stem an assault on Iraqi forces which were protecting a clear pathway to Baghdad’s airport

Administration tacitly admits that the air war against ISIS is not working Hot Air
Even the second worse President knows!


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