Obama's problem with the economy, he's asking the arsonists to help put out the fire.

I never voted for Bush... Do you even know what your talking about? Why is it you think people take offence to your gay bashing btw, it's not even clever.

The only faggots that take offense are the ones asking me for a "swallow"..faggot.

Oh..and what do ya know..

Either you didn't vote..or you are lying.

I didn't vote... Soooo, that still makes you wrong, lol.


You have absolutely no skin in this game.

Go away.
Obama didn't cause this mess..Conservative Republicans have. And they refuse..absolutely refuse..to take any responsibility at all for it. They fucked up. Simple as that. They totally own it. Simple as that.

Obama, has for the most part, made a major mistake in:

A. Not attaching any responsibility to the private sector while bailing them out.
B. Didn't vigorously pursue the wrong doers in both the public and private sectors.

And not doing these things have only deepened the problem. In fact..it's given power to the very people who started the meltdown in the economy.

Obama's developed a "Charlie Brown and Lucy" relationship with Republicans. In that they "pretend" to work with him..and then they walk away with the football when Obama goes fully to their side.

-They started a deficit reduction commission, then disowned when Obama wanted to use their suggestions.
-Obama adopted every single provision for the stimulus that Republicans put in..from cutting it in half to making that half, halved again as they suggested in it the form of tax cuts. Then didn't vote for it.
-Absolutely refusing to raise the Debt ceiling after they raised the debt ceiling 19 times for George W. Bush, resulting in 4 trillion dollars of spending.

George W. Bush came into office with 180 billion dollars in surplus and left with over 13 trillion dollars in debt. He fucked up. He owns the whole enchilada. And it isn't the first time a fucking conservative fucked up so royally.

It's high time to get the arsonists out of the fucking way..and send in the REAL firefighters.


They don't like yoiu.
They never will.

I'd like to see that... really.

The country has no future as is, we spend to much and have to barrow. We have never ending wars and programs that were predicted to fail, failing for the very reasons they were predicted to fail.

I understand the "tax more" but as have been proven a million times, even a 100% tax on everyone over 250k a year would not fix 10% of the problem... Lump ending all the war sin and you STILL don't get half way there. Cuts have to come everywhere, there is no way around it and it will either happen now or it will collapse later, end of story, no debate about it.

Currently there is this anger, 1 side claims the Reps want war and the other claims Dems want social programs and that neither will compromise… Well, truth be told Bush grew Government vastly socially and same with military, Obama kept that going and the Rep and Dem congress didn’t even act as a speed bump. So what’s that answer? Either we cut now or hemorrhage later causing an inevitable collapse, either way both military and social programs will be ending in our lifetime.
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The only faggots that take offense are the ones asking me for a "swallow"..faggot.

Oh..and what do ya know..

Either you didn't vote..or you are lying.

I didn't vote... Soooo, that still makes you wrong, lol.


You have absolutely no skin in this game.

Go away.

So you were wong... got it, lol.

BTW, I was umm... 19 when Bush had his first term... Sorry I was not a political activist then.
Owned by what? A cum gargling faggot that wants to suck my dick? That's not owned..because I am a straight man..you faggot. Don't ask me for a swallow.

You are one of the pissants that put that destructive mother fucker George W. Bush into power.

You are really just unworthy..on so many levels it's hard to count.

I never voted for Bush... Do you even know what your talking about? Why is it you think people take offence to your gay bashing btw, it's not even clever.

The only faggots that take offense are the ones asking me for a "swallow"..faggot.

Oh..and what do ya know..

Either you didn't vote..or you are lying.

you're reactions to a play on your name are so waaaaaay over the top. Wry catcher calls me Nero, I don't even bat an eye, so what? *shrugs*

look sallow, you're really really out of control in this thread and I am speaking as a one time friend from 8-9 months ago, its as if someone else is posting for you over the last 3-4 months...progressively getting worse.
please don't see this as a jab at you...just trying to get your attention, calm down, you're not looking good here... ... log out and take a week off, it aint worth it..its an internet chat board, none of this matters.
The OP voted for Bush's 3rd term, so i don't know what he's bitching about......

You have absolutely no skin in this game.

Go away.

So you were wong... got it, lol.

BTW, I was umm... 19 when Bush had his first term... Sorry I was not a political activist then.

So now you are a political activist with little experience.
Hang in there and figure it all out.

You lost me, really really lost me...

I didn't say I was an activist now, just that I was not one when I was 19... is that ok? Is it ok that I didn't vote for Bush when I was 19 nor for his second term when i was like 23-24?
Probably will get him reelected though, acting like the only adult in the room. The economy must show some signs of recovery...
So now you are a political activist with little experience.
Hang in there and figure it all out.

The current president is a political activist with little experience......

Yep He sucks. Are you comparing yourself to him? I hope not.

Kids today.

I started working at the age of 9 bagging groceries..and have had a job most of my life to the age of 50. I've never been in a Union..or worked for the government. I've owned a couple of businesses..and never cheated on my taxes. I've had a couple of scrapes with the law..but it was due to stupidity..not because I wanted to hurt anyone else.

At 18 I registered for the draft and inquired about joining the air force. They wanted a 6 year hitch with no guarantees..so I balked and worked my way through college. Along the way I've worked and contributed to charities and never missed a vote. And I didn't really become very political until Reagan..who I thought was the absolute worst President ever.

That's right after LBJ..and Nixon.
The current president is a political activist with little experience......

Yep He sucks. Are you comparing yourself to him? I hope not.

Kids today.

I started working at the age of 9 bagging groceries..and have had a job most of my life to the age of 50. I've never been in a Union..or worked for the government. I've owned a couple of businesses..and never cheated on my taxes. I've had a couple of scrapes with the law..but it was due to stupidity..not because I wanted to hurt anyone else.

At 18 I registered for the draft and inquired about joining the air force. They wanted a 6 year hitch with no guarantees..so I balked and worked my way through college. Along the way I've worked and contributed to charities and never missed a vote. And I didn't really become very political until Reagan..who I thought was the absolute worst President ever.

That's right after LBJ..and Nixon.

lol, what the hell is going on in your own thread.
Obama didn't cause this mess..Conservative Republicans have. And they refuse..absolutely refuse..to take any responsibility at all for it. They fucked up. Simple as that. They totally own it. Simple as that.

Obama, has for the most part, made a major mistake in:

A. Not attaching any responsibility to the private sector while bailing them out.
B. Didn't vigorously pursue the wrong doers in both the public and private sectors.

And not doing these things have only deepened the problem. In fact..it's given power to the very people who started the meltdown in the economy.

Obama's developed a "Charlie Brown and Lucy" relationship with Republicans. In that they "pretend" to work with him..and then they walk away with the football when Obama goes fully to their side.

-They started a deficit reduction commission, then disowned when Obama wanted to use their suggestions.
-Obama adopted every single provision for the stimulus that Republicans put in..from cutting it in half to making that half, halved again as they suggested in it the form of tax cuts. Then didn't vote for it.
-Absolutely refusing to raise the Debt ceiling after they raised the debt ceiling 19 times for George W. Bush, resulting in 4 trillion dollars of spending.

George W. Bush came into office with 180 billion dollars in surplus and left with over 13 trillion dollars in debt. He fucked up. He owns the whole enchilada. And it isn't the first time a fucking conservative fucked up so royally.

It's high time to get the arsonists out of the fucking way..and send in the REAL firefighters.


They don't like yoiu.
They never will.

Remember these old Obammy songs?

"Elections have consequences?"

"We Won?"

or how about this old favorite

“After they drove the car into the ditch, made it as difficult as possible for us to pull it back, now they want to keys back. No! You can’t drive..."

Yeah, Obammy and the Dems, they played so nicely with others.

How many budgets has Obama actually passed since getting into office?

Wait for it..

57 states.

Come CF..you're getting lazy.

How many budgets has Obammy actually passed?
The Repubs plan on just not-funding anything, ESPECIALLY the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. They want that campaign money from Wall St.
He has far more experience as a president than anyone else- and born to the job. When the economy comes around, and it will.
Obama didn't cause this mess..Conservative Republicans have. And they refuse..absolutely refuse..to take any responsibility at all for it. They fucked up. Simple as that. They totally own it. Simple as that.

Obama, has for the most part, made a major mistake in:

A. Not attaching any responsibility to the private sector while bailing them out.
B. Didn't vigorously pursue the wrong doers in both the public and private sectors.

And not doing these things have only deepened the problem. In fact..it's given power to the very people who started the meltdown in the economy.

Obama's developed a "Charlie Brown and Lucy" relationship with Republicans. In that they "pretend" to work with him..and then they walk away with the football when Obama goes fully to their side.

-They started a deficit reduction commission, then disowned when Obama wanted to use their suggestions.
-Obama adopted every single provision for the stimulus that Republicans put in..from cutting it in half to making that half, halved again as they suggested in it the form of tax cuts. Then didn't vote for it.
-Absolutely refusing to raise the Debt ceiling after they raised the debt ceiling 19 times for George W. Bush, resulting in 4 trillion dollars of spending.

George W. Bush came into office with 180 billion dollars in surplus and left with over 13 trillion dollars in debt. He fucked up. He owns the whole enchilada. And it isn't the first time a fucking conservative fucked up so royally.

It's high time to get the arsonists out of the fucking way..and send in the REAL firefighters.


They don't like yoiu.
They never will.

Remember these old Obammy songs?

"Elections have consequences?"

"We Won?"

or how about this old favorite

“After they drove the car into the ditch, made it as difficult as possible for us to pull it back, now they want to keys back. No! You can’t drive..."

Yeah, Obammy and the Dems, they played so nicely with others.

How many budgets has Obama actually passed since getting into office?

Wait for it..

57 states.

Come CF..you're getting lazy.

Yeah, he's beaten that to death a LONG time ago :lol:

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