Obamas Promise To Donate All Proceeds From Multimillion-Dollar Book, Netflix Deals To Combat Wealth


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
How admirable of the Obamas to donate their vast wealth to combat Wealth Inequality!

Barack and Michelle Obama have committed to donate all of the money they are slated to receive as part of their recent multimillion-dollar book and Netflix deals to combat wealth inequality in the nation, the celebrity politician couple announced Monday.

Obama told the press he wanted to make sure people didn’t think he was using his experiences in public service for his own personal gain, but rather for the good of all, in order to remain consistent with his party’s platform.

Obamas Promise To Donate All Proceeds From Multimillion-Dollar Book, Netflix Deals To Combat Wealth Inequality
If we were to dig into exactly what charities and "poor people" he gives to, what are the odds it will be only to blacks. The odds are 99.9%, and that is giving him the benefit of doubt.

However , the thought is there and at least he will be helping people, if true.
How admirable of the Obamas to donate their vast wealth to combat Wealth Inequality!

Barack and Michelle Obama have committed to donate all of the money they are slated to receive as part of their recent multimillion-dollar book and Netflix deals to combat wealth inequality in the nation, the celebrity politician couple announced Monday.

Obama told the press he wanted to make sure people didn’t think he was using his experiences in public service for his own personal gain, but rather for the good of all, in order to remain consistent with his party’s platform.

Obamas Promise To Donate All Proceeds From Multimillion-Dollar Book, Netflix Deals To Combat Wealth Inequality

What could Barry possibly write about that I'd want to read? At any rate, everything he has was given to him, he can afford to donate proceeds of a book that might only sell a few thousand copies. . .
Considering how Obabble orchestrated the coup attempt against Trump, Trump should get to determine which charities receive the donations.

Just sayin'.
How admirable of the Obamas to donate their vast wealth to combat Wealth Inequality!

Barack and Michelle Obama have committed to donate all of the money they are slated to receive as part of their recent multimillion-dollar book and Netflix deals to combat wealth inequality in the nation, the celebrity politician couple announced Monday.

Obama told the press he wanted to make sure people didn’t think he was using his experiences in public service for his own personal gain, but rather for the good of all, in order to remain consistent with his party’s platform.

Obamas Promise To Donate All Proceeds From Multimillion-Dollar Book, Netflix Deals To Combat Wealth Inequality

Yeah right that lying pos promised to pay some woman's mortgage and never did. Anyone falling for this lying SOB deserve everything they DONT get.
Donate to what? Probably just some globalist Agenda fund.
He is going to use tax payers money like the way they are using tax payers money to fund the caravan. But Obama is going to pretend that it is his money that is being used. So then all of the Libtards will worship Obama as if he is a child of light, while they shuns away the tax payers for not doing anything about combating wealth, eventhough, it is their money that is being used.

Obama will be the first president to be charged with treason.
I hope he hangs.
These book deals always seem some sort of Soros payback money laundering scheme? Never see anyone buy these books or reading them. Maybe Soros or other Billionaire (who made out well) pay McGraw-Hill $100mil advance and they funnel to the "author".
If we were to dig into exactly what charities and "poor people" he gives to, what are the odds it will be only to blacks. The odds are 99.9%, and that is giving him the benefit of doubt.

However , the thought is there and at least he will be helping people, if true.
No, he will be giving to Dem causes.

So, you are one of those that believes the social justice line, which only lines the pockets of those at the top. Sad.

And it is a tax scheme to boot.
Ever notice how all the liberals who cry about "wealth inequality" the loudest have one thing in common? They've all become very wealthy through "public service"! Pelosi...Schumer...the Clinton's...the Obama's...they all talk the talk but when you look closer...there's not an altruistic bone in their bodies!
It's like the Kennedy's with Citizen Oil! Yes, it's a organization that helps people get lower cost heating oil but what it's done for decades is line the pockets of people like Joseph Kennedy II who was pulling down $600,000 a year for a no show job. That's your Democratic Party in action, folks!
The Dems are just a protection racket.
How admirable of the Obamas to donate their vast wealth to combat Wealth Inequality!

Barack and Michelle Obama have committed to donate all of the money they are slated to receive as part of their recent multimillion-dollar book and Netflix deals to combat wealth inequality in the nation, the celebrity politician couple announced Monday.

Obama told the press he wanted to make sure people didn’t think he was using his experiences in public service for his own personal gain, but rather for the good of all, in order to remain consistent with his party’s platform.

Obamas Promise To Donate All Proceeds From Multimillion-Dollar Book, Netflix Deals To Combat Wealth Inequality
The Robin Hood of book deals what a fucking piece of shit...

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