Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

I have never understood why right wingers care about Obama's religion so much. Who the fuck cares if he's a Muslim or a Christian or a damned Satanist?

Because Muslims are our enemy! We are at war with Islam! Islam is a demonic cult that needs to be eradicated!

That is why!:eusa_silenced:

Muslims are not your enemy. They never have been, and never will be.
I have never understood why right wingers care about Obama's religion so much. Who the fuck cares if he's a Muslim or a Christian or a damned Satanist?

Because Muslims are our enemy! We are at war with Islam! Islam is a demonic cult that needs to be eradicated!

That is why!:eusa_silenced:

Muslims are not your enemy. They never have been, and never will be.

Somebody better tell them that!
...and to wear it so boldly... pretty much tells you how stupid he thinks his followers are. Says he is a Christian and then wears a ring of a religion that professes to rid the world of Christians -- just right out there in the open, thinking how he is thumbing his nose at the poeples who elected him.

WOW! His ego shows no bounds!
I think the liberals on here should be given props for helping to keep all these crazed fucking whack jobs occupied for a good part of their day. Who knows how many lives we are saving.
I have never understood why right wingers care about Obama's religion so much. Who the fuck cares if he's a Muslim or a Christian or a damned Satanist?

Who cares about if Obama is Muslim???
Take your head out of the sand and educate yourself!

Muslim Brotherhood Ideology

Al-Banna developed the ideology and the methods of organization and recruitment that were to characterize most radical Islamist groups which may or may not have been inspired by theMB. The ideology includes the following points:
1.Islam must dominate and not be dominated.
2.Restoration of the lost caliphate – i’adat al Khalifa al Mafqudah - is the chief immediate political goal of the Islamist movement.
3.Islam is currently inferior to the West because it deserted its roots. It will triumph by returning to its pristine form.
4.Social revolution and anti-colonial struggle are an integral and major part of the mission of the Islamic revival.
5.Violent Jihad is a central tenet of Islam and martyrdom in the cause of Allah is highly valued. Violent Jihad is the greater Jihad, while inner struggle for moral purity is the lesser Jihad.
6.Islam must aim to take over the entire world and assert its superiority through violent Jihad.
7.Western civilization is doomed by its decadence and Jewish influence.
8.Ideas such as democracy and human rights are products of Jewish influence and Western decadence. Society must be ruled by God and not men.
9.The Jews are particularly vile enemies of Islam. Israel is to be opposed because it is a foreign western implant. '
Google Faithfreedom.org.

Directly from the Koran:

WARFARE IS ORDAINED FOR YOU, though it is hateful unto you; but it may happen that you hate a thing which is good for you and it may happen that you love a thing which is bad for you. (2.216)


If you refuse to fight, Allah will afflict you with a painful doom. 9:39



"ISLAM ISN'T IN AMERICA TO BE EQUAL TO ANY OTHER FAITH, BUT TO BECOME DOMINANT. The Koran ... should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on earth. Everthing we need to know is in the Koran. We don't need to look somewhere else."

OMAR M. AHMAD, CHAIRMAN OF CAIR, the mainsteam Muslim advocacy group.
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What a random made up list of the Muslim Brotherhood. Muslim Brotherhood doesn't get a free pass to anything you morons. They actually have to work very hard and fix their economy with all the people trying to make them look bad
I think the liberals on here should be given props for helping to keep all these crazed fucking whack jobs occupied for a good part of their day. Who knows how many lives we are saving.

Yea, pretty sure anyone who believes this OP should quit politics for the sake of their blood pressure, and their lack of rational thinking.
Sorry bout that,

1. The problem with liberals is they are *fucking stupid*!
2. Who is *fucking stupid*?
3. *Fucking Stupid* is a person who would rather bemoan good God fearing people, {Christians}, while defending evil people the right to murder the good ones.
4. And you should take, NY State, as an example, it is a pretty much a liberal part of the country, and expected to vote for Obama in this election, lots of minorities there, muslims Jews, porta ricans, negroes, all dependent minorities, wanting free stuff for *all*.
5. We can't leave out the election in this debate, its vital, but even after 911 just a short time after 911, they elected a muslim as President, so we can concluded that even having building collapse on them they still haven't gotten the message that islam really does want to kill them *all*.
6. Now that is when yo know, you are *fucking stupid*.
7. One of the stupidest posters here is catzmeow, blubbering libnut.

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