Obama's Scandals -- and His Media Co-Conspirators


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
the lamestream media has a hand in all this...they protected, almost sickening coddled this administration that Obama could tell any whopper-fairy tale-LIE he felt like until they got "targeted" by them...we know what would of happened if they had a whiff of anything like the scandals going on now was under a Republican President


Larry Elder | May 23, 2013

Larry Elder
How does President Barack Obama, a man of such keen intelligence, with such promise to "change" America, find himself in so much serious trouble?

From the IRS targeting conservatives to the continued confusion over what happened at Benghazi to provoking a battle with The Associated Press by subpoenaing phone records that could involve as many as 100 reporters, what went wrong?

The answer is simple: arrogance, aided and abetted by a compliant, adoring "news" media.

CNN's Roland Martin urged the president to "go gangsta" on conservatives who wouldn't confirm his political appointments. Supporters like MSNBC's the Rev. Al Sharpton publicly said they will not criticize Obama -- on anything. Even though Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., called the then 15.9 percent black unemployment rate "unconscionable," she refused to publicly criticize the President. Politicians, Waters candidly told a Detroit town hall audience on unemployment, want to get re-elected: "If we go after the President too hard, you're going after us. When you tell us it's all right and you unleash us and you're ready to have this conversation, we're ready to have the conversation." So why shouldn't Obama feel that he operates under different, special rules, and can do so without risking loss of support?

By refusing to hold Obama to the same standard they would hold any garden-variety Republican, the media now face the monster they created.

With a straight face, Obama used lines like he's going to "save or create" 3.5 million jobs. What does that even mean? How do you measure whether a given policy "saves" a job?

"The inability to measure Mr. Obama's jobs formula is part of its attraction," wrote William McGurn in The Wall Street Journal. "Never mind that no one -- not the Labor Department, not the Treasury, not the Bureau of Labor Statistics -- actually measures 'jobs saved.'"

With a straight face, Obama told us over and over how his mother, as she lay dying from cancer in a Hawaii hospital, fought with her insurance carriers over paying her medical and hospital bills. But according to the book by Janny Scott, a former New York Times reporter, the sole dispute was over a disability policy his mother had taken out. Her bills were paid promptly and without dispute. To date, not one reporter has asked the President about this false narrative he used so effectively to personalize his fight for ObamaCare.

all of it here
Obama's Scandals -- and His Media Co-Conspirators - Larry Elder - Page 1
Obama scandals don't compare with Watergate...
Obama Scandals Not Comparable to Watergate
May 31, 2013 - Newsman Tom Brokaw told MSNBC Thursday that the current scandals surrounding the Obama administration are not comparable to Watergate, which he called "a constitutional crisis of the highest order.”
The Cycle host Toure asked, “With the AP and IRS scandals, we hear the word ‘Watergate’ thrown around a lot. Are these actually Watergate-esque?” “No, they're not,” Brokaw replied. “Watergate was a constitutional crisis of the highest order.”

Brokaw claims that big scandals happen in every administration, and he cited the 1986 Iran-Contra affair and the 2004 Abu Grahib prisoner abuse incidents. “That was a pretty big damn scandal,” Brokaw said, recalling the Iran-Contra arms sales affair that came to light during the Reagan administration. “Abu Grahib was a big scandal and how it – no one was really held accountable for it. So, this happens in every administration, and it’s happening again.”


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