Obama's sequester proposal slashes funds for fema, disaster relief

Blaming the sequester on Obama alone makes as much sense as blaming the hurricane on gay people.
Granny says, "Dat's right - Obama ain't got a dog in dis fight...
Obama’s Paycheck Exempted from ‘Sequester’
February 25, 2013 – President Barack Obama won’t have to worry about his paycheck if the spending sequestration included in the Budget Control Act that he signed into law in 2011 begins taking effect this Friday.
A report published last month by the Congressional Research Service--“Budget Sequestration and Selected Program Exemptions and Special Rules"--identifies certain programs that are exempt from sequestration and lays out special rules that govern the sequestration of others.

Section 255 of the Budget Control Act includes “Compensation for the President” as one of those exemptions (Page 19). “Most exempt programs are mandatory, and include Social Security and Medicaid; refundable tax credits to individuals; and low-income programs such as the Children’s Health Insurance Program, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, and Supplemental Security Income,” the report states. “Some discretionary programs also are exempt, notably all programs administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs,” it said. “Also, subject to notification of Congress by the president, military personnel accounts may either be exempt or reduced by a lower percentage,” the report states. (The report states in a footnote that the White House notified Congress last year of President Obama's intention to exempt military personnel accounts from sequestration.)

Pensions for former presidents are also exempt, according to the report. The report states that “the effect of sequestration on any give program is subject to the interpretation of the law’s provisions by the Office of Management and Budget”--which is part of the Executive branch.

Article 2, Section 1, Clause 7 of the Constitution says that the president's compensation shall not be increased or decreased during the time for which he is elected. "The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be encreased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected," says the Constitution, "and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them."

Obama?s Paycheck Exempted from ?Sequester? | CNS News
The tea party doesn't think there should be a FEMA, why aren't they cheering this?

How do you stand on this? As a right winger (I assume that by your picture that mocks the President), I assume you agree with Obama's recommendation.
NOPE. I dont agree with it.

Why not? It makes for smaller government, puts more responsibility and decision making on the states (states rights) and it helps cut the budget.

What's not to like?
Last fall, I had a thread going on here where I got a few far right wingers to literally admit that they felt FEMA was un-Constitutional, and that if (my examples) Hawaii was on fire, that the Feds would have NO RIGHT under the Constitution to get the Navy base to assist with Honolulu Fire Dept, or, to use federal money to send aid from the West Coast. I also got them to admit that, under Constitutional purity, that the Colorado wildfires should've been fought ONLY by Colorado based fire departments, and that federal firefighters (yep, they do exist) had no right to help.

SO....right wingers, are you happy the unConstitutional group called FEMA is being slashed?

And if so, shouldnt we also slash the FBI, CIA, DEA, ATF, DHS, CBP??? Since they are federal, but not part of the "standing army", then they are not Constitutional, right?
How is Obama going to put us all in FEMA camps and shoot us with 1.4 billion rounds of hollowpoints if he is shutting them down?

How do you stand on this? As a right winger (I assume that by your picture that mocks the President), I assume you agree with Obama's recommendation.

Small government Republicans should be cheering this recommendation.

You don't understand. If it is happening while Obama is President, it is bad. Period. Gas prices going down while Obama is President? Bad! Gas prices going up while Obama is President? Bad!

FEMA being cut while Obama is President? Bad!

If you get your mind right, this all makes sense.

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