Obama's Socialism Exposed


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Stanley Kurtz has written “Radical-in-Chief,” an analysis and exposure of President Obama’s socialist background and intentions. The following is based on a Hoover Institution interview with Kurtz, which can be found at

1. Kurtz has an interesting definition of socialism that may differ from the traditional one. The explosion of socialism in the ‘60’s, which focused on the SDS movement, petered out when its leaders realized that there was not going to be a socialist revolution in the United States; the Reagan presidency meant that there would be no nationalization strategy. The new strategy involved a de facto public control over the economy, not by nationalization from above, but, rather, by community organizing from below!

a. Founded in 1970, ACORN effectively gained control of the banking sector, and socialists of the ‘80’s saw this as a model, and a golden pathway.

2. Follow the steps in the Reagan presidency: cuts in taxes and regulation in ’83; economic recovery; ’84, landslide re-election; ’85, Soviet Union on the defensive. What effect did this have on Barak Obama? Steeled his resolve to resist Reagan, he focused on the fact that poverty still existed.

a. Along with Jeremiah Wright, Obama fought against the economic improvements that almost all levels of society experienced, and saw same as the abandonment of the lower class. “Fight middle-classness,” they proclaimed. "Middleclassness" Bad "Richness" Good - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com

b. Congressman Lane Evans was arguably the most anti-Reagan in the House. On the 2008 election night the guest of Candidate Obama in his hotel suite was Lane Evans. Pres Barack Obama's Close Friend & Former Congressman Lane Evans Video Must See - Democratic Underground

c. In Occidental College, Obama wrote of his friendship with Marxist-Leninist professors. “He was arguing a straightforward Marxist-Leninist class-struggle point of view,…” Obama Classmate from Occidental College emerges – ‘Obama was a Marxist-Leninist’ The Betrayed

d. In Columbia University, 1981-83, and NYC, ’83-’85, he attended a series of socialist scholars conferences, and learned of the crucial role community organizing would play in socialist strategy.

3. A community organizer takes political discontent, and directs it in the direction of their long term political goals. The aim is to move the public towards socialism; “stealthily socialist.” In Chicago, Obama was a part of the socialist network that used the funds of the Annenberg Challenge, and included Bill Ayers and other Marxists such as Michael Klonsky, and funded the networks via the Joyce Foundation and the Woods Fund.

a. Efforts and financial support brought in leftist government officials with the aim of gaining government/public control over large swathes of the private economy.

b. The open and active work of Chicago Mayor Harold Washington served as a model of Obama in linking community organizing to politics, and as a way of bringing socialism into mainstream politics.

4. So, where does acceptable liberalism become socialism? There is an overlap between modernized socialism and contemporary liberalism, and as socialist gained strength in the Democratic Party, they emphasized those elements of that traditional liberal program that put the country on what might be an irreversible path to socialism. Consider aspects of Obamacare, and policies that produce a kind of de facto public ownership in various industries, as well as the kind of proxy access for government via the financial reform bill. Financial Reform Bill Leaves Proxy Access Rules with SEC | Business Ethics

5. In summary, without this knowledge of President Obama’s background and intentions, many might mistakenly view his policies of regulation and ‘reform’ as simple pragmatism.

To be informed is to be warned.
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All those scary words like:

"involvement", "radicalism", "nationalization", and OMG, "Socialism".
[Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh my!]

Anyone ever thought about the fact that Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, Veterans Benefits are one kind of "Socialism"?

Maybe we need to focus more on issues than words. You claim to have evidence of Obama's "Socialism", but overlook that fact that these govt institutions have been in place long before Obama came to the White House.

Stop watching FOX News and listen to responsible News broadcasts. You have OTHER news options!
Our Alinskyist in Chief was exposed a long time ago... I do not believe leopards can change spots and I do not believe Oby can be or ever would be a centeralist.... His pivot point is to the left of Michael Moore... :)) :))
What's in your wallet?
Reagan raised taxes and that somehow makes him a small government hero. Obama hasn't raised the income tax at all, but somehow hates wealth and is a communist. REALLY??? The cute girls are always ill-informed. Tragic.
Stanley Kurtz has written “Radical-in-Chief,” an analysis and exposure of President Obama’s socialist background and intentions. The following is based on a Hoover Institution interview with Kurtz, which can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mdxmELQmrE&feature=relmfu

1. Kurtz has an interesting definition of socialism that may differ from the traditional one. The explosion of socialism in the ‘60’s, which focused on the SDS movement, petered out when its leaders realized that there was not going to be a socialist revolution in the United States; the Reagan presidency meant that there would be no nationalization strategy. The new strategy involved a de facto public control over the economy, not by nationalization from above, but, rather, by community organizing from below!

a. Founded in 1970, ACORN effectively gained control of the banking sector, and socialists of the ‘80’s saw this as a model, and a golden pathway.

2. Follow the steps in the Reagan presidency: cuts in taxes and regulation in ’83; economic recovery; ’84, landslide re-election; ’85, Soviet Union on the defensive. What effect did this have on Barak Obama? Steeled his resolve to resist Reagan, he focused on the fact that poverty still existed.

a. Along with Jeremiah Wright, Obama fought against the economic improvements that almost all levels of society experienced, and saw same as the abandonment of the lower class. “Fight middle-classness,” they proclaimed. "Middleclassness" Bad "Richness" Good - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com

b. Congressman Lane Evans was arguably the most anti-Reagan in the House. On the 2008 election night the guest of Candidate Obama in his hotel suite was Lane Evans. Pres Barack Obama's Close Friend & Former Congressman Lane Evans Video Must See - Democratic Underground

c. In Occidental College, Obama wrote of his friendship with Marxist-Leninist professors. “He was arguing a straightforward Marxist-Leninist class-struggle point of view,…” Obama Classmate from Occidental College emerges – ‘Obama was a Marxist-Leninist’ The Betrayed

d. In Columbia University, 1981-83, and NYC, ’83-’85, he attended a series of socialist scholars conferences, and learned of the crucial role community organizing would play in socialist strategy.

3. A community organizer takes political discontent, and directs it in the direction of their long term political goals. The aim is to move the public towards socialism; “stealthily socialist.” In Chicago, Obama was a part of the socialist network that used the funds of the Annenberg Challenge, and included Bill Ayers and other Marxists such as Michael Klonsky, and funded the networks via the Joyce Foundation and the Woods Fund.

a. Efforts and financial support brought in leftist government officials with the aim of gaining government/public control over large swathes of the private economy.

b. The open and active work of Chicago Mayor Harold Washington served as a model of Obama in linking community organizing to politics, and as a way of bringing socialism into mainstream politics.

4. So, where does acceptable liberalism become socialism? There is an overlap between modernized socialism and contemporary liberalism, and as socialist gained strength in the Democratic Party, they emphasized those elements of that traditional liberal program that put the country on what might be an irreversible path to socialism. Consider aspects of Obamacare, and policies that produce a kind of de facto public ownership in various industries, as well as the kind of proxy access for government via the financial reform bill. Financial Reform Bill Leaves Proxy Access Rules with SEC | Business Ethics

5. In summary, without this knowledge of President Obama’s background and intentions, many might mistakenly view his policies of regulation and ‘reform’ as simple pragmatism.

To be informed is to be warned.

just addressing your first point---- a different definition of socialism.

well I have a different definition of socialism to...
socialist----one who supports government control of sexual/bedroom activities.

using this definition then most conservatives are socialists...

you dont get to change a definition just to suit your purposes.

calling Obama a sociialist means you dont know what socialism is.
All those scary words like:

"involvement", "radicalism", "nationalization", and OMG, "Socialism".
[Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh my!]

Anyone ever thought about the fact that Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, Veterans Benefits are one kind of "Socialism"?

Maybe we need to focus more on issues than words. You claim to have evidence of Obama's "Socialism", but overlook that fact that these govt institutions have been in place long before Obama came to the White House.

Stop watching FOX News and listen to responsible News broadcasts. You have OTHER news options!

"involvement", "radicalism", "nationalization", and OMG, "Socialism".
[Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh my!]"

So, one should pay no attention to these terms, and, what..., behave as though they were 'freedom,' and 'liberty', and represented American values?

You sound like a child.
Probably a very nice person, but one who is afraid to confront the reality of what these words, or rather, the individuals to whom they correspond, suggest for our nation.

Did you miss the results in nations that succumbed to 'radicalism' and 'socialism'?
Here are a couple of other words that apply: 'murder,' 'slavery.'
Pick up a book, and stop learning you history from what you call the 'OTHER' news options, you know, the ones that neglected to inform you of the aspects of Barack Obama that you can learn from "Radical-in-Chief" by Stanley Kurtz...

now, now...put aside your fear of learning the truth.

Do you need a push? Consider this:
If the subject were as inocuous as you seem to imply, why did our President run and hide from it?
Why did Van Jones have to resign?
Why did he lie about barely knowing Bill Ayers- "just some guy in my neighborhood..."

Best of luck in your journey.
Stanley Kurtz has written “Radical-in-Chief,” an analysis and exposure of President Obama’s socialist background and intentions. The following is based on a Hoover Institution interview with Kurtz, which can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mdxmELQmrE&feature=relmfu

1. Kurtz has an interesting definition of socialism that may differ from the traditional one. The explosion of socialism in the ‘60’s, which focused on the SDS movement, petered out when its leaders realized that there was not going to be a socialist revolution in the United States; the Reagan presidency meant that there would be no nationalization strategy. The new strategy involved a de facto public control over the economy, not by nationalization from above, but, rather, by community organizing from below!

a. Founded in 1970, ACORN effectively gained control of the banking sector, and socialists of the ‘80’s saw this as a model, and a golden pathway.

2. Follow the steps in the Reagan presidency: cuts in taxes and regulation in ’83; economic recovery; ’84, landslide re-election; ’85, Soviet Union on the defensive. What effect did this have on Barak Obama? Steeled his resolve to resist Reagan, he focused on the fact that poverty still existed.

a. Along with Jeremiah Wright, Obama fought against the economic improvements that almost all levels of society experienced, and saw same as the abandonment of the lower class. “Fight middle-classness,” they proclaimed. "Middleclassness" Bad "Richness" Good - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com

b. Congressman Lane Evans was arguably the most anti-Reagan in the House. On the 2008 election night the guest of Candidate Obama in his hotel suite was Lane Evans. Pres Barack Obama's Close Friend & Former Congressman Lane Evans Video Must See - Democratic Underground

c. In Occidental College, Obama wrote of his friendship with Marxist-Leninist professors. “He was arguing a straightforward Marxist-Leninist class-struggle point of view,…” Obama Classmate from Occidental College emerges – ‘Obama was a Marxist-Leninist’ The Betrayed

d. In Columbia University, 1981-83, and NYC, ’83-’85, he attended a series of socialist scholars conferences, and learned of the crucial role community organizing would play in socialist strategy.

3. A community organizer takes political discontent, and directs it in the direction of their long term political goals. The aim is to move the public towards socialism; “stealthily socialist.” In Chicago, Obama was a part of the socialist network that used the funds of the Annenberg Challenge, and included Bill Ayers and other Marxists such as Michael Klonsky, and funded the networks via the Joyce Foundation and the Woods Fund.

a. Efforts and financial support brought in leftist government officials with the aim of gaining government/public control over large swathes of the private economy.

b. The open and active work of Chicago Mayor Harold Washington served as a model of Obama in linking community organizing to politics, and as a way of bringing socialism into mainstream politics.

4. So, where does acceptable liberalism become socialism? There is an overlap between modernized socialism and contemporary liberalism, and as socialist gained strength in the Democratic Party, they emphasized those elements of that traditional liberal program that put the country on what might be an irreversible path to socialism. Consider aspects of Obamacare, and policies that produce a kind of de facto public ownership in various industries, as well as the kind of proxy access for government via the financial reform bill. Financial Reform Bill Leaves Proxy Access Rules with SEC | Business Ethics

5. In summary, without this knowledge of President Obama’s background and intentions, many might mistakenly view his policies of regulation and ‘reform’ as simple pragmatism.

To be informed is to be warned.

just addressing your first point---- a different definition of socialism.

well I have a different definition of socialism to...
socialist----one who supports government control of sexual/bedroom activities.

using this definition then most conservatives are socialists...

you dont get to change a definition just to suit your purposes.

calling Obama a sociialist means you dont know what socialism is.

Possibly you were pressed for time, and merely perused the OP...I admit it required a bit of thinking.

"you dont get to change a definition just to suit your purposes."

Here, let me help you to understand.

Were you a student of history, you would be aware of the original intentions of SDS and the other radicals of the '60's. You see, this knowledge is essential to begin to understand today's morass.
The origins are in the Port Huron meetings.

1. One member gave this prescription: “four-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 109-110

2. A draft of the meeting can be found at Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society, 1962. It sets forth an agenda for changing human nature, the nation, and the world. In it, one can hear the ignorance and arrogance so inherent in adolescents: the euphoria due to being convinced of their own wisdom, moral purity, and ability to change everything.

3. But, alas, Americans chose Reagan, over Stalin.
Once these radicals understood that Americans did not believe in this political direction, rather than give up, they altered their strategies to bring socialism from the bottom up, rather than the top down.
So, you see, it is not Kurtz, or myself, who changed the terminology, it was the radicals themselves.

Now, you can understand that, can't you? Certainly your comprehension can keep up with changes in reality.
One would hope.
Awwww. The obvious response to getting called out. I guess, PC, you thought you'd slide the twisty part past us at the beginning so the slight of hand wasn't discovered.

But yeah, definitions only work when the meaning is shared by everyone. Might want to bone up on your deconstructionism/Derrida. When you throw the word socialist out there...for the discussion to have any meaning...we have to be talking about the same socialism.

I'm sure if felt all warm and fuzzy to troll post with a title about socialism...and bigrebnc probably creamed his pants over it...but to anyone actually reading and internalizing, we had to call bullshit from the beginning.


*cough**choke**cough* oh wait, you're trying to be serious??

Your Obama Derangement Syndrome is showing. Might want to go get a shot.
I prefer right wing politics.

Every man for himself.

Screw the American People.

Only the rich have value.

Mega corporations are what's "good" for America.

The EPA is a job killer. After all, what's a little dirty air and water? If it doesn't kill you right away, it only makes you stronger.

Invest in China. They work for less.
Damned Community Organizers!

Its all a plan for ACORN to establish a New World Order
All those scary words like:

"involvement", "radicalism", "nationalization", and OMG, "Socialism".
[Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh my!]

Anyone ever thought about the fact that Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, Veterans Benefits are one kind of "Socialism"?

Maybe we need to focus more on issues than words. You claim to have evidence of Obama's "Socialism", but overlook that fact that these govt institutions have been in place long before Obama came to the White House.

Stop watching FOX News and listen to responsible News broadcasts. You have OTHER news options!

"involvement", "radicalism", "nationalization", and OMG, "Socialism".
[Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh my!]"

So, one should pay no attention to these terms, and, what..., behave as though they were 'freedom,' and 'liberty', and represented American values?

You sound like a child.
Probably a very nice person, but one who is afraid to confront the reality of what these words, or rather, the individuals to whom they correspond, suggest for our nation.

Did you miss the results in nations that succumbed to 'radicalism' and 'socialism'?
Here are a couple of other words that apply: 'murder,' 'slavery.'
Pick up a book, and stop learning you history from what you call the 'OTHER' news options, you know, the ones that neglected to inform you of the aspects of Barack Obama that you can learn from "Radical-in-Chief" by Stanley Kurtz...

now, now...put aside your fear of learning the truth.

Do you need a push? Consider this:
If the subject were as inocuous as you seem to imply, why did our President run and hide from it?
Why did Van Jones have to resign?
Why did he lie about barely knowing Bill Ayers- "just some guy in my neighborhood..."

Best of luck in your journey.

As usual, PC, you're only seeing with one eye. Stanley Kurtz is notorious for embellishing fiction to create his "facts." Take the time to Google the many pages dismissing his intended distortions, along with his latest.

Why Is Stanley Kurtz Calling Obama a Socialist? - Ta-Nehisi Coates - Politics - The Atlantic
Kurtz, if you're not familiar with his work, is a loyal soldier of the conservative movement. And for the last few years, he has devoted himself to exposing Obama's socialism and radical beliefs. As you can imagine, this is shoddy work. To wit: his definition of socialist is impossibly broad--encompassing everything from European social democrats to Rubinite neo-liberals--and his scant evidence comes from tenuous links and huge generalizations about Obama's motivations and drive. In Kurtz's narrative, Obama joined Jeremiah Wright's church out of Marxist solidarity and not the stated combination of professional obligation and spiritual need.

The truth, as we all know, is that Obama is a conventional American liberal, and like most conventional American liberals, Obama wants to account and compensate for the market's failures. The Affordable Care Act, financial reform--these aren't nefarious plots for socialist domination, they are attempts at reforming capitalism to save it.

And more about Obama's alleged "Socialism":
Obama's No Socialist. I Should Know. - washingtonpost.com
Damned Community Organizers!

Its all a plan for ACORN to establish a New World Order

And here RW is like a broken clock which is correct twice per day.
Stanley Kurtz has written “Radical-in-Chief,” an analysis and exposure of President Obama’s socialist background and intentions. The following is based on a Hoover Institution interview with Kurtz, which can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mdxmELQmrE&feature=relmfu

1. Kurtz has an interesting definition of socialism that may differ from the traditional one. The explosion of socialism in the ‘60’s, which focused on the SDS movement, petered out when its leaders realized that there was not going to be a socialist revolution in the United States; the Reagan presidency meant that there would be no nationalization strategy. The new strategy involved a de facto public control over the economy, not by nationalization from above, but, rather, by community organizing from below!

a. Founded in 1970, ACORN effectively gained control of the banking sector, and socialists of the ‘80’s saw this as a model, and a golden pathway.

2. Follow the steps in the Reagan presidency: cuts in taxes and regulation in ’83; economic recovery; ’84, landslide re-election; ’85, Soviet Union on the defensive. What effect did this have on Barak Obama? Steeled his resolve to resist Reagan, he focused on the fact that poverty still existed.

a. Along with Jeremiah Wright, Obama fought against the economic improvements that almost all levels of society experienced, and saw same as the abandonment of the lower class. “Fight middle-classness,” they proclaimed. "Middleclassness" Bad "Richness" Good - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com

b. Congressman Lane Evans was arguably the most anti-Reagan in the House. On the 2008 election night the guest of Candidate Obama in his hotel suite was Lane Evans. Pres Barack Obama's Close Friend & Former Congressman Lane Evans Video Must See - Democratic Underground

c. In Occidental College, Obama wrote of his friendship with Marxist-Leninist professors. “He was arguing a straightforward Marxist-Leninist class-struggle point of view,…” Obama Classmate from Occidental College emerges – ‘Obama was a Marxist-Leninist’ The Betrayed

d. In Columbia University, 1981-83, and NYC, ’83-’85, he attended a series of socialist scholars conferences, and learned of the crucial role community organizing would play in socialist strategy.

3. A community organizer takes political discontent, and directs it in the direction of their long term political goals. The aim is to move the public towards socialism; “stealthily socialist.” In Chicago, Obama was a part of the socialist network that used the funds of the Annenberg Challenge, and included Bill Ayers and other Marxists such as Michael Klonsky, and funded the networks via the Joyce Foundation and the Woods Fund.

a. Efforts and financial support brought in leftist government officials with the aim of gaining government/public control over large swathes of the private economy.

b. The open and active work of Chicago Mayor Harold Washington served as a model of Obama in linking community organizing to politics, and as a way of bringing socialism into mainstream politics.

4. So, where does acceptable liberalism become socialism? There is an overlap between modernized socialism and contemporary liberalism, and as socialist gained strength in the Democratic Party, they emphasized those elements of that traditional liberal program that put the country on what might be an irreversible path to socialism. Consider aspects of Obamacare, and policies that produce a kind of de facto public ownership in various industries, as well as the kind of proxy access for government via the financial reform bill. Financial Reform Bill Leaves Proxy Access Rules with SEC | Business Ethics

5. In summary, without this knowledge of President Obama’s background and intentions, many might mistakenly view his policies of regulation and ‘reform’ as simple pragmatism.

To be informed is to be warned.

just addressing your first point---- a different definition of socialism.

well I have a different definition of socialism to...
socialist----one who supports government control of sexual/bedroom activities.

using this definition then most conservatives are socialists...

you dont get to change a definition just to suit your purposes.

calling Obama a sociialist means you dont know what socialism is.

Possibly you were pressed for time, and merely perused the OP...I admit it required a bit of thinking.

"you dont get to change a definition just to suit your purposes."

Here, let me help you to understand.

Were you a student of history, you would be aware of the original intentions of SDS and the other radicals of the '60's. You see, this knowledge is essential to begin to understand today's morass.
The origins are in the Port Huron meetings.

1. One member gave this prescription: “four-square against anti-Communism, eight-square against American-culture, twelve-square against sell-out unions, one hundred and twenty against an interpretation of the Cold War that saw it as a Soviet plot and identified American policy fondly.” Todd Gitlin, “The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage,” p. 109-110

2. A draft of the meeting can be found at Port Huron Statement of the Students for a Democratic Society, 1962. It sets forth an agenda for changing human nature, the nation, and the world. In it, one can hear the ignorance and arrogance so inherent in adolescents: the euphoria due to being convinced of their own wisdom, moral purity, and ability to change everything.

3. But, alas, Americans chose Reagan, over Stalin.
Once these radicals understood that Americans did not believe in this political direction, rather than give up, they altered their strategies to bring socialism from the bottom up, rather than the top down.
So, you see, it is not Kurtz, or myself, who changed the terminology, it was the radicals themselves.

Now, you can understand that, can't you? Certainly your comprehension can keep up with changes in reality.
One would hope.

Item 3 contradicts item 2. You seem to believe that the radical 60's continue to trend through the 2000's. Obviously they did not. How many "radicals" of the 60's (those who didn't make headlines) went on to become educated businessmen in pinstriped suits and wingtips? Plenty.
Was this posted the same day Obama was off kissing the ass of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce?

Has there been an 'irony of the week' thread yet?

Socialism at its core is nothing more or less than an attempt to alleviate the gap between rich and poor.

Since conservatives revere that gap with an almost religious fervor of adoration,

OF COURSE they revile anything that remotely resembles socialism in any quantity.
Stanley Kurtz has written “Radical-in-Chief,” an analysis and exposure of President Obama’s socialist background and intentions. The following is based on a Hoover Institution interview with Kurtz, which can be found at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mdxmELQmrE&feature=relmfu

1. Kurtz has an interesting definition of socialism that may differ from the traditional one. The explosion of socialism in the ‘60’s, which focused on the SDS movement, petered out when its leaders realized that there was not going to be a socialist revolution in the United States; the Reagan presidency meant that there would be no nationalization strategy. The new strategy involved a de facto public control over the economy, not by nationalization from above, but, rather, by community organizing from below!

a. Founded in 1970, ACORN effectively gained control of the banking sector, and socialists of the ‘80’s saw this as a model, and a golden pathway.

2. Follow the steps in the Reagan presidency: cuts in taxes and regulation in ’83; economic recovery; ’84, landslide re-election; ’85, Soviet Union on the defensive. What effect did this have on Barak Obama? Steeled his resolve to resist Reagan, he focused on the fact that poverty still existed.

a. Along with Jeremiah Wright, Obama fought against the economic improvements that almost all levels of society experienced, and saw same as the abandonment of the lower class. “Fight middle-classness,” they proclaimed. "Middleclassness" Bad "Richness" Good - Associated Content from Yahoo! - associatedcontent.com

b. Congressman Lane Evans was arguably the most anti-Reagan in the House. On the 2008 election night the guest of Candidate Obama in his hotel suite was Lane Evans. Pres Barack Obama's Close Friend & Former Congressman Lane Evans Video Must See - Democratic Underground

c. In Occidental College, Obama wrote of his friendship with Marxist-Leninist professors. “He was arguing a straightforward Marxist-Leninist class-struggle point of view,…” Obama Classmate from Occidental College emerges – ‘Obama was a Marxist-Leninist’ The Betrayed

d. In Columbia University, 1981-83, and NYC, ’83-’85, he attended a series of socialist scholars conferences, and learned of the crucial role community organizing would play in socialist strategy.

3. A community organizer takes political discontent, and directs it in the direction of their long term political goals. The aim is to move the public towards socialism; “stealthily socialist.” In Chicago, Obama was a part of the socialist network that used the funds of the Annenberg Challenge, and included Bill Ayers and other Marxists such as Michael Klonsky, and funded the networks via the Joyce Foundation and the Woods Fund.

a. Efforts and financial support brought in leftist government officials with the aim of gaining government/public control over large swathes of the private economy.

b. The open and active work of Chicago Mayor Harold Washington served as a model of Obama in linking community organizing to politics, and as a way of bringing socialism into mainstream politics.

4. So, where does acceptable liberalism become socialism? There is an overlap between modernized socialism and contemporary liberalism, and as socialist gained strength in the Democratic Party, they emphasized those elements of that traditional liberal program that put the country on what might be an irreversible path to socialism. Consider aspects of Obamacare, and policies that produce a kind of de facto public ownership in various industries, as well as the kind of proxy access for government via the financial reform bill. Financial Reform Bill Leaves Proxy Access Rules with SEC | Business Ethics

5. In summary, without this knowledge of President Obama’s background and intentions, many might mistakenly view his policies of regulation and ‘reform’ as simple pragmatism.

To be informed is to be warned.

Good thread. I came here to post it, also...:lol:
Was this posted the same day Obama was off kissing the ass of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce?

Has there been an 'irony of the week' thread yet?


Kissing ass?

He displayed his usual complete and utter lack of comprehension of business and economics. The overall theme of his message was that businesses have an obligation to "spread around the wealth".
Was this posted the same day Obama was off kissing the ass of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce?

Has there been an 'irony of the week' thread yet?


Kissing ass?

He displayed his usual complete and utter lack of comprehension of business and economics. The overall theme of his message was that businesses have an obligation to "spread around the wealth".

No he didn't. You really should be ashamed of yourself for making such an idiotic statement in public. You really should make a serious effort to acquire enough self awareness, not to mention pride, that might make you capable of least occasionally refraining from exposing your painfully embarassing stupidity in a public forum.

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