Socialism is more popular than Project 2025

Socialism, Communism, Marxism, and a full list of other isms are used interchangeably to indicate anything MAGAs don't like. My brother: God rest his soul, said red lights were socialist.
Just like the left with the slew of phobias + racist, nazi, fascist.
In Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter IV, "Munich" Hitler wrote:

"If one wanted land and soil in Europe, then by and large this could only have been done at Russia's expense...

"For such a policy, however, there was only one single ally in Europe: England...

"To gain England's favor, no sacrifice should have been too great. Then one would have had to renounce colonies and sea power, but to spare British industry our competition."

That is not something a man on the left would have written.

No one on the left would write about wanting land in Russia?

Why not?
Well, Communists and Social Democrats are much, much worse than anyone on the right.
Social Democrats are fine. They run for election and respect the outcomes of elections, which Trump did not in 2020, and which I do not think he will do if he loses in 2024. as I certainly hope he will.
Why couldn't someone on the left see England as an ally if that ally
could get you a bunch of Russian land?

You're making less sense than usual.
I am telling you what you do not want to believe. The Nazi movement was not conservative, but it was not on the left either. That is why rich people supported it, despite reservations.

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