Obama's state of Union address to mark 1000 days without a Democrat budget.


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004

Democrats have not fulfilled their basic budget responsibilities since April 29, 2009
When President Barack Obama offers his Jan. 24 State of the Union address, it will mark exactly 1,000 days since the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate has passed a budget. The Senate has not bothered to pass a budget since April 29, 2009.

“The Republican-led House of Representatives passed the Paul Ryan budget that reduced Obama’s spending levels by six trillion dollars over the next decade. The Democrat-controlled Senate has not passed a budget in three years," said Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist. "When President Obama tries to blame a ‘do nothing’ congress for his problems….he is half right. The Democrat Senate has done nothing.”

The President should be alarmed that as the economy flounders, Senate Democrats have refused to offer significant budget solutions. A serious joint address to Congress must confront the Senate Democrats’ abdication of their duties.

President Obama is sure to try to blame Republicans in both chambers for his administration’s failed economic policies. However, on the 1,000th day without a Democrat budget, the President will be forced to explain how anyone else is to blame; it is his party’s Senate leaders who have ignored their basic Congressional responsibility for almost three years.

A short look back on the fiscal recklessness of the last few years shows that if President Obama is upset about budget hostilities in Washington, he has no one to blame but himself. If he is serious about fixing the ailing economy, the President should demand Senate Democrats get back to work:

read it all here..
Read more: Americans for Tax Reform :: Obama\'s State of the Union Address to Mark 1,000 Days Without a Democrat Budget
The so called Democrat budget responsibilities ended the day that the speakers gavel landed in Boehner's greedy orange hand.
The so called Democrat budget responsibilities ended the day that the speakers gavel landed in Boehner's greedy orange hand.

Yes, how awful of Boehner to prevent Senate Democrats from doing their job.

...or you could just stop being a partisan hack.
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“The Republican-led House of Representatives passed the Paul Ryan budget that reduced Obama’s spending levels by six trillion dollars over the next decade.

I suspect they won't run on Ryan and the House GOP's "achievement."

The so called Democrat budget responsibilities ended the day that the speakers gavel landed in Boehner's greedy orange hand.

can you point to the part of the Constitution that supports that?

We are currently stuck in the budget reconciliation phase of the budget process. It requires the house and senate to enter into negotiations to reconcile the house budget and the senate amendments. Guess which one is not about to compromise.
The so called Democrat budget responsibilities ended the day that the speakers gavel landed in Boehner's greedy orange hand.

House Passes 'Cut, Cap And Balance' Bill : The Two-Way : NPR

You think a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution would've been passed by the Senate & signed by the President? :eusa_liar: :lol: That bill was DOA when it left the House & Boehner knew it. ANOTHER House Repub "show bill" ZZZzzz.

Yes, we know, Dems want to bankrupt America.
The republicans treating the budget as a problem that has to be solved in one fell swoop at any cost is going to cost more than any compromise they could have made. They were offered a pretty sweet deal (for them) and they walked away because it was not 100% of what they tried to extort from the process and they have not even made the effort to return to the table. It will be time to start the process for 2013 all over again in February, think it will be any different this time?
They were offered a pretty sweet deal (for them) and they walked away because it was not 100% of what they tried to extort from the process...

Not true. They walked away from the table because the offer was to raised taxes now in exchange for an unenforceable "promise" of future spending reductions...which never happens.

Tell ya what, how about we cut spending now in exchange for the promise of future tax increases? Deal?

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