Obama's Sturmabteilung

He never left. He shadowed Trump's meeting in Korea. He moved close to the White House to run things for drunken Hillary. And since that didn't work he is now promoting the resist movement, and is hell bent on making sure the Soros wins the next election. His position in the NWO depends on it...

But he's been pretty behind the scenes about most of it. I hear he misses his camera time.
Obama is NOT behind anything to do with Antifa. He might talk to them like he'd talk to anyone about community activism, but I'd bet you a whole dollar that he'd tell them to cut the violence out. I've heard him speak against it before as counter productive.

A whole dollar? :laugh:
Usually it's a nickel. So that's a LOT.

Used to be "A dollar to doughnut". I'll take the doughnut, they cost more than a dollar nowadays!
That Obama anal cyst is quite possibly the most deliberate instigator I've ever seen in politics; we've had more riots under that carpet-headed, shovel-nosed pygmy than any other president in history. Not to mention he's an attention whore that takes constant selfies, uses the words "I" and "me" more than any president in history, making EVERYTHING about him and his precious legacy, gave the British royal inbreds a gift of a CD of his speeches and even named the family dog "Bo" (as in Barack Obama). I've never seen a cocksucker I DETEST more.
You sure do lie a lot. Don't you get tired of it?
He never left. He shadowed Trump's meeting in Korea. He moved close to the White House to run things for drunken Hillary. And since that didn't work he is now promoting the resist movement, and is hell bent on making sure the Soros wins the next election. His position in the NWO depends on it...

But he's been pretty behind the scenes about most of it. I hear he misses his camera time.
Obama is NOT behind anything to do with Antifa. He might talk to them like he'd talk to anyone about community activism, but I'd bet you a whole dollar that he'd tell them to cut the violence out. I've heard him speak against it before as counter productive.

A whole dollar? :laugh:
Usually it's a nickel. So that's a LOT.

Used to be "A dollar to doughnut". I'll take the doughnut, they cost more than a dollar nowadays!
We have places that sell them for 6 for 4 bucks. Good donuts too, but not a great selection. The place that sells them for one dollar each makes custom made hot donuts dipped in various icings and toppings. Most delicious donuts ever, but you have to wait a few minutes while they custom make your order. A dozen donuts is about a 10-minute wait after a 5 or 10-minute wait in line to place your order. Just don't show up on Sunday morning without a paper to read.
That Obama anal cyst is quite possibly the most deliberate instigator I've ever seen in politics; we've had more riots under that carpet-headed, shovel-nosed pygmy than any other president in history. Not to mention he's an attention whore that takes constant selfies, uses the words "I" and "me" more than any president in history, making EVERYTHING about him and his precious legacy, gave the British royal inbreds a gift of a CD of his speeches and even named the family dog "Bo" (as in Barack Obama). I've never seen a cocksucker I DETEST more.
You sure do lie a lot. Don't you get tired of it?

You Freudian Projectionist, YOU ARE THE FUCKING LIAR!!! At least I can back up my position with proven, recorded FACTS, you liberal despicable little piece of I-don't-know-what. The LYING, LYING, LIARS that you liberalfilth are, you really are the toxic dregs of humanity.
That Obama anal cyst is quite possibly the most deliberate instigator I've ever seen in politics; we've had more riots under that carpet-headed, shovel-nosed pygmy than any other president in history. Not to mention he's an attention whore that takes constant selfies, uses the words "I" and "me" more than any president in history, making EVERYTHING about him and his precious legacy, gave the British royal inbreds a gift of a CD of his speeches and even named the family dog "Bo" (as in Barack Obama). I've never seen a cocksucker I DETEST more.
You sure do lie a lot. Don't you get tired of it?

You Freudian Projectionist, YOU ARE THE FUCKING LIAR!!! At least I can back up my position with proven, recorded FACTS, you liberal despicable little piece of I-don't-know-what. The LYING, LYING, LIARS that you liberalfilth are, you really are the toxic dregs of humanity.
What is the lie I told that you are melting down about? I did not see anything in regards to backing up your lies from your post. Sorry if I missed your links or backup stuff. I have a reputation here at USMB of admitting when I am caught making a mistake, apologizing and moving on. When you go into silly melt down rants like you have done it is hard to not see the confirmation of you being a liar. Your rant is full of silly subjective opinions based on your personal opinions rather than objective facts. Show your backup for more riots under Obama than any other President. Start with that one liar. Should be easy to document unless like I said, you are a liar and can't back your meltdown crap thrash talkwith intellect and fact.
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That Obama anal cyst is quite possibly the most deliberate instigator I've ever seen in politics; we've had more riots under that carpet-headed, shovel-nosed pygmy than any other president in history. Not to mention he's an attention whore that takes constant selfies, uses the words "I" and "me" more than any president in history, making EVERYTHING about him and his precious legacy, gave the British royal inbreds a gift of a CD of his speeches and even named the family dog "Bo" (as in Barack Obama). I've never seen a cocksucker I DETEST more.
That Obama anal cyst is quite possibly the most deliberate instigator I've ever seen in politics; we've had more riots under that carpet-headed, shovel-nosed pygmy than any other president in history. Not to mention he's an attention whore that takes constant selfies, uses the words "I" and "me" more than any president in history, making EVERYTHING about him and his precious legacy, gave the British royal inbreds a gift of a CD of his speeches and even named the family dog "Bo" (as in Barack Obama). I've never seen a cocksucker I DETEST more.
You sure do lie a lot. Don't you get tired of it?

You Freudian Projectionist, YOU ARE THE FUCKING LIAR!!! At least I can back up my position with proven, recorded FACTS, you liberal despicable little piece of I-don't-know-what. The LYING, LYING, LIARS that you liberalfilth are, you really are the toxic dregs of humanity.
What is the lie I told that you are melting down about? I did not see anything in regards to backing up your lies from your post. Sorry if I missed your links or backup stuff. I have a reputation here at USMB of admitting when I am caught making a mistake, apologizing and moving on. When you go into silly melt down rants like you have done it is hard to not see the confirmation of you being a liar. Your rant is full of silly subjective opinions based on your personal opinions rather than objective facts. Show your backup for more riots under Obama than any other President. Start with that one liar.

You utter, mind-blowing, jaw-dropping LIAR! You've never once admitted you were wrong about anything! JESUS CHRIST, you liberals live in such an alternate state of reality, EVERYTHING I stated about your Obama little tin god is a proven, verified fact you can look up online, you Islam-supporting MONSTER.
Furthermore, lying asshole, Obama said to the Ferguson rioters "stay the course" and he said he was "heartened" by Berkeley's riots against Milo for speaking out against Islam's massive human rights atrocities against gays. I SAW those words come out of your Obama-god's purple-lipped, weirdly triangular mouth!

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