Obama's vacations

Ah...The Daily Mail. That's the source for these pics. You rednecks do realize that the DM in England is sort of like The Enquirer is here, right? Sure you do. It's your go-to source for news after Fox Noise.
You should try to be be black while living in the White House, and compound it with teenagers.

If you had half a brain, or even a "tiny" one you would have noticed over the last few years how Michelle and the family are noticeably missing from normal public protocols.

It's because of "tiny" minds in this country who took exception to a black POTUS about six years ago and their attitude that would naturally occur with the press and the public in general.

Get out of that trailer park, "Tiny" and live in the real world.

It's optics like this one, of a black family flying on Marine One, that people like you and your fellow rednecks just couldn't handle.

and that has what to do with the daughter that obviously, by her expression, doesn't like going on 'family vacations' with daddy?

I haven't seen an expression like that since the youngest grandson was told he HAD to go to a movie he didn't want to see, because mommy and daddy were going.

You don't know that. You're going by a single frame out of probably what was a 10 minute video. They are frowning at the press, you stupid twit. They don't like them.

Make up what ever you need to get by.

I've see look many times.

Children, grandchildren, siblings....

Exactly. It's "the look".


They had that over the Thanksgiving Turkey Pardon too. I loved it. Didn't blame the girls a bit.

They had the "OMG Dad is making me stand with a turkey!!! I am never going to live this down" teenage face on.

No matter what his policies or politics, I can feel for the man. :) Obama gets that teenage attitude from the kids just like any other Dad.

They don't care that he's President of the free world. He made them stand with a turkey and look uncool.

And in anyone's world that's a "ruh roh" moment.

You don't know a thing about what was happening here. It's a couple of stills carefully chosen just to bait idiots on the right.

Explains how you decide how to vote, too.

Keep believing that....
I was checking out these pictures of the teenage girls and the First Lady and thinking to myself that poor Obama is looking forward to getting back to work.

I'm no fan of his but if his vacation is represented on their faces, I bet good money the President is thinking that dealing with Iran and Congress is gonna be a cake walk.



You should try to be be black while living in the White House, and compound it with teenagers.

If you had half a brain, or even a "tiny" one you would have noticed over the last few years how Michelle and the family are noticeably missing from normal public protocols.

It's because of "tiny" minds in this country who took exception to a black POTUS about six years ago and their attitude that would naturally occur with the press and the public in general.

Get out of that trailer park, "Tiny" and live in the real world.

It's optics like this one, of a black family flying on Marine One, that people like you and your fellow rednecks just couldn't handle.

and that has what to do with the daughter that obviously, by her expression, doesn't like going on 'family vacations' with daddy?

I haven't seen an expression like that since the youngest grandson was told he HAD to go to a movie he didn't want to see, because mommy and daddy were going.

You don't know that. You're going by a single frame out of probably what was a 10 minute video. They are frowning at the press, you stupid twit. They don't like them.

Make up what ever you need to get by.

I've seen the look many times.

Children, grandchildren, siblings....

I've see look, too. Me have grammar. You not don't.

You one of the childish ones that make fun over a missed word or two in a post?

Too stupid to understand what was being said?
Ah...The Daily Mail. That's the source for these pics. You rednecks do realize that the DM in England is sort of like The Enquirer is here, right? Sure you do. It's your go-to source for news after Fox Noise.

Actually, I saw the pictures on CNN, UPI, and Reuters.

Pretty good bet MSLSD would never show discontent being shown in the royal family
It has been reported that Obama has played 1100 hours of golf. That's 27.5 weeks of vacation based on a forty hour work week. Wow, no wonder he doesn't know what's going on.

The House of Representatives has averaged 137 "legislative days" a year since 2001, according to records kept by the Library of Congress. That's about one day of work every three days, or fewer than three days a week,

Who took more vacation -- George W. Bush or Barack Obama?
Who took more vacation -- George W. Bush or Barack Obama?

By Louis Jacobson on Saturday, August 23rd, 2014 at 9:20 a.m.


President Barack Obama golfs at Farm Neck Golf Club in Oak Bluffs, Mass., on the island of Martha's Vineyard, on Aug. 9, 2014.
Even a year later, our fact-check on which president took more vacation -- George W. Bush or Barack Obama -- remains one of our most popular fact-checks with readers. Given the Obama’s family’s summer vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, Mass., we thought it was time to look at the numbers again.

The question is drawing special attention this year because the Obamas’ time away came during a period that included unrest in Ferguson, Mo., the launch of U.S. airstrikes against the Islamic extremist group ISIS, the beheading of American journalist James Foley by ISIS, and the spread of the Ebola virus in West Africa.

See related rulings
The blizzard of challenges at a time when the president was on vacation -- and often on the golf course -- was not lost on many of his critics, as well as some of his supporters.

"As a general rule, I think that he’s right that you can’t be held hostage to the news cycle — the man deserves a bit of downtime," Jim Manley, a veteran Democratic strategist, told the New York Times. "But in this particular instance, I think a lot of Democrats flinched a little bit.

We’ll leave aside the political judgements and look strictly at the numbers.

Vacation days

CBS White House reporter Mark Knoller is the unofficial but widely trusted chronicler of data on presidential travels and other day-to-day White House goings-on, so we turned to his calculations.

On Aug. 8, 2014, Knoller tweeted that Obama had taken 19 vacations totaling 125 days so far while in office. Those numbers have risen a bit due to the Martha’s Vineyard vacation, but that’s still many fewer than George W. Bush’s 65 combined trips to his Texas ranch and his parents’ home in Kennebunkport, Maine, which totaled 407 days at the same point in his presidency.

Give the guy and his family a damned break, between the nuts, the rednecks, congress and the senate....its a wonder the nigga ain't gone insane by now, dealing with you fools.
Ah...The Daily Mail. That's the source for these pics. You rednecks do realize that the DM in England is sort of like The Enquirer is here, right? Sure you do. It's your go-to source for news after Fox Noise.

My, my. While reading your posts "Lunatic Fringe" has been playing in my head.


We've only been commiserating over the President having to deal with two teenage daughters and you're losing your mind making a mountain over a fake molehill.

You are truly certifiable.
I was checking out these pictures of the teenage girls and the First Lady and thinking to myself that poor Obama is looking forward to getting back to work.

I'm no fan of his but if his vacation is represented on their faces, I bet good money the President is thinking that dealing with Iran and Congress is gonna be a cake walk.



I just saw a video clip of this arrival. You should look at it. You'll probably feel stupid.

Obama family returns from vacation - The Washington Post

Getting your news from shit sources like the following should have worn thin by now.

Blog: Amazing picture of the Obamas coming home to the White House
Last edited:
I was checking out these pictures of the teenage girls and the First Lady and thinking to myself that poor Obama is looking forward to getting back to work.

I'm no fan of his but if his vacation is represented on their faces, I bet good money the President is thinking that dealing with Iran and Congress is gonna be a cake walk.


Why are you such scum?
I just watched the actual video of the Obamas getting off the helicopter and they were laughing and hugging

How can you sink so low to try to sell your hate based on a single frame?
It has been reported that Obama has played 1100 hours of golf. That's 27.5 weeks of vacation based on a forty hour work week. Wow, no wonder he doesn't know what's going on.

Gee, thanks for the link. That's what I love about redneck pinheads. They always verify their sources, like real pros.

""""CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller estimates Obama has spent more than 1,100 hours on the links, which CNN says puts him on par with avid golfer President Dwight D. Eisenhower.""""
Read more: Obama's golf game, by the numbers - Business Insider

I guess if Obama had a ranch in Texas and he spent 1100 hours of chain-sawing brush that would be OK:

""""Q: Is it true that George W. Bush took more vacation days than Barack Obama?
A: Yes. Before his two-week trip to Martha’s Vineyard in August, Obama’s count was 125 full or partial days and Bush’s total at the same point in his presidency was 407.
Presidential Vacations

Now, get busy scratching and sniffing for more bullshit.
Get Obama's dick out of your mouth, please.
Ah...The Daily Mail. That's the source for these pics. You rednecks do realize that the DM in England is sort of like The Enquirer is here, right? Sure you do. It's your go-to source for news after Fox Noise.

I just had to come back to this post to mock you.


The source for the pictures is ? Hahahahah! You bloody fool. The Daily Mail is not the source of these images moron.

Pathetic doesn't even begin to describe you. You're just a hateful bigot making a complete and utter asshole of yourself with your posts.

Let's A B C this fool. Take a good look at the pictures again idiot. Bottom left hand corner.


Now this one. Bottom left hand corner.


Bottom left hand corner again.


Hope you learned something bitch.

Obama sheds summer curse, just in time for daunting fall
Ah...The Daily Mail. That's the source for these pics. You rednecks do realize that the DM in England is sort of like The Enquirer is here, right? Sure you do. It's your go-to source for news after Fox Noise.

I just had to come back to this post to mock you.


The source for the pictures is ? Hahahahah! You bloody fool. The Daily Mail is not the source of these images moron.

Pathetic doesn't even begin to describe you. You're just a hateful bigot making a complete and utter asshole of yourself with your posts.

Let's A B C this fool. Take a good look at the pictures again idiot. Bottom left hand corner.


Now this one. Bottom left hand corner.


Bottom left hand corner again.


Hope you learned something bitch.

Obama sheds summer curse, just in time for daunting fall
You are lowlife scum attacking a mans relationship with his family

As the actual video shows, the Obamas got off the helicopter laughing and hugging

Hard to understand your hatred
I was checking out these pictures of the teenage girls and the First Lady and thinking to myself that poor Obama is looking forward to getting back to work.

I'm no fan of his but if his vacation is represented on their faces, I bet good money the President is thinking that dealing with Iran and Congress is gonna be a cake walk.



I just saw a video clip of this arrival. You should look at it. You'll probably feel stupid.

Obama family returns from vacation - The Washington Post

Getting your news from shit sources like the following should have worn thin by now.

Blog: Amazing picture of the Obamas coming home to the White House

I won't feel stupid at all because the pictures that were taken are not from the Daily Mail.

You feeling stupid yet?

Look at the bottom left hand corner.

You feeling really stupid yet?

The other pictures that were in the article by Daily Mail were sourced to AP and Reuters.

You feeling extraordinarily stupid yet?

Oh and what fucking part of me pitying the President dealing for a moment with two teenage daughters did you miss or did you feel you had to knee jerk jump in and go on some sort of mission to defend the family?

You feeling amazingly, really, extraordinarily stupid fucking yet?
Ah...The Daily Mail. That's the source for these pics. You rednecks do realize that the DM in England is sort of like The Enquirer is here, right? Sure you do. It's your go-to source for news after Fox Noise.

I just had to come back to this post to mock you.


The source for the pictures is ? Hahahahah! You bloody fool. The Daily Mail is not the source of these images moron.

Pathetic doesn't even begin to describe you. You're just a hateful bigot making a complete and utter asshole of yourself with your posts.

Let's A B C this fool. Take a good look at the pictures again idiot. Bottom left hand corner.


Now this one. Bottom left hand corner.


Bottom left hand corner again.


Hope you learned something bitch.

Obama sheds summer curse, just in time for daunting fall
You are lowlife scum attacking a mans relationship with his family

As the actual video shows, the Obamas got off the helicopter laughing and hugging

Hard to understand your hatred

Where's the mocking? Where did I attack a man's relationship with his family?

Hard to understand how fucked up you left wingers can be to take me pitying a father who looked like he was trying to deal with a tense family moment, and that will happen with teenage daughters, but the poor son of a bitch and the family are always in the public eye so nothing is private.

AND making a joke that after a moment like that he's probably looking forward to getting back to work.

Fuck off asshole.
I was checking out these pictures of the teenage girls and the First Lady and thinking to myself that poor Obama is looking forward to getting back to work.

I'm no fan of his but if his vacation is represented on their faces, I bet good money the President is thinking that dealing with Iran and Congress is gonna be a cake walk.



I just saw a video clip of this arrival. You should look at it. You'll probably feel stupid.

Obama family returns from vacation - The Washington Post

Getting your news from shit sources like the following should have worn thin by now.

Blog: Amazing picture of the Obamas coming home to the White House

I won't feel stupid at all because the pictures that were taken are not from the Daily Mail.

You feeling stupid yet?

Look at the bottom left hand corner.

You feeling really stupid yet?

The other pictures that were in the article by Daily Mail were sourced to AP and Reuters.

You feeling extraordinarily stupid yet?

Oh and what fucking part of me pitying the President dealing for a moment with two teenage daughters did you miss or did you feel you had to knee jerk jump in and go on some sort of mission to defend the family?

You feeling amazingly, really, extraordinarily stupid fucking yet?

I said nothing about the Daily Mail. You got your idea from American Thinker. Dupe.
Ah...The Daily Mail. That's the source for these pics. You rednecks do realize that the DM in England is sort of like The Enquirer is here, right? Sure you do. It's your go-to source for news after Fox Noise.

I just had to come back to this post to mock you.


The source for the pictures is ? Hahahahah! You bloody fool. The Daily Mail is not the source of these images moron.

Pathetic doesn't even begin to describe you. You're just a hateful bigot making a complete and utter asshole of yourself with your posts.

Let's A B C this fool. Take a good look at the pictures again idiot. Bottom left hand corner.


Now this one. Bottom left hand corner.


Bottom left hand corner again.


Hope you learned something bitch.

Obama sheds summer curse, just in time for daunting fall
You are lowlife scum attacking a mans relationship with his family

As the actual video shows, the Obamas got off the helicopter laughing and hugging

Hard to understand your hatred

Where's the mocking? Where did I attack a man's relationship with his family?

Hard to understand how fucked up you left wingers can be to take me pitying a father who looked like he was trying to deal with a tense family moment, and that will happen with teenage daughters, but the poor son of a bitch and the family are always in the public eye so nothing is private.

AND making a joke that after a moment like that he's probably looking forward to getting back to work.

Fuck off asshole.
You are a tool posting outtake pictures from rightwing hate sites
I was checking out these pictures of the teenage girls and the First Lady and thinking to myself that poor Obama is looking forward to getting back to work.

I'm no fan of his but if his vacation is represented on their faces, I bet good money the President is thinking that dealing with Iran and Congress is gonna be a cake walk.



You should try to be be black while living in the White House, and compound it with teenagers.

If you had half a brain, or even a "tiny" one you would have noticed over the last few years how Michelle and the family are noticeably missing from normal public protocols.

It's because of "tiny" minds in this country who took exception to a black POTUS about six years ago and their attitude that would naturally occur with the press and the public in general.

Get out of that trailer park, "Tiny" and live in the real world.

It's optics like this one, of a black family flying on Marine One, that people like you and your fellow rednecks just couldn't handle.

You fucking stupid bigotted douchebag. I was actually pitying the man. I've lived thru two teenage daughters and there are times it can be hell on earth.

Here's where you just had to run your mouth off being the bitch you are instead of realizing that what I had posted had nothing to do with race but everything to do with just the girls being girls and feeling sorry for the President.

Go fuck yourself slimeball.

Pitying Obama......Right. And I bet you have your violin out for Chelsea Clinton, too.
Yes actually I do, having a father that screws anything that walks. Also having a mother that is a liar and a crook. She must be proud.

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